Americans Please Watch...

We might as well wave bye byewave to our Constitution!crying
They do not care about US or what WE want. They do NOT Listen to US!!!frustrated very mad

I too served in the U.S.A.F. Vietnam Era. It is a SHAME what this country has become!!! What really pisses me off is that they have no shame at all in doing this and Forcing it upon us even though we say We DO NOT want this Bill or the TAXES that come with it!!!frustrated

I sense a REVOLUTION coming on Very SOON!!

sad flower

Values of Health Care Stocks Increase Fearlessly

Values of Health Care Stocks Increase Fearlessly
as Public Option Is Dead

Wall Street Celebrates Senate's "Significantly Watered Down" Health Care Bill

Dear Friends,

Wall Street is celebrating "Health Care Reform." According to an industry insider report yesterday by MarketWatch (Gibson and Britt) health care stocks rallied as the bill moved through the Senate, particularly since there is no public option in the bill to compete or compare with insurance company rate-making.

"Health care investors find themselves having confronted their greatest fear, and, while there will be legislation, it will be significantly watered down ..." said Mike O'Rourke, chief market strategist at BTIG LLC. As a result, shares of Aetna gained 4.7%, while Cigna rose 3.9%. United Health and Wellpoint "rallied to 52-week highs."

Once the bill becomes law, insurance companies will gain at least 26 million new customers and as much as $50 billion in new annual revenue from private-pay and from government subsidies as people will be required by law to purchase private insurance. While certain expenses are capped in the bill, it appears that premium costs are not.

The Senate's move prompted Gregory Nersessian of Credit Suisse to raise his price targets [predicting greater strength of stock performance] on seven insurers: Aetna, Cigna, Amerigroup Corp., Humana Inc., Molina Healthcare Inc., UnitedHealth Group Inc. and Wellcare Health Plans Inc.

" ... the is a positive first step" Nersessian said in a note to clients. "The heavy lifting will come when Congress is forced to slow the rate of medical cost growth through more aggressive payment restrictions and utilization controls down the road," he said - meaning that this particular industry insider is predicting limitations on benefits.

Marketwatch also wrote that none of the new standards on how much the industry must spend on medical expenses will "impose great hardship on any insurers."

Tomorrow: My analysis of the health care legislation as it currently stands.

Dennis Kucinich

The Dying Priest

Are you okay?dunno

You must have grabbed your keyboard as you fell to send us this

The Dying Priest

I hear you loud and clear!!!

My poor screen, I almost threw stuff at it, listening to their mocking and put downs. They are so obvious with their antics and not even good at being "crafty".barf

idea Shall we send a tube to each of our reps? Republicans can use it cos they are getting shafted. The Dems can use it for lip balm!

Better pucker up, Congress!

Americans Please Watch...

You are Blessed!thumbs up

Americans Please Watch...

Duh... ya think???wow

I have been watching these sessions for months. I think I have a good perception on what this is all about and why the rush to pass it.

First of all, why must the American people foot the bill?
This bill has nothing to do with us. We will get absolutely nothing from it. Passing Legislation to restrict Insurance companies and Doctors pay, etc. should not cost us a thing.

It's been pointed out that the deficit is way up there and there is no way to pay it. Our tax dollars are being factored in, as a way to pay off the deficit. They need OUR money!! This whole thing is bogus! They are using this bill as legislation to gain more tax revenue. They intend for the current deficit to be paid off in 4 years, BEFORE any Health Care insurance will be available without discrimination.

Think about it. Just what do we get for paying these increased taxes? Nothing! Do you get Health Care in 2014? NO! You get the opportunity to BUY your own Health Insurance.
Whooptie Dooooo!!cheering
very mad

Why are they rushing this through before Christmas? Cos they want to start taking your Tax Dollars on January 1st, 2010!!

It's a scam! I wish people had watched the House and Senate debates on this, so they would know what it's really all about.
The government is deceiving the people by using the name of Health Care Reform, which we all agree needs to be done. Thing is, this Bill does NOT reform Health Care. It requires the people to pay increased taxes and makes it mandatory to purchase insurance. You will be FINED if you do not purchase insurance, (just like on your car), you have no choice. If you do not pay the new taxes, you can go to jail and be fined.

Now tell me that this is in the BEST interest of the American people? 61% of the American people are AGAINST this Bill!!!

The Dying Priest

What planet are you from???dunno

Show me one place in this thread where "hate and ignorance was spewed". There is no reason to make such a remark. No confirmation here at all!!!thumbs down

The Dying Priest

If this Health Care Bill passes, the American people will soon see very clearly just what thieves they are!

Can you just imagine the TAXES that will be taken out after January 1st? We have the Bailouts to pay back and the Health Care Tax, for which no one will even be able to use until 2014!
Has anyone thought about this? About 50% of your paycheck will be deducted to pay these taxes. You will receive absolutely NOTHING in return! Even when 2014 gets here, THEN, you will have the opportunity to BUY your own Health Insurance without being discriminated against. You will still have to pay for your own Health Care!!! Who will possibly be able to afford this? This is NOT Health Care!!frustrated

Also, This Bill CUTS Doctor pay by 21%. Do you know of any Doctors who will agree to this? They will stop practicing!
These thieves will ruin this country. My heart is heavy with sadness over this.

