To make a long story short; the uranium deal is and has been under investigation for a little while now. And still more than that.

The true water gate level scandals will hopefully bring out obozo and other friends. I'm still wondering how you promise more flexibility after and election then put worthless sanctions on the same country after they're able, to once again bring, a small country back into their fold.

Will they try bringing any other accusations against other countries for collusion and interferences? How about money laundering? Isn't Treason a high crime? I'll bet there won't be any night time raids to seize materials. No telling how much has already been and still is, being deleted or shredded.

It's amazing how the party of criminals have no illegal wire taps or fabricated materials paid for by some one else to bring them down isn't it? When people talk about our politicians in the U.S., do they include the most corrupt party and administration we've had to date so far? obozo and friends truly do deserve a military firing squad.

They handled all themselves which should make it that much sweeter to see them fall down; IF rule of law is truly followed instead of some how being allowed to keep skating. They still have many of their cohorts in places of authority and power.

RE: What would u like to get off ur chest..

U.S. politicians and their B.S. politics where there shouldn't be any.

RE: Dating a Widow or Widower

I didn't read through every thing. It would seem there's a lot there from others.

I have nothing since my divorce years ago. Little to no dating or any other experiences except for play time, work time, family, lots of time with my youngest, etc.

With that; what do I have to actually talk about out side of those activities and time used? Most are very short stories and maybe not even eventful unless you were there.

Would it be plausible, that the widow only has those years in her past to actually converse about? There are other areas and activities to be sure. What's still, always going to be the most prominent if a person has cut themselves off from any type of personal ties, maybe activities, for themselves with a significant other? Even a potential one? There still may be a lot of things the person hasn't been able to vent out of their system for various reasons. It's most likely not that they're stuck on the past as much as never able to achieve full closure with in themselves due not being able to get things out of their system. There could still be quite a bit pent up inside.

I would say that if you've spent a lot of time listening, maybe spend a little more intertwined with doing. First and foremost, people need to vent. Let them. It could be you that becomes the corner stone for their new found freedom and ability to move fully forward again.

Time will tell for certain if you're expected to live up to the past or the person that helped them to live again. If you're serious about the other person, time spent with them to know for sure, seems an endless supply if it brings closure or fruition. Even if it doesn't turn out like you hoped or wanted; you may have helped them in some other way for their road ahead.

RE: Mysterious 2016 on CS

I can't say for certain what's happening. I'm certain you're not the only person experiencing phantom "likes" and views.

I have been as well, except that I'm not worried about it much. People may want to view or like your profile but may not want you to know exactly who or where from.

The other thought that has come to mind is a phantom "CS Bot" lurking in the shadows trying to ensure people stay hooked on the site; at least a little.


RE: Donald Trump has been accused of fuelling hate crime

The dems changed it in 2013. And used it. So I'll cap it for you from an article around the time they were supposed to change health care.

"Senate Republicans hold 52 seats. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., knew Democrats would filibuster any attempt to repeal and replace ObamaCare. So McConnell deployed a special parliamentary process for health care that eliminates filibusters. It’s called “budget reconciliation.”

The gambit allows Republicans to lower the bar to just 51 yeas. But for all the GOP’s sturm and drang about repealing and replacing the 2010 health care law, McConnell couldn’t even cobble together 51 votes -- let alone 50 yeas -- to let Vice President Pence break the tie.

So, it wasn’t the higher threshold that doomed Trump’s health care effort. Senate Republicans were at fault, even though they used the budget reconciliation process to avoid a 60-vote hoop."

RE: Donald Trump has been accused of fuelling hate crime

They changed that in 2013. Republican control didn't start to take place until 2014. It didn't matter. Republicans still haven't upheld much of any thing they campaigned on. More posturing than action.

they have some one that would back them and they're still more like democrats. Look up the nuclear option. a 51 vote challenge can over ride a challenge. It's not just for presidential nominees.

