illegal entry, what should we do?

Since January,  there's about 160,000 thousand apprehended unaccompanied children marching towards the United States.

Unaccounted are probably even more.

We all know why they come here.

Problem, our system,  is not equipped with a ready and easy answer to handle this situation.

The paper today presented a scenario which make it even worse.  There are three groups with conflicting interest on addressing a possible solution. None of them is good for the country except for the children themselves.

Judge Susan Castro is confused as to what we should do.

Jessica Vaughan who has been assigned from the immigration office to help in the processing, personally feels that we should be returning them.

The children's activist and non profit organization is joining with the UN that we should give them protection.

QUESTION: Should we? And why?

I know we have so many pressing problems that needs our critical attention but I believe our decisions in handling this situation is very sensitive to our future immigration policies if not even right now.

Note: 1. This is beside the daily illegals (adults, families) entering the country from all over the world. Chinese and Asians by boat.

2. I believe it's time for UN to create patron of these abandoned children?

Thanks all for your reads and comments.
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Comments (27)

I believe we should either put up land mines and barbed wire, or offer them a free trip to North Korea.
Ken, let's look at it from a humanitarian point of view. I am going to bleed my heart on this. Yet I do believe in the observance of the law. If they are illegal which is how it looks, then stern punishment should be meted out and your suggestions seems very legitimate. Or is it?
I couldn't care less about punishment. I am much more interested in keeping them out. We should seal both of our borders and make it a DMZ. On the one hand you post about banning flights coming here direct from the Ebola lands (which ignores that no US Carrier goes there anyway), but on the other hand you propose opening the land borders to a never to end flood of refugee children. confused

You need to be more consistent and focus on humanity inside our own borders first. We have thousands of our own children growing up with murders in their neighborhood. Let us heal them first.
Hello Lindsyjones,wave The number of young immigrants flowing into your country must be putting great strain on existing resources.(medical, law, humanitarian,.....).Is there any end in sight. Will financial sources in future be able to maintain existing living standards,confused If something isn't done, someone will be taking food out of little Johnny s mouth to feed little Tommy,doh When a serious problems confronts you,serious measures have to be taken, before you become part of the problem, not the solution.
Ken I am not saying I'm kn favor of these illegals coming here adults or otherwise. But from a maternal point of view, yes my heart is torn.

I am in favor of banning a deliberate way of getting the Ebola which is far deadlier and annihilating than illegals.

Please don't put words in my mouth.
I am confused myself like the judge. Yet in laws, it should be applied and prevail.
Ito, I'm sure if there were no borders, the US would be inundated by the whole world's population. Why? We all know the answer. Now when these laws and borders are put up, must we become selective for its application?
jen, what I meant was I do have the right to be confused myself, right?
Greetings lady.
Some months ago I was reading the Time about unaccompanied children coming into the US.

As anyone ask if there is not some kind of criminal minds behind this ?
Fly in fact it is established that it is a strategy used to suit their needs. Coyotes involved also not a doubt I'm my mind.
Go through the proper channels and stop demanding what you want without legal status.
Ken, I think we really need to face this problem in reference to our future and that of the world.
Well said PR.

Did you hear of the fact that for every 18 percent of every Mexicans are here? And 80 percent of that are illegals? They took the number of visa granted since the accounting of at least 12 million of them are illegals.
Lindsy...we have many illegals in the DC metro area. There's a section in Maryland called Langley Park...when the illegals arrive in Maryland, most likely they'll end up in an apt. or home whereas many share the home...find a job and within a few years relocate; as their financial situation has improved. Many qualified for public assistance. I don't get it. How is that possible? We sure are a giving country. Don't get me wrong...I do feel for them. Well Obama is not focusing on immigration reform now...he has too much on his plate.
Did you really live there, Ken? Langley Park needs to be cleaned up.
Forgive my ignorance everyone, but is it not a fact that the only true American is the Indiandunno ....perhaps all you guys are the illegalsdoh as they say...Have a nice day!grin
Hi Lindsy
No country can keep on accepting illegal immigrants without her own citizens (taxpayers) suffering.frustrated

They should just be sent back where they come from.
hug wave
I'm not sure why they do this PR. What bothers me is that it is a violation of our laws set up for our protection. But I know it is our responsibility to do it.
Well Anthony not really. We the people of the world had established wars to gain access to places and the winner gets cessation which is the law governing rewards of territory to the winner.
Then the border is created and respected.
When the invaders took this land much like all the European during the period of acquisition, the world was pretty much open for invasion. Like the English for Australia, America and Africa. The Dutch and Spain for the east and etc.
Now after that borders are created and laws for immigration was established.
You're very right Cat, and this is where I'm so against it. Besides the fact that it is so against such a law.
Anthony I meant to present the history of colonization which is the period when Europe invaded all the land for greed of course. Yet only the US has attempted to make it right by awarding the Indians. They didn't have to do it but did. Now the aborigines of Australia are demanding the same thing.

Anyways, this was before immigration laws were ever established.
Ok LJ..I am sure that is a whole other blogwine wave
Yes Anthony, but I am glad we're talking about these things as they do affect our lives.
Perhaps Mexico should address the problem...if there are too many illegals arriving in the US...there should be a discussion about it...although my heart goes out to the children, it seems to me that it is only a Band-Aid solution...fixing the problem may take some time but why is this not discussed?...
LoL, current scandal is the US gave Mexico millions of dollars to fix things. Mexico then turned around and paid the fee for many Mexicans illegally here in the US to get US work Visas so they wouldn't have to come back to Mexico. Guess that was fixing things in Mexico's eyes. :)
If that information is correct...what else can the US do to make things better and more just for Americans?...
Hello my friend Lou, I so agree with you.

Thanks my friend. We do need to obey the law. Period.
Oregon THANKS.

I am in favor of putting them back and apply legally. I agree with all your points.
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