RE: Cost of Thatcher funeral revealed by no. 10.

It disgusts me that people have no humility over the world which they've left behind when considering the one that they inherited.

The generations that have turned opportunity into disaster, victory into defeat and success into failure will be judged uncompromisingly by history and hopefully by God too.

RE: Cost of Thatcher funeral revealed by no. 10.

I have every right to be bitter. Many, many moons ago older people used to send masses of the young out to die in wars - and today you have achieved the same atrocity, the same scale of murder and despair, but you have achieved it in peacetime through nothing but inferiority and laziness.

RE: Read this IF your son or your daughter shuts you or tells you bad words or even hits you

I could read this, but I'd much prefer to give them a clip around the ear if I'm honest. At least I will when I find satisfactory breeding stock and eventually get around to spawning a tribe of my own.

RE: Cost of Thatcher funeral revealed by no. 10.

Churchill will be remembered for stopping a statist monster from taking over the globe, whereas Thatcher will be remembered for creating a statist monster that will take over the globe.

And Britain under Churchill was a land never more united, Britain under Thatcher was a land never more divided.

This funeral was like saying that Thatcher was equal to Churchill, which is not only an insult to Winston, but also serves as a disgraceful belittlement to the sacrifice the war generation made. It is like saying that Thatcher's hour was as important and as just and noble as their own, when even to compare the two is an insult to honour and patriotism.

RE: Name a Greek word,which comes to mind, in your own language.

Here's a nice one: Necrophile.

RE: What about the stadiums in your country?

Perimeter barriers were banned in the UK after the Hillsborough disaster, which was where 96 fans were crushed to death against the fences.

RE: Changing oil filter without changing oil . is it useful ?

Changing the filter is more important than changing the oil, but I'd do both each time.

RE: What is the best way to attract a girl?

Be hilarious, and women find nothing more hilarious than a million $'s in the bank. I'm joking, flashing your cash around won't actually get you anywhere other than poorer. Charisma, confidence and power is the key to opening a woman's heart and legs.

As for dating, the clue is in my name. Less is more.

RE: An independent Scotland.

Another reason to get the Hell out of the EU then isn't it.

And of course it's underdeveloped because of the sheer amount of land not being productively used. It's careless to make half-assed and disorganised use of the land at a time like this.

Just look at the Japanese - always ahead of the curve - where recently thousands of them my age, being tired with the depravity and uselessness of the cosmo-city, have exited en masses to repopulate the farms.

RE: An independent Scotland.

Why would the Irish unemployed mind, I think many of the unemployed are eager to be doing anything, you could probably increase benefits to those that work too. I only wish the English had such a simple and productive option like this.

And agriculture, which in the past was not so lucrative, will be more so in the future with the rising global population and increasing living standards outside of the West. You realise that the Chinese(and others)are buying up land in Africa(!!)for the purpose of agriculture? And you have potentially much better quality land, but you're wasting it because there's too much non-productive, Leftoid thinking going on in Western establishments.

RE: An independent Scotland.

The universities are a lot worse in EIRE than the UK: that's a big sign of backwardness.

Economically behind the rest of the UK and even less of a materially productive economy. You were almost entirely an agricultural(third-world)economy until you mortgaged your children to the hilt in order to finance the Celtic Tiger.

RE: An independent Scotland.

NI won't go independent. They have the backwardness of Southern Ireland on their doorstep as a constant reminder of why it's better to be in the UK. Even with all the history, the social and religious problems etc they will not go independent, and the Scots should take a long, hard look at this and the question: Why?

RE: An independent Scotland.

And that's the most important thing. Alex Salmond's popularity will nosedive anyway once it becomes apparent that his "independent" Scotland is merely a satellite state of Brussels with less autonomy than it had before.

Also, the Nationalism of the SNP has nothing to do with the views of the workers and it is the workers that make the most natural Nationalists - the PC classes will change their views whenever it's trendy to do so and this will cripple the SNP.

RE: An independent Scotland.

