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Most Liked Travel Blogs (264)

Here is a list of Travel Blogs ordered by Most Liked, posted by members. A Blog is a journal you may enter about your life, thoughts, interesting experiences, or lessons you've learned. Post an opinion, impart words of wisdom, or talk about something interesting in your day. Update your blog on a regular basis, or just whenever you have something to say. Creating a blog is a good way to share something of yourself with others. Reading blogs is a good way to learn more about others. Click here to post a blog.


28 marzo 2011, a la(s) 11:07

It's so f*cking annoying. Yeah I find it f*cking annoying. My Buenosairean friends surely noticed; it's f*cking cold!
I have noticed I don't like transporting myself to places on my own. Maybe cos I roamed the f*cking Earth on my own for too long. Now I need someone to pull me out of my place. I'll go anywhere :)

Look at my old driving instructor, he's teaching a woman how to drive,I think he's a corrupted f*ck. And the smell from that perfume transports me to times of good and hope; but of course, it's my own perfume that I smell.
YOU SEE, COS I HAVE FOUND THIS SOLUTION TO THESE 'SCENT' ISSUES. Since perfumes transport me so much to times and feelings; whenever I feel the scent in someone, I go ask them. 'Excuse me, your scent reminds me of a beautiful time in my life, would you be so kind of telling me which perfume is it?' I've discovered it works amazing with girls, mostly when they say they're not wearing any perfume, to which I respond 'oh, so it's all you ;)'
And when it's a bloke, I just go ask them and they give me a weird look.

It's so f*cking cold. Some time ago I was living here with this swedish chick, and she could take cold as if it was spring. It was zero degrees and she would wear skirts, for f*ck sake. I never liked her, but that was so f*cking hot. I find it really sexy when girls can take cold as if it was nothing ?

It's a mix between my perfume and my shampoo; it all creates a honeyish sweetie atmosphere around my head area, so I whif it up my nose and causes me that state of mind where deep spiritual romantic connections build up in my brain, so perfectly fit, so destined to be, that it gives me an erection. There's gonna be a long, long road, one more time, I need to build up my fate.
Sometimes I like to cross myself in front of a church or an image of a Virgin, USING MY LEFT HAND. I know it's frowned upon and "wrong" but I've always been some sort of rebel. Not without a cause but because I.M f*ckING LEFT HANDED PEOPLE, HOW ELSE AM I SUPPOSED TO f*ckING DO IT?

I've always been the black sheep for some questions in life. I was born left handed. I was genetically planned to be part of a minority. I was born to be Part of the few who are different and do things completely opposite to what others do; because when you're left handed, everything is backwards, upside down.

Can anyone tell me if Frank & Hennes,or whatever it's spelled, is a decent shirt designer, to a shitty Dior level? See, I've found these shirts at a good price and I'd like to get my hands on a couple of those.

I have this thing with falling in love. It's morphine, falling in love is morphine. But the thing is,no one has been able to keep me in that state. Why blame me for that?

Oh, by the way; I.m wearing a leather jacket. I'm so cool. No, not really. i'm just another a**hole. Srsly peeps.
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28 marzo 2011, a la(s) 19:38

Crowded. Buenos Aires. All of them. I could establish connection to almost all of them. I can easily socialise to any of them. Do you know how exhausting that is?

I am in love. I have been, for the last months. I am in love with life again. And life is to be lived. And love is to be kept and to be increased. Love is health.

These words are some sort of, celebration of life. This is my message; my surrender. All this is a surrender to the rest of the world. All things in the world are so big, so complex, that I just let them flow. You see, you complain about the world, hate people and go to therapy; and I go to have a cup of coffee with my mum to Quilmes,and chat about when I was a baby. I can't be bothered with the rest of the world. It's too big.

As winter gets closer and closer, my thoughts get brighter and brighter. I'm not saying there's anything about intelligence in them, but about the light that comes from within myself. The light that comes out whenever the sun rises.
There's no reality other than mine, because the sun set I have right in front of me (now to my right cos I just sat down), it is a witness. And something so big as a f*cking huge everlasting fire ball can't lie. It's just not possible.

