GOP knows that Obama will win a gain in 2012! GOP have gone chicken and knows that the battle is al (805)

Jul 27, 2011 5:19 PM CST GOP knows that Obama will win a gain in 2012! GOP have gone chicken and knows that the battle is al
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
mr1983: Like you said. There is 576 copies out there. One is mine!!

Jul 27, 2011 5:21 PM CST GOP knows that Obama will win a gain in 2012! GOP have gone chicken and knows that the battle is al
mr1983: When your good friend signs off he uses the phrase "May th force be with ye".
It makes me think a couple of more sayings that I could use.

"The fear of loss is a path to the Dark Side." and
"Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate; hate leads to suffering. I sense much fear in you."
Life has thrown about everything it could at me,short of killing me,so why should I be afraid of some remarks by an Offbeat Swede?rolling on the floor laughing
Jul 27, 2011 5:22 PM CST GOP knows that Obama will win a gain in 2012! GOP have gone chicken and knows that the battle is al
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: I am not worry a bout my poll... this place have been taken over by dang teapublican bosos but still... the rest of us just got to stay strong and keep trying our best learning these guys some thing.

CS has been taken over by the Teapublicans? Were? I missed them? I missed that influx of brothern conservatives into CS? No.........I
think that the CSer that have been here are moving to the right.grin
Jul 27, 2011 5:24 PM CST GOP knows that Obama will win a gain in 2012! GOP have gone chicken and knows that the battle is al
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
katt1017: Oh?
The guy's own words convict him. He got caught at the game then panicked and changed his story.

The prosecution rests.
blah blah
Jul 27, 2011 5:26 PM CST GOP knows that Obama will win a gain in 2012! GOP have gone chicken and knows that the battle is al
mustbnutzmustbnutzKingman, Arizona USA33 Threads 5 Polls 3,730 Posts
The Wubama walked up the Hoobily path,
Singing and chanting and such,
He couldn’t do good budgety math,
And tried not to think hard, too much.

Wubama looked to the right and the left,
Reading the Glassy Word Boards.
For without his prompts, his speech was bereft,
Confusing the Murrican Hordes.

The Wubama fought for things nobody liked,
Making the Murricans frown,
But Wubama channeled a Marxity psyche,
So he went and he just doubled-down.

Wubama didn't care what people thought,
He felt all the people absurd.
He will never change, nor budge one small jot,
So only one term is assured!
Jul 27, 2011 5:27 PM CST GOP knows that Obama will win a gain in 2012! GOP have gone chicken and knows that the battle is al
Hot_Single_Dude: I am not worry a bout my poll... this place have been taken over by dang teapublican bosos but still... the rest of us just got to stay strong and keep trying our best learning these guys some thing.
you had better worry about your Poll!
After all it reflects the Public Opinion you crave so much!
But the Poll really has gone South!
Slim Whitman even singing about it!

Might not be about this Poll,but way South anyway!
Jul 27, 2011 5:29 PM CST GOP knows that Obama will win a gain in 2012! GOP have gone chicken and knows that the battle is al
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
mr1983: What is so difficult to understand in what I've said just there. I said if you read the post for about ten minutes before I posted the image, you will see that we were having a humorous conversation. Conrad posted a image of Bill Clinton because we were talking about him. I re-posted an image and stated that i took it in America at the time of GWB presidency. The reason I said was because the picture doesn't actually state which president it refers too. So I used artistic licence to introduce this as mine to continue the comic effect.
What is so difficult to understand about this? I understand that this image has been probably out on the internet for years and most people have come across it. It is like me trying to say that I own the Che Guevara print!! Are you really convinced that I meant to pass this off as mine? Do you think that I'm some stupid paddy that tried to hood-wink an American forum with an American image and really pass it off as my own?? Get a grip!! I don't come on these forums to try to hood-wink people. I'm not really in the form to get into a stupid argument now about this. If you can't from reading the posts realise what was happening, that is not down to me trying to hood-wink you, its down to just not understanding what was happening. Why is this? I'm not going to get into that. It is not really ever going to be a problem for me.

