I drive a VW Golf,
and I drive it like I can't afford to waste money on traffic tickets, increased insurance rates or car repairs.


Phallic symbol.

RE: Who was your King?

Who was your King?

Not really a "king",
more like an example I tried to follow.

Just about the first person to really mix rock and country.

The late great Gram Parsons

He was in the Byrds and the Flying Burrito Brothers.

Singing here with Emmylou Harris

How they met.

RE: She was 6 foot 1" and I am 5 foot 7'' tall

Does size really matter?

I'm not sure height matters all that much.
But length, depth, and diameter matter.

RE: Should killing another person be legal?

Should killing another person be legal?

It's not only legal, governments make it mandatory.

Refusing to kill is illegal.

RE: DHMO Is The Most Abundant Global Warming Gas

DHMO Is The Most Abundant Global Warming Gas

Yes, and not only is H2O more abundant than CO2, it has much more greenhouse effect.

For that matter, CO2 is one of the weakest of the greenhouse gasses, and its effect on climate is absolutely insignificant.

But it is the one that can be blamed on human activity and and taxed. And tax it they will.

The result will not be a cleaner, more natural world for all to enjoy.

It will be a world in which most people are confined to crowded cities with no vehicles and inadequate heat for their homes.

While a small minority of pseudo-environmentalist "leaders" cruise the world on their "green" private jets.

RE: YOU LIE! Another out of control SC Republican loses it.

Here's a few for starters.

Dominionist colonialism.
Bush's effort to create a US-led neo-con "coalition" to conquer the world in God's name (for big business).

Faith-based initiative.
A gold-mine of government freebies for neo-con projects, nearly all as phony as a 3 dollar bill.

"Weapons of Mass destruction",
the "justification" for invading a peaceful nation and massacring its people.

Government imposed drugging of schoolkids.
One of the most evil things any nation has ever done.

Bush's economic policy.
Created the present situation.

When a president's approval rating drops down into the teens, it's pretty safe to say that ALL of his policies were failures in the eyes of most people.

RE: YOU LIE! Another out of control SC Republican loses it.

Amen to all that.

RE: YOU LIE! Another out of control SC Republican loses it.

Nevertheless, Obama does indeed lie.
All politicians do.

The scariest thing of this whole healthcare issue is Obama's call for people to report critics of his policies in view of legal prosecution.

It's right out of the old soviet thought-police handbook.

RE: If God is very forgiving, why Adam was immediately expelled from the Garden?

Let's put the whole issue into perspective.
The whole story of the Garden of Eden is a creation myth.

Every culture has its own creation myth.
It's how that culture resumes its prehistoric roots.

Here's a site with a lot of them.

Creation myths are NEVER literal, factual, accounts of what happened at the beginning of time.
They are myths.

But they are the given "truth" upon which the culture is based.

There is no reason to ascribe more "literal" truth to the Hebrew creation myth than to any other.

What makes Christianity special is not Hebrew mythology.
It's Jesus Christ.

Without Christ the story of Adam and Eve has no more validity than any other creation myth.

So it's ridiculous to question Christ on the basis of the story of Adam and Eve.

You might as well question the existence of the world.

RE: If God is very forgiving, why Adam was immediately expelled from the Garden?

Yes, any sin at all makes us imperfect and condemns us to death outside of God's presence.

But look closely at the story of Adam and Eve.

As they are driven from the Garden there is a prophecy of Christ.

Gen. 3:15 And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; it shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.

Who will be enemies?
The seed of the woman and the seed of Satan.

Whose head gets crushed?

By whom?
By the "seed" of the woman.

And does the Bible show the fulfillment of that prophecy?
Yes indeed.

Romans 16:20
The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.

Revelation 12:17 (a prophetic vision of the future)
So the dragon (serpent) was enraged with the woman, and went off to make war with the rest of her seed, who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus.

The promised seed who would crush Satan's head is Christ.
Without Christ all sinners are condemned to stay outside of God's presence forever. But through Christ sinners can be forgiven.
And we are all sinners.

RE: God vs Religion

I can certainly agree that there are a lot of myths in the Bible.

Creation myths exist in every culture.
They are the necessary starting points for building a worldview.

Genesis is just the starting point on the path that led to Christ. It has no special significance beyond that.

The Laws of Moses are the same.
They served a purpose along the way to the coming of Christ,
but have no significance at all beyond that.
Every culture had its basic laws, and they are always pretty much the same.

But there's only one Jesus Christ.

Jesus fulfilled the OT, just like cash fulfills a check.

Once it has been cashed, a check is no longer of any value other than to prove the source of the funds and demonstrate that the transaction was done legally.

That about all the Old Testament serves for too.
It only serves to validate the New Testament.

RE: God vs Religion

So why waste time looking for a person to stimulate production of the ingredients? Why not just take a ready made "love pill" that has the entire "chemical coctail"?

Because you know that love is infinitely more than the mix of neurotransmitters you claim it to be.

Your "chemical coctail" love would never satisfy anybody's need.
Not even your own.
And you know it.

And the same is even more true for God.

RE: God vs Religion

Of course.
If there were no universe, there would still be God.

And then there are people who can't stand to acknowledge that they are not the highest intelligence in the universe.

Religion is a manmade belief system.

God is the creator and Lord of the entire universe.

I don't see how you could be confused about distinguishing between them.

RE: What was the original sin caused by Adam & Eve?

The whole Eden story is a metaphor.
Like the parables of Christ, it has important truth, but it's not a factual account of the first 2 humans.

We all were born naked but without shame.
We all were tempted and fell into sin.
We all have to find our way back to God's kingdom.

