Michael Bloomberg announces runningmate

It's a bit of surprise, but makes some sense.

He decided his runningmate will be;

Michelle Obama

Just kidding. You conservatives can go clean your pants now. laugh

Hey, it COULD happen. tongue

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Comments (64)

Then you'd have a real America hater running. She's the original coward behind the wall throwing rocks. But she'd never run and expose herself to the public. She was happy appearing on Oprah and Ellen and spending George's money. Hell, even hrc couldn't stand her.

The American people love her. Indeed, perhaps even more than Jackie O.
If she was ever chosen as a runningmate, it would certainly boost the ticket's appeal.
Barack has been working with Bloomberg. Bloomberg supported Barack's campaign.
It might add up. I'm not saying it will, but if it does, say goodbye Trump. wave
In the video she said, that she will not run for president.
However, she did not say, that she wouldn't be vice-president.
What might actually happen, is for B. Obama to become Bloomberg's VP.
She's made it clear - unequivocally & repeatedly - she'll not run for ANY office ...

talk to hand
Long story short -- Politics isn't what makes her horses (or her) run.

From an Uber-Leftie I know IRL -
"If you held a gun on her to get her to run, she'd say, 'Go ahead & shoot!'"

Pols have often said they're "not running" - and then run.
I'm not getting that from her. I believe her.

As brought out in the vid -- The frustration of 'Crats/Lefties with their field of Prez contenders is understandable.


SPC beat me to the coveted 200th comment crying

No hard feelings -- Congrats, SPC cheers
party bowing party hat bowing party

doh ... blushing
I will rule nothing out. Only time will tell.
I believe B. Obama will endorse Bloomberg, if nothing else.
He'll endorse whoever finally gets the nomination & deliver a speech to that effect to the National Convention.
That's what a respected elder statesman of a party does.

Considering the ages of many of the candidates, I'm not sure it is appropriate
to label B. Obama as an "elder statesman". laugh
rolling on the floor laughing
That's a fact cheers

He does not like blacks so she will not be his running mate.

Let's see how he will do on the debate stage tonight.

Can his money buy the outcome????
bloomberg can pick a lot.
but as long as there is no need, he won't pick any.

Hillary or Obama could be his choices.
I'm guessing for a more strategic option
"What might actually happen, is for B. Obama to become Bloomberg's VP."

Lolrolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

I am not convinced, that is necessarily true.
Although wrong to do so, I think he felt he was just going after where crime resided.
I believe he learned since then, about the error in his ways & means, has apologized and now knows better.
Bloomberg is toast. He's out. One of the few, the very few examples where money can't buy everything.
I am not convinced, that is necessarily true.
Although wrong to do so, I think he felt he was just going after where crime resided.
I believe he learned since then, about the error in his ways & means, has apologized and now knows better.

Watching the debate tonight in Vegas he has NOT learn a darn thing. Biden made it clear that President Obama sent his people to get him to stop attaching black people, but he didn't. He apologized because he is running for president, but tonight it was clear that he is not sorry for what he did.

It was shameful to watch him on stage tonight. He surely can't go up against Trump. Trump will eat him alive. His money showed what a fool he is on stage tonight when the other candidates tore up his a**. devil
Yeah, they nailed him to the cross at the debate;

Odds givers were unimpressed with his debate performance.

He's plunged 11% points in the past 24 hours violin
It looks like he's blown nearly $1/2 billion to Hell.

The Bern appears to have been the big winner - Up 4% points.

Conservative/Republican heaven.....we must now sit back and watch the DNC struggle with a potential bernie bros bid for a beheading......by President Trump.
applause cheering

Well, it's his first debate. Lets not rule him out yet.

Regardless, I'm rooting for Bernie. I honestly think he will make the best president
with Warren second. Both of them better pick younger running mates though. laugh
Trump too, especially at his weight. He's about one Big Mac or KFC bucket away from from a triple bypass.
Someone younger as VP....Bernie should pick Greta Thundercloud... Warren, Jesse Smell-itt. Gerta she could take the next 50 years of her life taking slow boats to China and Russia (the #1 Co2 burner) for climate conventions. Smollett, he could show Pochahontas how to become more of an actor/phony who is good at being someone else. Face it fans, she's hillary in a size 4 pantsuit and every bit as needy of attention. If she raises her hand one more time to get called on I'd just drop dead punch her out.
Now Pete couldn't have a younger VP, it would make the first gentlelad jealous.

Btw, anybody notice Biden has given up. Two schools of thought....#1 he already thought they held the election...#2 the little girl in the front row was waving at him.
Actually there's a third school of thought. The DNC needs a moderate desperately and Joe deserves an apology for the bus ride. He may be counting on the fix.

Who's left?......Does it matter?

Mmmmm ... No. I don't think it does ... dunno

One might say the BIG Winner was ... The Don.


Thanks for posting...wine
You are welcome LL. cheers

You no like-a da source?
Different source -- Same basic info ...

The first source wasn't going on conjecture.
It was copiously backed by citations from several(!) reports & news outlets.

Killing the messenger on this is pretty lame.
Got anything to refute what's being asserted? dunno

I want Pete to win.
Team tulsi here
Amy? ...... dunno

She meets the Least Weird minimum criteria --

What's that again, Richard Gere? ... I GOT NOWHERE ELSE TO GO!!

If Pete sleeps with me he will definitely leave his husband.


Lou hug
Merc - if you can't get Buttage straightened wink out maybe a Canuck Real Keeper?


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by JimNastics
created Feb 2020
Last Viewed: Apr 27
Last Commented: Feb 2020
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