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Most Commented Family Blogs (545)

Here is a list of Family Blogs ordered by Most Commented, posted by members. A Blog is a journal you may enter about your life, thoughts, interesting experiences, or lessons you've learned. Post an opinion, impart words of wisdom, or talk about something interesting in your day. Update your blog on a regular basis, or just whenever you have something to say. Creating a blog is a good way to share something of yourself with others. Reading blogs is a good way to learn more about others. Click here to post a blog.


A cute memory

My grandivas are in their mid to late twenties now. One of my cutest memories from when they were in elementary school is about the time texting began. The girls got phones and I got a text at work from the oldest one. I texted back and for a few text we enjoyed each other. Then it occured to me she turned me into the little girl I once was passing notes in elemetary school. Neither of us was supposed to be texting from school or work but there we were both being kids.

Now she is a flight attendant, today in Amerstdam posting photos on FB showing how happy she is. Yesterday she face timed me while she was doing her make up. She was cute as hell when the phone call started but then as she piled crap (makeup) on her face, did her cheeks, eyebrows, lashes, then fixed her hair all while face timeing she ended up looking like she belonged on a magazine that would give every man a boner. She always let me know how she was having fun being single but now she has a boyfriend for two months.

My first question was "good sex?" and she said yes. Funny question from a grandma but tough if anyone has a problem with that.
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chatilliononline today!

chatillion's guide to holiday eating...

In the past at family gatherings, I'd put a small amount of food on my plate and sit at the table. That was my first round, time to sample what I wanted for the next round.
Often, I'd hear "What... you're going for more?"
I'm done with the guilt-trip comments.
Today, I filled my plate like I was at an all-you-can-eat buffet. One trip!
No 'why are you going back' comments.


So take it from me... if you've got family concerned about your intake of food in this holiday season... Load 'em up as you'll only get one round.
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chatilliononline today!


It's no secret that a good percentage of the Asian women on CS are Philippine working in other countries. It could be cities like Hong Kong, Singapore or Dubai where they are contracted to be domestic help and in many cases, English teachers for young children.
The ones who have a medical background usually hire out as nurses or health care workers.

One profile stated she is an OFW. That acronym was new to me and it means Overseas Filipino Worker and describes people who leave their country in search of opportunity that is not available in Philippines.

My father was in the Navy during WWII and traveled the Pacific. While docked in the Philippines, one of his buddies met a hospital worker and they started a relationship. After the war, she came to America where they married and lived happily ever after!

There is a large Philippine community in Miami and some women I've met were in the medical field having received their nurse training in the Philippines.

A lot of credit goes out to the women who accept the challenge of working in a foreign land to aid their families back home!
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Vierkaesehochonline today!

Thinking.....Broadly.....and not a little.....sociopathically....

.... but adaptively?... Wiser stateshupersons see many parallels between what are becoming the world's two most powerful, and politically very different countries. Parallels that in past times ended in conflict. Culturally, and historically, let's face it, both the Middle Kingdom, and the USA, aren't exactly shy about leaning in directions of rank Xenophobia. Which, to the bright, educated and open minded, isn't all bad. Genomically considered. So if the day arrives, when due to some of their own one party, self protective, shooting-themselves-in -both feet, thinking and behaviors, THIS time, the whole of China finds itself irretrievably stepping deep into it, via corona virus, what then? Well, viruses never seem to wipe out whole populations, neither in hupersons, nor other species---at least in those with adaptive immune systems/capacities. Less so with clued public health. And for similar reasons, plus our more enlightened and effectively responsive governments/technologies, lets say that possibly typically 30 to 50% of the Han Chinese were to die off, sadly so, but to a large degree self imposed, but leaving all the rest of us to survive, with better recalled immunity, what then? Ain't exactly warm and fuzzy thinking, but should it be cold and brilliant wishing? Many believe, based on how many nations behave in the throes of armed conflict, and if water/other resources are scarce, few would be shy about exterminating whole competing nations/regional populations, with few eyes blinking at all. But don't take my words for it, just pick up any history book. And for all the snowflake who bemoan Trump's wall. So, much or most of the PRC would survive, but in a much weakened state, and likely with different, better, after likely chaotic, politics. What then. Our first impulse might be to say, how hertless, Vierk, perish even the thought! Oh, Really?
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chatilliononline today!

It could be done today...

