RE: Obama calls moving a way from reliance on oil a “national mission” ! Support!

In other words.....................grin

RE: Obama calls moving a way from reliance on oil a “national mission” ! Support!

Pipeline our crude to Russia can mark it up and sell it Europe? LOL.....

Why? Japan will buy all the Alaskan crude we can supply.

No, Russia is your European got to live with them....and the Russian mob, the Russia Secret Service, the Russian politics, the Russia nuclear device pointed at you, The Russia aid to Iran.....etcetcetc......

RE: Obama calls moving a way from reliance on oil a “national mission” ! Support!

Trhu you beer haze...please tell us what you know of American Founding fathers.....grin doh

RE: Obama calls moving a way from reliance on oil a “national mission” ! Support!

Can you tell how Richardson 'made them' talk? LOL..............

What stick did Richardson carry with him?...........laugh rolling on the floor laughing

Like Obama was going to do what?.............

Dudester admit it......some satellite anaylsis kept Korea from going hot......the SKorean changed thier tune after meeting with
Obama in the White House Dec 6th to the number of hidden reactor in north. They said this on 12/10

Richardson trip to Nkorea was from....12/8 to 12/21.

Now Skorea....has planned a number of live fire drills that the North Korea were complaining about. Had any of those drill been near the North Korean hidden reactors.....when do you think would have happened?

Instead the drills were move away from the hidden reactors now they are safe to hold. Richardson should have saved the price of the airline ticket. The same out come would have happened.

And if you are right about Richardson playing such a role....why has NKorea broken off talks?..........LOL

RE: Obama calls moving a way from reliance on oil a “national mission” ! Support!

Then why is not the Presidnet Obama....talking about it? He has the democracy card he could have played for Iran.....for Syria.....for Suadi Arabia....for Yemen......for Libya.

But all we hear is....."they have a right to non violent and peaceful demonstration"...from him. Nothing about democracy and freedom.

He cannot even name the Libyan air operation...Libyan Freedom or
Libyan Just Cause. Because if he would be too mush like GWB.

RE: Obama calls moving a way from reliance on oil a “national mission” ! Support!

OH one little bit of news, I did pick up recently.

Donald Trump is asking President Obama to show his long original birth certificate. Not the short form that has been on the net.
But the one made out at the Hospital at the time of birth.

The Don says....if he shows would clarify the entire birth issue.

A pretty simple solution to the birth question/issue/debate. I might say.


Why does not President Obama go public with his long form brith certificate?

Maybe he likes the world to think that he is not a American citizen? To get those foreign donations? And foreign support for his campaigns?

RE: Obama calls moving a way from reliance on oil a “national mission” ! Support!

Sure we can. We don't literaly attack him.....thought it is a nice thought when he speaks at the UN. We just damage his economy enough to make the local Venesulan dislike his presence in their gov't. They do the rest.....

By the way....that is not to hard to do. Because there are lot of his countrymen ready to stand against him.

Also if Venesula has more oil for the global economy....the global price will stay lower on the supply and demand threories.

RE: Obama calls moving a way from reliance on oil a “national mission” ! Support!

Reality to Dude....Reality to Dude.....Shale oil is produced on land not 5000 feet underwater.

RE: Obama calls moving a way from reliance on oil a “national mission” ! Support! least REP have enough common sense to carry keys with the White House with they can unlocked doors to get in.
Were as one DEM President (name unmentioned) was near to breaking windows to get into White house.

So you are supporting contra violence in the United States against conservative and REP? There it ...the real mission of Dudester. To cause the violence seen in the middle east and in central American in the United States.

It always has been the mission, yes?

Did not matter that the country elected the most liberal President in our history. It is the conservative nature of the country that you have to defeat....that can only be done with violence. The mid term taught you that.

That 60 - 40 vote that whipped away liberal and DEM from nearly one shore to the other....and with growing strength of the conservative Tea is time to go violent while you have friends in high office and in the justice department.

RE: Obama calls moving a way from reliance on oil a “national mission” ! Support!

I say screw Chavez, Yankee...pardon the speech. The Shale oil will give us a 20% increase in domestic oil in the next 5 years. That covers the 19% of Middle east oil we purchase.

I can do business with Bahrain and Saudi.....they both have helped us in Iraq and Kuwait. But Chavez? The more we buy, the more he buy weapons from Russia and the more he gets into drug trafficking.


We do a little economic war fare on him. Force him to sell to
China or whomever...let him develop his oil relationship with unsuitables like Qdaffi. We don't need Chavez, so it is time to cut the oil strings.

RE: Obama calls moving a way from reliance on oil a “national mission” ! Support!

