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My dog... The Sort of guard Dog!

The dog in my picture..beautiful boy..2years of age.... is very timid (even to me).. he has been barking most of the nights lately..protecting the land etc..this starts usually after eating..Today 4 strangers appeared on the land..i heard them from the house...i saw "quick quick!" (the dog) sunbathing and chewing a stick and didn't bat an eyelid at the possible pillagers...he also barks at me sometimes until he can see me.. very strange dog and i have known a lot of dogs in my life..although he is a good dancer..the dog has talent..banana laugh
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Why America needs Donald Trump now more than ever

The Previous administration was loved by numerous countries. They recognized the incompetence and unethical nature of Obama. He was an eager participant in their globalization policies. He wasn’t looking out for America. The hypocrisy of progressive Democrat is legend. For eight miserable years we had a divisive fraud who pulled Americans apart. His failed policies created a vacuum in the Middle East. His agenda was blindly worshiped by the progressive media sycophants. And his delusional socialist ideology was designed to destroy American sovereignty. Truly to ignore this reality discredits any objectivity the left could claim. They were acting against the American people in this resistance. The current addition of anti Semitics is disgusting. They allow hateful 8th century religious ideology to prosecute a race of people. The obvious fascist mentality and intolerance is pathetic. That fanaticism proves they are unethical blind ideologue. That describes a fascist and a potential danger to Americans.

Stephen Pare
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Vierkaesehochonline today!

Reparations, of many sorts...

...the term is often heard from Negro racists in the USA. The thinking goes as follows. Only whites can possibly be racists, and such people, mostly Democrats of the old south, several centuries ago, were soley responsible for the American curse of slavery. SO, the logic goes, Negroes currently living in the USA deserve monetary reparations. Of course, no one alive today, White or Black, was around during those terrible years, when Blacks contributed so much to the Old South's agrarian cotton/tobacco economies,---actually only a tiny part of the overall USA economy. Nor can anyone possibly account for the current USA negro population distributions, which include various blendings from many non slavery areas at the time, and since. And what amounts of money, and should the many very wealthy Negro Americans in sports, business, media, and other affirmative action sinecures, be somehow means tested for reparations cash? POTUS Obama as well? And how about the vital cooperation of ruthless Black West African Tribal Chiefs in helping the evil White man to capture, place into bondage, and cram the proto slaves into the holds of Slave ships? Too, the American Civil war, costing some 600 large war deaths, and led/funded by a Republican POTUS and Republican US Congress, which many alt leftie Democrats today, including racist Blacks, insist was fought only for states' rights. AS IF, Lincoln's Gettysburg address focused on anything but the scourge of slavery. But, I digress. Reparations might then consider other maltreated ethnic populations. Canadian (ooouuut, Eh?) First People's, Kiwi Maoris, Aboriginals in OZ, Turkish Armenians, South American Cholitos, the Irish in pax Britania, and many more. Yep, peebles, reparations, clear and simple fixes for the injustice du jour, even if the du jours were centuries ago. Achtung,Achtung--- TD-HD syndrome attacks imminent. Incoming, incoming!
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Philipsenonline today!

"I really wanted to see you again"

K dropped those words to me, right after we met up for our movie appointment.

About 2 hours before, we had agreed to go and see Midway, which I left a review about earlier. I asked her if she wanted to go see it on Sunday, but she had an appointment then. She then suggested we could see it today, which was fine by me, since I didn't really have any plans.

I like spending time with her, even if it is just for a few hours every two weeks. I asked her if she wanted to come by my place for some movies or video games, which she did want to. We just need to find the right dates for that.

It's great to have a friend you can go to the cinema with. What will the future hold for her and I? I don't really know yet. Time will tell, of which there is plenty. It's not like I am going anywhere, and we still keep in contact every day.

For now, I have a friend to spend some time with. And that is good enough for me :)
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Disaster For Democrats! New Poll Shows Independents Turning Sharply Against Impeachment!

In a polarized partisan electorate, it is independent voters who determine the outcome of elections. But the news for Democrats couldn't possibly be worse as the more they push the phony impeachment scam the more independent voters are turning against them.