For the last year, I have had several visions of the future. Some of them included people I know,some of them don't. See,yesterday I was told I was someone bold, someone riskful. And that made me feel good. I like indeed,taking risks. It's not all certainty with me. Risks are good. They HELP creating certainty, since the only thing that does not change when we take risks, is us.
I also like bold people. In fact, the reason why no one has never been able to catch my complete attention, is the lack of boldness, if that even is a word. I desire for people that speak their mind, however only encountered some that are fearful to do so.

I'm gonna go to a park and just sit there. And strike conversation with everyone I can. I think there is some sort of plan to it. And you will fear that possibility. That I will say hi and it will be like lighting a fuse. Because someone can become a significant person in my life. A new friend. A new partner in crime.

I'll be the first to toast to my soul.

I am bloody hungry, and almost to get home. I shall feast and celebrate life. Life is so necessary. Life is very necessary.
Now I am home, and I.m free.
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Martes I

But if I knew that the sun will never rise like this, then I'd be really sad.

Now morning has broken and solarized the very brown part, the dark of my eyes.

No hay nada realmente que me diga qué tengo que hacer. O sea, no hay mapa, no hay plan que me de una idea. Por eso todo sale de esa fuente universal e ilimitada que tengo en alguna parte dentro de mi cráneo. Es simplemente eso; estoy perdido donde todos se encuentran, y me encuentro donde todos se pierden (y no es con intención de arañar romance en la antítesis si no que es así).

Supongo que hay algún concepto de universalidad paralela en mi existencia, algún tipo de omisión de lo mundano; cuando en realidad estoy más en contacto con el cosmos material mucho más que los demás. El truco está en fusionarlo, ¿entendés? El truco está en dejar las pelotudeces de lado y divertirse a costas de los que no.

Es cuando me enamoro de alguien o de algo (amo mi playstation), es entonces que no necesito ningún tipo de Fe, ni de palabras para definir a mí mismo. Porque cuando tengo esa fuerza, me banco todo. Me ato al mástil y espero que la tormenta pare.
¿Complejo de Mesías por qué? ¿Porque creo que ciertas cosas sí pasaron?

Yo creo que la mente tiene el poder de cambiar las partículas en el agua. Me parece boludo no creerlo (con el debido respeto que merecen los que pueden cambiar dichas estructuras moleculares, y densificar el agua, al punto de poder caminar sobre ella), porque escuché, o sea, me vino el rumor de arriba, de que era una mentira, que Jesús murió en la Crucifixión. Por supuesto que es así. Son todas mentiras que seguimos arrastrando, desde la historia. Mentiras del emperador Constantino para controlar nuestra mente. Pero yo digo desde mi humilde lugar, desde mi terrenal existencia como un guacho de sólo veintitantos años, digo que va a haber algo de Resurrección dando vueltas.

I've never seen so many containers in my life. I wonder what the f*ck is in them. And why do I never get to see boats being loaded with them? Why can't I never travel by boat and always have to travel by plane?

Why have I had a dream of a ring upon my finger?


There's this guy waving a danger flag. He swings along with it from left to right. He is unhappy yet resigned. He represents most of city culture, but to a more honest level. Just like the rest of us in the city, he finds happiness in resignation. He is about to die, yet hasn't lived at all. See? There's some kind of prophetic sense to some m**erf**ker on the street. Poor bastard. He's such a suffered bastard. I was taught I must love him, so I do. I won't wash his f*cking feet though, I think I would puke. Go wash your feet first, you motherf*cking c*nt! Then I'll wash them for you. DON'T BE SO f*ckING GROSS, FOR f*ck'S SAKE. I'M NOT A f*ckING NURSE.

Now that I think about it. Maybe I would wash his feet. LOL.

I made it to the office. Now I'm loaded with some f*cking energy. Cheers!
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Martes II

Never pissed off. I walk a different part of the city and I'm never pissed off.
Why do people have to behave so f*cking weird in cities?
But then again, who the f*ck am I to be surprised by weird. I just, dunno. I don't know.

