RE: tab read here

I like reality. If things aren't going right, I wait and hope and try.

Hope things get better for us all...

RE: Optional Read here

Ah Roy, rolling the rock up the hill is LIFE!!

Dedication and responsibility.

RE: How many relationship you've had so far? How many more you can take??!

I wish I could achieve that....still good do you do that?

RE: What women want from man?

I want a guy to be confident, busy, strong and there when I need him. I will be there when he needs me.

I want him to listen and in return I will listen to him.

I want kisses, my hand held only when he wants to hold it and visible demonstrations of affection. I will give him kisses, hugs and tell him he is the best and he should not forget it.

I want him to care and I will care about him....

RE: How many relationship you've had so far? How many more you can take??!

Ok, so a deck of cards is 52 cards?

And what constitutes a relationship? Let's say more than one date. That deletes one night stands and drunken moments in cars somewhere in a parking area in our youth.

I'm not at 52 yet so I think I can keep dating LOL

RE: younger man older woman

Fly free, nightwings....neither of you have to sign any pieces of paper...hope you and your lady enjoy, enjoy, enjoy :)

RE: Optional Read here

Nah, AKDO, that's good!

Ever notice that in a course list for a degree, the optional courses are usually more interesting than the required courses?

A road less traveled has more new things to see? Inquiring minds want to know.....

RE: What made you mad today?

And, how married is she?

Does she live with the husband or is she separated?

Sometimes marriage is only a piece of paper left over and waiting to be declared a divorce (like mine).

RE: Halloween

I think I'll rent Rocky Horror Picture Show and do the time warp again LOL

RE: Optional Read here

Yeah, how did you choose your profile handle?

RE: How many relationship you've had so far? How many more you can take??!

Vent away, kiddo - we are all human here, at least I think we are LOL

We all deal with stress, had miserable moments when our relationships have crapped out and we do try to support each other through those times.

RE: What if she thinks you are still together?

Sounds like she didn't get the message or she's refusing to take the message LOL

RE: Whos up for an online party?

Darn, me too!

RE: younger man older woman

Following this is hurting my brain!!!

How about "attraction"? Her shine is relected in your eyes.

Either you are attracted to a person or you are not, irregardless of age. Some call it chemistry. When asked why you are attracted to a person, sometimes the only answer is "I don't know, I just am". Hence words sometimes cannot express what is seen or felt.

AKDO hehheheheheee

RE: Sotally Tober

Is sotally tober a temporary condition or is it always five o"clock somewhere????

RE: UPDATE.....(Rob, "crazyboynva")

Yep, Apes - I called the number and got an answering machine thingy - left a message.

Sounds like he needs to hurry up and get well to hear his messages - "you have 101,956 messages...message 1...." LOL

Could you send me his snail mail address and I will send him a terribly silly card?

RE: why do men always want a size 6

I think we could turn the table on this one. Do women prefer guys who are fit, tall and not overweight?

I'll admit that I would prefer a fit guy. Mostly because we might have similar lifestyles. But also it has to do with what I find attractive. And there's nothing wrong with personal preferences.

A size 6? Closest I've ever been able to squeeze into is a size 8 LOL

Treat My Lady Like A Queen !!!???

I've been told by other guys that this is one of the oldest "lines" around.

The panda thing doesn't sound so bad, but I'd rather be set free as a dove :)

RE: ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz

Nite Nite, Hobo

Be good? Not likely. Good girls go to heaven - Bad girls go EVERYWHERE!!

RE: Dose distance matter

I hear you, AKDO - so many changes - so many different towns, cities, schools. I can't believe I moved my children so many times and did it thinking that it would be better for them too and the new relationship would be wonderful.

RE: I am seeking an intelligent, fun and attractive woman

Hahaha, so many possibilities and I don't want to sidetrack this thread LOL
I do have a batch of limoncello brewing in my cellar. A nice sipping drink which helps me pretend I'm in southern Italy.
When life gives you lemons, make limoncello!

RE: I LOVE MEN !!!!!

See, we do love men! I bet all that attention made him smile :)

RE: I LOVE MEN !!!!!

Probably not, but what the heck - you only live once LOL!!!!!

RE: I am seeking an intelligent, fun and attractive woman

Are you sure you're talking about cooking? LOL

You bring the wine and we'll cook up a storm....

RE: I LOVE MEN !!!!!

I think men are great, especially when they are not trying to impress.
If a woman is going to like you, she will, without your trying to be anything other than who you are.

That's why I like my male forum friends. They flirt but they also seem to be themselves and are really fun to talk to.

RE: Sail the Bounty Main with me!

That's OK, Jim. I'll cook as long as you keep the jewelry part of the plunder coming my way LOL.

And when we get back on land, want to have a lawnmower race?

RE: Favorite horror movies

The Shining

RE: The Courtship ritual

I would say get off the computer, get on the phone or plane and meet the person before you even think of being "courted".

Remember how much everyone fusses about computer security, giving out personal information and apply that to your dating security and the welfare of your heart. Don't fall for someone your REALLY don't know.

RE: Name threee qualities you look for in a friendship.

How can I add to that, AKDO

Your story shows the power of kindness.

Be kind to people - they're your friends

RE: Declaring it Send a Flower to a Stranger Day!

Ooo-oo-ooo, ooo-oo-ooo

LOL ;)

Pass me that buttercup...

This is a list of forum posts created by arabella.

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