RE: Iceland's solution – Prosecute the Bankers

Did you actually read my post?

I stated very clearly that the money loaned was FOR THE PEOPLE NOT A BANK BAILOUT, to ensure that none of the investors lost out on the banks collapse. It was agreed by the then Icelandic government that the loan, gratefully received, would be repaid in full. Now they have refused.

Maybe you think it is quite okay to default on something borrowed, a loan, anew car, business contract, and is a reflection of what has gone wrong in your own country?????????
So now will your government think of defaulting on the EU handouts


RE: Iceland's solution – Prosecute the Bankers

It was widely reported in UK press,

How can it be right to refuse to pay back money that was lent to the banks in order for them to repay the Icelandic people after their main bank collapsed? The money was not a bank bailout but to restore lost money to the actual people!!

All the Icelandic people have done is to lose respect from the rest of the world, lose the business investment they needed to survive and now are are the brink of a second and worse bankruptcy.

Oh and the vote you said was 93% was in fact around 60 percent and has completely split the country.

Result??? A complete mess!!!


Would have to be a return to Italy for me, to Sienna (Siena) one of the most beautiful cities I have every visited, in one of the most beautiful landscapes in the world, Tuscany, even the name gives a romantic feel to it lol.

Check it out:-

Now twinned with "Woodstock, USA" Wow that brings back memories, who remembers "Fish"??

RE: Every 4 years,a new country for OLYMPIC GAMES, or permanetly staged in GREECE?

I have been actively pushing this idea for years, The cost of putting on such a huge sporting event is just beyond most countries financial purse, sure some businesses chip in, but they gain, the rest of the country gets nothing.
For Greece to host the games, financed by each competing country makes complete financial sense.
Everyone gains, the athletes all compete on a level playing field (no pun intended) so records are based on skill, not environment.
It will bring employment and more importantly money to one of the worst hit countries in Europe, which in turn could help reduce the pressure on other countries within the EU bailing out Greece, spain etc.
The whole games could be organised by an international committee, to make sure of the finances and no corruption etc.

I have yet to hear a good counter argument.



Like what? If Greece and Spain pull out they will become the winners, Germany the loser.The Euro was doomed from day one as Europe is to misaligned financially for a single currency
If the EU breaks up who will lose? Germany, but the rest will gain, those countries will set their own interest rates etc, they will still buy and sell from each other, but also from other countries, that has to be a good thing. IMO

RE: Greek antiquities in the British Museum.

Chris, are you really trying to be that obtuse? I think you fully understand that the UK together with Germany, Belgium, France etc, are the largest contributors to the EU community.
As to when it will be returned, I, like everyone else, have no idea, but certainly not in the short term as Greece is on its knees, and most likely will have to sell most of its heritage just to keep going!
If you want to see Greek antiquities why not visit the UK, Germany etal, where you can see them for free, rather than have to pay as in Greece.

RE: Greek antiquities in the British Museum.

Who paid for the Acropolis Museum? Oh yes 50% was from the EU, with the UK being one of the main financial contributers, and, according to the British Museum, the Eligin Marbles can be returned when Greece shows they have the ability to maintain and finance the upkeep of the museum, it was one of the main reasons why the EU funded the museum construction.
So I think that pretty much answers your original question yay

RE: If a photographer approaches you on the street and asks to take your picture, what do you do?

Must remember to proof readdoh

RE: If a photographer approaches you on the street and asks to take your picture, what do you do?

Ask them to pay a fee upfront colour dancing

RE: Greek antiquities in the British Museum.

Which was exactly my point, when I spoke about Greek finances I was not suggesting they or the UK pay money, but the actually cost of maintaining such antiquities, Greece has no money,the last thing they need right now is a costly museum to upkeep

RE: Greek antiquities in the British Museum.

This is the point the OP seems to be missing, that when visitors go to museums such as the BM, they don't go to gloat over spoils of war, but to learn about other cultures, thus increasing the tourism to items original country, Greece is in a desperate position at this moment in time, and tourism is the biggest money earner they have, I would have thought any extra tourists drawn from seeing artifacs in the BM, or any museum around the world, would be gratefully received dunno

RE: Greek antiquities in the British Museum.

