RE: Too much of a game in the US

I'm safe then.

RE: Too much of a game in the US

It's hard to know what to do.

Some people feel threatened if you say too much too soon.
Others feel like you're wasting their time if you tell your life story in the first email.

That's why I don't mail anybody unless I already know them from the forums.

RE: Too much of a game in the US

That's true, and it's not really about women.
It's about America and its effect on people's minds.
It's not their fault.
It's the effect of the US media.

You have to get away for a while before that becomes fully evident.

Whenever I visit the states now the TV gives me the creeps.
Everything from the commercials, to the "news", to the soap operas, to the all about mental conditioning.

A general dumbing down, accompanied by prefabricated "official" opinions.

No need to think.
All you have to do is absorb the newtold lies like everybody else.
So the brain shuts down.

RE: What is the problem with Americans and their health ?

Wake up Gentlepaws.

Healthcare is NEVER "free".
It has to be paid for one way or the other.

You claim that you "don't pay a cent" for your healthcare.
But that money has been taken out of your paycheck ever since the medical system got socialized.
Just because you never even got to see the money doesn't mean you didn't pay.

And yes, it may have been a good deal back when all the baby boomers were working.
The huge young workforce could easily finance the healthcare costs of the small elderly population back then.

But now we BBs are aging and have health issues. So fewer and fewer workers are financing more and more health costs.

If we had simply put our money in the bank and drawn interest on it over the years, we could pay costs directly and that would be the cheapest way out.

But since the money was taken out of our paychecks and used to finance not only our own health problems but those of others, as well as to pay the salaries, vacations, and retirements of all the executives and employees of the health insurance system (be it state or otherwise), there is far far less money available for actual health costs.

Add typical government corruption and inefficiency into the mix and the cost of government healthcare is easily double that of direct payment.

But that's not the worst part.

They already got our money back when we were working.
Now as we age, we become a liability rather than an asset.
It is in their financial interest for us to die sooner rather than later.

If heath insurance were private, the company would still be legally obliged to finance all healthcare costs.

But when its state health insurance, the government can do whatever it finds expedient, and there will be no lawsuits.

Ask yourself why a totally broke government would want to take on the immense financial burden of financing healthcare for a rapidly aging population.
Is it to improve the quality of life of the elderly retirees, or is it to hasten and facilitate their inevitable deaths?

RE: What is the problem with Americans and their health ?

Well, I've never been to Canada so I cannot comment on your healthcare system.

But I have lived in a lot of different countries and visited others and I can say without hesitation that socialized medicine causes a rapid degradation of the quality of healthcare.

- It costs more not less.
- The quality of healtcare deteriorates.
- It leads to a 2 track system in which only the rich have decent healthcare.
- It leads to a general socialization of the entire economy.

I can personally attest that it has had a deteriorating effect on the quality of healthcare in France.

It gives the state an interest in shortchanging the public.
And the state is in position to do such shortchanging without much fear of opposition.

It has led to a very unhealthy relationship between the state-run medical system and the pharmaceutical industry. It is a situation similar to that of the US military-industrial complex. The pharmaceutical companies are huge and have more control over the government than the government does over them. The state does everything to maximize their profits, and they, in return, are very friendly to politicians and to doctors who prescribe their products.

Meanwhile GPs and public hospitals are underpaid.

This situation manifests in a "trial and error" approach to treatment.

You see the doctor for 5 minutes and he prescribes a drug.
If that helps you, fine. You don't come back for a while.
If it doesn't help, you come back and repeat the process again, and again, and again.

After each visit the drug company makes money. So they are happy for the problem.

The doctor too, since his fees are limited, prefers to see you 5 times for the same problem, rather than once.

Every French home has boxes and boxes and boxes and boxes of medication, most of it ineffective for the real problem, all paid for by the taxpayers.

But if you have a serious condition that cannot be diagnosed in a series of 5 minute doctor visits, or that cannot be treated by a pill, you may very well die waiting for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

In any system, your health is weighed against the revenue you may generate.

The most direct, and therefore most efficient system is direct pay from the patient to the physician without any middlemen or government interference.
In such a system competition keeps costs low and quality high.

Medical insurance greatly complicates the situation because the patient must also support the insurance company and all its executives and employees.