It is just Katt... do not argue with her ... does not pay off what so ever. she is very scared too:

Jul 27, 2011 5:31 PM CST GOP knows that Obama will win a gain in 2012! GOP have gone chicken and knows that the battle is al
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
mr1983: All I can say is WOW WEE!! I really can't believe it. When I bump into someone like you sometimes I question my leanings towards the liberal side. But then I think that the conservative side would not work either in possible solutions to the problem that has arisen. WOW WEE!
cheers yay
Jul 27, 2011 5:34 PM CST GOP knows that Obama will win a gain in 2012! GOP have gone chicken and knows that the battle is al
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
ttom500: I don't think that Nr, Rapheal or Dude are going to like what Mr. Dan McGinnis says in his article very much. But the short version is, he says that Obama lost the leadership on the debt crisis. That when Boehener walked out the White House the other day and took it the
Senate, the Congress began to take control of the situation.

In other words, Obama failed to analysis the situation correctly. And failed to lead.

The long version is:

Go back for a moment. What did the White House do when Boehener walked out?

They scrambled around to talk up the Senate Gang of 6. The Gang of 6 does not even have a working plan put together. Reid has the Senate version of the debt bill. Obama does not even know who in the Senate has a debt bill in the works.

I thought Obama was a pretty sharp politician. But now I am having doubts. He wants the leadership role here.

Boehener took that away and forced his hand. Why? Because only revenue making bills can originate in the House. The Senate has no power to give Obama his needed revenues to run a government. Boehner has Obama over a rock and hard place.

Boehener also just took a big swipe at a Obama veto. If Boehener links with the Senate, they can over ride a Obama veto with a 2/3rd Senate vote. Obama is being out played in the game of Washington political chess regarding the debt crisis and ceiling. Out played pretty badly, I might add.

By the way...almost no body like Beohner,s plan and most folks calling it a STUPID plan TT... Is Beohner going to move to AZ soon behind the Fence and leaving the Congress or becoming a radio troll on Fax? popcorn
Jul 27, 2011 5:48 PM CST GOP knows that Obama will win a gain in 2012! GOP have gone chicken and knows that the battle is al
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
ttom500: It takes awhile but eventually you start to see the goals of a administration. If this administration goal is use the global crisis as a means to keep bullion prices high, then you can begin to use it to make some prediction on future decisiosn that they will make.


The North Korean envoy came to meet with Hillary C. There in his first press conference, he ask (demands) a peace treaty with the US on the Korean war.

Now go back to my crisis/gold price theory. I predict Obama will reject it to keep tensions and a crisis developing between the two Koreas. That in turn will force the price of bullion up.

Woodward in his book confirmed this in his book somewhat. After getting the information from GWB team on the Global threats...Obama eventually said to a aid...."I have a world were half dozen things can blow up (crisis) and only ruminentary means of stopping them."


They plan into their administrations this concept of crisis profiting.
Even if it blows up, they still profit. Pretty slick you got to admit.

And it explains a ton of stuff.

Like why Obama was not cool down the Arab Spring.

Like why Air Force One is order to make a low fly over pass of the Statue of Liberty.

Like why a boomer in surfaced near NKorean waters.

Like why a ICBM was not or was launched from near LA toward China.

Like why they have not negotiated with Iran on its nuclear programs.

Like why they are not seeking a middle east peace deal between Isreal and the Palestines.

They have been making crisis and letting crisis develop to profit from them.

I know Dude I am surely wrong.

Oh but this just might explain the draconian TSA searches at airports. The new global warning to travelers of potential terrorist attacks. The keeping of the SW border open. The selling of weapons to drug cartels. The inablity to get the other alQeada leaders after bin Laden raid and a small library of intell was gathered. And my favorite......not prosecuting the 3 Black Panthers after they held a polling place hostage in the 2008 election.

Now what do you say?

Actually is u ask me then you are definately worng a bout almost what so ever TT... complicated issues are not that easy to solve and takes time. One important note to ur post is... Alqueda is distabilising as never before and is going to end as being powerful and influential organisation under Obama,s turms on power. Soem thing is sure... this administration really got to end Alqueda definately other wise in a bout many years from now when or if a Republican taking over in America ... Alqueda will show it,s ugly face again and Republicans just can not breath with out Fear and Reagan legacy will be honored by GOP creating another OBL and a major head ache for the entire humanity again! tongue
Jul 27, 2011 5:58 PM CST GOP knows that Obama will win a gain in 2012! GOP have gone chicken and knows that the battle is al
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
ttom500: Dude is going to push all his chips to the Obama line on the craps table, Conrad. We all know that. Dude is a dedicated follower of Obama.

