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Most Commented Family Blogs (545)

Here is a list of Family Blogs ordered by Most Commented, posted by members. A Blog is a journal you may enter about your life, thoughts, interesting experiences, or lessons you've learned. Post an opinion, impart words of wisdom, or talk about something interesting in your day. Update your blog on a regular basis, or just whenever you have something to say. Creating a blog is a good way to share something of yourself with others. Reading blogs is a good way to learn more about others. Click here to post a blog.


Feeling 3

So all of these things is what relation with marriage? Yes,definitely.It is very simple that no matter who you are and where you are from,if a person has a evil heart and never know reflect on self,whatever who married with and where married with,he also will not get happiness.Like many women married with foreigners but later also divorced.Why?The evil survive all the time whatever she married with who and where she goes to,her evil follow her all the time too.A marriage for money,also the happiness will also lost cause of evil and benefit.Because here almost most of people chase for money and benefit even sacrifice others's authority and life,they are willing to do that.But family is not a game of benefit and evil.Everyone has excellence and faults.But the choice is decided by self.Or some people went out of here,like the news of Italy some days ago,they protested the police of there ,but they didn't dare to resist the evil and garbage action of here.It is not right and also so disgusting.But many foolish people who they are slaves of here say that they love China Country.That is So Ridiculous!Why?They didn't dare to resist evil but dare to resist the police of free and respected country!Surely it doesn't mean that freedom is ready for rogue's free?
What i said that is not saying anything to anyone and anywhere.Just it is for right,true or false.Happy familys are all alike,but unhappy are fill with all kinds of unhappiness,because like god and evil,happiness always fill with all kinds of active mind and soul like god,but evil also fill with all kinds of bad things like evil.
For me,serious marriage is not only for love and emotion,but also the most important is for religion,heart,mind and soul.
Like the bible says the third kingdom Solomon of Israel who was the most clever and richest in history,he prayed for god just for wisdom,it can make him judge people with fair and righteous.What is wisdom, but not clever?Wisdom is the soul &mind of righteousness and integrity in right things and direction.Soul and mind is the real life.So there has a word "A dead-alive person".So i understand very much like the TED Talks said:Embrace the near win and success is a continuous journey.Also like marriage and countries:No one is perfect,but we can continue to make more progress all the time.So reflection and feeback is pivotal.We can be better and better more and more until we be perfect in ends of life.
My English is not good,but i am learning and making more progress step by step everyday.
Thank you so much.I am very happy and be gateful internet for i can get more happiness and hope.This world belongs to god and there has more sunny and active people.bouquet
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Oldest Egyptian God

"Tis true without error, certain & most true." [A partial (one of the verses) translation of the Emerald Tablet, found in the personal papers of Issac Newton after his death.]

This may or may not relate to ancient Sumerian texts and the DNA of Homo Sapiens.

Probably the oldest Egyptian god was a female named Neith. Mention of her is found in the writings of the Old Kingdom and the Lower Valley before the unification. Neith was a female. She is a god of many things. Hunting, war and the flood. Before Neith there were no others.

She was androgynous and she birthed her son Ra, Apep and Sobek in the time when there were no births and no males. The symbol of her name is two back to back bows with a shield between them and crossed arrows. When the Greeks came and Egypt was Hellenistic, this symbol was also seen as a loom and she was known to be the weaver of all things.

To the Greeks she later became known as Athena. To the Minoans she became the Earth Goddess, Gaia. She is also sometimes perceived and portrayed as a cow goddess with a line of stars across her back, similar to Io, the mistress of Zeus. She was sometimes known as the sky goddess and the originator of life.

As a goddess of War, she was also associated with death and protecting the bodies and souls of the dead. Her image graces the jar that holds the abdominal contents of Tutankhamen. She is also known as the virgin mother goddess. It is not inaccurate to say she held many roles and many things flowed from the tales of her.

In the time of the first war against the enemies of creation Neith rescued Mehet (who later became her regent, but not a mate for she had none) and used the flood to drown the enemies of life. Meith's willingness to kill the enemies of life and her skill with the bow and arrow also earned her the nickname of 'the terrifying one.' <It must be noted that in the set aside Hebrew 'Book of Jubilee' the purpose of the flood was as a weapon to kill off the Watchers, Angels who had transgressed against God's instructions. Further noted the One God was known in Egypt as Atun, but the Ancient Sumerians called the leader of the gods (small g) who had forbidden making their Man creation fertile Anu and a great war ensued when Anu's instructions were not followed.>

Neith was also viewed as the keeper of records and history of the gods. When the Greek Plato wrote in his Critiasof the travels of Solon, Plato reported that in the Temple of Neith in the City of Sais, Egypt were written tablets containing records and secrets which went back at least 9,000 years (back then).