And let be honest here, if the stones were returned, how long before some corrupt official sells them to private collector, and then no one can ever see them again. While in the British Museum they are well cared for and available for anyone to see, for free.

Best place for them at this moment with Greeces financial history. IMO

RE: Marmite ..... love it or hate it

When I lived in Italy, it was common at the end of a meal to have Italian hard cheese with honey, strange but it became a favourite of mine, still do the same today wine

RE: Who's smarter on average?

Not really a viable question as it all depends on what subject they are learning, for example I have taught computer science in various countries, by and large the male students tended to grasp and understand the basics better than females, however, since teaching English the reverse is true, with females being far better and quicker at learning than males.

So I would guess that overall the "Smartness quota" is evenly balanced.

If you are talking IQ, and by country the Asian countries are usually higher than western

RE: Marmite ..... love it or hate it

Cannot buy Marmite in China sadly, so have to bring back with me when I visit the UK, I even bought a bread maker so I can have Marmite on real toast, bread in china is very strange, as it is sweet and resembles sponge cake rather than western bread!!

Has anyone tried Marmite and banana sandwiches? sounds so wrong yet tastes amazing the two flavours really work well together, try it!!!wine

RE: Happy Independence Day USA!!!

Not something we British tend to celebratesnooty

rolling on the floor laughing laugh rolling on the floor laughing

RE: China

The "One Child Policy" is flexible, depending on where you live, if you are in a large city, Shanghai, Beijing etc, then only one child is allowed, male or female. If you live in the countryside or small city, then the rule is adjusted, so some people have 3 daughters and then a son, traditionally a son is preferable as they could earn more money, but time are changing, women can earn the same as men now, so it is becoming less important, however, farmers still want sons, as they need the strength to work the land.

I often ask my students to discuss the OCP, with interesting results, most agree with it, although they want two children, boy/girl, but understand that the population has to be controlled due to the amount of food available, It is interesting that in my province water and food are readily available in large quantities, but the students know and understand that in western provinces, this is not so true, so they try to help y agreeing to the OCP, which in turn can help those areas struggling with a lack of water and food.

With regards to sterilisation, this is voluntary, but financial help is given to those who become sterilised, as it makes for a smaller population, forced sterilisation can happen, but usually on those who have broken the laws and have had 3 or more children and usually only in the very poorest of regions where the local government cannot afford to feed extra mouths.

RE: China

The human rights here are not good, but, compared to what other "Civilised" countries have done, I would suggest, small in comparison, again the rest of the world has to understand Chinese culture, which is basically, if they don't like it, they throw it away, politically, the CPC is under pressure, they know their life span is dwindling as fast as China is growing, which is why they now class themselves as socialists, when the leader elections take place a major shake up will happen, Mao is no longer the revered man he used to be, only by the older generation, but the new generations want to live like the west, while continuing to hold on to their traditions, whether this is possible, I have no answer, but nothing surprises me about China, it is a truly amazing country in which to live, and always an adventure!!

RE: China

Really?? By what standard do you measure your opinion by? Have you been to China? experienced how the average Chinese person lives? Try it, you may be very very surprised.

Yes the laws are tough, brutal even, but this is a huge country with the biggest population, it needs a firm control in order to grow successfully, Here in Anhui province, we live a pretty free and enjoyable life, amazing food, great entertainment and wonderful friendly people, surrounded by one of the worlds greatest and oldest histories.
Don't knock it till you've tied it!!

RE: The Next Superpower in the World

You seem to suffer from a certain lack of real knowledge regarding everyday China, the problems I highlighted regarding internal fighting and power struggles happened in the past, years ago.