He may not take a word of you or I say here as being the 'true'. But if Obama says jump that cannon. Dude is leading the charge to cannon rim.
And I don't think Obama is handing out parachuts or bungi cords as they rush to the edge.

Embedded image from another site

Jul 27, 2011 5:58 PM CST GOP knows that Obama will win a gain in 2012! GOP have gone chicken and knows that the battle is al
Hot_Single_Dude: Actually is u ask me then you are definately worng a bout almost what so ever TT... complicated issues are not that easy to solve and takes time. One important note to ur post is... Alqueda is distabilising as never before and is going to end as being powerful and influential organisation under Obama,s turms on power. Soem thing is sure... this administration really got to end Alqueda definately other wise in a bout many years from now when or if a Republican taking over in America ... Alqueda will show it,s ugly face again and Republicans just can not breath with out Fear and Reagan legacy will be honored by GOP creating another OBL and a major head ache for the entire humanity again!
world to Dude!
It is your "Man" who's sitting in the WH,not Bush,not Reagan,NOPE it Barrack O'bama!
So stop obfuscating!
It is your Guy who is presently Foooooking the Nation,more than any other POTUS in History!
Jul 27, 2011 6:02 PM CST GOP knows that Obama will win a gain in 2012! GOP have gone chicken and knows that the battle is al
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
ttom500: This is purely Windy City style of governace. Assuming I am right on the theory of Crisis/Profit making. The liberal European were clueless to what they were supporting for office in the 2008. They saw Obama as a meek and academian type President.

He was out to steal their piggie banks big time. Because this inflated gold standard is costing them billions. It is the reason that the Euro has been floundering. Why trade in the Euro, when you have both ongoing crisis (libya and energy poor Europe) and bullion going sky high?

LOL..................those $29.99 donations to the Obama campaign from Europe, I bet get thinned some in the 2012.

What 29.99 contributions form Europe to Obama TT? doh
Jul 27, 2011 6:03 PM CST GOP knows that Obama will win a gain in 2012! GOP have gone chicken and knows that the battle is al
ActractorguyActractorguyTims Ford Lake, Tennessee USA26 Threads 7 Polls 2,089 Posts
Conrad73: world to Dude!
It is your "Man" who's sitting in the WH,not Bush,not Reagan,NOPE it Barrack O'bama!
So stop obfuscating!
It is your Guy who is presently Foooooking the Nation,more than any other POTUS in History!

And we can't afford to buy the KY either. help blues moping
Jul 27, 2011 6:46 PM CST GOP knows that Obama will win a gain in 2012! GOP have gone chicken and knows that the battle is al
FreddyFudpuckerFreddyFudpuckerObamaville, Indiana USA10,179 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: Of course Jesus was progressiv TT! what the heck! so you beleive jesus was a right winger Stupid boso like you know who and who all of sudden? Jesus was all a bout love and equality and care and forgivness and even had a universal health care system builted with in for god sake

I dusted my old Bible off. I did a thorough search. I didn't find ObamaCare in the Bible. Could you provide me w/chapter and verse?

And coming from an athiest, what's your point? confused
Jul 27, 2011 6:47 PM CST GOP knows that Obama will win a gain in 2012! GOP have gone chicken and knows that the battle is al
FreddyFudpuckerFreddyFudpuckerObamaville, Indiana USA10,179 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: Of course Jesus was progressiv TT! what the heck! so you beleive jesus was a right winger Stupid boso like you know who and who all of sudden? Jesus was all a bout love and equality and care and forgivness and even had a universal health care system builted with in for god sake

The closest thing I could find was where he got angry and threw the moneychangers (govt) from the temple. laugh
Jul 27, 2011 6:49 PM CST GOP knows that Obama will win a gain in 2012! GOP have gone chicken and knows that the battle is al
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
Skybow: Both of you (actually all the Rep. Party goers here) never mention a Republican controlled Tea Party congress as being a factor in this mess of our economic recovery. You are so very slanted, biased and so very smug about it.

I would love to see a time we just might try to work out what we have and stop using a wrecking ball on America because partisan politics is so much more fun than working together on problems. My way or the highway is such standard M.O. here.

Really good to see you Skybow1 Wow! long time no see! I know u dislike my posts but still I like most of ur posts and admiring your amount of knowledge and care. hug wave
Jul 27, 2011 6:53 PM CST GOP knows that Obama will win a gain in 2012! GOP have gone chicken and knows that the battle is al
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
Skybow: There is no hope for working with a divided government or a divided country it is a road to perdition we are on and we are there already, can't you smell the sulfur as you type Tom?

