
The large portion of relationships ending is due to the woman wanting to leave it.

Is a huge driving force behind divorces have to do something with sex?

I would argue it has to.

When is the last time you have heard of a couple in their 60's or older getting a divorce?

Divorce usually happens to couples still during their s*xual span.


If s*xual women are divorcing their men, is it due to a loss in sexuality....they are blaming on the man they are with. Therefore, they divorce them.


Are they mistaken? Psychologist claim that as men get older, their s*xual drive remains somewhat stable; whereas, with women, it generally is a steady decline.

Does this also explain why older men go after younger women?

Older men = same stable sexuality.
Younger women = same stable sexuality.

Maybe....men are driving their wives to divorce?


In either case, sex seems to be the driving force behind divorce.
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Williamston, Michigan, USA


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