You're absolutely right.
This kind of discussion is a way to get people thinking.
In a world where there is more disinformation than truth our "opinions" must, by necessity, remain somewhat flexible.
Tomorrows revelations may disagree with those of today.

But if people stay aware of the issues and know what has been said and what has happened, eventually the truth will make itself known.

I'm glad this thread is here. Even the fact that some wierd cult is involved in the issue says something important. I'd like to know more about that cult in fact.

RE: How attractive am I on the outside ?

Not my type, sorry.

RE: The Wheels of a Man!!!

No, I would say it says more about the state of his pocketbook.

RE: Gun Control - Yes/No? Don't Take My Guns!

That's all true.
I am against gun control.

But on the other hand, just as guns, in themselves, don't commit crimes, likewise guns in themselves can't reduce violence.

It is the violent mentality of the people that is the real problem, and an armed society that is insanely agitated toward violence is going to be at least as dangerous a situation as a totally disarmed society.

It is the TVs, the magazines, the media, the preachers and all the other means by which the public is being driven toward paranoia greed and violence that should all be banned.

But that's not likely to happen.

I see a bad moon a-rising.


Well JesseJess, your secret is out now.
Believe it or not, internet communication is not nearly as secure as it claims to be.

No matter where you live in the world, before your post ever even got to your ISP or the internet, it had already been scanned electronically by the NSA echalon spy satellite system.

And since it contained the keyword "guns" it was further analyzed for content. The fact that you have guns, and that you don't intend to turn them in has been recorded, and yes, they know who you are, where you live etc.

Don't worry, they don't intend to take away guns yet.
They actually want people to have guns.
When the violence starts, they want both sides to be shooting.
They want things to get so bad that people will WANT martial law.

And it will happen.


I knew that you hadn't checked out the source and that you had taken the article at face value.

That's why we have to be sober and vigilant.

Delusion is intended to mislead the sincere.
So we have to be extra careful.

I've learned the hard way to question everything nowadays, no matter what the immediate source might be.

Yes, indeed, Kissinger is a baddie.
No doubt about that.

As for any quotes, especially from media sources like Alex Jones etc. I consider them to be intentionally released.

The baddies have an interest in the formation of an opposition to their own movement.
Its not unusual for the evil of this world to create and manage their own opposition.

Examples of this abound.
Israel created Hamas.
The US created Al Qaeda, the Taliban, and the Iraqi resistance.
The NWO folks created the mediatized "911 truth movement".
And all of the above are really playing for the same team whether they know it or not.

It takes conflict to affect and justify drastic change.
And its so much easier when the same force controls both sides of the conflict.

Of course they do it by proxy.
Everybody has their assigned roll and stays in-character.
You won't hear O'Reily on the Alex Jones show or vice-versa.

But it's really all one big puppet show and the leadership of "both" sides know that even if the little people don't.

There are no opposition media sources.


On the other hand.

The fact that that article is a total fabrication doesn't take away from the truth that, yes indeed, the "new world order" is taking over and does indeed intend to take away people's rights.

In fact, the article may have been created intentionally to discredit that very truth.

By associating some truth with a lot of easily recognizable lies, that truth gets thrown out with the dirty dishwater.


The source of that article is totally unreliable.

I was suspicious as soon as I saw that the article pretended a meeting in Russia involving many former US secretaries of state and Russian leadership.

Such a meeting would be very highly unlikely and if it were to occur, we certainly wouldn't learn about what was said in secret conversation from a site like that one.