RE: Donald Trump has been accused of fuelling hate crime

You really should read a little better. I think it's called "the nuclear option". Used for filibusters and such. No longer requires 60 votes. They say it doesn't change the rules for legislation but any thing can be filibustered.

obozo care was passed as tax and there wasn't much of anything he didn't get except maybe when it came to gun control.

There was some luck here in there in the court systems if whomever could stand and fight had the resources to last long enough.

Again you speak nothing by nonsense when the damages over ride. I do believe I addressed republicans in some that that as well. There were things like maccain. mcconnell hasn't stood up to much either.

RE: Asian woman

Maybe I should work on.

I don't have a dream woman. Just some one that will be themselves, strong willed, loyal, intelligent, has a pulse, and reasonably active. The important basics to start with, in my opinion.

RE: Donald Trump has been accused of fuelling hate crime

Honestly, if ol' Nelson Mandela can come back and win a peace prize after 27 years of lock up; there most certainly isn't any thing Trump has done, fully known to date, to worry about.

RE: Is there clique on cs here?

Not really worried about it much either way.

There's still hit and miss through out the threads positive and negative from all that I see. Sometimes agreement, smart remark, sarcasm, the regular mix you might most likely see any where in social media.

The exception is that the forums are a little "inclusive" yet "exclusive" because it's still registered users and some fully regular. Love, hate, positional, united, it's still it's own group over all.

I think that counts for something with all in mind.

RE: Donald Trump has been accused of fuelling hate crime

That's all a great big lie. From the 70's, until the federal level got involved where they shouldn't be, the states individually, were doing a better job with health care. Children have always been covered and will be. Adults as needed too, with in reason, case by case.

I have family on that obozocare garbage and it's hurting their abilities to thrive on retirement. It's not cheaper or affordable. No one was able to keep all of their doctors or their plans. Many adults already can't afford healthcare. Premiums and deductibles are going up and have been since the tax was allowed to roll out. One retire person draws a pension plus S.S., another three years before medicare or what ever can kick in, forced to get a part time job because of health insurance costs. Another paying over $600 a month because of the premiums AND deductibles, plus subscriptions. The great lie of obozocare.

By the way, the U.S. educational level is already a farce. Common moron made it worse. Another area the federal government doesn't belong.

Welfare was meant as a supplement, not a career move. There will always be poor. There will always be some that are rich, and there will always be people in between. obozo's almost doubled national deficit shows, and proves where the real scams are. You can't bring every one up to the same level but only bring every one down with other people's money. It runs out and then what? A larger deficit.

So when bill clinton made some tweaks with tax cuts and cutting government spending so the government spent UNDER budget one year, was a scam? You have no clue what you're talking about half of the time because you haven't followed any history. Tax breaks help all. More opportunities for the smaller guys to try their own things and work up, more opportunities for growth and expansion of larger businesses which creates more jobs. More consumer spending and investment can take place. The government's largest revenues are personal income tax and payroll. Business is an extremely small portion.

RE: why I own guns

I like that last sentence.grin

I know many talk about "Self defense" as a reason for owning fire arms in the U.S. It's true that the 2nd amendment was put into place so the people would never be defenseless against the government.

You would be surprised at how many just like them for hunting and/or target shooting, general sport shooting, and even competition. Some collect because over time fire arms accrue value which almost makes them like a type of investment. We have gun lovers that just like to own as many as they can so they have their choices. People that absolutely enjoy the different calibers, grains, and power exist

You might actually be surprised how many with fire arms don't even think about using them on people or view that as a reason for having them.

I actually enjoy teaching my children through the years how to use them. They can almost give their own fire arms safety classes. None have taken to hunting so far( I think it might have to do with all being girls and every thing is so cute), but they love tearing up paper targets, especially the ones with zombies on them.

RE: Donald Trump has been accused of fuelling hate crime

stand up comedy persons get paid pretty well to talk like that and worse too. I think there are more professions as people selectively keep biased in one direction.