And again you are showing your lack of knowledge and understanding of China, there are Christian churches all over China, when I get time I will take a photo of the one in my local city where you will see it has seating for around 100!!!
China does not recognise religion per se, but acknowledged that some of the population needed to follow a particular belief, Religion was invented to control the masses, in a country the size of China it would be unworkable to have to two or more controlling entities, so the CPC regulate it, Whats wrong with that??? It actually give a more true freedom of choice that maybe you get in the west, where people are indoctrinated from a toddler into believing there is a magical man in the sky who can wave a wand and send fire and brimstone to kill you!!!
You say China is scared of people having a faith, yet China is famous for its Buddhist temples, Buddhism is a faith.

Chiang Kai
Your comment about Chaing is so wrong it's almost laughable, the "Missionaries" were in China not so much to push Religion but to push Opium, Chaing together with massive support from, Guess who?? yes the amazing US of A, tried to re-establish the selling of this drug to the population in order to destroy the chances of the Communist regime winning, and as a sideline, the CIA could make a huge amount of money.

NOW DON'T GET ME WRONG TOM, I don't and never will support Mao's idealogical path, his treatment of people was incredibly cruel and at times beyond belief, but he did end the drug wars, he did bring the whole of China together, which has without doubt, been the major factor as to why today we discussing China becoming a superpower!! China still has a problem with drugs of course, but compared to the west it is almost negligible, that has to be a good thing.

Please, don't just read wiki, read the history from other sources that have been shown to be less biased, you are falling for exactly what you are accusing me!!!!!!

RE: Caring For Someone With Dementia

Hi Sassywave My mother suffers from dementia, and is cared for by my father, she is 93 and my father a month away from 95, I arranged for a local neighbour to slowly become friends with my mum, after about a month, my father was able to take a few hours off two or three times a week, with the friend just sitting and chatting with my mum, it has done wonders for my dad.
Mum takes meds which DO seem to help, they stop the mood swings and aggression, so think about it!!
It is such a sad condition, for ALL concerned, I chat to my parents every night via skype, in the last year, she often wonders who I am, but seems friendly, after our chat she asks my dad " who was that nice young man?" breaks me up, but all we can do is try to be strong and make sure they are safe and loved. My Dad is amazing, he gets depressed of course, but still rises to the occasion and copes reasonably well, we are fortunate in that we have a close family, and although I am in China, we keep in constant touch and my sons help enormously.
Check out the local clinics, I am sure the US have similar systems as the UK that can provide specialist carers for temporary respite, and give you a chance to regain your strength.
Take care Sassy and very best wishes from your old friend Riz teddybear bouquet

RE: The Next Superpower in the World

Well Tiananmen was a riot that was incredibly badly handled, not a war!!America has never done the same?? Yet I seem to remember the indigenous population was almost entirely wiped out.
America of course never attacked Mexico, "Texas springs to mind",and the wars listed by Albert were all just figments of enthusiastic journalists!!
Political prisoners are of course so well looked after by the west, never has waterboarding been used by the Americans to extract information!!!!!

Tom, go to any major city in Britain, America, Canada, and I bet you a months wages, on a Saturday night after closing time you will see fights, in clubs, Pubs and in the street, but not in China, not because of police, not because they don't drink, they do, and get very drunk, but because THEY DON'T LIKE FIGHTING, THEY ARE NOT AGGRESSIVE like western people, Yes they are protective, and will fight when required, but nowhere even close to the way western countries rush into battle.
The Asian people are a strange mixture, from the docile gentle submissive Filipinos to the aggressive and cruel Japanese, China fits somewhere in the middle. Don't just take my word for it, search and you will find plenty that supports my opinion

RE: The Next Superpower in the World

Thank you, but maybe you should really check out the full history of Tibet, not just the biased views on wiki, but from real historians, Tibet was conquered by the Mongolians, who then became defeated by the Chinese, so by default Tibet became a part of China, just because the West did not acknowledge this fact does not make China in the wrong!!
The South China sea is another story, it is not colonisation, but rather China looking to sustain its growth and as such needs raw materials, which "MAY" be found on some islands between China and the Philippines, China has the money to extract this material, neither the Philippines nor Thailand have such wealth, I would hazard a guess that a solution will be found where the rights will be shared between all three, with China taking the largest bite as the financed it.

