Blast From The Past

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A lot of us remember a simpler time: before the internet, cell phones, video games, and computers. When we were young, we played outside instead of spending time shut in our rooms. We knew our neighbors and kept our doors unlocked at night.


As kids, the biggest thing we looked forward to was summer vacation. It was golden. Months stretched before us with endless possibilities. We didn’t dare utter the words, “I’m bored,” because our parent’s could find plenty of chores to occupy our time. We stayed outside until the sun went down and my dad stood on the back porch and whistled for us to come home. If he had to whistle twice, we were in trouble.


Saturdays were always the best day of the week, because it meant Saturday morning cartoons. Looking back, I realize just how violent some of those cartoons were. They were filled with s*xual innuendo or inside jokes that only adults understood. But no matter, the TV would be cranked up as we stared wide-eyed at the colorful, frenetic, jangle of morning bliss.


Halloween is, hands down, the biggest kid holiday. We looked forward to it all year. Some of us had money to get the coveted store bought costumes. I remember sweltering under a rigid plastic mask, hair tangled in the rubber band and visibility at nil. I still remember the smell of those plastic masks as the sweat ran down my face and into my eyes. Other kids made due with homemade costumes consisting of a sheets, cardboard boxes or garbage bags. Oh, the possibilities of garbage bags.

We all competed to see who go to the most houses and get the biggest haul of candy. We knew what houses gave out the best treats, and the houses to avoid who gave out ribbon candy and black licorice. The home made treats were the best. I looked forward to the popcorn balls and the rice crispy treats. I never traded those. My brother and I would go into strangers houses, waiting for candy, and nothing bad would happen.


We would pile on a toboggan, clutching the person in front of us, screaming the whole way down as the wind reddened our cheeks and stole the breath from our lungs. As I trudged up the hill, dragging my sled behind me, I swear the hill was much bigger going up. We would slide down that hill all day until it got dark. It felt like the longest trek dragging that sled home as I finally noticed how numbness in my fingers, toes and nose. When I finally got home, I couldn’t take off my snow suit because the zipper was frozen shut.


I remember walking to school in the snow. Snow days were rare for us in Ohio. As long as the plows could clear the roads, we went to school. My mom would bundle us in so many layers, I could barely put my arms down. When we got to school, the teacher had to help us out of our layers because our mom’s had bundled us so tightly. I remember sitting in class doing school work as our outside layers dried on hooks at the back of the classroom and hearing the tap, tap, tap of water hitting the hardwood floor as the snow melted and the scent of wet wool permeated the air.


Looking back, I find myself thinking back to a simpler time, when people took the time to notice the little things. Today, life seems busier, faster-paced and more frenzied. Everyone is in such a hurry. My children don’t know what it’s like to lay in the grass and look for shapes in the clouds, go snipe hunting, look for earthworms to go fishing or lay on the roof of a tree house watching the stars wink on one by one.
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Comments (31)

Its amazing I survived my past. From crashing into cars on my bike to chewing on lead weights amazed by the metal I could leave teeth marks in.
laugh rolling on the floor laughing I'm glad you survived. hug
wave Willow I love that you posted this blog!
Summer days spent biking down the road to fish all day, laying around in the grass naming clouds,climbing trees, making forts in the haylofts,saturday all day cartoons snuggled in a sleeping bag giggling,spending time with family face to face.
Halloween..with pillow cases to fill up, neighbors you could trust, people helping each other.
Wintertime..our huskies pulled our sleigh around the yard in 8 ft snow drifts (more forts to build) grin
Oohhh the good ole' days...good memoriesgrin
Jumping off a cliff trying to fly, jumping off the same cliff in the winter head first into the snow bank, racing cars on my bike, chasing wild horses around with a stick . . . .
Hi Lillie. wave I agree. So many memories. My kids don't spend time outside like I used to. Now, everything is done inside: TV, internet, video games, etc. sigh
Summers that lasted forever and a day,,bike rides to unknown territory,,swimming in lakes and rivers,,playing conkers,tigs (tag),hide and seek....