The Democrats are hanging their entire election hopes for 2020 on a desperate 11th hour ginned up impeachment. UH OH!

I mean no disrespect to Democrats, but it must suck to be that dumb!

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Mirrors - What to see

We all know of the house of mirrors, when the circus comes to town...

You can be fat / thin / tall / short

What is urgently required is:

We'll have some very sick people, about 99%

Vierkaesehochonline today!

From your very own CS expert... How to....

...find committed love, with a grounded, self sufficient and sober person, right cheer on CS. Probably also applies to other sites as well. Why an expert? Like with truthful, addicted smokers, who say they can quit any time, as they have done so quite often. My half dozen marriages to CS ladies, which would have lasted if they were as nearly perfect as I am, makes me eminently qualified. The secrets? Well there really are none. But here goes. Above all, be patient, and willing to put in the effort to vet the many scammers, and nutters. Among the latter, are those on their own great Mandela, traipsing impatiently from one abusive entanglement to YET another. But don't take my word for it. Just ask any pregnant 15 year old about the ages when mom, aunts, sisters and even grannies got pregnant, and where is the father now. These things, as with addictions, of ANY sorts, tend to be cultural, and familiar,---perhaps even genetic. But healing can take place, again with effort, first by conquering personal denial, and then therapeutic work, which can also involve the tincture of time. Learn how to vet scammers, and many folks here, including the site itself, have all the valid tips you'll ever need. And put all these into practice. So I won't bore you with these details. OK, so now you are down to the 5-10% of really eligible and quite real, potential lifetime squeezes. Read their Blogs and Forums, and other stuff they place here---more info to judge intelligence, sense of humour, temperament and even a little history, details of which come further down the line. (See, oh you CS lemmings, TBC.) Cultivate a history of chatting, and not merely a few brief notes, and if possible, hint at banter, --- even flirting some---in use of language, one sign of intelligence, and lots more that is good. Chat HERE, as advised by all sites, and wait a long while before jumping to more unprotected email. A test of patience, and lots more. Avoid initial questions about what potentials are searching for here, how long they've been here, their jobs, and other such stuff. Better to let all this emerge, perhaps except for the darkest ones, which it will, indirectly, during chats, as trust slowly grows. The really dark ones seem, over time, to improve WITHIN a good relationship, and emerge best then, with loving support.Try to reveal yourself over time, in stages, best when both parties share challenges, here in all that you write. Secrets, and we all have them, some quite shameful, are best described on the front end. As my flight instructor always said, better on the ground, than in the air, No? Be prepared to let go with grace, of those, even with whom you have invested lots of time, as surely the time will not be wasted, as you'll learn much about others, their locations, and above all, about yourself. And if, when they return, much later, see this as a gift, not something to cop childish attitudes about. So, now you are well within the tiny percentage of possibles. Time to go to private email, texts, Skype, etc. But since most of you reading this will now be almost asleep, TBC.
socrates44online today!

Pesticides ban - Trump administration putting profits before people

Thailand wants to ban these three pesticides:
chlorpyrifos, an insecticide made popular by Dow Chemical that is known to damage babies’ brains; Syngenta’s paraquat, a herbicide scientists say causes the nervous system disease known as Parkinson’s that has been banned in Europe since 2007;
and Monsanto’s glyphosate herbicide, which is linked to cancer and other health problems.

The US government says no.
The Trump administration is putting profits before people by pressuring the country not to ban harmful chemicals

Dow, Syngenta and Monsanto have each merged their way to become bigger corporate behemoths in recent years, wielding their enhanced power in Washington to keep these and other money-making pesticides on the market. For example, before merging with DuPont earlier this year and spinning off the agrochemical business that made chlorpyrifos, Dow successfully defended continued use of chlorpyrifos despite scientific concerns. The agrochemical companies are not having as much luck keeping foreign leaders in line, however, amid growing global awareness of the risks many pesticides spell for human health.
Thailand joins dozens of countries that have already banned or are planning bans on paraquat, chlorpyrifos and/or glyphosate. Thailand’s national hazardous substances committee voted last month to ban all three due to the dangers established by scientific evidence.