I might remind you it is under the Republican watch that the markets crashed and war got an foothold on our economy. The banks and wall street took foolish Americans on a sub prime ride. Get over yourselves already. if we don't find a way to stop playing games, like this is some kind of competition instead of a country for and by all the people, we are screwed!
applause yay
Jul 27, 2011 6:59 PM CST GOP knows that Obama will win a gain in 2012! GOP have gone chicken and knows that the battle is al
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
jvaski: Most of the country will vote him back in - realizing the Republican's only goal is to destroy the country for their political grandstanding

Absolutely Bulls Eye! head banger
Jul 27, 2011 7:07 PM CST GOP knows that Obama will win a gain in 2012! GOP have gone chicken and knows that the battle is al
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
raphael118: freddy thinks hes a Conradian!
rolling on the floor laughing yay
Jul 27, 2011 7:49 PM CST GOP knows that Obama will win a gain in 2012! GOP have gone chicken and knows that the battle is al
FreddyFudpuckerFreddyFudpuckerObamaville, Indiana USA10,179 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: I am not worry a bout my poll... this place have been taken over by dang teapublican bosos but still... the rest of us just got to stay strong and keep trying our best learning these guys some thing.

teach sigh
Jul 27, 2011 7:50 PM CST GOP knows that Obama will win a gain in 2012! GOP have gone chicken and knows that the battle is al
FreddyFudpuckerFreddyFudpuckerObamaville, Indiana USA10,179 Posts
Jul 27, 2011 8:01 PM CST GOP knows that Obama will win a gain in 2012! GOP have gone chicken and knows that the battle is al
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: Actually is u ask me then you are definately worng a bout almost what so ever TT... complicated issues are not that easy to solve and takes time. One important note to ur post is... Alqueda is distabilising as never before and is going to end as being powerful and influential organisation under Obama,s turms on power. Soem thing is sure... this administration really got to end Alqueda definately other wise in a bout many years from now when or if a Republican taking over in America ... Alqueda will show it,s ugly face again and Republicans just can not breath with out Fear and Reagan legacy will be honored by GOP creating another OBL and a major head ache for the entire humanity again!

It is so easy Dude. They have tons and tons of precious metals. They sell some of it. Instead of raising the debt level and making all Americans pay for a failing government.
Jul 27, 2011 8:29 PM CST GOP knows that Obama will win a gain in 2012! GOP have gone chicken and knows that the battle is al
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: Actually is u ask me then you are definately worng a bout almost what so ever TT... complicated issues are not that easy to solve and takes time. One important note to ur post is... Alqueda is distabilising as never before and is going to end as being powerful and influential organisation under Obama,s turms on power. Soem thing is sure... this administration really got to end Alqueda definately other wise in a bout many years from now when or if a Republican taking over in America ... Alqueda will show it,s ugly face again and Republicans just can not breath with out Fear and Reagan legacy will be honored by GOP creating another OBL and a major head ache for the entire humanity again!

I am so right here, Dude. Obama has used his position to make crisis after crisis. Each one driving up the gold and silver prices. They realized early in his administraion how shakey the world was.....the Woodward quote.

So they came up with a hedge plan increase the value of the US gold and silver bullion, Actually it is pretty smart. But they don't know when to stop.

So they are going to crisis the debt ceiling legislation....Obama
is going to veto it. It will throw the world in major depression....killing every thing that they have been trying to do.

LOL.....that is happens when you fib the big one. You don't know when to stop. Obama fibbed on the country being broke.....big time. They had loaded vault with bullion.

They just need to what is right for Americans on this. Which is sell some bullion, modify a raise dept ceiling level and don't increase the tax. Get our interest rates in line. But they ain't going to do it.

Who cares if China buys some bullion? Better bullion than bonds and long term debt. But Obama wants that long term debt going to China.
So he will veto anything that does not raise the debt ceiling.

By the way...Alan Greenspan....says this about gold and silver bullion.....when gold had hit $1000 per ou earlier.......
"the gain are strictly monetary gains an early indication to move
away from the paper currencies".

Unless they put gold and silver back into the M1 and M2 of the country.
Obama and company broke the piggie bank.

People are moving away from the paper Dollar. Into hard securities. That does not included paper bonds and T-Bills. Obama just wants the T-Bills and bonds because they are easy and quick trade with China.
Prescious metals takes selling normally. But not in this market.

