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A Cub Scout follows Akela

There are things I never understood.
Long, long ago, back when our President was a bald guy who everyone liked, or so the buttons said, I was a Cub Scout. America was different back then and us little toddlers in blue were given knives (two one for the pocket, one for the belt in a sheath) and hatchets to hack firewood with.

No, I never even heard of one of us hurting anyone with those. Who would do that? The knives were for whittling and cutting rope, not much more.

Alas just before I turned 11 and had to leave my Cub Scout pack and join the Boy Scouts I lost my Official Cub Scout Pocket Knife. Not really my fault I think. There was a little brass fitting on my belt the knive's loop hooked on. One day I discovered at the end of the day that sometime during the day the brass fitting had fallen off the the belt. I was devastated and visited every place I had been but never found it.

My parents did not share my concern as next week I was getting my Boy Scout uniforms and of course I would get a new official Boy Scout knife. Two and a new hatchet too. And even an actual ax. Cool.

I can't tell you how unhappy I was to learn the Boy Scout pocket knife was inferior to the Cub Scout knife. You see the Cub Scout Knife had a blade lock to keep the blade from closing on your fingers. The Boy Scout knife didn't. It was less than a week before the Boy Scout knife closed on my fingers during a routine slicing of something or other. Drip, drip, drip went my bloody finger. Some Boy Scouts still had their superior Cub Scout knives, but Local BSA Council policy was Boy Scouts may not use Cub Scout equipment. I even raided my piggy bank and went to Bobkopffs (the official store for buying scout equipment) and after the 3rd time the knife closed on my fingers tried to buy a Cub Scout knife. The man looked at my Scout ID Card and refused to sell me a piece of Cub Scout equipment. The only thing he was willing to sell me was another dumb Boy Scout jackknife. Not interested. Instead I went to a cigar store and bought a cheap Black Cat K-55 knife from Germany. A cheap stamped knife probably better for fighting as many were used for that, BUT it had a blade that locked. AND because it was not Cub Scout equipment it was okay to carry a K-55. Weird rational that. In the next decade I went through a dozen K-55 knives. Riveted, their rivets kept popping out if you tried to pry anything open with them or use the blade as a screw driver. Whatever. I could buy 4 K-55s for the price of one Boy Scout jackknife, and it did not slice my fingers. The blades would bend (being pot metal), but they didn't slam closed on my fingers and that was important.

Anyway, half a century later, guess what I found online? YES!!! At last, a 'new in box' Cub Scout Jackknife just like the one I lost so long, long ago.

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Happy I am to put it away in my box of things from my childhood.

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Christmas Tree lights - Monthly electric bill

I filmed this at a house in Hagerstown, MD last night. The music is coming from a private radio broadcast from the house on 102.3 FM and the lights are synchronized to the music. This is a reduction of a 45 minute show (which repeats in a loop from 5:30PM till 10PM) They also have a resident dressed as Santa giving candy to all the cars that stop and of course the helpers you see who are wearing their own lights and carrying the candy and small toys for children. I am wondering what their electric bill will be like. laugh

I especially liked the Nativity display at about minute 3.

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Vierkaesehochonline today!

Fondest of memories.....Aborted dump trips....

I have a gaggle of those two foot tall nifty lawn jockeys. Adorable. The heavy cement ones with black riding cap, high boots and button britches, and shiny red jackets. Cute as buttons, all could easily be the very sons of Auntie Jemima herself. Not the new PC lady, but that formidable smiling original matriarch, covering the older real glass maple sirple bottles. Solidly within my first amendment rights to own, as they are for my posting of them here, the Blacks in my extended family love them, and made me promise never to let them go, or to set them free, as it were. Alas, over time, cracks began to show, and I had thoughts of taking them to the dump, not knowing how much people pay for them these days. All the alt liberal women in my immediate family hate them, and keep threatening to make the trip themselves, perhaps while I'm in Portugal, but I digress. Well, they always bring up lively conversation, when passers by see me use them to surround campaign signs for McCain, Bush or the Donald. But over time, most of the whips have broken off, and I thought of that final trip, to the promised land, which still hasn't happened. This was all well before CS, and my realization of how much I could use them to bolster the self image of our liberal friends hereabouts. So I post of these little gems, fully aware of how, at my expense, the alt lib losers/Bernie addicts here will instantly begin to steam, around the collar. The raceosexo-phoboradar units will set off all alarms, and we'll soon see it here, laced with hate speech. But it's all merely to let them feel righteously morally superior to me, and to others. My endless humanity. How I suffer for my loving compassion.
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Century of the Advocate

