Have we driven our world to a hopeless maelstrom of violence?

In my lifetime, I am sure this year seems to be the worst when it comes to peace. It appears like the whole world has gone Gung-ho and that brutalities, killing, rapes, and all forms of violence has dominated our world.

I was reading the front page today and one prominent political writer suggested that the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE, should be given to NOBODY this year. A very fitting tribute to a world gone mad.

I do beg to disagree, for one, Malala Yousafzai, the remarkable woman who is responsible in fighting for educational development of women in Pakistan, deserves to be recognized.

Second I believe, with the exception of a very few citizens HERE AT CS: BLOGGERS, WRITERS, AND READERS ARE PEACE STALWARTS AND ADVOCATES, don't you think?

Question: Any suggestions to cultivate world peace and unity?

Thanks all for your reads and comments.

Have a peaceful, sunny day. Absolutely gorgeous in Minnesota today.

Note: I just woke up and read the news and in fact Malala took the prize. We have hope after all.
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Comments (47)

Lindsy..its bad....there has always been wars and hatred between cultures and religions...and yes its getting worse...peace will never happen....hug
Thanks Cal, I am losing all my faith in man as a peaceful being, you know?
Am I expecting too much?
first u have to become more reliable and trustworthy urself, as all bloggers.
G sure, why not?
When one person has too much power, that is scary....what goes on behind closed doors is frustrated frustrated very mad
The towers, Lind?

Those towers weighed approximately the same as TEN Nimitz Class super aircraft carriers.
Many at the time expressed wonder at the lack of rubble.

SEARCH: 9/11 Judy Wood - "Where Did The Towers Go?"

Fantastic? Absolutely!

"Eliminate the IMPOSSIBLE. Whatever is left, no matter how improbable, must be the truth."
- Sherlock Holmes
That's the defining truth we will never find out Cal, the talks and arrangement behind closed doors. frustrated
Lind - dunno
Luke my friend, you're so true in many ways. A most compelling observation on the politics of arrogance and power.
Mic I wish I can upload the file that showed how it got to be impossible for the planes to topple it down.
@ lindsyjones - wave .. Not all is lost yet, Girl. Our lives as western civilians are not as bad as they were for past generations, living through world wars, running for cover at every air-raid siren, buying meager groceries on food stamps and lining up at soup kitchens for hours.... conversing blues moping

Though the way things are going it may not be that far away.... sigh

.... grin hug wine
I'm so concerned Hans, it looks like we should extend our lives to be able to withstand the magnitude of traveling out in space to find fellow human beings but this killing is ending it all. sad flower
@ lindsyjones - No we're not done yet, Girl. Once the US has control of all the oil it needs things will calm down for a while... a much larger worry is the Ebola pandemic... sigh

The idiots acted too slow and still think that they can have total control..... They should put everyone into quarantine camps if the leave Africa, in fact they should have started doing that months ago.... doh very mad

.... grin hug wine
I agree with you on that Hans, in fact why don't we completely shut down all flights from there? I would. It doesn't make sense to even second guess the deadly impact it brings us. frustrated
@ lindsyjones - That's probably even a better idea, Girl.... They will put your dog into Quarantine if you come from a country that has rabies but they don't do anything to stop an even deadlier disiese that can wipe out the human race except take your temperature at the airport as you arrive (tough luck for anyone who was on the plane with you).... it's almost as if they planned it to reduce the population.... doh very mad

... grin hug wine
I think we should campaign for the shut down over all flights out of Africa until there's a sure safety net we can impose to control from wiping the whole population. IMO.