Makes me want to join the Priest!!sad flower

Americans Please Watch...

Just a reminder for those who are not aware of this broadcast
live on C-SPAN.

This is Very Important for every American.
I would hope that you will watch this and get informed.

Americans Please Watch...

"We are missing the Best RIGHT thing for our country, through this bill." Senator Tom Coburn, Oklahoma.thumbs up

Americans Please Watch...

In 8 hours, the U.S.Senate will vote on the Health Care Bill.
If you have not followed this by watching the Live broadcasts to see what this bill is really all about, please do so now, so you will not be misinformed.

The live broadcast is on CSPAN 2 right now.
They are expected to vote at 1:00 A.M. tonight.

People, this bill is NOT the answer to the Health Care problems in our country.

My Senator is speaking right now and I want to give him my undivided attention.

Please post your comments IF you have been watching this process.


The Dying Priest

In Washington, D.C. an old priest lay dying in the hospital. For years he had faithfully served the people of the nation's capital and was well known among the elected officials. He motioned for his nurse to come near.
"Yes, Father?" said the nurse.

"I would really like to see President Obama and Speaker Pelosi before I die", whispered the priest.

"I'll see what I can do, Father", replied the nurse.

The nurse sent the request to The President and Congress and waited for a response. Soon the word arrived; President Obama and Nancy Pelosi would be delighted to visit the priest.

As they went to the hospital, Obama commented to Pelosi, "I don't know why the old priest wants to see us, but it will certainly help our images and might even get me re-elected."

Pelosi agreed that it was a good thing.

When they arrived at the priest's room, the priest took Obama's hand in his right hand and Pelosi's hand in his left hand. There was silence and a look of serenity on the old priest's face.

Finally President Obama spoke. "Father, of all the people you could have chosen, why did you choose us to be with you as you near the end?"

The old priest slowly replied, "I have always tried to pattern my life after our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."

"Amen", said Obama.

"Amen", said Pelosi.
The old priest continued, "Jesus died between two lying thieves; I would like to do the same."

RE: Do You Ever See The Homeless?

I find both of your responses very cold. Your heart is hardened and you ought not think of yourself more highly than others.
Whether homeless or foreigners,people are people. Only a heart made of stone would not reach out to help.

Be careful, pride comes before a fall...scold

RE: Do You Ever See The Homeless?

I have been involved in "Street Ministry" for the past 20 years.
Fed and clothed the homeless in Fort Worth, Texas for 15 years.
I have brought hundreds of them into my home to give them a chance to get on their feet.

I started an outreach in my community, giving food and clothing to families in need. The whole community participated. Those who could not give, we gave to them. I personally paid electric bills and water bills for those who could not afford to pay them themselves. I have seen many tears of JOY flow, expressing gratitude and made many new friends.

They are people, just like we are. No one of us is any better than the next. God created us all and we are all His children.
We must show love and compassion to others. Be a listening ear, a helping hand, a shoulder to cry on, we can BE the DIFFERENCE.

I have seen many lives change and receive HOPE, through loving acts of Kindness.

God Bless you ALL!!

Taking the Love of Jesus to where it is most desperately needed and hardest to find. HL
heart wings

RE: who should have won to be President

The man who SHOULD have won, who would have made the most difference and turned this country around, is not on your


RE: What Song Would You Play For Your Secret Love?

Favorite Song Of All

heart beating

RE: Salvation for all! There is no religion;Only Salvation.

Thanks Jen!hug

Yes, there's something about kindred spirits uniting...
Very Special!!!

Every day, I give thanks to the Lord for him!angel

RE: If Money could talk, what would say to us considering today's

Wow! Some good answers posted above!thumbs up
daydreamI'm impressed with you guys and gals!

My money has always told me, "Give me away! Help those people!"

I don't imagine it would be up to changing it's mind now, in the midst of the troubles this world endures today. That is... if I had any money.dunno

RE: Salvation for all! There is no religion;Only Salvation.

The concept conjor is presenting in his thread is that of a relationship. He has had an encounter with the invisable God.
This encounter has made an immediate change within his being.
This Jesus spoke with him and continues to speak with him to this day and will do it forevermore.

This Jesus has made himself known to conjor, just as He says He will in the writings recorded by others who had similar experiences in His presence.

Conjor is here to tell of the truth of his experience. You can not take it away from him or discourage him through your unbelief.

A fire now burns within him and he has been filled with a love for all mankind, which he has never known of before.

A miracle has taken place. That of a changed life through an encounter with God, as this man conjor sought the reality of such a being.

I Rejoice in the Love which conjor has found!! It is a time of Celebration!!party danceline reunion danceline party

angel bowing heart wings teddybear

RE: Another CS Baby!!!

OMG Joni, wow I am shocked!!! But estatic for you and Eric!!