In Heaven she is known as the gentle one, the war maker, the Advocate. But she was first called the silent one, dubbed by her family, because, unlike her cousins, when she was hungry, or needed changing, or needed a hug. She laid in silence, and her aunties uncles and grandparents alike LOOOOVED her. Of course her cousins, who werent getting the same amount of attention when she came to their houses HAAAATED her. sigh

She would withdraw, and grow even more quiet, when she watched as her cousins would be angry at her not knowing why only seeing their anger. Her cousins bullied her, however her cousins grew tired of being angry, and left her be. Most of them...

Then there were her parents, they began to resent her too. She was never home for more than 2 days a week IF her parents were lucky. Once both her grandmothers fought over her. One was going to whangai (adopt) her as tradition goes the first born is given to the grandparents so when he or she comes of age takes care of them as Maori ways dictate. BUT the other grandmother was not letting that happen. so to appease grandmother julie she was promised the second born instead.

In the beginning for her parents it was absolutely terrifying when they realized, they did not know when she was hungry and that sometimes they forgot she was there, she would not cry out for their love or for food in her belly. But no one knew why... 'The Old Man' she once called Dod told her why, without realizing, when she was in her late teeens.
One night on the piss her old man told her, "Did you know that while your mum was giving birth to you she yelled 'GET THIS f*ckING THING OUT OF ME!!!'? It was later on when after deep thought she said in her mind, "this is why i became silent" she had become terrified of the most pure and fierce hatred from the person who gave birth to her. little did they know she was that intelligent with next level asp. She would like you to know that the greater the gentleness the higher asp, and hers was extremely high.

I would like to end it here for now she broke down crying you know that ugly cry u get when someone u deeply love who passed as a kid? Out of everyone in her life the one who genuinely loved her was her dog. It is the only pure love and happiness she felt that never wavered because guess what? everyone else did later on in her life...

Thats not the sad part in this situation, she stopped instantly after roughly 5 secs, she is terrified someone might attack her scars at her most weakest moment. People enjoyed hurting her at her lowest...

To be continued.


This was the music we were listening to as I wrote this:
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socrates44online today!

Vietnam War Veterans PTSD(Post Traumatic Stress Di

A very large number of Vietnam veterans haven’t made it all the way home from the war in Southeast Asia. By conservative estimates, at least half a million Vietnam veterans still lead lives plagued by serious, war-related readjustment problems. Such problems crop up in a number of ways, varying from veteran to veteran. Flashbacks to combat… feelings of alienation or anger… depression, loneliness and an inability to get close to others… sometimes drug or alcohol problems… perhaps even suicidal feelings.

In World War II, the United States was very clearly threatened by a uniformed and easily recognizable foe. In Vietnam, it was quite the opposite. It appeared that the whole country was hostile to American forces. The enemy was rarely uniformed, and American troops were often forced to kill women and children combatants. There were no real lines of demarcation, and just about any area was subject to attack. Most American forces had been trained to fight in conventional warfare, in which other human beings are confronted and a block of land is either acquired or lost in the fray. However, in Vietnam, surprise firing devices such as booby traps accounted for a large number of casualties with the human foe rarely sighted. A block of land might be secured but not held.

The only observable outcome was an interminable production of maimed, crippled bodies and countless corpses. Some were so disfigured it was hard to tell if they were Vietnamese or American, but they were all dead.