Why can I say that? FOX is no longer running those gold and silver ads.
The gold and silver dealers have all the buyer that they can handle.
Which is another reason they close the Gold and Silver OTC board.
They were getting to many faulty trades.
Jul 27, 2011 8:55 PM CST GOP knows that Obama will win a gain in 2012! GOP have gone chicken and knows that the battle is al
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts

Know that the financial liberal whizards of America and Europe only want to talk about fiscal reform and fiscal accountability. Today when Senetor Nelson (D) of Florida contacted me with a email requesting suggestions from his constienants on the debt ceiling and this fiscal 'crisis'

I suggested that they sell some gold and silver bullion. And ask him the question. "Either we are broke and are in financial distress or we are a wealthy country; with resources, talented people, gold and silver reserves, and solid government. Which is it Senator? I tend to think that it is the later."

But Washington has so confused and crisis the country with Obama;s policies that we have lost our confidence.

Whether the Senate will place their gold and silver bullion into the fiscal equation, I don't know. But it is another option for them to consider. And it came from a Tea Party member. It certainly did not come the fiscal liberal whizards of America and Europe,

Herman Cain for President in 2012.
Jul 27, 2011 9:01 PM CST GOP knows that Obama will win a gain in 2012! GOP have gone chicken and knows that the battle is al
raphael118raphael118arlington, Virginia USA8 Threads 2 Polls 1,074 Posts
ttom500: I am so right here, Dude. Obama has used his position to make crisis after crisis. Each one driving up the gold and silver prices. They realized early in his administraion how shakey the world was.....the Woodward quote.

So they came up with a hedge plan increase the value of the US gold and silver bullion, Actually it is pretty smart. But they don't know when to stop.

So they are going to crisis the debt ceiling legislation....Obama
is going to veto it. It will throw the world in major depression....killing every thing that they have been trying to do.

LOL.....that is happens when you fib the big one. You don't know when to stop. Obama fibbed on the country being broke.....big time. They had loaded vault with bullion.

They just need to what is right for Americans on this. Which is sell some bullion, modify a raise dept ceiling level and don't increase the tax. Get our interest rates in line. But they ain't going to do it.

Who cares if China buys some bullion? Better bullion than bonds and long term debt. But Obama wants that long term debt going to China.
So he will veto anything that does not raise the debt ceiling.

By the way...Alan Greenspan....says this about gold and silver bullion.....when gold had hit $1000 per ou earlier.......
"the gain are strictly monetary gains an early indication to move
away from the paper currencies".

Unless they put gold and silver back into the M1 and M2 of the country.
Obama and company broke the piggie bank.

People are moving away from the paper Dollar. Into hard securities. That does not included paper bonds and T-Bills. Obama just wants the T-Bills and bonds because they are easy and quick trade with China.
Prescious metals takes selling normally. But not in this market.

Why can I say that? FOX is no longer running those gold and silver ads.
The gold and silver dealers have all the buyer that they can handle.
Which is another reason they close the Gold and Silver OTC board.
They were getting to many faulty trades.

Jul 27, 2011 9:11 PM CST GOP knows that Obama will win a gain in 2012! GOP have gone chicken and knows that the battle is al
CcincyCcincyCincinnati, Ohio USA77 Threads 20,535 Posts
Our politicans better get their bottoms in gear cause they have 6 more days until Aug 2.

If they don't meet the deadline there's going to be some very unhappy people.
Jul 27, 2011 10:32 PM CST GOP knows that Obama will win a gain in 2012! GOP have gone chicken and knows that the battle is al
raphael118raphael118arlington, Virginia USA8 Threads 2 Polls 1,074 Posts
revtbrenntrdvdgbtbnytnnrtfff! WTF!!!!!!rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
Jul 28, 2011 2:23 AM CST GOP knows that Obama will win a gain in 2012! GOP have gone chicken and knows that the battle is al
Hot_Single_Dude: Really good to see you Skybow1 Wow! long time no see! I know u dislike my posts but still I like most of ur posts and admiring your amount of knowledge and care.
wow Holy Frock,Dude!
She quotes from the same Sources you do!laugh
Jul 28, 2011 2:26 AM CST GOP knows that Obama will win a gain in 2012! GOP have gone chicken and knows that the battle is al
rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing Still reading your Keynes and Galbraith,I see!

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