I didn't get it either.

RE: Earth Borders

Start walking in any direction.
When you reach the end of the earth, that's the border.

RE: Ray... your expertise please...:) meeting of the money i mean minds

Ahhhh those naughty "conspiracy theorists".

You know, that term didn't even exist before 911.

It was custom-made to denigrate anyone who presents evidence that contradicts the "official truth"

It's a way of dismissing anything a person might say and invalidating their evidence by inferring that somehow they belong to a psychotic paranoid class of irrational idiots.

Tell me.

Who are the conspiracy theorists?
Those who blindly believe the Bush administrations assertions about 911, or those who examine the evidence and base their opinions on that evidence?

The "official" conspiracy theory is that a group of CIA-trained- and-armed mercenaries, who had earlier been called "freedom fighters" after defeating the Russians in Afghanistan for the CIA, suddenly changed camps and became the enemies of freedom. And just out of pure hatred, they decided to do a suicide mission to kill innocent Americans and thereby instilled the wrath of the world and got their country occupied and bombed back to the stone age.

The unofficial conspiracy theory holds that the west (CFR) wanted to occupy Afghanistan and Iraq for oil and pipeline reasons (among others). That they needed "a new pearl harbor" to justify such an invasion. That they organized a deadly hoax to blame the whole thing on their already existing CIA assets. That they ordered Norad to stand down. That they faked photos and videos to support their lies. etc etc etc etc etc.

And what's interesting is that any study of the facts supports the unofficial conspiracy and disproves the official one.

As far as I'm concerned, those who speak of "conspiracy theorists" are for the most part clueless dupes.

RE: Ray... your expertise please...:) meeting of the money i mean minds

I just found this thread today Tater.

About the agenda being pursued.

The exact details are deliberately chaotic and confused in the short term. They don't want people to be able to see what they're up to.

Their order DEPENDS on chaos.
Through chaos they get people to buy into a lying delusion. Sort of like "the Matrix".
Also like "1984" and "Brave New World".

They create chaos and confusion. Then they offer peace and safety in return for people's rights.

But of course, "terrorism", the unseen, ever-present, eternal enemy, necessitates an authoritarian police state.

Once someone buys into the delusion, they become blind to any truth that contradicts that delusion. Again like the Matrix.

One has to doubt its truth before they are even capable of analyzing the evidence objectively. As long as the presumption of truth is in place, there can be no objectivity.

The official truth is announced by the media, and every sort of government agency. Ideas that don't conform to the delusion are labelled as conspiracy theory and consigned to the "memory hole".

They use invented crises to justify their agenda.

"Saving the planet" is the excuse for draconian restriction of the use of materials and energy (including food).

Carbon taxes, the economic crash, and socialized everything, will work together to keep us too poor to ever organize anything, much less a resistance against an all-powerful world empire.

Like in "1984", they have even created a false resistance movement to siphon off the energy of any intelligent enough to question things.

Alex Jones is an example of that.
A careful planned mix of some truth and a lot of lie.
Worth studying, but not believing.

The best and most reliable description I've found of what is going on now, is Bible prophecy and futuristic science fiction from authors like Orwell, Huxley, and Bradbury.

A thorough study of the "PROTOCOLS"is very enlightening too. It's like Revelations as seen from the dark side.

Watch out for fake science and new "discoveries" that touch on metaphysics, such as "The Secret" or the "quantum physics" cult.

Sorry I'm being sort of cryptic,
its necessary.

RE: Joe Biden... "Oopse I did it Again"... He opened his mouth!

RE: Joe Biden... "Oopse I did it Again"... He opened his mouth!

It's all staged folks.

Biden's idiotic blunders are intentional.
It's all an act.
Just as Dubya did, Biden is pretending to be an idiot.

Think back, Dubya didn't start saying stupid things until after his re-election?

But then, he really made up for lost time, and in no time at all everybody thought he was an idiot.

It was planned that way.

His role was to create wars, wreck the economy, build the infrastructure for a forthcoming dictatorship, and do away with rights and constitutional protections.

He fulfilled that role "brilliantly".

There are only 2 ways people could understand his actions.
1. He was an idiot making stupid blunder after stupid blunder.
2. He was an extremely evil traitor.

The globalist conspirators don't wan't people believing in coconspiracies.

Biden is just the designated fool.
So it serves their purpose to always have a few high-profile idiot politicians.

RE: Here We Go Again.....

No need, my dog sprayed 'em already.

RE: hi all, just refurbished

At Standard Temperature and Pressure, 2.497 milliseconds.
Somewhat faster in a vacuum.

Why do you ask?

RE: Obama Rocks! Today! the most serious attempt against more wars!

No, but this is.
Embedded image from another site

RE: Do you feel actions speak louder than words?

Do you feel actions speak louder than words?

A Sample Not a Sermon

I'd rather see a sample
Than to hear one any day
I'd rather one would walk with me
Than merely tell the way.

The eye's a better pupil
And more willing than the ear
Fine counsel is confusing
But example's always clear.

The best of all the teachers
Are the men who live their creeds
For thoughts must be put in action
if they are to meet our needs

I soon can learn to do it
If you'll let me see it done
I can watch your hands in action
But your tongue too fast may run.

The lectures you deliver
May be very wise and true
But I'd rather get my lessons
By observing what you do.

Though I may misunderstand
some of the high advice you give
There's just no misunderstanding
How you act and how you live.

Any traveller can witness
That the best of guides today
Is not the one who tells them
But the one who shows the way.

Though an able speaker charms me
With his eloquence, I say
That I'd rather see a sample
Than to hear one any day.

RE: Do you feel actions speak louder than words?

No, but they act louder.

RE: Are we all here to talk or are we here for dating?

Now where do you get such ideas?????