And apple theft also..professor conversing laugh
Great times...teddybear
Track, it is a wonder you survived! confused wow

Great blog! reminds me of those days when my friends and I were climbing trees, chasing each in the field and so many fun childhood memories that I wish my son could enjoy too. sigh

Time has change, kids nowadays prefer videos games than running outside...even if he plays outside, I always make sure he's ok because I don't trust other people around my kid anymoresigh
Track...sounds extreme..but my bro's did the samegrin

Twazzle..I forgot to mention..the apple orchard next door..and the watermelon nighttime grin

Nice blog Willow..thanks for sharingapplause
I would just shut down all electronics and say..go outside nowlaugh
Hi Twazzle. wave So many good memories. I wonder what good memories my kids will have to draw on in their old age. "Remember when we played that video game...?" sigh dunno
Great Blog!....thumbs up

This blog even reminds me of the site name;
Do You Remember. Com
Hi Crazyheart. wave Thanks. Yes, times certainly have changed. Now, we have to take so many precautions to keep our kids safe. sigh blues
You had an orchard next door,,how lucky were you.....

Never ending apple supply......and ample apple pies if you had a baker in the house...mmmmmm yum,,yum..conversing

A fine blog Willow..teddybear
Hi Angelpepper. wave Thanks.
Anytime! Anytime!
Welcome to the blogs, with us! ... cheers
You were chewing on lead paint?! ___conversing
Yum Yum Willow,,sounds absolutely divine and blissfully in tune with nature..So jealous about the cherries (my fave fruit)..

It would seem you certainly got youre vitamins and minerals in a great and plentiful manner.....
Treasured childhood memories for you too..

Great stuff...
bouquet conversing wine
Hi, Ken. wave Those were simpler times. Now, the world seems more dangerous and dark.sigh
Wow, that is a sad commentary on life. uh oh blues
The son of a good friend of mine is also Autistic but he gets along fine with other kids who are also silent and wary of others.

Autistic kids are very smart, their high level of intelligence in specific areas are very surprising.

Yes, children and people who don't know much about autism can be very rude and hurtful so it's best to choose carefully who he should spend his play time with.

How old is your son?
My son is 17 and a senior in high school. He made his first friend last year. I was so happy I cried. applause

that's very nice...he just need to find a friend that he has a lot in common with and as he grow older, he'll have more friends and will get used to having a lot of people around him.

My friend's son is only eight...he's not eating well, he lost interest with food he used to eat...hard to control him when he throw a fit in public but he's getting better each month. His high intelligence in some specific areas clearly shows and he's progressing and started to play with other kids...needs a lot of love and patience but really worth it.

It's very trying to raise them but if we love them as they are they'll do great...more than other "normal" kids.

My world revolves around my son...I'm loving him as much as I can, he grows so fast...he was just a baby yesterday , now he's a big boy!laugh
My son had a lot of issues growing up. Along with his autism, he also has ADHD and mood disorders. He had a lot of rage issues and tantrums. I love my son so much, but I would be exhausted and frustrated by the end of the day.

I was feeling angry all the time. I was losing my patience with him a lot. Then I realized that I needed to forgive him each night before I went to sleep, so the next morning we could start the day with a clean slate. That changed everything for me. I no longer held on to the resentment.

My son receives counseling and medication for his conditions. As he has grown and matured, he has made so much progress. He doesn't have rage tantrums anymore and he is able to control himself much better. My son works very hard to act responsibly and maturely. That is something most kids take for granted. I am so proud of my son.

Well, It's past my bed time. I'm going to turn in now. Good night. gnite sleep
Hello Willow, Love your blog on simpler times, (before cell phones, internet and computors) A lot of the things you mentioned in your blog , sure brought back similar memories to me. As a kid, I remember life having a lot more family gatherings, manners,being polite and helpful to others was common practise,yay
Thanks for the blast from the past,yay
Hi Willow,

I like Springtime most, and Saturdays and Halloween! Most of that named in your blog. smitten

Late Summer leading to Autumn is called "Spider-time" over here, as the spider-webs can be seen in trees and bushes. In a time very close to Halloween.
Holding hands Ice/Roller Skating.thumbs up dancing
Its a great film too, laugh ... blast from the past.

Hi, Calleis wave
Spider time? Never heard that before. I like it. Spider webs look awesome with dew or frost on them.

Hi, Pedal wave
Yep, nice memories.

Hi, galrads wave
Agreed. That movie was hilarious!
Hi 1to1 wave
You're right. Family's were closer and people were more polite and friendly than now. sigh
A great reminder. thumbs up
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by Willow3939
created Oct 2015
Last Viewed: Apr 26
Last Commented: Oct 2015
Willow3939 has 29 other Blogs

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