No, the SNP wants it both ways. They want the benefits of being in a larger economy, but to have no responsibility towards it. All the privilege, but with none of the obligation is what they're after.

Alex Salmond would make an excellent Feminist Woman.

RE: Name a Greek word,which comes to mind, in your own language.


RE: the family of CS

< Black Sheep

RE: When you buy a vehichle, do you buy...

I wish I was German, then I could say both. I drive an AUDI A1.

RE: Buy a house for £1 in the UK.

We will see. But I know Stoke very well and I will bet my boots that the ones that will own these properties will not be the oens that ultimately come to live in them. And this just becomes an expensive and inefficient means of social housing(as 60% is already).

Investors should always be wary of the gravy train ending by the welfare state collapsing. And when it does, I'll be down in the (private)streets dancing and laughing with the Libertarians.

RE: Buy a house for £1 in the UK.

Renting is a mugs game, I've worked hard to avoid it myself and I'm not going to be pulled into it as a taxpayer(any further). Whilst I agree with not forcing the needy onto the street, I don't agree with propping-up the living standards of largely talentless opportunists.

RE: Buy a house for £1 in the UK.

The solution is simple. Cut out the middleman. These homes will be inevitably used as social housing, there is no need to include private landlords. At the end of it all it would cost far more to the taxpayer in rents than it would cost the taxpayer to develop the properties themselves.

This is just a quick-fix for government and yet another way for society to offset the consequences of its actions onto younger people.

RE: Buy a house for £1 in the UK.

RE: Should voting on Photos be stopped or show all who rate

Why would you rate a woman a 10?

If she blatantly isn't a 10 then you look disingenuous. And if she is a 10 then congratulations you've just confirmed in her mind that you're exactly like 95% of the rest of the male race.

RE: Buy a house for £1 in the UK.

Stoke-on-Trent has been in recession for the last 30 years ever since pottery and printing went down the toilet with Thatcher. It's the kind of already beaten into the dirt city that doesn't notice this recession so much.

I predict in 6 years that we'll have another 124 private landlord properties creaming excessive rents from the welfare state and robbing the taxpayer: just like what happened under Thatcher.

RE: what does drinking alcohol do for you...?


RE: Chechnya, not Czech

RE: Rosy expectations RE:US economic, financial and political recovery

Once the great exporters reach a point of internal development where they do not need to rely on exports to sustain themselves then the currency value of importing Western nations will fall to Earth as the only thing the West is trading upon at the moment is our technological edge. And egde which is rapidly diminishing.

Most people in the West will be as redundant as the old steel workers. Unemployment will go through the roof, inflation will wipe out the middle class, the welfare state will collapse and millions will begin to starve.

"e-commerce" and the "knowledge" economy is lopsided economic buffoonery preached by liars, leftoids and members of the middle class that should be working class(if it wasn't for debt). There will be a new era after the industrial age, and this will be a genetic/trans-human revolution which has nothing to do with the vast debt-driven cubicle farms or bureaucracy which comprise the bulk of today's western economy.

RE: are we as people far greater as than we can ever imagein....?

In a way we are. The Human brain is the most complicated thing in known creation.

RE: Would you rather dump or be dumped?

I'd rather split up with someone that I don't want to be with rather than split up with someone that I do. So being dumped is worse.

Dumping girls is never a nice thing to do, but do it often enough and you will build up a tolerance for the guilt-feelings.

RE: Chechnya, not Czech

Yes, I have heard the saying "takes one to know one" numerous times on the playground, but also from childish morons in later life.

Some of the chav families actually quite like the Queen, largely the same ones that don't understand why cheap mobile phones and iPads are a bad thing. I'm talking about those that are thick(which is no small fraction).

And I never said that she was responsible. But she, albeit figuratively, is our Head of State and shares her part in the degeneration of this country that has occured almost entirely throughout her reign.

Watching groups of misguided patriots cheer the Queen puts me in mind of Italians and Mussolini. Very proud and enthusiastic losers.

RE: Chechnya, not Czech


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