RE: Why are so many women bashing men, or

You reckon?

RE: DHMO Is The Most Abundant Global Warming Gas

I suspect methane.

RE: DHMO Is The Most Abundant Global Warming Gas

When Codex Alimentarius takes effect in December they're gonna ban dihydrogen monoxide and replace it with a new compound from Monsanto in which no germs (or anything else) can survive and which has the added advantage of glowing in the dark.

For health reasons of course.

RE: Taxing Churches and Non-Profits

I'm a Christian myself, but I am against tax exemption for churches and charity organizations.

Not that I like taxation.
I think taxation is mostly robbery.
Most tax money goes to bad uses or into the pockets of the fat cats.

But the reason I am against exemptions is the corrupting influence they have on organizations that get them.

It's better to be free and taxed than to be compromised for financial gain.

RE: The sea lift is here!!!

I think the most "off the beaten path" place I ever visited was a backpacking trip with a fellow trekker to the Shimokita penninsula in Northern Honshu Japan. Although it's on the main Japanese Island, it is very isolated with only one road in and out. Many of the coastal villages can only be accessed by boat.

That was the only part of Japan I visited where foreigners are so rare that people actually gawk when you pass by. A lot of the younger kids had never seen a westerner in person before.

RE: The sea lift is here!!!

oops, I screwed up on the quote above, accidentally erased the tag.

RE: The sea lift is here!!!

I also remember my father paying $60 for two fresh green apples just so my siblings and I could eat some fresh fruit that was not citrus.... |/quote]

I liked the variety of fruit when I lived in Indonesia:
rambutan, star fruit, durian, mangos, bananas, papayas, coconut, guavas, pineapples, breadfruit, and up in the mountains there were some of the more occidental fruits like peaches, nectarines, strawberries, and even apples.

And the great thing was that all the fruit was so cheap that even the very poor people could afford it.
They didn't get much meat, but they had plenty of fruit and rice.

RE: The sea lift is here!!!

Sounds neat. You're blessed to live in an isolated place like that. The further away from "civilization" the better.

RE: 10 Commandments of Obama (The Annointed One.)

Yeah it's a long gone possibility.

Bush set the stage for Obama with a presidential directive that gives the president total control over the entire government in the case of a national emergency.

And guess who gets to declare a national emergency whenever he likes....

give up?

The president or the Secretary of State.

Just let congress even whiper the word impeachment and the entire nation will go into martial law.

And don't even ask what other Bush legislation enables the President to do to anyone he considers an "enemy".

Impeachment is a lost right.

RE: 10 Commandments of Obama (The Annointed One.)


"Free" except for the money they take out of your paycheck before you even get it.

Government never really pays for anything.
Taxpayers do.

RE: any sugesstions on how to strt a new cult?

Oh no child,
don't bow to me.
Face the other direction and bow.

RE: any sugesstions on how to strt a new cult?

So that's where they are!!!

RE: any sugesstions on how to strt a new cult?

Hey, I'll scam ya. No sweat.
Payment in advance please.

RE: any sugesstions on how to strt a new cult?

I've got some but, er, they're being used at the moment down in the basement. (fights off the humidity you know)

RE: any sugesstions on how to strt a new cult?

There's an easy to follow, step-by-step, how-to video on the subject.

But if you really want to start a cult you should read the book "The True Believer" by Eric Hoffer. It is the tried and proven manual for designing a cult.

There's also Robert Lifton's cult criteria.
Lifton was involved with CIA MkUltra mind control experimentation, along with Margaret Singer and "Jolly" West.

So if you don't mind advice from a proven psychopath, you might find his cult criteria helpful in designing your cult.

RE: Depression...What is it? How do you turn the corner?

For reasons already expressed by myself and others in this thread, the medical system, is increasingly pill oriented instead of treatment oriented. It's not all the fault of doctors. The drug companies have enormous pull and they have influenced laws, procedures, legal requirements, etc etc etc etc to bring about the change. They have also direct-marketed to the public with misleading or totally false claims. Doctors are caught in the middle of a malestrom of influences.

So it's no use blaming the doctors.
But it's no use counting on them to do the right thing either.

Everybody should research natural remedies for EVERYTHING.
They are often even more effective than chemicals.
They are always safer.

Every year 750,000 people die in the United States due to prescription medications.

Nobody dies from herbal remedies.

RE: Depression...What is it? How do you turn the corner?