RE: Donald Trump has been accused of fuelling hate crime

Except he said he could grab. Not that he did. Every one else hangs on that. Some of the spouses of friends(their wives) laugh at the uproar people make of that. Some even say women talk worse. I have heard the same and worse over the years. It's pretty sick for people to single out a person when there's a globe full with people that talk the same and worse. Some rap stars get paid for it. But all that is okay. I can't always control what I hear the same as many others. Staying away from some of the rap music and people stuck on locker room talk has helped quite a bit though.

Those fines were for his father's actions of discrimination. NOT Donald Trump himself.

Nothing indicates that the current Trump has paid off any one. People still trying to accuse and subpoena actually.

But billy clinton gets a free pass where they did actually pay people off and hillary herself made sure they had little to no rights as women to be heard.


RE: Should parents be jailed for not vaccinating their children?

We're around some of those being out for being sick. Possibly 40-50% of those groups out of hundreds, end up in the hospital. Not just older, but younger too. We're fully exposed. I can't say how many more get sick but not quite enough to stop going to work or school.

It's another scenario over the years where I fail to see that it does any actual good. I do get sick about once a year. Roughly three days or so and the worst is done and gone. If I'm lucky, it's over a weekend and I can take extra rest, fluids, and anti-oxidants. Many good cooking spices are healthy too.

My favorite question to answer twice a year or so as a person is sneezing, coughing, etc: "Did you get the flu shot?" "Nope".

The only other thing that could help more, would be getting back to being a lot more physically active again.


Many investigations sought and some under way for the clintons.

The problem is; it doesn't do much good if the other people in government positions that have participated, allowed, ignored, or even covered for them, don't go down with the ship.

We know there were other players in positions to stop many things or become part of it. It's quite a large number of people all across the political AND legal spectrum that should be held accountable. These "deals" gone through with countries that are enemies, doesn't make any sense unless people are getting their backs scratched for a long while to come. To keep and maintain some sort of division, diversion, and chaos makes sense too. It leaves a lot for more corruption to stir later on, as something play on.

RE: If only I had a few more inches....

I can't say. I've actually found it a little more advantageous not be quite so tall.

Can fit in smaller spaces(handy for crawl spaces winterizing and such). I can hop up and down, under and around a vehicle and more when working on or playin' around with 'em.

Never had an trouble carrying the same weight as every one else when hiking, usually carry a little extra and less complaints about back issues and more.

I really can't say for certain if extra height would have been a benefit or not. I've even played a lot of basketball in my younger years and had some advantages along with disadvantages there too. I still can't jump but I generally manage to reach the top shelves at the grocery stores.dunno

RE: Should parents be jailed for not vaccinating their children?

I don't think vaccinations help any where near as much as better habits.

Viruses mutate accordingly just the same as any life form adapts to their surroundings.

Proper antibiotics would have a greater impact as needed, if the environment for them to build their own immunitties wasn't so forward.

Many illnesses that used to be major are very minor now. I haven't had a single shot for any thing in over 20 years.

I also use a lot of natural remedies fairly regularly with vitamin boosters as needed instead of doctor visits for medication. It's true some of those natural anti-oxidants, honey, garlic, etc, may cause allergies for some. There are still many more options.

I have to add, my youngest is rarely in the doctor's office. My child's exposure to large groups of people is every bit as great as mine. We see more than few people every year getting vaccinated for some of those minor illnesses then out for medical, most often related to what they were vaccinated for, every year.

If something is going to get you, I don't think a vaccination is going to stop it. Depending on a person's habits, with the system is already in revolt against a vaccine of something "dead" or weakened, you might have just made it worse for your self.

RE: Should parents be jailed for not vaccinating their children?

I've never seen vaccinations stop absences and people from getting sick. It must be harsh to be vaccinated then end up in the hospital with walking pneumonia from the flu.

That's just another minor illness people get vaccinated for.

I've never seen it stop varicella or measles. Getting them once seems to be the trick for the largest portions of that.

I don't trust vaccinations and I've had many up until I left the armed services of the U.S.

Some one else made a super valid point. If children have been vaccinated then why should any one worry about the ones that aren't?