RE: Having a full background check done on a potential mate...

How right you are, where is the trust??? and what exactly can you find from these "Background checks"?? I did one on myself a couple of years ago, and found all they told me pretty much what I would have already said after two or three dates.

If you're that suspicious, find someone else!!!

RE: The Next Superpower in the World

Sorry but now you really are becoming pitiable, what on earth has the above to do with becoming a superpower, almost everyone of the above happened in MAINLAND CHINA FFS, if you wanted to prove a point, try posting all the wars China INSTIGATED on foreign soil, if any country had to show the greatest conflicts on their own soil, America would surely be the top five, with all the battles and massacres against the INDIGINOUS population!!!

RE: The Next Superpower in the World


Of course areas want independence, Tibet, Taiwan, outer Mongolia, but these are not part of mainland China, but autonomous regions, somewhat different to Russia, as the biggest area of China mainland is still one of the worlds largest countries, unlike the regional breakdown of the USSR.
I have no desire to see everyone carry a CPC card, was pointing out that just because most don't have a card does not mean they do not support the party. You said only 14m solders against 1B people, I was showing that you cannot quantify how many would support the Red Army and the CPC.

China rules with an iron fist, they have to with such a huge population, it would never have become so successful if instead of planning and developing a sound future, they had to deal with constant political battles, look at how the political scene is in America!!! Nothing really gets solved from one election to the next.
Dissidents get locked up, it is the way of China, rightly or wrongly, that is their rule, not all laws are just, even in your own country.
Maybe a country less than 400 years old should not be telling a country of two thousand years what is right or wrong.

I have yet to find a Chinese that cannot communicate in Mandarin, yet in the Former USSR they had separate languages and often could not communicate using the national language, only having their own regional dialect or language.

Why are so many fearful of China taking the top position? I really fail to understand the inherent fear shown by so many, What if China does become the number one country in the world! Do you think they will make you speak Chinese? Force you to follow their political bias? Attack non Asian countries?? Why do so many regard China as a terrifying Country? When so many other countries are far more dangerous, Chinese people are non violent, believe in harmony not conflict, sure their party's politics is not close to perfect, but this is a fast developing country, changing all the time, the CPC does not follow Mao's ideals and is the first to call themselves "The New Socialist Party".

You may not like China's way of ruling, their poor human rights by developed country standards, but the fact remains that in 60 odd years they have done what has taken America around 300 years, how many died in America to ensure they became the number one superpower of today??

As a real criticism of China, I would add, they are their own worst enemy, if they could only learn to become transparent and open, and show the world the real side of China, I truly believe they and the west could live in peaceful harmony. Just my honest opinioncheers

RE: any advice?

Identity theft is one reason and secondly, to launder money, they can use your details to move money, without it being traced back to them.
Another trick is to ask you to cash a cheque, usually below 1000 USD, this way they get below the security checks of banks, who have to ask about higher cash transfers, the trick is to send you cheque, ask you to deposit the cheque and then transfer half the amount to another account that they give you, you get to keep the remaining money,(WOW) except that after you have transferred the money, your bank tells you the cheque bounced and you just lost 500 USD.
NEVER NEVER transfer or accept a cheque or any other payment from those you have no real knowledge about!!!

RE: 911 terrorism....american government.?

OMG, now you quote Hempher, a non spy created as propaganda by devious middle eastern conspirators as a fictional book, I guess every community has a "Village idiot" few actually prove they are the "one"................!!!! You just didrolling on the floor laughing

RE: 911 terrorism....american government.?

THE ROYAL BBC?? You surpass yourself on your never ending diatribe against the British Royal Family, the BBC never has been and never will be a Royal institution.
Not all Royal families are the same!!

RE: McDonalds......KFC.......Pizza..........Fish nChip.......Pasta......Burger King.........

Totally agree, and pizza is very healthy, especially if fresh ingredients are used, I miss my Italian Pizzeria, their four cheese special covered in black olives was just mouthwatering, damn I want one now!!wine

This is a list of forum posts created by rizlared.

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