In my experience, everything usually went fine UNTIL we started talking, and it was all downhill from there.

RE: Are we all here to talk or are we here for dating?

But, horses don't eat daisies!!?

RE: Get some help.

That's really the key. A listening ear and an understanding heart.

It doesn't have to be a professional. A friend, or a pastor, or a relative could be even more effective if they have the concern to help.

There's no big trick to it, just genuine concern and the willingness to invest some time and attention.

RE: Get some help.


They won't try to hook you on horrible drugs in the process.

RE: Get some help.

I agree 100%.

RE: Get some help.

About "professional help".

First of all,
I have a BA with 3 different major concentrations:
Biology, Psychology, and Education.

So although I'm not and have never been a "professional" I'm not clueless on the subject, even from a medical viewpoint.

Personally, I believe that nowadays, "professional" help is by far the most dangerous option for someone who is sad.

People who are sad need understanding, friendship, encouragement and moral support. But the "professionals", 9 times out of 10, will give them only some very harmful drugs that will alter the delicate chemical balance in their brains, doing serious, and sometimes permanent harm.

RE: We Tied The Knot!

Congratulations and here's to your happy marriage.

wine wine wine beer wine cheers

RE: We Need a Wedding, Canada & the U.S.A., Mexico can be the Maid of Honour.

I'm no fan of the Zeitgeist crew, they are tied to a sort of New Age cult. I wouldn't trust their advice on anything. Nonetheless when it comes to describing the problems and crimes of the present system, much of what they publish is true.

Their report on the North American Union is really good.

But lets not lose track of who is really pushing the NAU.
Its not elected puppets. It's globalist bankers and their various front organizations such as the Council On Foreign Relations.

And anyone who believes that control of the entire world by bankers is going to improve the quality of life for the common people, is crazy.

RE: We Need a Wedding, Canada & the U.S.A., Mexico can be the Maid of Honour.

Let's be honest here. It's not a step back you're talking about it's a leap off of a cliff.

What makes you think unification will be an improvement.

"Sharing the wealth" is the same thing as "sharing the poverty".

Creating a larger democracy is the same thing as diluting the existing democracy.

When Europe unified its currencies into the Euro, (on claims that it would increase monetary stability) prices skyrocketed, everywhere. People lost a quarter of their wealth in the first couple of months, and they've been losing more ever since.

Furthermore, now they are preparing to set up a European presidency, and guess what, common people won't even get to vote. It will all be decided at the European parliamentary level.

In fact even the elected parliament members don't get to vote for president. It's already been decided (by God only knows who) that Tony Blair will be given the job first.

Unification and centralization of power are not improvements, they are a return to priviledge for an elite minority and impoverishment for everybody else.

If I were Canadian, the last thing in the world that I would want would be unification with the US and Mexico.

RE: Kittens problem..........

Get a python.

RE: has this ever happened to you?

RE: Republican Talking Points Generator

I'll agree with that.

Politics is a puppet show.

RE: Republican Talking Points Generator

Actually I think O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh have been using something like this all along.

The Israel lobby and its influence on American policy

There can be no objective debate about the Israeli-Palestinian situation and America's rapidly shifting position in the region
without a look at the powerful pro-Israel lobby and its influence on US policy.

There is growing consensus that blind support for Israel is contrary to US interests. However the pro-Israel lobby is so strong that, despite that consensus, no politician dare voice it (yet).
However that strength is failing. The neo-con Christian-zionist movement is in shambles and has lost all credibility with the US public.

What's more, the economic depression has made Americas annual multi-billion dollar support of Israel (3 billion in arms and defense spending alone) very unpopular.

Personally I believe that a critical point is approaching when public opinion and national and international interests will outweigh the Israel lobby's clout.

Like when a fault line refuses to budge, enormous pressure is mounting for America to adjust its policy, but the Israel lobby has thus far prevented any adjustment from taking place.

When the pressure finally overpowers the resistance, the result will almost certainly be violent.

Here's a discussion by John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt authors of "The Israel Lobby".

And here's a dutch documentary on the subject.
There is a Dutch introdution first, but don't worry, the video itself is in English.

The Israel Lobby: Total Zionist Control of USA



That's right.
This international site would fall more under NSA jurisdiction.

As for needing Obama threads,
I'm afraid we'll be needing a lot more as things develop.

At least until he shuts down free speech on the internet.
We won't need any more then.

RE: Did u ever love someone and sleep with someone same day ?

No I alternate. One day love, one day sleep.

RE: What can a black african man do for a whit ladies to fall inlove with them?

No actually the best balance is to continually mix the gene pools.

By doing that the genes that are the healthiest, that promote survival the best, will generalize. And the sick genes will all but disappear.

Inbreeding causes the opposite to occur.

RE: I need advice when it comes to an ex...

Try this.

Tell him you will consider it only AFTER he has broken up with his other girlfriend(s), and AFTER the divorce is final.
That doesn't take long.

If he can't meet those criteria, he's wasting your time. and you will certainly be seriously hurt by any relationship with him.

RE: I need advice when it comes to an ex...

It's not "wrong" in the sense that its a crime. But you are going to be very hurt unless you set some standards that have to be met.

Look at it realistically.
- The guy is married.
- He has a daughter.
- He has a girlfriend.
- He's still shopping around.
- He's cheating on his girlfriend by contacting you.
- He's already stated that he will dump his girlfriend for you.

As sure as night follows day, if you become the girlfriend you will be the next one dumped.
Faithful men are faithful to their girlfriends, and would break up with them before beginning to shop around.

Do what you want.
But don't say you haven't been warned.
And don't consider yourself a victim when it happens.
It's not like you don't know his track record.

This is a list of forum posts created by RayfromUSA.

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