With the coming of the Middle Kingdom of Egypt the temple of Neith fell into disuse and it's actual location is now long forgotten. I know of no archaeological efforts to find that temple and any remnants of the tablets that may lay in or under it's ruins.

Alas poor Neith. I toast thee for you may have indeed been the first Eve and the mother of all of us. wine
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And God say... Und Gott sprach

What I think about God.
Tell me honestly, you know actually what we got for a great God?

This God created humans with a single set, this God whose Macht is so huge that he thought through you at the Sub molecular level which was a task every atom in your interior. That God who the command gave your heart to beat to bring blood to your organs. This God said let there be and which already planned everything so that you're there and you're what you are namely the most wonderful man of all time that God loves you so personally he created friends for you the air you to the need to breathe, friends flowers gives you growing and beguile you with their scent. God cares for you. If God has created everything now why it's so hard to see it? Because you're distracted by so many things. Look but you find your day's times on how little you get with the works of God?

Every tree and every flower every bird's calls to: "how glorious is Allah! Look at me and see the hand of God. ??"

So as God created you, you're his masterpiece.
Even though you may not believe it so this incomparably great God longs Yes friends for you personally.

You would you even after your child crave that you "created with your partner"?

Just that it's so that God's first gave the opportunity to do so. God created us should we then not long after our father?
God is himself the smartest person in 1000 life so powerful and so there's nothing like knowing that only capture a fraction of God is how wise could.
Know when man deciphered the DNA of Meschliche and finally what it consists and has to mean what you knew since you were taken. But how big is God if he would just say it'll be and whoosh of the body was finished and whose interaction is considerably more complex than the human DNA.

That's what I think out of all my heart about God.

Original German version below :

Was ich über Gott denke.
Sag mal ehrlich weist Du eigentlich was wir für einen großen Gott haben ?

Dieser Gott der mit einem einzigen Satz den Menschen schuf, dieser Gott dessen Macht so gigantisch ist das er dich auf submolekularer Ebene durchdachte der jedem Atom in deinem Inneren eine Aufgabe gab. Jener Gott der deinem Herzen den Befehl gab zu schlagen um deine Organe mit Blut zu versorgen. Dieser Gott der sagte ES WERDE und der alles schon plante damit es Dich gibt und Du das bist was Du bist nämlich der wunderbarste Mensch aller Zeiten dieser Gott liebt dich so persönlich das er für dich die Luft schuf Dir Du zum atmen brauchst, Dir Blumen schenkt die für Dich wachsen und Dich mit ihrem Duft betören. Gott sorgt für Dich. Wenn doch Gott nun alles geschaffen hat warum ist es denn so schwer es zu sehen ? Weil du durch so viele Dinge abgelenkt bist. Schau Dir doch deinen Tag mal an fällt Dir auf wie wenig Du von den Werken Gottes mitbekommst ?

Jeder Baum und jede Blume auch jeder Vogel ruft Dir zu: "wie herrlich ist doch Gott !!! Sieh mich an und erkenne die Hand Gottes. ??"

So wie Gott dich geschaffen hat bist Du sein Meisterwerk.
Auch wenn Du es nicht glauben magst so sehnt sich doch dieser unvergleichlich große Gott nach Dir ja Dir ganz persönlich.

Würdest Du dich nicht auch nach deinem Kind sehnen das Du mit deinem Partner "geschaffen" hast ?

Nur das es so ist das Gott Dir erst mal die Möglichkeit dazu gab. Gott schuf uns sollten wir uns dann nicht nach unserem Vater sehnen ?
Gott ist so mächtig und so unvergleichlich allwissend das selbst der klügste Mensch im 1000 Leben nur einen Bruchteil dessen erfassen könnte wie klug Gott ist.
Weist Du als der Mensch die Meschliche DNA entschlüsselte und endlich wusste aus was Sie besteht und was Sie zu bedeuten hat da waren Sie ergriffen. Aber wie groß ist doch Gott wenn er einfach nur sagen müsste ES WERDE und schwupp war der Körper fertig und dessen Zusammenspiel ist deutlich komplexer als die menschliche DNA.

