Republican Debate 1/14/2016

After listening to the intense but civil and passionate debate of the Republicans, I found out their unanimous decision about the incompetent and disgraced leadership of the Democrats and all of them are so anxious to change it. I felt their sincerity and personally gave me strong feelings that we can change and make our country great again.

My hopes are high and our future is bright. Evident of the explosive desire of not one but almost all of the Republican presidential aspirants in redirecting the leadership of this country to be great again is spelled out so brilliantly.

I hope we can all unite and agree on the major issues and how they will be repealed and changed. This is more so on the prevention of illegals to come to our country. Implementation of fair trade in the world specially China and Japan. Completely repeal the Obama health care which created so much burden to 65 percent of the population. Restructuring tax to unburden the working class which is the core of the strength of our economy and encourage all our outsourced industries to come back and provide jobs to most displaced workers. But most importantly and most acute at the moment is for the protection of the American people. At any cost, this is the the prime responsibility of our government. For you and I to have peace, to be safe so we can be productive and secure our future.

While I strongly support Trump and Cruz, it was established that any of them is better than the current leader right now and certainly not Clinton.

Let us help steer back our country to what it was founded for. Defend the constitution, keep our guns to respective and responsible citizens so we have ammunition to defend us. Don't let fascism destroy our ideology. The political correctness which is so cleverly employed by the Democrats is an example of trampling our rights. Let us change that.

I have hopes.

Note: Nikki Haley's speech was so brilliant. Please google it if you are interested.

Thank you all for your reads and or comments if any.
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Mic thanks I will Google it.
The interesting blog thank you that shared.
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Umka, thank you so much for your visit. It has been ages since I last saw you on the blog.

Take care and I hope you are not affected with the imbroglios in Europe.wave bouquet
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