The "mission statement" of the site fourwinds10 reveals that it is a cult based on ancient Egyptian dieties and modern cult doubletalk:

Our objectives are:
To reveal the Darkside's secret Plan 2000 for total world control by our present evil world leaders.
To reveal to the world's people that Creator God Aton of Light also has a Plan 2000. God Aton and His Forces of Light will not do it for us but will work with us, as we responsibly confront evil in our day and change the "ending of the play."
To reveal the evil world leaders' cover-up of off-world humans (our ancestors), who are here in starships in Earth's atmosphere at this time, and who have come with good intent to help us prevent the evil Plan 2000 from being accomplished, and to help us establish the New Age of Enlightenment.
To reveal the Truth presently being given to our civilization by the Realms of Light:

a. How to change the age-old prophecies, e.g. how to change the ending of this civilization without the prophesied final destruction occurring.
b. How to prepare for our future survival, if necessary, against coming Earth changes.
c. How to heal ourselves from any disease or ailment by within in combination with those things provided by Creator God for our healing.
d. How to have total and permanent protection for ourselves and our families against all darkside energies, entities and technology.
e. How to change what is and create our way, through the power of our God-Spirit within. This includes bringing balance and harmony again to our "Mother Earth and ushering in the New Age of Peace and Enlightenment.
f. How to assist our Planet Earth in her transition into fifth dimension by 2012.
g. How to make our own transition into fifth dimension and the Age of Enlightenment without experiencing physical death and returning to another 3D lifestream.
To assist Truthseekers, Lightworkers, and Truthbringers alike in their search for and presentation of Truth.
To spread the Truth from Creator God Aton of Light to the "Four Corners of the Planet Earth" via the "Fourwinds" website ( and the Phoenix Archives website (
The original foundation of Truth upon which Fourwinds rests is that which has been presented by Creator God Aton of Light and the Ascended Masters in the 241 volumes of The Phoenix Journals. These Journals are also known as the "Holy Books of the Lighted Realms."

RE: who enjoys se more? the men or women???

who enjoys se more? the men or women???

Biologically, probably the men.

RE: do men like women with kids

That's a bit like asking: "Do Americans like Belgians with suitcases?"

First of all.
Even the question "Do men like women" can't be answered with a simple answer of "yes" or "no".
Not ALL me are going to like ALL women.
Most men will like SOME women, and not like others.

I don't think the kids will affect the "liking" part of your question.

A man will like (or not like) a woman, regardless of whether she has kids or not.

But the real question is, are men going to be willing to marry a woman with kids.

And in that case, I'd say it depends on the man, the woman, the kids and the situation that surrounds them all.

Any simple answer to your question would be simplistic and invalid.

RE: Can you travel half the world to meet your soulmate?

If I had unlimited resources, sure why not?

But in my world, the cost of such a trip in time, money, and a lot of other parameters, would require that I be absolutely certain that this was indeed the one woman in the world that I just cannot live without.

I've done the world-travel thing in the past, and it no longer appeals to me. On the contrary, I view it as a dreaded but sometimes necessary chore.

I figure that, chances are, a women of my area could be just as "ideal" for me as someone on the other side of the world.

Of course if you are already "in love" with that faraway girl, then its too late for pragmatism. But be sure her very inaccessibility and the urge to "see the world" hasn't in some way influenced your romanticism.

The novelty of an international relationship will wear off quickly. Only real personal love for each other will make it worth the cost.

It's not a decision to take lightly.


I did a quick google search and the 2037 date seems to come from a new way of calculating the calendar's meaning.

Until a few years ago all the sources were saying that the mayan calendar predicted the end in 2012. I first saw that date in a film about Nostradamus that I saw in 1984.

I don't know anything about the Mayan calendar, and I doubt if its predictions are valid, but I do know that the 2012 date has been very widely publicized, and I suspect that there is a reason for that.

I think that the spectre of the approaching "end" is being promoted now to heighten fear as the globalists set up their one-world order. They need global paranoia so that people won't question their actions.

The 2012 date serves better for that purpose.
People won't start to worry about 2037 until 2035.


No need to worry about it in advance.
When the end is really approaching, we'll know.
Ecological disasters.
Wierd phenomena.
Worldwide chaos.


That's not what I've heard from other sources.
Do you have a source reference?