There's some consideration to all this being a dream. And then I know, that some will try to ruin me. To betray me. People that do not talk yet see, they will claim once again for me to be of their property and will try to ruin me and my plans with jealousy and lies.
All you losers, all abusers, wasting all my precious energy.
They have won several times, will they win again? I mean, I'm a regular bloke, I get tired, I get tired sometimes. Even though my energy is eternal, I get tired at times. And that's when they attack.
So you're gonna call me now? Why you keep f*cking calling my phone?

An object. I feel like a f*cking object. In constant tension. It's like both poles pushing and pulling until one day (very soon) I will say stop, cos I'll have to decide. Well now I'm not in a f*cking island anymore, so you can't control me anymore. And that f*cking scares ya, cos you know I might change you for someone else, and all that you think belongs to you by right, will now be given to someone that deserves it better. DEAL WITH IT.

I see a lot of people walking by, and they now create like this, 'beat', as they walk. And I see myself walking and realise I'm completely out of this beat. I'm in some other beat, not asynchronous but randomized in a very even way (way to go contradiction!) it's like when I wanted to find someone to get drunk with me and walk the streets of Finland in the night, singing and laughing. Does anyone want to get drunk with me and laugh in the streets of Finland?

I just keep rolling and all this has to be shared. For some reason it feels like someone's gonna murder me at any moment. As if I was begging to be assassinated. I will just fall asleep in the deepest and longer slumber. Flowing through a river. Becoming words and thoughts.

It's so easy, just don't think about the things you can never answer.

I am so fascinated about Buenos Aires. Here I can see it all. Wealth, poverty. Sad and happy. Mechanical and natural. Seen it all. I'm already there. And it all comes in the shape of people and in the shape of stories (which sometimes I can never reconcile, just like my karma)

I am close to get home. This is wonderful.
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i am off to the shops ???

oh yes I am off shopping ????? what mmmmm...
well it is not to my local supermarket..
I am popping over to the car ...nowt special about that ?? except that it is a journey of 3000 kilometres give or take a mile or two.. traveling through eight countries ,,of which I do not speak their language, , but please and thank you always gets one by..
my end goal will include a proper full English breakfast at a traditional greasy spoon bliss,,
and with a little luck some proper fish chips and mushy peas...
amongst other things that I need to do also...
so peeps my question to you is how far would you travel for something that you missed, ????
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This kid next to me (he's maybe 15?) listening to Snoop Dogg and Dr.Dre and then I thought 'damn,kids listen to shit music' AND THEN I REMEMBER A FEW MONTHS AGO I WAS BUSTING SOME CANADIAN BACK-FLIPS AND 360s AT THE FREESTYLE ICE RAMP TO THE BEAT OF JAY-Z. Not forgetting, I have several friends thirtysome years and really good skateboarders. There's no difference between me and this kid. Maybe my tie and shirt, but we both have the same Converse shoes!
But what the f*ck, he listens to music really loud on those earphones. That can't be healthy.

I need to get a hold on some Nike or Mission skates. If anyone from Canada, USA, Sweden, Finland or Norway plans on coming to Argentina, please let me know!

Did you see that coming?! No, you didn't f*cking see it, did you? You never gonna f*cking know what's gonna happen next with me. Did you think I was coming back to the ice and this time NOT IN ICELAND? Ah? You didn't see it coming :)

'Some sort of connection'. You hear me saying this very often. It's my personal mantra. There's is some sort of connection. Some sorta connecting to the ice. Let it be proclaimed that the ice is now part of my life again. Let the ice come back to me.
This lady, she's got a black watch with white details. I f*cking want it. It's beautiful.
Coming to the ice again. This time I don't have Marcos' company. In fact, this time I don't have anyone from the past. I think I should start looking for teenage time lost friendships or new ones interested in winter sports. Anyone care to join me? ;D

I remember when I dated this girl that looked exactly like Michelle Williams, I remember I started dating her cos of that reason (shallow much?), however now I am watching this changed and ugly version of her, in the same place, at the same time. And so many years after (not that many) I think Oh God. And then some will charge against me and my cruelty; my f*cking shallow cruelty. To what I will explain I'm a human being, mundane and tired, thus I need to rest too, not just contact Heavenly bodies and if you want, once chosen by one of these, only then I'll realise. YOU HAVE TO DESERVE WHAT YOU ASK FOR.
I am sorry you did what you did. I am sorry you made your decisions and not mine. I am sorry you ruined your life and I'm just begining mine. How come are you so stuck with your lives and I can't barely grasp the concept of sticking? And no I did not leave you alone; you just left yourself alone.

