
Being a person who always searches for a logical and reasonable way, these days I felt I needed to get to know more about aggressiveness, regarding the atmosphere on CS blogs lately. What I read, can be summed up in the following way:

There are two main reasons for aggressiveness:

1. Fear (of being hurt, revealed, abandoned, etc), therefore the aggressive behavior is self-defence through attacking;

2. Striving for justice (defence of someone, of some idea, cause, etc), therefore the aggression is a try to make the world a better place through imposing some "ideal model".

The aggressiveness has many faces, from mocking, sneaky comments, and sarcasm to direct personal attacks (here I won t comment the physical aggressiveness which is not relevant in our case).

The first impulse of the attacked one is to reply with the same and even more so the initial attack soon turns into a fight where there might be a logical winner (the one who uses strongest arguments or the attacked one) but actually there is no winner. Why? Because the aggressiveness unlocks irrational energies, where the logic and common sense always fail. The irritation, fear, fury, jealousy, envy, and hatred are very strong feelings coming from the dark realm of the unconscious, and drag us back to the uncivilized.

What to do when we meet aggressiveness? Obviously, there are two ways: to react or not to react. They both have their strong arguments. The psychologists suggest several steps to deal with aggressiveness. First of all, to try to understand the attacking person. To see their fears, or other reasons. Not to speculate with them, though. Understanding the other helps us seeing them rationally and with empathy, not as some furious monster who menaces our inner peace. This understanding extinguishes our anger and stops us from replying to the attack with attack.
A second step could be either ignoring the attacks or replying in a firm but calm and polite way.

Remember: You can never change the other person. You can t "bribe" an attacking person with kindness nor defeat them with logic. Better focus on yourself and leave them fighting with their demons.

Pro Domo Sua

The net and especially CS (blogs) unlock aggressiveness in many people, including me. For quite a time I have asked myself why. The well-known argument of feeling safe while being hidden behind the pc is true. We d never talk to someone the way we talk here if it was eyes in eyes.
But for me, there is another, more intriguing reason. The weird, awful familiarity between people on the net. The luxury to share everything, even the most intimate stuff with random people has a very high price: we get terribly familiar with these people and therefore we lose our private space. There are no limits between us anymore which means no inhibitions for our interference in the personal life of completely unknown people. We allow ourselves to give advice and to comment without being asked, to be mentors, to ask arrogant questions etc, etc, everything that in "real life" would be considered utterly unkind and out of the bonton.

I myself, having some intelligence, logic and ability to express myself well, have been tempted to feel superior to many here. Yes there are silly people, hypocrites, mean people, arrogant ones, etc, etc. I felt it my "cause" here to defend justice and to impose some ideal model on CS blogs. Model which was in my head and according to which everybody here should be smart, interesting, writing great intelligent blogs, not attacking each other, always saying the truth, etc.
Totally unreal aim. The world and CS blogs in particular, are far from perfection. We can t make the fool clever, the hypocrite frank, the mean one an angel.

We can only work on ourselves and express ourselves in a balanced way. Whoever has ears will hear, whoever has eyes will see.

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Comments (109)

Gordonski , It goes along with my Free Speach " proclamation " . Some here will quickly ( an inadvertainly ) tell you to avoid them . I also don't think you will be missing anything of relevence if you do .

The Evil Wievil . . .devil devil

PS: I for one do admire your sence of humor . You also are quite good at it . . . handshake
This is the most honest, insightful and thoughtful blog I have read...maybe ever. You did an excellent job of tackling a very difficult subject. And yes, your words apply to me too. Thank you, Ariel! applause
Jana, Didn't I put enough honey in it ? . . coffee . . I use the organic honey that they sell on the roadside here whenever I can get it . It usualy isn't as sweet as the commercial kind ( no syrip or other sugar aditives ) .

Now as for the political swaying or correctness. . . .very mad very mad very mad . . . .I think it best that I don't comment on that subject . You might be acused of haveing a sunburn. . . blushing blushing blushing . . After I finish .
Gordonski, I understand you very well and I have experienced the same. After a while, I started feeling superior to such people since it was so easy to feel that I have some advantages over them. The next step was to start attacking them since they were such an easy prey. And what? What was my satisfaction after all? I d prefer millions of times to have a strong competitive atmosphere here where we all aim to be better and stimulate each other. But nobody is perfect. So I think some humility and a lot of sense of humor help a lot. Also, a healthy distance with things and people who trigger the worst in us. At least until we have the full control over our impulses. If we observe a strict hygiene of our body why don t we do the same about our soul? Although... communicating with all kinds of people is the best school of life ever! But not before we are fully protected... wave
Hi Chameleon, and I am very happy if I can help others too, not only myself! I think the only way to cope with demons is to chase them face to face. I am very thankful to everybody who comments here for helping me understand things, maybe the most exciting thing ever... hug bouquet
Frank, it s the best honey ever laugh And no worries, I don t get brown but I don t get sunburnt either innocent cheering hug
Honestly do not think it particularly wise, I made many mistakes in my life ..... but belonging to the White Brotherhood helped me regain my emotional balance.
Spd, wisdom is based on mistakes! As about the White brotherhood, I have mentioned several times here about Petur Dunov and its teaching. It has helped me a lot too! handshake
Hi Jana,

Nice blog. I have seen the fights and it seems it's always you afterwards who takes the time to self reflect on your actions (even if it was warranted at the time) and humbles you. I really wish others would do this but they are too immature and won't let things go.

All I can say is don't stoop to their level and if you really must have it out with them suggest private mail. Then it won't blow up to a bigger fight where the pack mentality happens. I cannot believe people act in such a way! Stay away from them and their blogs at all costs!