Knowing that the actual pills cost only a fraction of a cent to produce, and that they are sold for at least 500 times what they cost to make. Just think how much profit the pharmaceutical companies make over a lifetime once somebody is addicted.

It's like the tobacco industry. They intentionally made their products addictive.

Same for SSRIs. As time goes by they aren't getting safer, they are even more dangerous than before. The newer drugs have a far shorter half-life so they provoke rapid, violent shirts in brain chemistry if they are discontinued or even if the dose is only lowered a little. It guarantees that most people won't be able to quit.

Nowadays many doctors tell their patients (once they are already hooked) that they will have to take the drugs for the rest of their lives.

RE: Depression...What is it? How do you turn the corner?

Amen to that Bruce.

I think that doctors who prescribe psychiatric drugs should be required to videotape a sesseion with each patient prior to any prescription, during which they explain all the known adverse effects of the drug.

That would end the whole SSRI nightmare.
Who would knowingly take an "antidepressant" that greatly increases the risk of suicide and/or violent behavior, is extremely addictive, and has been proven to be no more effective than a placebo?


Who would knowingly prescribe such drugs?

Doctors, who either don't know the drugs effects, or who don't
care because they are profiting from the the sales in some way or another.

There needs to be legal accountability.
Doctors and drug company agents should go to jail if they fail to adequately warn patients about the dangers of these drugs.

RE: Is the Federal Reserve Bank in the U.S.A. part of the U.S. Government?

The Federal Reserve IS the real American government.

Washington is just the clockwork.

"Give me control over a nation's currency, and I care not who makes its laws"
Nathan Rothschild

RE: Shoud the wasteful socialist government run police be taken over by more efficient private companies

If there's anything that should never be privatized its armed authority.

Blackwater was the worst thing that ever happened in Iraq.

Would you have hired security forces like Blackwater policing American streets. Good Lord what a nightmare that would be.

RE: HOW did BUSH get THAT FAR ??

I made a mistake in an earlier post. The one about how the wall street banking industry, especially Goldman Sachs funded Obama in exchange for the bailout.

I put the wrong link in the paragraph about how GS inspired the movie Wall Street.

Here's the right link.

Notice that Goldman Sachs had a lot to do with driving up oil prices. And also notice the Hegelian manipulation opposing predictions of Goldman Sachs with those of Citigroup.
In fact GS and Citigroup are best buddies and share interlocking directorates.

Citigroup, by the way, is the big holding company that includes Citicorp, Citibank, etc. and also sponsors the red jacketed Obama Youth militia called Citi-Year.

But guess what.

Citigroup is not American.

Its largest shareholders include funds from the Middle East and Singapore.

Singapore, since 1990 has developed into a major business partner with China. The tiny island nation is China's 5th largest foreign investor and China reciprocates with special reduced tarifs for imports that pass through Singapore.

On February 27, 2009 Citigroup announced that the United States government would be taking a 36% equity stake in the company by converting $25 billion in emergency aid into common shares.

So the Obama régime is now a partner in a banking partnership dominated by China and Middle Eastern investment.

That makes more clear Obama's partnership with China.

No wonder that Citi-year program is so reminiscent of Mao's red guards. Mao's probably on the board of directors of Citigroup.

You can see the hyped ideological delusion in City-Year Obama cult members.
Sure they're enthusiastic.
Cult members always are.
But that enthusiam is not their own, its pumped into them.

how cults work

obama's cult at work

RE: HOW did BUSH get THAT FAR ??

Obama and the Banking industry.

On February 1, 2007, Barack Obama's campaign organization asked the Federal Election Commission "...if Senator Obama becomes a candidate, [may he] provisionally raise funds for the general election but retain the option, upon nomination, of returning these contributions and the public funds for which he would be eligible as the Democratic Party's nominee."

So it was that Obama could offer contributors a promise that If he won the democratic nomination, they'd get all their money back at taxpayers expense.

(Obama) "used campaign donations generated by PACs and lobbyists to bankroll the birth of his White House bid -- though he (banned) that money for his presidential 2008 race," Lynn Sweet reported February 9, 2007, in the Chicago Sun-Times.

When someone once asked John Dillinger why he robbed banks, he replied, "because that's where the money is." So it's not surprising that candidate Obama, in need of funds turns to the banks. And he found them to be quite friendly. Especially banks with so many bad outstanding loans that only a government bailout could save them.

Now let's zero in on one such bank.
Goldman-Sachs is a combination bank-investment firm with a reputation for insider trading and influence peddling,
Here's a brief introduction to GS from 2006.

