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Body language

Didja know - and seeing this is an international site, you probably should - Nodding means yes to most of us - but in some parts of Greece,Yugosl...
670190Mar 2017Mar 2017May 7


Sometimes ... it is all in the way you look at things. Like yesterday, I drive home through narrow country lanes and was held up for ages because...
1,37070Aug 2015Aug 2015May 7

Workout video. Crank it up.

I feel all tingly and energetic. Good workout. Now to find a treadmill ......
1,873140Aug 2015Aug 2015May 7

Is there a new way to market stuff?

Oh I know my timing sucks, the weekend and all, I should have asked when you all had your business brains on. Still, those who haven't disconnected th...
1,618560Aug 2016Aug 2016May 6

2016 - year of the Fire Monkey

Not all of us in the West are familiar with the Chinese horoscopes so here's a quick handy guide for the newly dawned Year of the Monkey. I'm apologiz...
2,275450Feb 2016Feb 2016May 6

Bike insurance

a friend of mine's husband does a lot of biking, with a club that does a lot in the community, particularly with kids, but that's a whole other blog....
596160May 2017May 2017May 6

It's really over

So I was sitting in a Scottish pub garden last weekend, basking in the fierce Scottish sun as dogs collapsed panting and eggs fried on the sidewalk. I...
764310Sep 2015Sep 2015May 5

Another old joke.

In our heads, we're all still in our thirties ... This woman changes dentists, and notices that the fairly unusual name of the new dentist is the...
1,033190Jul 2015Jul 2015May 5

profile perfect

This ever happen to anyone else, you spot a profile and think ooh. Then you read the profile carefully. OOH. Not only ticks your boxes, but when you l...
1,500170Sep 2015Sep 2015May 5

Death of conversation

I have a love-hate relationship with my smartphone. Well, strictly speaking, a hate-hate relationship. I hate it and it hates me but we are always tog...
1,384320Nov 2015Nov 2015May 5

It's THAT time of year

Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac, and that shouldn't be taken lightly -- nor should Scorpios. There's no fluff or chatter for Scorpios, these...
1,360400Oct 2015Oct 2015May 4

Getting older is odd

I was talking to a kid the other day and relating pretty well, I thought. I'm down with the yoof. This was a pretty young kid, and I asked how old he...
959170Dec 2015Dec 2015May 4

No comments expected, but not blocked.

Different countries, different refugees, same problems? I don’t think Britain should open its borders to hundreds of thousands of people who think our...
2,312270Sep 2015Sep 2015May 4

Great expectations

Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country ... That's quite an oldfashioned sentiment, these days. Never mind...
1,072240Aug 2015Sep 2015May 4

Carpe diem - seize the day

We've all experienced upheaval and reversals, I think. When we get married, we assume it will be forever. When we get a good job with a stable company...
1,586120Dec 2015Dec 2015May 3

Ginger nut

Being ginger is a bit like being a vampire. You can't go out in sun. You can't see yourself in a mirror, at least until you have painted on some featu...
2,022690May 2016May 2016May 3

family gathering

Most of the time I am perfectly happy to be living 400 miles from my nearest and dearest but I'm getting really excited about upcoming family gatherin...
818120Jul 2015Jul 2015May 2

Essential advice for men

I was struck by the truth of this. Plus I loved the film. So hopefully it will make you laugh too. I promised myself, no more blogs for a while. P...
1,536220Sep 2015Sep 2015May 2

Flight booked

and that's me away to Alicante, Spain, at the end of September. Sun, sea, sand, well actually none of that, my sister lives inland. But if there i...
944180Aug 2015Aug 2015May 2

we're all mature until

someone gets out the bubble wrap. What else brings out your inner child?...
83760Aug 2015Aug 2015May 2

How can we be single?

Look around CS. There are cheerful people, flirty people, good looking people, old, young, upbeat, animated, serious ... how on earth are we not all s...
853300Oct 2015Oct 2015May 2

Safe journey, Princess Leia

every other celeb died recently, I was surprised to find out how old they were, usually knocking around 80 apart from George Michael and since he burn...
754230Dec 2016Dec 2016May 2

How long is too long?

When we get involved with someone we graft them onto ourselves. Ripping that graft away is not only painful, it leaves scars. I hate pain!and I don’t...
1,893380Jul 2015Mar 2019May 2

Little things mean a lot at this time of year

Here we go, heading towards 2017 at a rate of knots - some alone for the first time, some have been single for a while, some even in the early stages...
828270Dec 2016Dec 2016May 1

Racing snail for sale

I have a snail halfway up the kitchen wall, and would like to offer it to sale to the highest bidder. I have to say right away I have not seen thi...
1,897330Jul 2015Jul 2015Apr 30

Selling yourself (edited down to the boasts)

(Edited comment - the blog got 129 comments but some were just playing and some never did get the point. I promised to cut it down to the boasting pos...
2,336170May 2016May 2016Apr 30

Monday needs some cheerful signs.

Posting these, then over and out. Night all. A sign in a shoe repair store in Vancouver read: We will heel you We will save your sole We will e...
1,973180Aug 2015Aug 2015Apr 30

In a world where you can be anything - be kind

The heading, and the following, are Facebook philosophies picked up today - it may be just my timeline, but there's a faint trend towards optimism aft...
946230Apr 2018Apr 2018Apr 30

The rise and rise of the referendum

Your vote counts. Baddum TISH. Referendums have been called on issues as diverse as peace deals, nuclear power, and whether New Zealand should cha...
758250Nov 2016Nov 2016Apr 29

You forgot. And you don’t even know you forgot.

This is becoming an obsession with me as I get older, because my friends are getting forgetful, I’ll mention a shared experience and they look blank....
1,175300Dec 2015Dec 2015Apr 28

Crossing the line

I know there’s sometimes good reason to check out photos, or IP addresses, and scammers get exposed that way and it’s a GOOD thing. Not quite so m...
1,132250Aug 2015Aug 2015Apr 28

Trust you ? how much do you weigh?

I got a phone call tonight from my bank (apparently) asking for my password. Uh, no. The guy was quite hurt that I didn’t want to give it to him. Didn...
918250Dec 2015Dec 2015Apr 27

Do you read a lot?

If you do enjoy reading - Kindle or dead tree - you may be interested in beta-reading? Beta readers read a book before it is sent for publishing:...
907190Oct 2015Oct 2015Apr 26

Do as you would be done by

If you want honesty, give honesty If you want respect, give respect If you want kindness, be kind If you want true friends, be a true frie...
848190Sep 2015Sep 2015Apr 26

Makes you proud to be British

When we put our minds to it, we can take stupid to an art form. BBC NORFOLK Stewart White: Who had a worldwide hit with What A Wonderful World?...
1,311220Apr 2016Apr 2016Apr 26

Manipulation by social media, ha. Joke.

The latest conspiracy theory - the Russians, masters of disinformation, are feeding contradictory links into social media, sitting back and laughing t...
792140Apr 2017Apr 2017Apr 25

WHAT did you just say? ROFL

Talking in a different language can get you into embarrassing situations, we all know that. Mispronounce a word and oops ... different meaning. Th...
95160Dec 2015Dec 2015Apr 24

Sunday night tired smiles

Pharmacist to customer: "Sir, please understand, to buy an anti-depression pill you need a proper prescription. Simply showing marriage certificate a...
804250Nov 2015Nov 2015Apr 22

This is a list of blogs created by Elegsabiff, ordered by Last Viewed. Click here for Elegsabiff's Full Blog

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