Lately I've been thinkin',
I just might quit drinkin'.
But now I don't know all-in-all.
Think I'd rather stay home,
get drunk all alone,
And punch a few holes in the wall.

When I'm happy I play rock & roll,
I play country when I'm losing control.
Well now I won't play Chuck Berry,
it wouldn't seem right,
I feel like Hank Williams tonight



No never.

Except I think I did tell the truth once.

RE: Manors, do people still practice being polite anymore ?

In Japan, politeness depends on centuries of tradition.
Where those traditions are in place Japan can seem like the most "polite" society in the world.

But where there is no tradition, there is no politeness.

One example is the idea of waiting in line.
It's a new concept for the Japanese.
Lines never existed until the American occupation when they were imposed for immunizations and for distribution of ration cards and other items.

Now lines exist wherever they are directly imposed by authorities or by barriers, but otherwise, the Japanese revert to their traditional behavior which calls for forcing your way to the front of a mob by whatever means available short of violence. They don't see it as impolite to bypass others who have been waiting patiently. It's not a traditional concern.

RE: Manors, do people still practice being polite anymore ?

Manners are relative to the culture.

In Hong Kong, traditional good manners requires that a guest throw bones on the floor as he eats in order to prove that he's enjoyihg the meal so much that he can't be bothered with tidiness.

In traditional middle-eastern cultures, a guest is expected to burp loudly at the end of a meal.

There are lots of similar examples.

It's clear that "good manners" is not a list of specific behavior, because what is considered "polite" conduct in a given situation may vary greatly according to many parameters, such as country, ethnicity, class, social status, sub-culture, religion, denomination, ...whatever.

I think the key to GENUINE good manners is summed up in the golden rule, "treat people like you would want them to treat you".

RE: Manors, do people still practice being polite anymore ?

If you live in a manor, manners aren't obligatory.

RE: Do you have a tent city in your area? (These are people that lost their homes, living in tents.)

Don't worry.
Fema is building camps to replace the tent cities.

RE: Why do you want to see the face when you talk to somone?

Because the eye is the window of the soul.
Without eye contact you're only halfway communicating.

Spoken or written language is encoded thought.
It's great for transmitting details, but unreliable for transmitting emotions and intent.

However, facial expression, and especially direct eye contact, can help the listener to screen out a lot of disinformation, whether it be intentional or not on the part of the speaker.

Those who have developed the ability to read faces and eyes are said to have "discernement" or "intuition". And they often understand the speaker's intentions better than he does himself.

Direct eye contact is, of course,the best,
but even a photo can tell a lot about a person's psyche if its not posed.

Here's a song about the subject.

Like a Window to Your Soul

Like any other night we tried to hide
until we felt our hearts breaking inside
oh how afraid we were to link our two eyes
we had to break those walls to realize
those special moments in the night
the streets were bare but the lights were bright
brighter was the love that was shining in your eyes
they were speaking to me a message so fair
the words you spoke could not even compare
the betrayal of your emotions was your eyes
like a window to your soul
your deepest thoughts were told

RE: is integrity dead...?

Integrity, sure I got integrity.
Best in town.
How much do you want?

RE: Abdication Of Responsibility

Truth is, we don't have that much control.

Most of the forces that shape our lives are beyond the reach of our control.

Sheer determination or personal conviction can do a lot within a given framework of conditions, but we can't count on that framework.

Economics, war, illness, injury, weather, government, and many other influences can overwhelm our personal ability to impose our will, no matter how strong our "resolve" may be.

Recognizing that is not an abdication of responsibility.
It's recognizing that our own responsibility and ability are limited, and its submission to the higher power which governs all the things we can't control.

And that's totally advisable in my opinion.

You can't ever expect a miracle unless you confess that the situation is beyond your natural ability.

RE: trusting obama

Don't give the individual presidents either credit or blame for the economy. They are just frontmen for the CFR which itself is a front organization for international business concerns.

Jimmy Carter and Barak Obama are both "CFR" members and totally owed their place to CFR money and influence.