And once the state gets involved, forget it, you will pay 4 times as much (taken right out of your check whether you're sick or not). And the medical system will be just another agency of the state. Big Brother will control your doctor's income and his decisions.

RE: What often makes Two People disagree?

anything at all

1 woman

the devil

RE: News! Who do you think is in the right??

I left out the most important thing.
The actual events of the story only set the scene.
The real thing that boosted this minor story into the international news is Obama's getting involved.

And I'm positive that wasn't innocent.

It will serve to create anti-Obama sentiment, but that's part of the plan too. Anti-regime sentiment is just about the strongest motivational force that politics can produce. It is the stuff that anarchy and revolution are made from.

But contrary to popular dogma, popular uprisings and revolutions don't generally lead to freedom, they usually lead to authoritarian government.

RE: News! Who do you think is in the right??

It is entirely possible that the call that led to the police coming to Gates' home, as well as Gates' over-reaction to police questions, were both intentionally planned to create a nationwide race issue out of thin air.

Obama's major assignment as a NWO change agent is to provoke racial, ethnic, and class hostility which will lead to increased violence and thereby "justify" increasingly dictatorial police powers.

RE: Do you believe in the death penalty?

Do you believe in the death penalty?

No, because I don't see any justice in making a spectacle of killing a few little nobodies while the world's worst mass murderers run governments and are never even accused or tried.

We'll all be judged one day and nobody will get away with anything.

RE: Things you don't want to hear right before you go under for surgery.

An addition to the list.

- "Is this the organ donor?"
- "

RE: Cheeseburgers

There's burgers and then there's burgers.

RE: Teen Breakups

Well its been a long time since I was a teenager, but I remember that in similar situations my friend Mary-Jane would dry my tears and help me to put the situation into perspective and move on.
She was very good at that.

RE: which nationality is good in pleasing a woman in every aspect?

Which nationality is good in pleasing a woman in every aspect?

Left-handed, balding Texans, of course.

RE: Why do people threaten to leave CS?

It's the CS version of a suicide threat, or a baby's cry.

"If I don't get some attention you're gonna be real sorry"

RE: Do you believe in SPELLS (as cast by witches of various kinds)

Oops don't know how that happened.

2nd try.

Do you believe in SPELLS (as cast by witches?

Yes, but only in the sense that superstitious fear can have very real effects on people, as evidenced in cases where a witch doctor's curse has actually caused the death of the person cursed.
It's like a negative version of the placebo effect.
If the victim believes he is cursed then he really IS cursed.
It's not "magic" but it might as well be.
The effect is the same.
The curse is psychosomatic.

RE: Do you believe in SPELLS (as cast by witches of various kinds)

The curse is psychosomatic.

RE: The secret of having white teeth

There's this miracle whitening agent called Photoshop.

RE: What's the guys thinking before they have to live with women who has they own child...

I've been in that situation and it's difficult.

The mother will have to really get involved and help the child(ren) to accept the new "dad" or it can be a lost cause.

This is especially true for boys, and even more true if the boy has come to consider himself as the "man" of the family.

RE: ...america is a horror movie.

Glad you mentioned that.
I certainly won't be taking any flue shots.

And watch out for Tamiflu antiviral too.
It's not at all effective against type A flu viruses, (like the current flu hoax).
It has side effects similar to Prozac (can cause suicidal thoughts and irrational behavior).
The company that owns the patent was run by Donald Rumsfeld before he quit to join the Bush League.
He still owns a lot of stock.
The WHO has been promoting it like crazy for several years even though it is of very little use.

I certainly wouldn't want to take it for anything.

RE: ...america is a horror movie.

Are you seriously trying to pretend that the US is somehow "helping" people in Iraq??

RE: ...america is a horror movie.

Yep, you're a real American all right.
There's no mistaking that.

RE: ...america is a horror movie.

[quote=virgiomonkeySometimes people from other Countries should take a look at there own backyard,and clean up there own messes first before they start mouthing off.

Well, that may be true.

But even truer, some countries should clean up their own messes first before they go bombing and invading other countries and killing millions of innocents in the process.

RE: ...america is a horror movie.

Glass houses deserve to be shattered.

RE: Is organized religion based entirely on fear?

Oops formatting errors.
Let me try that again.