The movie Wall Street, although it doesn't say it in so many words, is inspired by Goldman Sachs and its questionable ethics.

GS likes to make money through insider knowledge and influence.
And they discovered that owning the white house helps.

They made a killing through their insider position in the Bush administration.

But with the collapse of the subprime market in 2007, just in time for it to impact on the 2008 election, GS decided to buy another president.

here's a strongly misleading whitewashed version of the situation:

now a better more honest analysis:

GS put up the front money to get Obama the democratic nomination, (which automatically meant the presidency).

Taxpayers then paid for the rest of the campaign and paid back GS.

As soon as he got elected Obama gave GS the bailout it needed.
And they all lived happily ever after.
All, that is, except for the poor taxpayers who footed the bill and are now stuck under the thumb of a totally corrupt hireling owned by the globalist bankers.

RE: HOW did BUSH get THAT FAR ??

I forgot to post part 2 of the video detailing Obama's status as a puppet to the globalist agenda.

Here's both parts.

RE: HOW did BUSH get THAT FAR ??

Here's your "liberal".

Obama is a puppet to the globalist bankers.
Nothing liberal about that.

RE: Jokes and humor.


RE: Jokes and humor.

You should see Al Gore's carbon footprint.
It's like 12 times the national average of the US and 50 times what he'd like to impose on poor people.

Don't buy into the global warming scam. It's purpose is to get people to accept being stripped of their rights in the guise of "saving the planet".

The earth was warming at the same rate it is now even before the so-called greenhouse gasses began to increase.

Pollution is a problem and needs to be controlled. But the global warming crisis is a total scam. As recently as the 70s they were warning of a coming ice-age.

Now they mix the two, line in the movie The Day After Tomorrow in which global warming manifested in a new Ice Age. With reasoning like that, whether the temperature goes up or down they can always point to it and say, "see it's happening".

Buying into the scam will mean accepting carbon taxes that will make it impossible for the poor to have cars. But the rich will buy carbon credits and have the highways all to themselves in their super expensive cars (that pollute just as much in a different way.

It's already the case in France. Certain cars (all new and expensive) have green stickers that allow them to run even when theres a pollution crisis. They emit less CO2 and CO but more particulates, so in fact they are even worse polluters.

It's all about creating more priviledge for the rich.
It's a restitution of feudalism.

RE: Jokes and humor.

You should see Al Gore's carbon footprint.
It's like 12 times the national average of the US and 50 times what he'd like to impose on poor people.

Don't buy into the global warming scam. It's purpose is to get people to accept being stripped of their rights in the guise of "saving the planet".

The earth was warming at the same rate it is now even before the so-called greenhouse gasses began to increase.

Pollution is a problem and needs to be controlled. But the global warming crisis is a total scam. As recently as the 70s they were warning of a coming ice-age.

Now they mix the two, line in the movie The Day After Tomorrow in which global warming manifested in a new Ice Age. With reasoning like that, whether the temperature goes up or down they can always point to it and say, "see it's happening".

Buying into the scam will mean accepting carbon taxes that will make it impossible for the poor to have cars. But the rich will buy carbon credits and have the highways all to themselves in their super expensive cars (that pollute just as much in a different way.

It's already the case in France. Certain cars (all new and expensive) have green stickers that allow them to run even when theres a pollution crisis. They emit less CO2 and CO but more particulates, so in fact they are even worse polluters.

It's all about creating more priviledge for the rich.
It's a restitution of feudalism.

RE: Liberated in Love: Can Open Marriage Work?

Those people are all actors and the situation is contrived.
It's not real life at all. It's like a reality show. It's total BS.

In a communal situation back in the seventies I experienced open marriage of many couples and a lot of singles.
It was fun at first, but it ended up as a disaster for everybody.
Nearly every couple was destroyed. And the ones that survived only did so by totally rejecting the whole idea.

The atmosphere which had started out as a sort of liberated hippy lifestyle became Hotel-California-esque.

RE: Obama Special

It's now or never.
By the time he's been in office for a year it will be a crime to say anything negative about him.

RE: The New US-Dollar Bill

new prez will pull us out of it (economic black hole) lol.

rolling on the floor laughingrolling on the floor laughingrolling on the floor laughing

yeah right.
Obama the lifeguard.
The Obamanation of desolation is here.

This is a list of forum posts created by RayfromUSA.

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