Carter's role was to preside over a depressed economy in order to prepare the nation psychologically for 2 decades of insane deficit spending that led us to our present collapse.

Obama's role is to oversee that collapse and use it to create a soviet-style socialist totalitarian state.

In that role, he seems to be doing the job.
But of course he's coached every step of the way.

RE: The Death Book for Veterans

Look at the Medical Algorithm program that Bush set up in Texas when he was governor.

It initially sounded like a good idea, a program to spot potential health problems though comprehensive questionaires to be filled out by students and teachers.

But the questionnaires were rigged to elicit responses that could be interpreted as indicating psychological trouble.

And teachers were given instructions that amounted to "quotas" of troubled kids that they should identify in each classroom.

The result was the mass drugging of kids across the state with powerful drugs that cause permanent damage such as Ritalin and SSRI antidepressants.

It's a sad fact that nowadays one must assume the worst when it comes to proposed government health programs.
And even then, the reality is worse than the expectation.

RE: The Death Book for Veterans

Obama? Obama?
Oh yeah, isn't he they guy who campaigned with promises to get out of Iraq immediately, but then, as soon as he had the Democratic nomination secured, began to waffle on that pledge, and now won't even promise to ever withdraw at all?

Those vets can rest assured that he will keep his promises as long as it remains expedient to do so.
But as the crash continues where do you think expediency is going to lead?

RE: who likes obama ?

Shutting Guantanamo won't change anything.

Guantanamo was part of the "global terrorism" scam needed to justify militarization of the nation, invasion of other countries, scuttling of the constitution, and restructuring the entire US government towards a totalitarian police state.

Guantanamo was a way to pretend that dangerous terrorists existed, but at the same time make any sort of communication with those suspected terrorists impossible. That way they couldn't ever give information that contradicted the official line.

But the "world terrorism" hoax has already served its purpose.

Shutting down Guantanamo is not going to restore the constitution, Posse Commitatus, of the bill of rights.
It won't restore the sovereignty of Iraq, Afghanistan, or Pakistan. It won't ressurect the millions of people who have been killed in the fabricated war.

The next phase will not be a phony war against supposed international terrorists hiding in caves on the other side of the world. It will be a phony war against supposed terrorists in America.

And for that war, FEMA will take on the role that Guantanamo played. Only on a much more massive scale.

RE: who likes obama ?

He is what he is.
He is to be the designated fall guy who was put into office just as the inevitable consequences of decades of greed, agression, and financial irresponsibility begin to fall back upon the US.

He will deserve his share of the blame because he is a willing puppet, but he has no real power to affect change of any sort himself. His every move is dictated by those who put him into office.

Somebody has to take the blame when nations fall apart.
And that will never be the most guilty.
By the time it happens, they already have libraries and statues and schools named after them.

So what they do is to put some patsy into office just as it all comes crashing down. Somebody "different" who can absorb the blame without too much of it spilling onto those who truly caused the collapse.

This guy explained it pretty well a year ago.

RE: what is ur fave social web

The Phone Book.

RE: Can you turn negative energy into positive energy

Miracles can and do happen.
But first we have to get our attention off of the desired gift, and onto the giver.

RE: Sell Me on Obamacare

Sell Me on Obamacare

If you're buying into the Obamination, boy are you in luck.

While supplies last, Obama "yes we can" bumper stickers are marked down from $12 each to 2 cents the hundred.
Get 'em while they last.
They make excellent compost.

Be the last one on your block to show support for Obama's promises.

RE: Tattoos - how many is too many??

Personally, I see them as flesh-graffiti.
However nice they may have been originally, after a while they are an eyesore.
Too bad you can't paint over 'em.

RE: Salam and PEACE upon EVERYBODY in this world.....

Nope, they're just sinners in need of a heartwash like everybody else.

It's between each individual and God as to whether such a heartwash ever occurs. Naturally it won't happen for those who think they don't need it.

RE: Salam and PEACE upon EVERYBODY in this world.....