Das ist das was ich aus tiefstem Herzen über Gott denke.
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Der Duft von Glücklichen Meschen. Das bedeutet es

Wieder einmal neigt sich der Tag dem Ende zu und du bist auf dem Weg nach Hause. Du sitzt in derU-Bahn und Dir fallen all die Menschen auf die sich mögen.

Es passiert ganz plötzlich und ohne das Du etwas dagegen tun kannst.
Da ist der Mann der zärtlich die Hand seiner Freundin streichelt.
Da sind die beiden die sich an den Haltestangen der Bahn wie zufällig an einander reiben und sich verschämt umsehen.
Dort hinten sitzt der attraktive Mann der in Deine Richtung lächelt doch als Du gerade zurück Lächeln willst bemerkst Du die schlanke Frau neben Dir die leicht errötet und Du bist wieder Traurig.
Da ist das Pärchen auf der Bank gegenüber in der Ecke die sich leidenschaftlich küssen.

Dir fallen all die kleinen Zärtlichkeiten auf die Du nicht bekommst und dein Herz sehnt sich so sehr danach.
Als Du aus der U-Bahn Station steigst fällt Dir das alte Ehepaar auf das seit sich seit Ewigkeiten kennt und sich immer noch liebevoll in die Augen blickt, Dir fällt auf wie er Ihre zittrige schwielige Hand hält und Ihr stützend von der Bank aufstehen hilft. Dieses Gefühl was Du bei diesem Anblick spührst ist Einsamkeit und das Verlangen geliebt zu werden als ob es Deine erste Liebe gewesen wäre.

Liebe ist so etwas wunderbares das dich erfüllen kann und dich wieder lächeln läst.
Es ist dieses warme wunderbare Gefühl das dich überflutet wie eine Woge aus warmer Glückseligkeit und ein angenehmes Prickeln in Dir hinterlässt.

Sie ist die Sehnsucht die dich nicht mehr schlafen lässt und zu einer süßen Qual wird wenn dein geliebter sich auch nur einen Zentimeter von Dir entfernt.

Aber wie entsteht diese Liebe die Du doch so suchst ? Kannst auch Du Sie finden ?

Ich mag es Dir hier gerne einmal beschreiben.

Ein ganz wichtiger Teil dafür ist Deine Fantasie und Vorstellungskraft.

Denn das ist die Grundlage dafür sich vorstellen zu können wie der Partner aussehen könnte.

Wie sein Körper ist oder einfach nur wie er duftet.

Du wirst ihn spüren noch bevor Du ihn überhaupt gesehen hast. Deine Nase ist sehr wichtig. Schließe einfach mal Deine Augen und stelle Dir vor wie er aussehen könnte dann konzentriere dich und rieche
Denn jeder Mensch hat seinen eigenen Geruch. Je mehr ein Mensch zu Dir passt um so besser wird er für dich duften. Denke an die schönste Blume die Du je gesehen hast und fühle die Luft um dich herum denn dort in den vielen Gerüchen ist der eine der Deine Liebe ist.

Besonders gut riechen glückliche Menschen denn Ihr Körper sendet Duftstoffe aus die sich mit der Luft in der Umgebung mischen und so eine Atmosphäre des Wohlgefühls um sich erzeugen.

Du wirst wie ich riechen können ob vor 15 Minuten einglücklicher Mensch in diesem Raum gewesen ist.

Wie riechen glückliche Menschen tja das ist ganz einfach zu sagen Gut. Ich meine nicht das Deo sondern wenn jemand gut und freundlich ist strahlt der Körper Glückshormone aus die den ganzen Körper positiv beeinflussen und so auch für einen angenehmen Duft sorgen.

Für mich als Mann ist die Fantasie auch sehr wichtig.
Zum Beispiel regt meine Fantasie eher eine schlanke und zarte Frau an die ein niedliches aussehen hat.
Aber das ist bei jedem anders und hat viel mit den persönlichen Erfahrungen zu tun.

Wenn du die Natur liebst kannst Dir zum Beispiel vorstellen wie Du an einem Lagerfeuer sitzt und Ihr die Wärme spührst die von dem Feuer ausgeht. Du hörst das knistern des brennenden Holzes und riechst die Abendluft und den Rauch der sich darin mischt. Es ist ein Sommerabend und Du und dein Partner haben kein Oberteil an. Ihr schwitzt ein wenig und euer Duft vermischt sich auf angenehme Art mit der Abendluft.

Leicht streicht der Wärme Sommerwind über Eure Körper und hinterlässt eine angenehme Kühle.
Das Lagerfeuer lässt Eure Haut leicht schimmern Ihr seht Euch in die Augen und wisst das da jemand ist der Euch liebt.