That says an awful lot about the idea of "vaccinating" all on it's own.

It should be left to the parents to decide.


It was obozo that polarized and almost doubled the debt. There was almost no growth but many more taxes, regulations, fines, mandates, and subsidies.

Killing our working industries while government subsidizing other industries then trying to report them as job growth. Let's not even get into the jump in government dependency.

We lost big in education standards too. The environment was never so hostile as the day he had an imaginary son and it escalated form there.

Where's the quality of life while riots and destruction of communities, and murder rise? How is it "quality" when decent job availability is dwindling and debt is rising?

Trump can't be blamed for something started and escalated years before he even announced candidacy.


That's exactly it. The U.S., at least for now, is done rolling over.

Here's something that might interest you and lifeisadream.

Check out government subsidized job growth.


That trend has to do with heavy DE-regulation so that the job markets could actually come back.

obozo could have done the same. Instead, we went from #6 to #17 in economic freedom.

I like how some of these articles, the same ones people use now, as I have, will talk about the impact on a nations economy from over regulation and more one report then rationalize it away in another when there are still other factors; that good or bad, policies, ethics, and leadership affect heavily.

With out dropping the regulatory standards and other changes, we would still be stuck at about a 1.5% or less growth rate. That's all obozo allowed during his whole 8 years.


So the U.S. gets an actual leader, the first in about 20+ years and no one can stand the fact that even though it's slow, exports are on the rise, GDP has increased, illegal immigration might actually be down, the U.S. economy and job markets have gone up, funds for added security have been approved and work will begin, but still ignore it.

Now, if we can just get the government out of the things it shouldn't be in and stop spending what we don't have, we'll be all set.

The next step would be to get them investigating the right people that have actually done the wrong things so we can stop their pensions and retirements that they don't deserve.

Keep hard lining the opposites of improvements and preaching that media choir. They love you for it.


We know it's going to be rough. It's still not about stopping trade. A good chunk of Mexico's imports are actually automotive related. That alone can average about $50 billion or more on it's own. The U.S. doesn't see any savings for the consumers with all that they don't pay out in labor and other overhead.

Our largest boost this year I think, has been more exports to China. I really do think the current administration is going to push hard for U.S. energy independence too. It's already on the rise.

The re-negotiations will allow all to think about their current trading. Better to have some give and take either way at random, than any to keep losing.

I still think China is one of the biggest winners there too. They own some of the U.S. and lots of exports going all over.


I saw that thread already. I liked it.

There is nothing in the spot light going to go unscathed.

Luckily, I really don't have to be quite so serious all the time.

It just never lasts long.grin


Our deficit was over $502 billion last year. The gap has been lowest it's been for about 8 months or so now. It can be tracked by month. It's annual that gives the balance.


I know exactly what they entail. When their goods and services, imported, exceed exported, it's a deficit.

The trade is included with ALL trade deals, you might make a few billion here, but it does no good if you've lost double to triple that some where else.


the U.S. is losing about $500 billion or so a year. Look it up. I didn't give an exact figure for a reason. it goes higher more often than it goes lower and I think one month this year so far, is lowest the deficit has been in quite a long while.

To think we care about a threat to jail hillary is just what the weak minded people want to think.

It was fairly well closed even before the votes were tallied. But investigating hillary didn't stop as they have many things under investigation even now. I do believe there is even more they are trying to look further into now if they can get the panels.

Luckily, every time some idiot thinks he's got dirt on Trump, many times it back fires and gives dirt on the real criminals.


Me thinks people underestimate the power of trade deal negotiations.

We're losing about $500 billion or so a year. Just getting 1/2 of that reduced in one year, would more than pay for the wall.


2nd quarter GDP was up higher than expected, deregulation has boosted the job markets, funding for added border security increase has been secured with more to come, homeland has stepped up in their job requirements, which ever way he has to do it,Trump has been making dents and little bits of headway in his other promises, and even more details.

Nope, only ones taken for fools are the ones that think obozo did a good job.

This is a list of forum posts created by Draegoneer.

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