Social behaviour - a wee rant

I know I’m going to offend some people with this but here are a few things that make me look as though I’m sucking a lemon, okay? The people doing them seem to feel it is their absolute right to do it in public and to hell with the lemon-suckers. It is happening more and more often and you know what? Not everyone loves watching. Rein it in a bit.

A couple noisily and lengthily kissing, especially if they are groping each other at the same time. The whole world doesn’t love lovers.

Especially if you’re slurping. scold

Eating noisily with your mouth open throughout. barf

Talking while you’re eating, especially if I get a fine spray of food and your gob in the process, gets a DOUBLE ew barf

Peeing against a tree with people around - at least go round the tree, okay?

Whipping out an engorged tit and openly feeding your kid. The older the kid, the more embarrassing it is for the rest of us. Kids that bang on mummy's shirt and demand 'titty, mummy, titty!' - oh, hang on, I think there's a youtube vid. I'll find it for the comments.

Picking your nose, especially if you then turn it into a meal. Bon appetite. roll eyes

Talking very loudly on your phone – particularly effective on a long train trip in the “quiet” carriage. Don't forget to be very boring and repeat yourself at least 4 times. very mad

Yes yes yes all absolutely natural and perfectly lovely and you can be as offended as you like. But now you know not everyone thinks it lovely behaviour. dunno

So there. tongue
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Comments (83)

1to1to1 I've an American friend here who invites me every year to Thanksgiving dinner with her family and American friends and it used to be absolutely brilliant, especially afterwards when the traditional games started. Last two times I went, everyone - starting with the 12 year old, but eventually everyone - hauled out their phones and started sharing youtube clips.

I didn't go the last time she invited me. Now I've got a smartphone of my own I could but - might as well stay home and enjoy it without interruptions -
Well one of the few things I won't do online is read a book with a kindle.
Call me old school but I still like turning an actual page
(but if I can get the audiobook I will, so I can trick myself into getting some gentle exercise as I listen).
Map applause scarily accurate
Ha not quite as artistic for sure.

I actually think the more English departs from French structurally, the worse it gets.
Doc, I have finally got used to a Kindle, and now like the fact I have 100 or more books to choose from in my handbag when I'm commuting or waiting - it's not an either or thing for me, I prefer treebooks but can read ebooks.

However I did find myself pressing the corner of my magazine the last time I was flying, and wondering why the page wouldn't turn.

It is scarily accurate!!
Only the autistic can keep us on track now.

Yeah. I hated it when that happened. frustrated
Molly, is it not a true Cork accent? Or do you giggle all day long? laugh
For some reason I am thinking of radiant implants.laugh
Elegsabiff tip hat

Good evening lady; forgiveness for daring, two questions: It's Jacobinism of the social behavior? or Is it that the social behavior of a specific society is more respectable than others? handshake
Hi Huit, social manners obviously change from place to place and what is normal and standard in one place - like spitting in the street, in Edinburgh - is odd in another.

Anything that irritates you on the list, or do you have your own to add?
JJ yes it is a great consolation to me that I'm perfect laugh
Sands!!!!!!!!! I'm never entirely sure when you're pulling legs but that one sounds plausible - in a very weird way -

However when people start doing it in public, there I will have to draw the line snooty
(how the hell did someone decide to even test that in the first place?)
This is the 93rd postwine my screen is normal again, and can see the whole page.
Pedal, you won a builder's crack t-shirt for that laugh
I find it especially annoying when people rush to get in front at the supermarket waiting line, and then expect everybody to wait while they get one or two more things.
My jeans are right on the hip.wink
Sands, I have never before put specific thought into hoping I never, ever, get a C. difficile infection.

Pat, it's a great comfort to know that if you become ruler of the universe, rather than me, at least the right people will still be put against the wall and shot. head banger
Pedal, bend over and show us how the t-shirt looks grin
Well don't just tantalize us. Post a pic of the money box ... cheering
Er, I just realized how those two posts looked. I'm not really into cheap thrills. Really.

rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing Money box.
Of course, I forget you are at the money-box end of the world. It is spitting distance to midnight here

Maybe, just maybe; the fact of having lived in three different cultures made me be a little more tolerant of frustration and baffled by different social behaviors.dunno cheers
Huit, I bet it would - I've only lived in two, Africa and Scotland, and that boggled my mind a bit at times. Where before Mexico, for you?
i'm very good at ignoring irritating behavior. i do have a fear of stepping on some frozen spit in wintertime and falling.
guess i'll get back to "Reform School Girls" now.
Another supermarket issue that annoys me, is when houso's take their 9 scruffy unruly children with them and take no responsibility. I think these people should be electrocuted, then fed to the crocodiles, then all their possessions should be burnt in a pile.
Free, I never even thought of that. Bet THAT's why I landed nose first in that snowdrift.

Enjoy and thanks for stopping by wave
Pat, I think you may be enjoying this exercise in annoyances a little bit too much....laugh laugh
Boy, you're grouchy in the mornings uh oh
Spain, the Netherlands, China and the United States; and end up opting for putting into practice the old saying: "In Rome do as the Romans"
I've never been on public transit.

I suspect that's why I still like people.
Ooohhhh Ocee...aren't you lucky?!?!?
Dream, actually your conversations would be worth listening to devil rolling on the floor laughing
Pat, I'm glad you had the courage to put it out there.
Well why does it have to always be me that says what everybody is already thinking but is too scared to admit to it. It makes me farken sick to the stomach. teddybear
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by Elegsabiff
created Jul 2016
Last Viewed: 12 hrs ago
Last Commented: Jul 2016
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