Congrats to you both!!!

I pray you have a very healthy baby!




Your words in this thread have brought tears to my eyes and JOY to my heart!!!

It's just that simple, isn't it!!

I Love you so much and Thank God for YOU!!!hug kiss

teddybear bouquet angel please


Stress Makes Your Hair Go Gray

rolling on the floor laughing Aren't you the funny man today???laugh

Regarding the first part of your post...

"Our view of human suffering is so limited. We interpret problems and disappointments negatively, always afraid they will ruin us. We forget that the Lord permits them for our growth."
Gerald Nash

Stress Makes Your Hair Go Gray

This is true, but choosing the color is another issue.
I thought that going darker would be the answer.
It made the new hair growth stand out even more!!crying

Now, I've added blonde streaks and it seemed to help tone it down quite a bit.grin

teddybear lips

Stress Makes Your Hair Go Gray

Yes, I am positive that they are connected!!

A year ago, my daughter, son in law and grandkids came to live with me for 2 months. When they moved out, I had large gray streaks of hair that were not there before they moved in!!!

I still have the gray hairs!!crying

Stress Makes Your Hair Go Gray

Those pesky graying hairs that tend to crop up with age really are signs of stress, reveals a new report in the June 12 issue of Cell.

Researchers have discovered that the kind of "genotoxic stress" that does damage to DNA depletes the melanocyte stem cells (MSCs) within hair follicles that are responsible for making those pigment-producing cells. Rather than dying off, when the going gets tough, those precious stem cells differentiate, forming fully mature melanocytes themselves.

Anything that can limit the stress might stop the graying from happening, the researchers said.

"The DNA in cells is under constant attack by exogenously- and endogenously-arising DNA-damaging agents such as mutagenic chemicals, ultraviolet light and ionizing radiation," said Emi Nishimura of Tokyo Medical and Dental University. "It is estimated that a single cell in mammals can encounter approximately 100,000 DNA damaging events per day."

Consequently, she explained, cells have elaborate ways to repair damaged DNA and prevent the lesions from being passed on to their daughter cells.

"Once stem cells are damaged irreversibly, the damaged stem cells need to be eliminated to maintain the quality of the stem cell pools," Nishimura continued. "We found that excessive genotoxic stress triggers differentiation of melanocyte stem cells." She says that differentiation might be a more sophisticated way to get rid of those cells than stimulating their death.

Nishimura's group earlier traced the loss of hair color to the gradual dying off of the stem cells that maintain a continuous supply of new melanocytes, giving hair its youthful color. Those specialized stem cells are not only lost, they also turn into fully committed pigment cells and in the wrong place.

Now, they show in mice that irreparable DNA damage, as caused by ionizing radiation, is responsible. They further found that the "caretaker gene" known as ATM (for ataxia telangiectasia mutated) serves as a so-called stemness checkpoint, protecting against MSCs differentiation. That's why people with Ataxia-telangiectasia, an aging syndrome caused by a mutation in the ATM gene, go gray prematurely.

The findings lend support to the notion that genome instability is a significant factor underlying aging in general, the researchers said. They also support the "stem cell aging hypothesis," which proposes that DNA damage to long-lived stem cells can be a major cause for the symptoms that come with age.
In addition to the aging-associated stem cell depletion typically seen in melanocyte stem cells, qualitative and quantitative changes to other body stem cells have been reported in blood stem cells, cardiac muscle, and skeletal muscle, the researchers said. Stresses on stem cell pools and genome maintenance failures have also been implicated in the decline of tissue renewal capacity and the accelerated appearance of aging-related characteristics.

"In this study, we discovered that hair graying, the most obvious aging phenotype, can be caused by the genomic damage response through stem cell differentiation, which suggests that physiological hair graying can be triggered by the accumulation of unavoidable DNA damage and DNA-damage response associated with aging through MSC differentiation," they wrote.

RE: A baby???

Trudy, your Good News overwhelms me with unspeakable JOY!!!

I am so Happy for you and Rick!!!

God's Blessings to ALL of you, the boys too!!!

I Love and Miss YOU bunches!!!bouquet


RE: Sabath day?

The Sabbath has always been from sundown Friday until sundown Saturday, with Saturday being called the Sabbath Day. It is the last day of the week, the day of rest.

Sunday is the day of worship for many Christian religions yet those Christians do not refer to Sunday as the Sabbath Day. There are others who choose to honor the Sabbath Day, to keep it Holy and therefore meet together for services on Saturday and do not work, buy or sell during the Sabbath.

The Catholic pope changed the Christian day of Worship from Saturday to Sunday, he did not change the Sabbath Day.


teddybear HL

Would You Rather Be Married or Happy?

Silly Robert!

Those pics were taken just 3 days apart. Still the same me.
You just prefer me with my hair be it!

It's now down, just for you.laugh

But now I'll start getting emails again from all those guys in their 20's!doh


RE: Dear Diary omg no its a Dairy

Just a thought...

RE: Is profit good or bad?

Just open your eyes...

HLsad flower

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