Thailand’s leaders were motivated in part by research showing that use of these chemicals in agriculture not only puts farm workers at risk, but also endangers consumers because the bug and weed killers’ residues persist in fruits, vegetables, grains and other foods.

In the United States, pesticide residues are so common in domestic food supplies that a Food and Drug Administration report issued in September found more than 84% of domestic fruits, 53% of vegetables, and 42% of grains sold to consumers carried pesticide residues.
US regulators parrot industry talking points as they insist that dietary exposures to pesticides are nothing to worry about and say any risks to farm workers can be mitigated with proper training, protective clothing and other measures.

According to Thai news reports, US officials have also been warning that the ban will interfere with lucrative trade. The US is especially upset about a glyphosate ban, arguing that it could limit hundreds of millions of dollars in Thai imports of US grains, which are often laced with glyphosate residues.

It may be disgraceful, but it’s certainly not surprising that the Trump administration is working to protect glyphosate and other pesticides that bring profits to big corporations. The agrochemical industry players are devoted donors to the political machinery that runs Washington and they expect a return on their dollars.
Chlorpyrifos was scheduled to be banned two years ago from US agricultural use but when Trump came into office the EPA decided to delay any action until at least 2022. The agency is currently updating its risk assessment of paraquat, seeking public comments through 16 December; but it appears poised to allow continued use, albeit with restrictions. And earlier this year the EPA affirmed that it continues to find no health risk associated with glyphosate.
One example of the governmental fealty was laid out in an internal Monsanto consultant’s report made public through litigation against the company. The report quotes a White House policy adviser as saying: “We have Monsanto’s back on pesticides regulation. We are prepared to go toe-to-toe on any disputes they may have.”

It’s certainly not surprising that the Trump administration is working to protect glyphosate and other pesticides that bring profits to big corporations

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Vierkaesehochonline today!

Medical conditions....And Public Broadcasting...

Only those who are vision or hearing impaired, or suffering from near terminal TD-HD Syndromes will not not know. But the severe biases of the fake media outlets, VERY fake, have been with us now for several decades. Recall when during the war in the Malvinas, the BBC's reporting was so unbiased, that some members of Parliarment complained. At least, as predicted, until Maggy and the Brits totally kicked arse down there with the girly, sissy Generals full of chest medals Argentinians. And here in the USA, the three networks, and public broadcasting, the latter most notable for NPR (National Proletarian Radio), are hardly even handed in reportage. Certainly grossly biased against right wing almost anything, but even in their coverage of science, economics, etc. Only former short wave radio Moscow, Havana or Tirana, in their own propagandist ways, were worse. It wasn't always this way, as with the now terminally PC BBC. Public broadcasting was actually started, with a majority of taxpayers' dollars, half a century ago, to counter the commercial outlets. And for a short while, it did the job. Over time, with more staffing by graduates of Schools of Journalism, the left biases began to creep in, to a point where we now virtually have enemies of the people for news pundits. But don't take my word for it. Step onto almost any campus, and visit a few lectures. Then catch a few broadcasts. Sure, there's right wing info on some outlets. BUT IT'S NOT TAXPAYER FUNDED, oh my astute CS lemmings. The taxpayer funding confiscatory huge teats for these incredibly biased services continues, albeit, with protests from taxpayers, at lower rates. Now the funding comes from frequent "beg-a-thons", for listener support. And originally, public broadcasting was intended to avoid all the crass adverts on commercial outlets, by using taxpayers dollars instead. Fat chance, but again, don't take my word for it. Just tune in to see how really similar the many adverts on the fake news PUBIC networks, VERY fake, really are. Our Brilliant President Trump as with his many other long overdue/fulfilled promisses policies, is hip. VERY hip. But strategically keeping a low profile on this, until he's in for a second term. I won't detail the various plans for change here, but as they say on the air waves, stay tuned. And just BTW, my British friends, if you don't happen to be rabidly left wing yourselves, just how fairly do you feel your TV/Radio confiscatory taxes are being spent. We can all hang our heads, and pray. Hope we don't get fooled again. Same old bosses, same old....
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