I am close to home and that brings peace to my soul. And that peace in my soul brings thoughts to my brain. Thoughts that bring energy to my spirit, which feeds the blood that moves my body. Which direction should I turn?
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¿Realmente me estoy cayendo o es que tengo el equilibrio alterado?

Quisiera poder teletransportarme de la oficina directo a casa. No fui criado para habitar con las palomas. Ni para soportar los boludos con complejos de inferioridad que pintan un segundo de mi existir con un ruido muy fuerte y motorizado. Qué pelotudos de mierda.

A veces todo movimiento frente a mis ojos se vuelve algo hostil e inaguantable. Pero yo digo ahora eh, en el bondi vuelta a casa, ver la repetición de rayas en el asfalto hace algún cortocircuito en mi cabeza y me siento mal. Es como si necesitase estar colgado de algo inmóvil. Como si necesitase una crucifixión de mis sentidos.

Mis sentidos deben ser crucificados a veces, para salvaguardar mi bienestar.

Being watchful over sheep.

Yeah you're being watchful over sheep, aren't you? Of course you are, you bloody bastard, that's what you're supposed to do. You are watchful over sheep as though I was not a liberation to the relationship between them and the land. If you knew me, if you knew my intentions, you would deliver your sheep to me.

Porque los corderos que yo acecho, se entregan solitos a su liberación ;)

And no, I am not the wolf. I am far from being the wolf.
Until I am ;D

There are several stories about me becoming the wolf, and I don't know what's all the fuss about, since me becoming the wolf has been described as, well...

AND THEN EVERYBODY GOES "omg why? why you became the wolf and why do you howl and scream and bite, and lick, and then bite some more and lick, running your tongue all over, being a wolf??

" . Cos that what wolves do" , I say.

I am a wolf. I said I wasn't, but now I am. And the pigeons, the pigeons I was talking about in the begining, I don't like them, cos, see, us wolves we don't like pigeons, and we don't like cities. Wolves dislike Buenos Aires, they belong to wherever is colder, to wherever is darker. I am a wolf and I show my teeth to the people riding this bus. That's what wolves do.

I am a wolf and I smell the fish around and think of delicious crime. I am cheeky and shameless, and I know many fun things ;)

Argentina is a country for wolves. Argentina is not a country for wolves. Do you know of any other country for wolves?

Look at him crying. And look at the other one being violent. Look at me being peaceful.

It got dark. It always gets dark. What's the f*cking point in it? It just, got, f*cking, dark. And this place, is completely different at night, as it is at day. Which brings me to the conclusion that I must look for answers.

BUT BEWARE, I HAVE BEEN RECEIVING ANSWERS FROM SOMEONE. And if we're able to pull this up, it will be a success!

I have decided it's time to re-invent myself.

Again I have the urge to look at everyone and connect, but I am not of their kind today. Over 40 people in the bus, and no one I can connect to.

I am the black sheep. I am the wolf. Black sheep, wolf. I am wearing a black shirt today, I am the black sheep. I am bad, but I am better.

This wolf is getting back home. I didn't get my day off tomorrow, grrr! *wolf growl* but I get monday and tuesday off!
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Soledad, mi estado de ánimo secreto.

A storm in Heaven.

I can't believe I'm still alive as I watch the giants passing by so close to me. But of course I always smile gently at the bus driver as I greet him and ask for my ticket.
I pull my sight away from that other bloke, so I won't be misunderstood. I am never mistaken by chance, even though it has happened before.
But yeah, it's dirty. My thought in Friday is purely f*cking dirty. And as I smell scents from my childhood I am for some reason taken to my time in Sweden. I remember having found this scent, this perfume somewhere in Sweden. This time it's not Iceland. No sir.
And as I remember this I recall what I have noticed lately at work, that all my coworkers around me age are getting married. I certainly consider myself too young for marriage, since I am younger than my age,but, for some reason it bothered me a lil bit. For sure I am confused now, and this will be a confused weekend. But confusion means fun to me, so I pray the Universe for enlightment. But those visions, they have to be made true, at all cost. This smell I'm tasting is almost bringing me to my knees. I need to fall on my knees and bow to the universe and love. And as an ambulance passes by, the urgency of my heart has to be complied with as well. I WILL NO LONGER STARE AT THESE BUILDINGS THE SAME WAY. Universe, love, me, her. It's all a huge ball of energy. Positive energy.