Oops hit the wrong button above. I meant to respond.

mnowsa: ... the things muslims do are not really artificial in nature. In other words, when they do things, they are always in fear that they may not be doing it perfectly. hence they don't really propagate the things they do...i think islam by nature is very subtle because it asks people NOT to achieve the perfection but just try to be a regular good human...

All people are the same. Regardless of their religion, people can be selfish, cruel, evil, whatever.

No religion leads to "perfection".
Those that claim to do so invariably end up producing self-righteous monsters who excuse their own crimes and condemn the innocent for not submitting to their supposed authority.

RE: Salam and PEACE upon EVERYBODY in this world.....

RE: how many online chatmates you've ever had?(those who you talk with them more than half year)

How many online chatmates you've ever had?

Define "had".


It doesn't matter, in either case you're superstar history.

Further posting in this thread is strictly prohibited.

RE: Sell Me on Obamacare

First let's make one point clear.
The government never pays for anything, ever.

Whether it's invasions on the other side of the world, space projects, building nuclear weapons, a new "civilian" security force, or bailing out the bankers, it's always the people who pay for everything.

In fact, government involvement always greatly adds to the price of everything it touches.

Given that there are going to be a lot more unemployed people now, due to the ongoing collapse of the economy,

and given that the full cost of healthcare for everyone covered, (as well as the full cost of all the government involvement) will have to be funded from taxation of the salaries of those still employed,

It is a no-brainer that the cost-per-payer will be GREATLY increased. And that only exacerbates the problem.

It's a vicous cycle.

The more tax burden on the private sector, the more the economy is weakened, causing more unemployment.

And the more unemployed there are, the greater the tax burden because welfare, health insurance, and other services are provided for the unemployed as well as those working.

It's an inescapable downward spiral of fewer and fewer people supporting more and more.
And it's intentional.

The result will eventually be total socialization as the government becomes the only employer still in business.

And of course, in THAT emergency, people will be glad to do whatever job they are offered for peanuts as they did during the great depression.

And the government will take ownership of farms, housing, transport, .... everything.

Yes they can.

RE: Sell Me on Obamacare

Looking at what it has done in England and France.

Nobody's opposing "healthcare".
We are opposing nationalized healthcare.

Just like nobody opposes employment.
But nobody wants a soviet type system where all industry and commerce belongs to the state.

Whether private or public, those who run healthcare profit by charging more and providing less.

When it's private you have some recourse if you are cheated. You can file suit and/or publicize the fact that you were cheated.

But you can't take on the government and win.
Especially not when it's going socialist.

RE: avecaim: wasn'it a SHE till some days ago????

You want to be authentic.
Post your real picture.
List yourself as the gender mentioned on your birth cirtificate.
Don't change your story.
If you want your soul and body to correspond, I'd suggest forcing your soul to accept the evidence your body presents.
It'll never work the other way around.

RE: Dating cheap men of the new world

Actually, it works in 2OOO year shifts.

Since Jan 1 2OO1, it is now the woman's gender role responsibility to pay for everything. (cheerfully)

RE: meeting him tomorro

Go for it.

RE: calling all christians!

Well if we're gonna precise, lets precise precisely.

Pre-tribulation rapture, the idea that suddenly all Christians are going to disappear from the earth, is not a "Christian" doctrine at all, nor is it a protestant doctrine.

It a dispensationalist doctrine.

Dispensationalism is essentially the core doctrine of the religious extreme-right.

However because of powerful financial and political ties, the dispensationalists are highly over-represented in the media.

The same forces that promote the globalist political agenda also promote the religious version of globalism, ecumenicalism. And dispensationalist media evangeiists are their primary talking heads.

Most Christians are not dispensationalist, not dominionist, and not Zionist.

Many of the dark influences seeking to corrupt the faith of Christians are represented in an organization called the Council for National Policy.


RE: are most chinese girls uncomfortable to say I LOVE YOU

They do better with "Wo ai ni".

This is a list of forum posts created by RayfromUSA.

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