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bill blog

iam creating a blog hoping someone reads it so here it goes iam really a good guy and iam a people person i love kids i like movies sports music i like to have fun and if you cant see that then you are messing out on a good guy because they dont make them like me anymore
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Ladies beware of a scammer,using multiple profiles one of them, by the names of dipsinogus in Denmark, Nigerian Scammer
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Smile for the sake of a smile,
Smile for the sake of happiness,
Smile for the sake of life,
Smile because of hope left in life,

Smile my friends,
Smile for me my Love,
Smile those same sweet smiles,
Smile so the world can be a peaceful dove...

grin grin grin grin grin grin bouquet bouquet bouquet bouquet bouquet
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Love more..Why aren’t you doing it now?

Yesterday i was lucky enough to attend an old friends gatherings, and during our conversation, i initiated the conversation of our live with purpose to some friends whom I knew well, they spend long hours working and leave their partners complaining about not having quality time together .So I asked some ‘’what would be your preference in this life, work or love ?‘’ and looking at the bright side, seeing the surprise in their faces, wishes, regrets Ect.... I asked them ‘’if we were given an opportunity to plead our case for a second chance at life, to come up with all the reasons that could possibly be compelling enough to have our wish granted. If we had more time on this earth, what would we do differently?
The reason at the top of everyone’s list wasn’t to work harder, make more money, or have more things—It was to love more. Some people wanted more time with their families, some wanted to treat their wives and children better, and some still needed a chance to experience real, true, soul mate love.
If you were given a chance to live your life to the fullest every, single day, how would you live? What would you change? What would you do? Well, guess what—you do have that chance. Every second on this earth you have an opportunity to live your life to the fullest. So the real question here is: Why aren’t you doing it now?
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Music Lovers Check Dis Out

Dj XPosure aka Mr Flava : Holla If You want the links to me Free Downloads Mixtape CD / MP3
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Love story

This is my Frst blog..on this site..

A sparrow was in love with white rose.
one fine day the sparrow proposed tha white rose.
the white rose told her that when he turns red he'll love her.
then sparrow tore her body and slowly spread her blood on the white rose the rose turned red and fel in love but the sparrow was no more.
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i want to...........

i want to sing you a song
but i don't know how to sing
i can't make a tone
i can't get into rythm
though i'm not a singer
yet i want to sing you a song
cuz i do love you

i no longer like
sending you their songs
they sing for their lovers
and my feelings for you
are more special
i love you and
now i want to sing you a song
cuz i do love you

get ready to your ears
sound of my voice might not good
but the words are so ture
that I LOVe YOU

i want to sing you a song
i don't know how to do
i can't make a tone
i can't get into rythm
though i'm not a singer
yet i want to sing a you song
cuz i do love you.
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Just one..

One song can spark a moment,
One flower can wake the dream.
One tree can start a forest,
One bird can herald spring.
One smile begins a friendship,
One handclasp lifts a soul.
One star can guide a ship at sea,
One word can frame the goal
One vote can change a nation,
One sunbeam lights a room
One candle wipes out darkness,
One laugh will conquer gloom.
One step must start each journey.
One word must start each prayer.
One hope will raise our spirits,
One touch can show you care.
One voice can speak with wisdom,
One heart can know what's true,

One life can make a difference,
You see, it's up to you!...........bouquet bouquet bouquet bouquet bouquet bouquet grin hug hug
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Ya me rindo

Aveces pienso en mi pasado y quisiera esa inocencia. Quisiera volver a el sentimiento de amor, paz, felicidad. Bella Ignorancia que me abundaba de niña. Pero los años nos llenan de malicia y un sabor a desilucion con el Mundo.

Nada es como pensabamos que hera; Nada es como queremos que fuera, No somos como quisieramos ser. Tuve sueños, tuve un bonito pensar... Correr vestida de traje blanco, puro y bonito. Ahora esos sueños han sido replazados por parchos de felicidad que no llenan bien, no me completan. Simplemente me hacen olvidar por un momento que no estoy feliz. No niego que Dios me hizo una promesa de que seré feliz y lo mejor todavia no ha llegado. Me preocupa el cuanto tenga que esperar.

Quisera que fuera pronto ya que con el tiempo mi corazon simplente se vuelve mas frio. Lo que antes hacia con ternura ahora lo hago por rutina. La vida no es perfecta pero aveces aunque tratamos de hacerla bien todo lo que hacemos se rompe frente a nosotros. Si solamente la vida causara heridas, pero el ser humano tan envidioso y tan malvado tambien sabe herir. Mi realidad nunca va a hacer la tuya. Mi realidad es una unica para mi. Hay muchas cosas que yo quisiera tener y vivo inconforme. Y vivo vacia y vivo por vivir. Por la rutina.

Precisamente en estos tiempos nos olvidamos que es ser feliz, que es estar contento y lleno en abundancia de aquello que es verdaderamente duradero. No niego que vivo por esperar que se cumpla esa promesa. Aveces me duele volver a despertar y enfrentarme las mismas situaciones una y otra vez. Me duele ver la gente que yo amo destruyendose, destruyendome en el proceso. Hay muchas cosas que yo callo y aguanto. Aveces no puedo sostener todo eso y lo tengo que sacar. Estoy miserablemente viviendo en un estanque. Vivo cada dia como si no viviera. Sin un toque de vida, sin una chizpa de intensidad. Estoy cansada de el mundo y las personas que viven en el. Las injusticias, el odio, las repeticiones de eventos insignificantes. Me cansa ya que me juzgen. Mi Dios comprende. Mi Dios entiende y se que jamas me apuntara con odio. Estoy cansada de todo y todos. De verdad que vivo muerta y cada dia que pasa y se repite lo mismo, me hace morir un poco mas. Cada dia que pasa me aleja mas de esa promesa. Cada dia que pasa voy perdiendo la batalla. Estoy cansada. No siento nada mas. No siento nada.

Es increible que nadie pueda ver lo verdaderamente muerta que estoy. Aparentemente es facil disimular porque a nadie verdaderamente le importa lo suficiente como para saber la verdad. Recaigo a lo mismo de mi ayer. No aguanto la misma situacion. No aguanto nada en estos momentos. Quisiera volver y ser niña. Maldigo el dia en que me manche con la Realidad de este mundo. Maldigo el dia en que perdi mi inocencia y deje de soñar porque en este mundo y en esta sociedad soñar es insignificante. Todo me hace sentir insignificante. Quisiera ser niña sonreirle al mundo que me va matando. No aguanto mas.
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Every one of us needs to show how much we care for each other and, in the process,care for ourselves. wave
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