The civilian population of the World War II era had been treated to movies about the struggles of readjustment for veterans.
The civilian population of the Vietnam era was treated to the horrors of the war on the six o’clock news. They were tired and numb to the whole experience. Some were even fighting mad, and many veterans came home to witness this fact.
Some World War II veterans came home to victory parades. Vietnam veterans returned in defeat and witnessed antiwar marches and protests.

PTSD symptoms experienced by some Vietnam war veterans are:


Many have been continually depressed since their experiences in Vietnam. They have the classic symptoms of sleep disturbance, psychomotor retardation, feelings of worthlessness, difficulty in concentrating, etc.


Combat veterans have few friends. Many veterans who witnessed traumatic experiences complain of feeling like old men in young men’s bodies. They feel isolated and distant from their peers.


The veterans’ rage is frightening to them and to others around them. For no apparent reason, many will strike out at whomever is near. Frequently, this includes their wives and children.


When others have died and some have not, the survivors often ask, “How is it that I survived when others more worthy than I did not?


Some veterans are uncomfortable when standing out in the open. Many are uneasy when sitting with others behind them, often opting to sit up against something solid, such as a wall. The bigger the object is, the better. Many combat veterans are most comfortable when sitting in the corner in a room, where they can see everyone about them.


Few veterans struggling with post-traumatic stress disorders find the hours immediately before sleep very comfortable. In fact, many will stay awake as long as possible. They will often have a drink or smoke some cannabis to dull any uncomfortable cognition that may enter during this vulnerable time period.


Traumatic memories of the battlefield and other less affect- laden combat experiences often play a role in the daytime cognitions of combat veterans. Frequently, these veterans report replaying especially problematic combat experiences over and over again.

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It's Thanksgiving every day!

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What are you thankful and grateful for!?
Many times we should write our blessings down so that when we go through trials and tribulations we have good things to ponder on... And we need to be thankful and grateful every day not just once a year.

That's why I over cook on today so I can have lots of leftovers in the freezer giggle giggle giggle

Happy Thanksgiving!teddybear bouquet
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chatilliononline today!

Sometimes the comments are better than the stories...

I usually click on Yahoo for a search engine partly because I get to see some headline news. More entertainment value than factual news or things really not important in my world. I'm sure Meghan Markle is a really nice lady but I don't think she needs to be the top story on a daily basis.

Today, I see a story about Dangerous Snakes Sold In South Carolina and a man who drove 4 hours to buy 3 venomous snakes at the Repticon wildlife show. He was quoted as saying “It’s a thrill buying these. This is the closest big show that sells venomous snakes.’’

Of the funny comments:

"Common sense is not this guys strong point. Please don't have kids."

(It’s one of the few venues where people can walk away with a cobra, rattlesnake or other species with few restrictions.)
"Unbleeping believable"

"I had a cobra. I divorced her."

"I collect baseball cards"

"Darwin was right."

"Who in their right mind wants poison snakes around? Wasn't it the snake that cause the fall of mankind?"

"Just what I want to keep in my bedroom. Something that if it ever escapes it's enclosure can kill me while I'm sleeping."

"Well, I don't understand it officer, I left the snake on the floor to watch my kid while I went outside...."

"I have always wanted to go into business for myself and stop working for bosses. Now I finally have a calling. I am going to become an antivenom distributor based in South Carolina."

Thanks for reading my blog...!
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Speak only endearing speech,

Speak only endearing speech, speech that is welcomed. Speech, when it brings no evil to others, is a pleasant thing.
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I consume the information and move on

Okay, you want comments, here's mine. I don't care about comment section. Rarely do I comment on anything. Opinions, reviews, it doesn't matter, I consume the information and move on. cheers banana
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Happy New Year to all

Or, as they say here in Mexico, Happy Year End.

I hope that everybody gets what they couldn't get last year, done this coming year.

Let's all be positive and hope it works out.

Feliz fin de ano....por todos
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