After several attempts at a house closing and getting all the documents signed, the city required a Re-Occupancy inspection. The purpose was to certify that a single-family was clearly that and matched the county documents. The inspectors visit was NOT looking for code inspection unless something was added to the dwelling (as in an efficiency apartment, another bathroom or added kitchen... however the inspector had failed me because I replaced a metal roof screened patio with a metal roof screened patio and didn't pull a permit. The laundry area had some makeshift drain pipe and the electric was mounted to a metal panel. We repeated his scope (according to city ordnance) wasn't for the patio as a permit was pulled for that structure more than 40 years ago. He left me alone on that issue but didn't like the washer/dryer installation. We disconnected the pipe and electrical and on his return, I got the approval.

Now, it's in the hands of the title company to schedule the closing.

Several trips back and forth removing everything... furniture, hobby and personal items.
What I couldn't sell or store was given away. I bought some time by filling 10 stackable heavy-duty bins that my neighbor agreed to keep in his patio and every weekend, I'll pull out a bin or two as I'm NOT going to drag everything to my condo.

This gives me time to sort and decide the fate of my family junque that I've been keeping for so many years.

I'd like to thank the City of North Miami for weekly trash pickup and Home Depot for the box of 32 contractor size garbage bags. Actually, I'm into a 2nd box now.
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I am not an author!

Seriously, I'm not an author. I have very little college experience. Mostly it was to get started in the first few weeks of classes and be forced to drop out because unfortunately when the financial aid checks would come, the other half of the relationship would happen to need this or that or the other. I'd wind up unable to get to the classes and would be dropped and that's been a pattern for the better part if 12 years. I dropped out of high school because I was too busy trying my best to support a mom who lost her mind due to the fact that my sister ran away from home and filed for emancipation to avoid being told squat about what she was doing on the back of the ROTC bus with the boys and well, it drove my mother insane.

I grew up on track for scholarships getting straight A's even as a child who grew up in government housing. I wasn't able to function properly in school because of the fact that I would stream through the coursework within about a months time. I was reading the classics by the time I was 10 and reading scholarly dissertations by 16. But that wasn't what was in the cards for me.

My dream was to be able to attend West Point and go career in the military and fast track myself as quickly as possible. But unfortunately due to leading a life of misfortune due to my own devices and the circumstances of how I was just trying to get by, I wound up getting into some legal trouble that caused me to be unable to get a moral waiver which barred me from the service.

So I led a life of work. Labor. Using my back to get by. People have always told me there's more to life than just breaking my back, but it was what paid the bills. I've been told by many people who've come and gone from my life to strive for more because unfortunately I always had to bring my mentality down a notch or two to alleviate their stresses and insecurities of things.

I do have a very rich vocabulary and I probably should start writing a novel or two, but who's going to really read about somebody's follies that they put themselves in? I have been trying my best to just get by. I'm not sure how people can think that I'm anything more than what I am. I don't see an actual future for myself, but that's because I've allowed myself to be held back and allowed myself to listen to the depravity of minds that prefer the misfortunes and struggles and miseries of life over the happiness and joys of success. I've listened to it for so long about how I'm just going to fail anyways that I quit trying. I don't do drugs. Have I in the past? Yes. Do I drink? No not usually. Once or twice a year I'll toss back a shot of bushmills and go on with my existence. Do I smoke cigarettes? Yes. Like a train. I have cut back tremendously from smoking an entire carton a day to a few packs a day. And for those who will scoff at that and say it's not possible, yes it is. It's very much possible when you have nothing but time to light up cigarette after cigarette and yes it does cause quite a bit of health problems which is why I have cut back.

One of my previous posts I put in there that it's been so long since I've written because I was never allowed to get my thoughts out. There's no lie in my words. Not trying to play the victim, because I just wanted to let it out of my heart and mind. I've stated several times I am not blameless in all things. But for people to start in on me like a pack of dogs because they think they already know the facts is incredulously asinine. I've met several people in this life who live it so cynically that they can't comprehend what is before their very eyes so they doubt the truth when it's just that. Fact. Truth. A statement of the present.