Take care!

teddybear hug bouquet
Hi Jana. Nice blog. As you know, I haven't been near as active on the blogs as of late for many reasons. Some you have mentioned. Once again you show yourself. You are a strong, intelligent and opinionated woman. I have always admired you for that as you know. I'm not sure I have seen as much of this self reflection side of you, maybe I have missed it in the past and if so, I' sorry. It is very admirable and spot on what you have said. You know as well as anyone that I do not always agree with everything that you have to say, but as you said yourself, wouldn't it be a boring world if we all thought the same and agreed with one another? I have nothing but respect for you and your blog. We could all better ourselves by performing some of the same self reflection.

There is nothing wrong with differing opinions, however, the way we respond to one another can be wrong and leads to your topic of aggression. It's really rather simple in my mind. Treat others the way you want to be treated. It's okay to disagree, but don't be rude and disrespectful. You can make your point in a polite way without putting someone else down. We all have topics we are compassionate about. As compassionate as we may be with one topic, someone else could be just as compassionate, but have completely the opposite belief. It's life, up bringing, education, environment, etc. that lead each of us to our own belief. Does it make it right or wrong? No, simply makes us different. Take religion as an example. There are many different religious groups in the world, all believing things a little differently. Who is right? Who is wrong? No one will truly know until we die(in my opinion) So why argue and fight over it? What good will it do? The examples could go on and on, but why waste everyone's time here? The point is, we are all different and we all have varying differences in beliefs. Do you (not you specifically Jana) really thing in the end your going to change a grown adults beliefs to match yours on these blogs? So what is the point in getting so worked up over things? I don't see a point. Live and let live, enjoy the conversation and have fun.

Take care all! Thanks Jana for the thought provoking blog!
In the midst of all the confusion and negativity,regarding this topic,it's nice to hear a voice of reason. Rather than curse the darkness,you shed a positive light in how we should humbly respond to people.

God bless you,Ariel!applause thumbs up
Correction: Just to clarify my comment.. when I said "I wrote a blog with some users as characters".. I meant CS website users or CS members. That's all! grin
you are right bsooner
Hi dear Robert! Great to see all my friends here hug And looking forward to your next great funny blog!

On the topic: to "strive/fight for justice" needs some (nice) arrogance and you are one of the kindest and sweetest people I have ever known laugh

Have a wonderful day and see you around teddybear
Hi dear Bsooner! Another great surprise, thank you for comming and for your insighful and kind comment! hug
I believe that being strong includes the ability of self-reflection and self-development. My English is not good enough to judge if the word "opinionated" has some negative nuance but I think the firm opinion should be combined with some flexibility in the attitude/tone. Of course, one s point can be changed, too, if there is strong evidence supporting another point.

Defending one s point is often considered defending one s person/ego. Taking everything or most of the things personally leads to an awful bias and suspiciousness. It should be "fight" of thoughts and opinions and not of personal attacks.

Have a lovely day and hopefully see you more often here! teddybear
Parti, I challenge you! Some MMA? boxing boxing laugh teddybear
Hi Serendipity! Thank you for commenting on this blog and for your wise and poetic comment! Your presence on the blogs is appreciated by everyone, which says a lot!
All the best to you too and have a wonderful day! hug teddybear
Hey Robert,

Nice to see you too. I don't come on the blogs much anymore cause I'm keeping busy in real life plus I find the blogs toxic at times. But I still read them! So I'm sure if you posted it I'd see it!

Take care! wave
Thank you for the grea music, dear Music! ;) I know you have been in similar situations too so you understand it well! Keep your peace of soul and the priceless moments of happiness we are gifted!

Take care! hug teddybear bouquet
Nessa, it s all fine, and I think that stepping on a sound ground includes saying the truth about the roots/start of the bad. Of course, the guilt is mine and yours and after these comments I consider things cleared up.

Enjoy your day too! handshake wave
I accept Ariel ..... handshake

Thank you Nessa bouquet wave

Here is a great song for you all with the wish that we "talk to strangers" with respect and understanding laugh thumbs up

Nessa, no worries, I am a hard-rock and metal fan and of course, not everyone shares my musical taste. I like aggression in music ;)

Here is a lyric song for more romantic people:

And something for the metal fans:

Excellent thoughts J.
Just passing through though.
Keep your head up. teddybear bouquet
Thank you dear June! And great to see you! hug bouquet
Jana, Sitting here sipping my coffee ( I also brought your tea with honey. . coffee . .) , I was thinking that we should get you to do the mediating in the trouble spots of the world .

Jimmy Carter was the only President to broker a peace in the Mid East and I think your skills in that area would be usefull today . I can't think of anybody that would do the diplomacy that you do here . You really are a super woman, no wonder I love you .. . hug kiss hug kiss

PS: It is Celestial Seasons brand " Mandarin Orange Spice " herb tea .
Frank it s not diplomacy but group therapy laugh Thank you so much and I love the tea! Also, hot chocolate wink teddybear
Jana , One evening hot chocolate comming up. . . coffee .

I also don't care what you call your diplomacy just as long as it works . I can't think of anyone that could settle the fighting here better than you did . You made this place fun again .

Kisses. . . kiss kiss . . and hugs. . hug hug . . .to our very own superwoman. . . .smitten
Frank superwoman is bit too much laugh wink Thank you for the chocolate, just what I needed after work! teddybear
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by Ariel28
created Oct 2012
Last Viewed: 8 hrs ago
Last Commented: Oct 2012
Ariel28 has 19 other Blogs

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