Biblically, all prophecy about the endtime hinges upon a particular sign called the "abomination of desolation" that will occur three and a half years before the end. It's not too clear exactly what it will consist of, but it will coincide with a very destructive invasion of Jerusalem and the surrounding area by an international force.
Worldwide ratification of a global charter will be another sure sign that the end is approaching.

RE: How BAD is Obama as president?

Politics is all a big puppet show anyway.
The same forces control all the parties.

RE: what was the worst date you have ever been on?

The one when she didn't show up after I spent my whole paycheck for the concert tickets. Empty seats are poor company.

RE: What makes u ...

My social security number.

RE: Interest, how do you...

The best cure for a persistant headache is a seriously smashed thumb. Works every time.

RE: Pick the country that you dislike the most.

Due south of Thule.

RE: Pick the country that you dislike the most.

I have nothing at all against the people of any country whatsoever, people are just people.

But governments are often very evil.

The people can't be blamed for the actions of their government unless they supported thos actions by failing to denounce them.

But when the tide of karma shifts back in the other direction, as it inevitably will, the entire nation will have to suffer the consequences for the evil of the government.

RE: Can you view who favorited you on this site???

I'm not even sure you can favorite someone.
It doesn't matter to me.

RE: How BAD is Obama as president?

Er, Zee, I hate to tell you this, but India, China, Russia and even Brazil are RICH countries now, and America is not only broke, it's so far in the hole that it can't possibly ever break even again.

The only claim to superpower status that the US has now is in the military field.
And even there, money rules.
The US military takes orders from the International bankers not from the US people.
That will be increasingly evident.

RE: How BAD is Obama as president?

How BAD is Obama as president?

It wouldn't matter WHO was president right now.

The ONLY agenda allowed is that of the globalist elite.
Any president who doesn't march to their drum would not last 2 weeks.

They have invested too much time and effort and money into their push for world domination to let any mere president get in their way.

RE: if someone smoked would that put you off going out with them??

I never smoked myself, (at least not the brown stuff).
But it doesn't bother me as long as she doesn't smoke while we're in bed, or eating. It's her funeral.

RE: can ex-bed buddies be friends when the other enters a relationship with another person?

Actually, exes make surprisingly good friends.

Just don't sleep over or the past will come back to haunt you.

RE: im bored someone talk 2 me

im bored someone talk 2 me.

You need a guitar.
Put those blues to music.


Well, to be honest, based on my life experience, I think living in the same neighborhood would be close enough.

RE: What's something ya want RIGHT NOW?

What's something ya want RIGHT NOW?

Right now? hmmmmmmm

Full health, would be nice.
But I'll settle for a bacon lettuce and tomato sandwich.

I'll be back in a few minutes.

RE: A memorial thread for...

What a nightmare you're proposing.
Forced screening leads to labelling and forced medication.

In the Texas Medical Algorithm project (a GW Bush creation) young school kids are screened by questionnaires, and according to the results for the last 2 decades about 2O% were legally forced to take dangerous "medication" like Ritalin (an amphetamine) or SSRI antidepressants. Even against the parents wishes or consent.

The longterm effects have proven to be catastrophic for the kids involved.

There is too much money to be made in the mass drugging of children to allow such decisions to be made by anyone other than the parents who love the kids.

RE: A memorial thread for...

I think the best contribution I can offer is to try to prevent more such tragedies from happening.

The major factor linking more than 50 different school shootings (including Columbine and Virginia Tech) is the use of SSRI or SSNRI antidepressants.

Such drugs greatly increase the risk of suicide and violence among young people both during use, and even moreso during discontinuation.

Even the FDA (strongly influenced by the very companies that make SSRIs), after decades of stonewalling in the face of overwhelming evidence, finally had to issue a watered-down warning.

The link between SSRI use and violent behavior is extremely well established and thoroughly documented.

This is a list of forum posts created by RayfromUSA.

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