But I am tired of being told something that is, isn't. I am tired of being talked down to by the clueless and the blind. You want me to shut my trap, fine. I will go off into silence and hold my despair in and never let it out. But remember, I merely wrote my heart. You commented
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The unequal marriage. Problems

This topic is about the unequal marriage. Surely it got nothing to do with the Bible and with other religious things. It is a moral issue. The talk is when it comes in marrying and living with a spouse who is twice or far twice about age. A 55 years old man married to 25-35 years old woman, or 45 years old man marries an 18 years old girl. Likewise also comes with sugar moms who are far above ages of their husbands. We believe that these unequal marriages are normal ? Truly, they are abnormal and more than 80% they always end up in divorces. Why ? Because age difference is always comes in number one of matching chemistry for building solid marriage. Good matching age gulf between spouses must be at least 5-7-10 years, and not like 15+ years. Huge age difference makes many problems. The mentality of young people spouses is different from their far older spouses. For example 20+ and 30+ years old men and women wish to enjoy things which is for young lives, but while their old spouses sit at home and watch TV, because they are nothing, but withered dry wood logs. The spouses 40+ and 50+ are old and are home bound people. The unequal marriages are also dangerous, because the younger spouses mostly focus at older spouses wealth, not the spouses as themselves. Yes the gold diggers who divorce them for money and assets, later after they married. Age is not always just a number.
In conclusion, the unequal marriages are abnormal and are unwise. There is an idiom, " The hockey players are far different with the chess players. "
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chatilliononline today!

I met Giuseppe today...

Earlier today I went to visit my niece and her 2 children. On the way back, I stopped for groceries and found a father & son team playing music in the parking lot. The term is busking and it refers to playing in a public place for donations.

As the story goes, Giuseppe was wailing away on a violin with some prerecorded music in the background. Both players were amplified and can be heard across the large parking lot of a mall.

The sign explained he has 3 kids and not enough money for rent.

Although the weather was terrific... the sun was beating down and unless they were wearing sunblock, I'd give them a little more than an hour before their next gig would be the emergency room burn center!

Embedded image from another site
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I can't comprehend

So, I've been getting a lot of phone calls from my doctor's office about the situation I am in. They assigned me a case worker, who genuinely seems to care about what had happened and is trying to help me. But the biggest thing that is bothering me is I am just trying to get my life together without doing harm to anyone elses life. I don't want what transpired to turn into a legal case against the other half. I don't. I just wanted to make a clean break from it all and to be able to get my Dr appointments set up and not get attacked for the sheer pleasure of someone's ego being hurt. I'm not one to ever condone violence in a relationship ever. I am a firm believer in if it gets to that point it's already gone to far for too long. I understand I have issues that stem from staying because I believed what I was told time and again that nobody else would want me. I get that I stayed for the sake of another's children's security. I completely understand that I'm not blameless in the bickering. But when it came to the violence, I don't care who thinks what in this world. I didn't do it. Nor will I take blame for instigating it. Because each and every violent act stemmed from one thing and that was me trying to leave because there was no point in staying when in the only one who held those vows true to my heart and my actions showed it. Even if I were stupid in forgiving the same things over and over in the hopes of life becoming right. It never did and I'm still sorry for it not working out. I still wish peace to the other half and hope with every fiber of my being that they get the help they need. Like my profile says, I just need to talk and get it out. Even the Dr says to stay away and that's no problem. I have my job and I am content in doing my job. It's hard to take care of my health with the lack of options for healthy food, but I do my best. I am young as many point out. But to hear my full story, one would only wonder if I am just a glutton for punishment. And in some cases, yes I am. I knew better. But when the road less traveled is free and clear and the wide path leads to damnation, I'd rather take the one full of danger at every turn because it builds a strong mind even if it takes away the will. My own mother told me for years I have an old soul and I was destined for more than the mundane. I just never knew it meant for me to be torn apart by the vindictive behavior of others. I have truly traveled the country and parts of the world in search of adventure and knowledge. I never had the ability to settle down and I have plenty of regret because of that. But, it has made me who I am today. I'm not a wolf in sheep's clothing. I'm not a sheep following the masses. I'm not a lion with a heart of savagery fearing nothing. I am but a man who is lost in the madness of life and struggling with an inner turmoil that I am hoping to be able to turn into redemption. I wish nothing but peace and love and happiness and many blessings upon the world good or bad. Enemy or friend. If I didn't, could I really appreciate life itself? When others cringe at the sound of a crying babe in the middle of the market, with a poor over taxed mother apologizing for what life is, I just smile and say it's ok. Because why should the sound of life be something to cringe from? It should be celebrated. In all its glory it should be celebrated. When the poor are sitting there in their misery, I don't hold my cash and turn my head I share because if I didn't, wouldn't I be the same as who put them in that place? They should be lifted up and fed and cherished, because if not for their pain and suffering, we would not appreciate our own blessings. I am almost out of characters to finish my thoughts, so I leave you all with this..... I wish for a better life, I wish for a family of my own, I wish for the sound of children with my blood coursing through their veins, and I wish peace and love to this entire world because without you all I wouldn't be me. DJD
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Random, stream of conciousness and associative thoughts
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