Okay Ra...You say our minds are finite. You are trying to defend the old vibration by limiting that thought. I say they are infinite.

"Infinite" is an awfully big number.
Our days are numbered.
The hairs of our head are numbered.
The grains of sand in the sahara desert are numbered.
The neurons, dendrites, synaptic clefts, and even the molecules of our physical brains are numbered.
I don't see how our minds could possibly be "infinite".
Collectively, as a race with all our means of storing information I doubt if mankind holds even one percent of the information involved in a single secod of existence.

Our hard drive capacity is suited to our situation.
We don't have to run the universe. All we have to do is live our lives and fulfill our life's mission before we die.

We don't even have to figure out what that mission is.
The commander in chief will tell us every step, if we just listen.

That's the biggest challenge we face. Learning to tune in and listen.

As long as we're limited within our belief systems, it's difficult if not impossible to understand it logically. Because our belief systems are so limited in size, and what we're trying to understand and become aware of is so big, that it won't all fit into our little box of belief systems. Until we dispense with that box, we can't let all of it come in. It's going to happen whether you understand it all or not, because that it the nature of it.

Being aware, open minded, and curious to new concepts and thoughts does expand people's boxes of belief. And that is where seeing others who are part of the spiritual evolution does allows us to expand our box a little bit with our awareness of that. They can push it open a little bit and we can include it and we keep doing that until our box gets big enough to handle all of this. It's a continuing process.

"Religion" has nothing to give and would be pointless if God did not exist.

"Self Spirituality" is indeed the rising trend in the world today.

But it's nothing new.
It's been around since the beginning.

In the creation parable the lie that the serpent used to corrupt mankind was self-spirituality.

Ge 3:4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: 5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.... Ge 3:6 ¶ And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.

Like I say, that's a parable, a fictional story that illustrates
very real truth.

The simple moral is: "look to God and He will show us what we need to know."

Self-spirituality will get you into trouble.
Independent (without God) experimentation and exploration in the realm of the spirit isn't really independent at all.
Eve had a guide.
But he sent her down the wrong path.

RE: Is organized religion based entirely on fear?

"Infinite" is an awfully big number.
Our days are numbered.
The hairs of our head are numbered.
The grains of sand in the sahara desert are numbered.
The neurons, dendrites, synaptic clefts, and even the molecules of our physical brains are numbered.

I don't see how our minds could possibly be "infinite".

Collectively, as a race with all our means of storing information I doubt if mankind holds even one percent of the information involved in a single secod of existence.

Our hard drive capacity is suited to our situation.
We don't have to run the universe. All we have to do is live our lives and fulfill our life's mission before we die.

We don't even have to figure out what that mission is.
The commander in chief will tell us every step, if we just listen.

That's the biggest challenge we face. Learning to tune in and listen.

"Religion" has nothing to give.
And would be pointless if God did not exist.

"Self Spirituality" is indeed the rising trend in the world today.

But it's nothing new.
It's been around since the beginning.

In the creation parable the lie that the serpent used to corrupt mankind was self-spirituality.

Ge 3:4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: 5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.... Ge 3:6 ¶ And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.

Like I say, that's a parable, a fictional story that illustrates
very real truth.

The simple moral is: "look to God and He will show us what we need to know."

Independent (without God) experimentation and exploration in the realm of the spirit isn't really independent at all.
Eve had a guide.
But he sent her down the wrong path.

RE: Is organized religion based entirely on fear?

Let's compare religion to an anti-virus program.
The viruses exist and the AV program can indeed protect from them.

But then, to generate income, greedy AV sites also sometimes get involved in generating viruses so that people will always need their services.

Religion is something like that.

RE: Is organized religion based entirely on fear?

Faith is the opposite of fear.
And religion can be based on either one.
It depends on who's running it.

RE: ...america is a horror movie.

Yes that's true.
You mentioned America's expertise in Movies, Music, and ads.
Notice that it's all "media".
And the American media is nearly all in the hands of a very few people, many of whom share a common political agenda.
Media IS Mind Control.
And that's what America is good at.

RE: Do you believe in love at first sight?

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Yes, I've been hopelessly in love with Betty Crocker since I was 5.

RE: I'm opening a new driving school

Dad is gonna be mad when he sees the car.

This is a list of forum posts created by RayfromUSA.

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