I pull my sight away from him one more time. He looks at me as if he knows what I'm speaking. And the smell. PARA MIS AMIGOS, ES EL OLOR A TABLETAS FUYÍ,EL QUE ME TRANSPORTA, ¿CUÁN LOCO ES ESO? Dudo que alguien en el bondi tenga tabletas Fuyí.

Back and forth, back & forth. The sensation of my position in the time line goes back and forth. I WONDER HOW BORING IT IS TO LIVE ONLY THE PRESENT TIME, NO PAST, NO FUTURE. Now I am put right next to him, as he casts looks no longer to me, therefore no pulling me eyes from him is performed. We shall part and say goodbye. Dock Sud has just swallowed him into a different world of the unknown, what I do not know.

Why do I keep hearing this girl calling my name? "Mariano... ¡Mariano!" But I just hear the sound of her voice, not can I see her.
What was the name of that place with the people dancing? THAT PLACE, WITH THE COUPLE DANCING, AND THE LIGHTS. Right in Avellaneda, that reminded me of Reykjavik.
Back & forth, the breaking and accelerating of the bus can be compared to my motion through time. And my motion through time can only be determined by the state of my mood...

You see, my mood alone does all the movement. But sometimes I can also be stationary. Just get me a warm blanket, a cold rainy day and a cup of warm chocolate, and I shall remain stationary for a while :)
And while this stationary state I will do all the thinking there is to be done in order for all the things to take proper place in my universe, and the universe of those around me.
The people around me are subject to a law of attraction ruled by the stages of the moon, and the stages of my mood. My state of mind manager concepts that can only be understood by a few, and a few only, for not many will be allowed to stay too close, yet not too far.

I am, what I was supposed to become.

If I get this on a bus trip back from the office, can you imagine what comes out on a long flight to another place? Someone up for a long flight with me?

Good luck, I'm coming home.
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Philipsenonline today!

Possibly visiting the New York next year!

I have a few friends in the US, and I have always wanted to visit, so I went on Google to see, how cheap it would be for me to take a round trip in May 2020.

$473. Not that expensive, if I am honest. I have written to one of my friends there, to see if she would be able to entertain me at that time. I am just waiting to hear back from her. Or maybe I will do what I have always thought of doing - go to the US on the 1ts of July and then leave again on the 8th. That way I get to see how the US celebrates their independence day. But for now, I will focus on the 1st of May 2020, since I can't see dates further than May 2020. It gives me just under 11 months to save up for spending money to bring with me. If I use 100 dollars per day, that means I need to save up at least 800 dollars in total. 1000, just to be on the safe side. I also need an ESTA, but that isn't expensive. I might go for that next month.

The place I will be flying to, hopefully is New York. I want to have a slice of NY style pizza, as they say it's the best in the World. I have only had Danish, British and Portuguese pizza, so I look forward to try it. If it's as good as they say it is, I might become so addicted, that I will move to New York on a permanent basis, lol.

I don't need a visa, because Denmark is a part of the Visa Waiver Program, meaning that I can stay up to 90 days in the US without a visa. But for now, I will just be there for one week. If I love it, I can always come back.
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A message that warmed my heart <3

"You would like to find a nice girl, okay, but reading you on the blogs and your profile tells me you will have a difficult time
The blogs and forums are great to see how people interact with others, it tells you a lot about that person.
I see you are judgemental, sarcastic, not contributing anything positive.
I believe you could use a bit of character adjustment.
Now I am just an old lady but take it from someone who has been around a bit
I mean what I said here as being helpful, we often don't see ourselves as others do
Take it for what it is worse or .................?"
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