Adam stands for us all.
So does Eve.

The name Adam means "earth".
The name Eve means "breath of life".

So God took earth and made the first man.
And then he breathed life into the lifeless earth, in the form of woman.

It's all a parable.

Don't worry, you're not suffering for Eve's sin.
We all have plenty of sins of our very own.

And where is the love of God? you ask.

Try looking in John 3:16.

RE: Health Care vs. Foreign Aid?

I don't.

The best and most affordable healthcare exists in countries where nobody has insurance. There the laws of supply & demand and competition keep costs low and quality high.

Insurance greatly adds to the expense because besides the actual cost of the healthcare you are also paying for the insurance company, all of its executives, employees, buildings, cars, salesmen, advertising, etc etc etc, not to mention paying profits to all the stockholiders.

But whatever private companies can do. Government can do even worse. If you think the insurance companies abused the situation, just wait till you see what government can do.

RE: Health Care vs. Foreign Aid?

Why is it ok for us to give 100's of Billions of dollars to foreign countries every year, but totally objectionable to insure that every American citizen has quality affordable health care?

And just where is the totally broke and deeply endebted government going to get any money to provide "quality affordable health care" for everybody?

Why would you want to entrust your life and all you posess into the government's hands?

RE: OI SARKO.......

Oops, mixed up my "grands écôles".

The one that produces presidents is called "Science Po".
Polytechnique is another one.

Same sort of snob elitism though.

RE: OI SARKO.......

And the other side of the coin is that, just as all politicians are cut from the same fabric, so are all supposed "student movements". There is no such thing as a spontaneous movement of any kind in French politics. Every student "protest" is organized and directed from behind the scenes by existing political parties who just use the students as pawns in their projects.

Typically a student protest will choose some "student oriented" cause such as the closing of certain schools or the lack of teachers or something like that. The major parties choose their position and the kids just take their place in the marches as assigned. It's fun to miss school, and besides someone is taking names as to who did and didn't participate.

So everybody plays their part, including the hired troublemakers who insure a certain degree of violence and destruction, thus mandating some sort of political action.

Peace only comes again after the desired legal change has been imposed, under the guise of political necessity.

RE: OI SARKO.......

Trying to judge France by French politicians
is like judging a dog by his fleas.

All French national politicians, regardless of party, must, by law, graduate from the same "Polytechnique" University, from which they cannot successfully "pass" into national politics unless they submit to the authority of a secret society similar to the "skull and bones".

So of course, politics here are totally corrupt.
Just as they are in the US, England, and most everywhere else.

The major difference is that here in France, the people KNOW their politicians are just as corrupt and self-serving today as the kings were in the past.

So they do what they have always done.
They do their best to live around it all.

The only people who get involved in politics in France are those who want to impose their own program on others.
And everybody knows it.

RE: Who would be the best the best person to run the country in these times

Obviously she means a country where the stimulus bilk had no effect.

RE: What is he doing these days?

He's counting the billions he made off of the whole scam.

RE: How old do you think the world is?

oops replace "omainet" with "planet".
had my fingers on the wrong keys.

RE: How old do you think the world is?

Yeah I remember that.

Question is, where'd all the water go.

It's hard to beleive it would just drift out into space with a omainet that big. Even the asteroids have ice.

RE: How old do you think the world is?

Trouble is, there is all sorts of proof that the world is far far far older than that.

Whether one believes in evolution as described by Darwin or not (I don't) it is nonetheless evident that in the distant past there were totally different animals and plants than there are today.

I see it as a process of continued creation overseen by God himself and not a chaotic chain of mechanical reactions driven by trial and error and random mutation.

But what about Genesis?

Genesis is a collection of myths.
That's normal. Every culture has its creation myths.
That's how illiterate peoples explained their past.
And those myths defined their cultural identity.

There may or may not be any real "truth" to the myths.
They are nonetheless the only truth that counts in the growth of the new culture.

It wasn't their myths that made Hebrew culture special.
It was faith in a loving God who promised to bless all nations through faith.

God is much more concerned about the truth than he is about old Jewish myths.

Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth."
(Titus 1: 13-14)

The truth is, God created the dinosaurs, the apes and you and me.
Nothing is "descended" from anything eles.
We were all created as we are.

We have babies, but that's just a part of the creation process.
Each baby is custom built.

RE: How old do you think the world is?

But there ARE significant factions everywhere rattlenake.

More than just about anywhere else, the world of science is full of competition for money, fame, position, and credit.

That competition occurs at the individual level, and at the group level as well.

There are only so many available government positions, university chairs, research grants, government projects(etc etc) and there are always a lot of people, and groups vying for them.

The peer review system doesn't enshure anything.
Like the legal system, it can be used to condemn the guilty and spare the innocent, or vice versa.

All it takes is a little corruption to move peer review into the enemy camp. And "corruption" (not the speed of light) is the true universal constant.

RE: How old do you think the world is?

That, and research grant money, (which pulls in the other direction of wanting to always prove theories "right".

So it often makes for very unscientific science.

RE: How old do you think the world is?

I find a timeline from between 100,000 and 150,000 years since the earth was created.

Polar Ice, Carbon dating, and geology all say that its way up in the hundreds of millions of years.

I don't know, I wasn't there.
You'll have to ask somebody who was.

RE: Just Won 27 million EUROS....!!!yeaaaaaaa!!!!

It's all in the wrist.

RE: Just Won 27 million EUROS....!!!yeaaaaaaa!!!!

But I'm already Abel to do that.

This is a list of forum posts created by RayfromUSA.

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