Fortsetzung folgt...
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Teenage daughters....gotta love 'em...

No shortage of love about, for sure. But the song, "You always hurt the one you love" seems prophetic for many dads. Picked up the two at university for Easter break, and Goddess forbid, asked if it was OK to briefly stop at the MC shoppe to get a part for the vintage touring Wing. Eyes, all 4, screwed up to the ceiling, clutching i Phones. "We just want to get home to the critters, Popsi, dearest". So, ever a glutten for pain, I ask if they"d like to come in with me to see the shiny new road machines. "C'mon Dad, and have to be around all those grubby googling fat old bikers?" Third voodoo doll the heart. "Well, you are both so nice and beautidul, a father, especially if he's proud and a bit of a show off, likes to be seen with you". Giggles all the way home. Am I missing something? Aa.
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An opportunity to think

Are you feel happy sometimes!
Do you have some time to read what is written by others!
Do you suffer from what is bothering you!
Please pay attention a little bit and read what I write to you
There's just nothing brings us together with some, yet! Is not it right
It seems some unseen thing!
But it is not
You will ask yourself why this person writes me I'm exactly!
Fact that there is nothing between you and connects me until the moment
I have been living in a beautiful country where security and tranquility
War came I took everything from me
I took some of my friends and my family and I felt it's over and no longer stays there anything in this land
After he regained some of my strength, I thought that there are things that can I do are to forget acre
I left my war-torn and I live now in Turkey
It really is a beautiful country
The story has not yet begun ma'am, I just wanted to meet a part of my life
When I was in my work and I had, and I have a car and I have a house, I did not think to others enough
I was looking for all the things that I want it and I'm trying to enjoy my life
I realized that there are many things in life I did not know her
I forgot the war and became a search for the things that help people to overcome the plight of war
There was no extras can be accessed through them to others and get to know them and exchange them in my views
I started work for children, women, and found plenty of time to talk to others from all over the world
The communication with them is very great and we were able to get to know each during work
I found occasion to get to know others and share my experience opportunity
Madam I am here in order to reach a wonderful woman interested in her and cared opinion and listen to it and to exchange messages and get to know each other closely
When I told you nothing binds us is true, but there are many things I've found bind us we humans
There is a wonderful human relationships and emotions are owned by most humans share their feelings through them
There are many things we share ma'am, and there are many things we can do for ourselves and for others
I think that happiness comes through the interest and participation of the wonderful moments and exchange views and attention some time talking with him
No happiness in n owns a business opportunity, not happiness in the possession of the money and the house and the car and bank account
There are many things that bring us happiness when we are looking for
What human benefit when they die and do not leave anything that benefits others
What human benefit when he leaves this world and did not leave a beautiful mark in the hearts of others
Through my work there are a lot of friends come here every year to share beautiful moments and we documented
There are people who are leaving many wonderful fingerprints which always remember them
My bit long
But I just wanted to know that my experience might rethink this life and are we doing the right thing and are we on the right
By chance alone made me enter here in order to find a woman talk to her, because I consider women are of greatest influence in this world
If there are many things that unite us and bind us, and this letter is one of the things that we have about each other and we can do things in order to reach happiness
I wish you a wonderful Madam times and I hope that these words you'll love
Wait to read your response
You will also find the stuff you're looking for in this small world
It is not difficult
You just need the will to find the stuff you're looking for
Maybe I'm not good at writing things that touch your feelings and what you think
But I trusted that I wrote as beautiful as I could for you.....
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Twin Girls' first home....

from university summer jobs start soon. First real jobs. Check out at our food cooperative. Pretty cushy gigs, if one can find them. I began work for pay to help family budget at around age ten, Saturdays, in season, veggie picking on local Azorean Portuguese farmers' truck farms, 35 cents US for a ful basket of greeen beans, but it migh tave been 50. All the stale bubble wrapped pastries on the truck we could eat, to and from the job. Free expired date food for the pigs. And a paper route soon there after. Are times diffrent for our kids, at least in paradise countries? Memoir fodder, all. Aa.
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I can’t believe it’s now

It’s December already. No family or friends nearby. Weird feeling
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Vierkaesehochonline today!

Twins' 23rd Birthday Party.....Beautiful Bar Harbour, Maine.....

If you are blessed with kids, don't scrimp on the movies, photos, journaling and family trips. Time flies much too fast, and without such tools, memories can fade.
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Life .

professor be careful what you wish for .. professor
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