Thanks Hans.
@ lindsyjones - IMO it's probably already too late to do that now... It would be like shuting the gate after the horse has bolted.... doh

... grin hug wine
Now this is very sad Hans because it is far deadlier to eliminate human lives, worse than bullets I guess. doh moping
@ lindsyjones - I heard on the news last night that by January there could be over one million cases world

Apart from Africa we have already had one in the US (Texas), Brazil, Australia (Cairns)... and somewhere else that I can't recall..... The cat's out of the bag.... conversing

.... grin hug wine
Hi Phyllis,

The man, Thomas Duncan who had Ebola, from Liberia, Africa, died 2 days ago in a Houston or Dallas hospital. Where is the leadership in this country when they don't recognize a serious threat to the American people and the rest of the world. One of the police officer who visited Duncan's apt and came in contact with his family supposedly has contracted ebola. Where is this all going to end?frustrated
I was watching that too,and I was so sad. Imagine the exposure it brought to a big city like these. The one in Texas is dead but imagine the impact it created.
Scary Jim, and the worst is if the virus is exposed to the environment. We're all dead. I don't want to be negative Jim but oh dear, we're doomed, I guess.
Phyllis, I place everything in God's hands. He is in control. Let's all pray that the medical profession will find a cure for this.
I am in that position at this time Jim and thanks for believing. teddybear
Mic, I read 2 yrs ago that obama would declare martial law before the 2016 elections. If he does, the revolution in our country will start. The civilian army is much larger than his!
Let's pack up our guns then Jim. sad flower frustrated help
Very contradictory principles Jim. No wonder we're so lost. frustrated confused
Must be so.

Someone told me that some version of the "takeover scenario" was reported on by Public Radio.
If you can't trust Public Radio, who can you trust?

lindsy bouquet love to comment, but to be truly honest, I don't even know what peace looks like or what it is anymore teddybear
Also - according to some - Americans have been pre-conditioned to expect, even welcome, a trade off of freedom for acceptance of the Patriot Act.

It's all just part of being like that frog in the pot of water that is slowly brought to a boil...According to some.

frog..........uh oh
There are too many of us for individual debates and voting on every intel and military decision. Read Plato's Republic. This is why we elect our reps. Supposedly the one we vote for agrees with us. Supposedly they have a brain too. If not, why did you select that one to get your vote? Don't vote, you deserve zero consideration. Don't like that, well that is how it is anyway. Deal with it.

I watched the WTC go up. Worked there too back in the 70s. Still feels really weird to come up I-95 and not see them standing there from 60 miles away.

NO of course that incident wasn't the end of it. Just the first heavy punch to the back of the head of the big guy who wasn't looking. Every day folks write their Congressmen, the White House and their Senators demanding to know why we don't just turn that whole area to a sea of melted glass to prevent the next strike? LoL, probably too late now, even if a rad free Gamma Ray burst was somehow available for use.

Do I forsee peace, with more and more starving children being born every day, but only finite resources available for the dividing? Of course not. What I see is the dawning of the Zombie Apocalypse. That or ET will bore of watching our channels and give the whole planet a taste of Gamma Rays (again).
And, in two years, Obama could leave the Presidency of the United States of America...To become the first President of the United States of The Earth.

There ya have it. Problems solved! applause
Mic, I think peace just got more expensive. sad flower
Public Radio is owned and controlled by the government isn’t it?

So can we trust them?
I don't know anymore Mic.

It ain't amusin'...
It's confusin'!

confused doh

Gotta hand it to ya, Lind. You have a real knack for "hot button" blogs! laugh
Well Mic I was hoping of creating awareness on some issues that truly shape our lives and future Mic but it looks like no matter what we think and feel, don't count anymore. Then again perhaps there's itchy biddy light we can offer for enlightenment? My hope Mic.frustrated confused
Butterfly, thanks for your visit my friend. Yes I agree with you. Our ignorance is on the rise and it's exactly what the government wants, right?
Ken I'm so familiar with plato's, THE REPUBLIC, and it does offer us a glimpse of political manipulations.
On Socrates definitions of justice, it does prevail what one can count on as a true ideal society.



All of these are very much debatable, though as to its application and implications today.
Good evening lady, this week I saw War and Civilization docunmentary
then I went back to the books War and Peace to cap it off
The Art of War.

Before we go along with public opinion and spin doctors should we not ask ourselves what is the root of this war ??

Can we find a way to make Peace?

Last, the supereme art of war is to
subdue the enemy without fighting.....Sun Tzu.peace
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