scaremonger, I am not, I only present facts

When we are threatened, our lives are at stake, all the events are leading to one fact, you wouldn't be scared, you would want to understand and either accept, or do something to stop it.

I am spreading all these facts because of the global activities that threaten the whole of humanity. I know so many of you don't share my opinions, my ideas and you are not affected by these terrorism, but I am, the majority of my fellow countrymen are, according to Cruz, Trump, and all the nationwide media. I don't only look at the events of the present situation, I research and truly examine the whole picture.

Here is what I found.

The islam religion is truly a religion of violence, according to the teachings that I will upload. Now with 1.3 billion of them, they don't seem to be presently following these teachings, but the San Bernardino killing is an example that those that we assume and or think of being peaceful and don't follow the strict covenant of their religions, where did it get us? Making us the laughing stock of the world for having failed to prevent it, when in fact all the investigations done prove that that terror took as long as 2 years to prepare.

Of course, I am scared, why wouldn't I. Terror means exactly what it says. Terror. If you are not scared of terror then good for you.

If the move to caliphate the world is their motive and we are not doing anything to stop it? Picture the world's future and be the judge.

Why Muslims are the world’s fastest-growing religious group

The expected growth of Islam around the world is perhaps the most striking finding in the recent Pew Research Center report projecting the future of religious groups. Indeed, Muslims will grow more than twice as fast as the overall world population between 2010 and 2050 and, in the second half of this century, will likely surpass Christians as the world’s largest religious group.

Islam Growing FastestWhile the world’s population is projected to grow 35% in the coming decades, the number of Muslims is expected to increase by 73% – from 1.6 billion in 2010 to 2.8 billion in 2050. In 2010, Muslims made up 23.2% of the global population. Four decades later, they are expected to make up about three-in-ten of the world’s people (29.7%).

By 2050, Muslims will be nearly as numerous as Christians, who are projected to remain the world’s largest religious group at 31.4% of the global population.

The main reasons for Islam’s growth ultimately involve simple demographics. To begin with, Muslims have more children than members of the seven other major religious groups analyzed in the study. Each Muslim woman has an average of 3.1 children, significantly above the next-highest group (Christians at 2.7) and the average of all non-Muslims (2.3). In all major regions where there is a sizable Muslim population, Muslim fertility exceeds non-Muslim fertility.

From Wiki.
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Comments (50)

Why on earth do you think you need forgiveness? Your post suggested my comment was directed at you and I just wanted to clarify that it wasn't. cheers
I don't see the American Indian starting any wars here in America....they own most of the casino's, they thank us every day. That 24$ they paid for Manhattan was a super entrance fee for them in the long run......laugh
No Lucy but I feel as though it was a mistake to say thank you. Now if it only clarifies that your response was for Candy, I thank you for it, anyways. lol..I feel like you are so concerned with whatever I write.

Thank you just the same.wave
Sand I don't think it will ever happen. First their settlement is very lucrative. Second, they are set for life on their casinos..wave
Not a mistake, lindsy, simply misplaced but I understand. wave
Thanks again Lucy, have a great day. We have no snow but brrrrr its cold, I hope in your place, weather is nice.wave wine
Thank you so much for all your contributions Kaet, a source of enlightening documents.

We can all argue every now and then as to what comes down to and it is simple and basic. Let us not kill anyone for any reason. Period. Most importantly is that we should and must put the conscience in our head that religion is stupid to cause all these intolerance, hatred and greed over us.

I love you all, peace loving people..teddybear teddybear bouquet bouquet heart wings heart wings

Now let us celebrate the joys of the season that embodies, love, joy and generosity. The legacy of one man named Jesus.teddybear teddybear bouquet bouquet
Here is another fact of daily-life-terror that are happening in Israel, "Living with Terror - difficult daily-life in Israel".

Sorry it is in German, but seeing from this video, we can understand who triggered the chaos in Israel and Palestine region.

My dear Kaet, please post these on the thread of Germany on the forum?

Thank you so much my dear friend.teddybear teddybear
Capri, I miss your very valuable input on this serious problems the world is facing.

Specifically for OOB. I know and I will say it again that when a conflict is not settled diplomatically then war ensues. When Israel won the war in 6 days and could have done more, but they surrendered and will not question that settlement or agreement as a result of that war.

Like Capri said, they must honor that and live peacefully without provocation.

What happens when it erupts again, I mean do they need more war to make a settlement that is acceptable on both sides?

That is just crazy.

Anyways, thank you all for your comments and participation.

Meantime, Germany is truly feeling the strain brought about by the stupid decision of Merkel.
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