Just now seeing how Obama was bought by big business, Dude?

RE: Obama calls moving a way from reliance on oil a “national mission” ! Support!

Personally I think that we should give Chavez a one way ticket to see the future of his country. If he gets out alive....and makes it back to Venesula.....we should cut off our
purchase of oil from his country.

It is time for the US to stop propping up petty dictators around
the world just because they have oil. We are going to be oil exporting in a couple of years. So go ahead and get rid of them now. While the fires of democracy in the ME are flaming hot.

If Obama's high morality position can rationalize guys like Qdaffi (M113 sales) and Chavez (oil purchases)....then it is no position of high morality. Just a position of lower standards and political need.

We have one pipeline of 450 miles to do....and expand the shale oil fields and this country is energy let us go ahead and use that independance for world good. Like doing in Qdaffi/Chavez/Khatonie/Ahmendinajad/and other petty dictator.

If we are going to get into the intervention business....then we get into 100% and clean house all over globe.

RE: Obama calls moving a way from reliance on oil a “national mission” ! Support!

Here is the difference between age 40 and 60. I found it and now am giving it aawy.....grin

RE: Obama calls moving a way from reliance on oil a “national mission” ! Support!

Richardson did not keep a war from breaking out in Korea, Dude.....some netter that found 4 hidden nuclear reactors in NKorea did.

Had those reactors not been discovered an dmade public......NKorea would still be trying to protect their sinking vessels and diversionary artillery firing at nearby Islands.

You need to give credit were credit is due.....

Some times the transperency of it all ...overwhelms even me.....

RE: Obama calls moving a way from reliance on oil a “national mission” ! Support!

Guess the one saying the quotes and guess the one they are being said about.

1st quote:

"When you come out of a colonial past were you have lost the value of your own self interest, God raises somebody among you that can instill the value of yourself again and that person dictates the oath you have grown into your own self interest.""He is a forceful parent."

2nd Quote:

"The American people are dying and the FDA is complict. Greed is more important than the American people'"

3th Quote:

"He is the first Jewish President"" He was selected before he was elected. And the people that selected him were rich and powerful people of the Jewish community."

1) Answer Louis Farracon about Qdaffi
2) Answer Louis Farracon about the American gov't
3) Answer Louis Farracon about Barak Obama

RE: Obama calls moving a way from reliance on oil a “national mission” ! Support!

Q What is the hardest job of a liberal in 2011?

A Trying to link GWB to the ME violence of 2011.grin

RE: uprising in syria

Maybe Paldi need to know that Syria is 70% Sunni. About 25% Shia.
That the street protest are Shia vs Sunni.....not Palestine vs Isreali.

RE: Obama calls moving a way from reliance on oil a “national mission” ! Support!

So major riots and human rights violation breaking out in Syria, Yemen, and Bahrain.....and with at least 4/5 other Islamic countries still smoldering or fused.....does the Obama doctrine of intervention extend to them? Or is a Libya a special and one time case?

He had a chance to intervention during the Iran election riots.
But stepped off the platform there. Now seeing this.....Iran and its Shia minorities in the middle east.....are protesting-rioting-rebelling in many countries.

Is the US and EU....going to be the policeman for Shia unrest? Or does the US and EU figure a mean to use the unrest to stop Iran's radicalization of the ME and its nuclear programs?

What US national security interests are in Libya? After a little oil not much....only 600 Americans came out of Libya when the protest broke out. The same question can be asked for Syria, Yemen, Bahrain....and the other smoldering Muslim countries.

Geographically each one has a different National security interest and concern. Yemen and Bahrain are at oil choke points according to Starfor. Chock points that Iran wants to control. Also by controlling these oil choke points....Iran has effectively encircled Saudi Arabia.

Now get the Iraq and Iran war....Suadi Arabia gave Sadam and Iraq.....close to 60b to fight the war. The Iranians lost 500,000 in that war.....Iranians remember this. You are talking Sunni and Shia. You are talking the poisoning of Mohammed the Prophet here. You are talking 1400 years of sect rivalry. You are talking Mecca here.

If Obama and the EU think that the west should be the policeman of the next 1400 years of civil unrest between Sunni and Shia...they are both are as sane as a radicalized cleric shouting in his Mosque.

Humanitarin assistance has always meant in the past....aiding country that had a national a earthquake or tusumia....a Japan situation. But the warm feelies of political humantarin assistance can mean the blowing out of the sky a Libyan fighter that was off on a sortie to attack rebels. And launching of 100s of cruise missile in Libya. Don't call it that nasty war. Or even policing. But sugar coat it as being humantarin assistance.

The Brad Pitt's and Angelicia Jolie's have won the war of the words in the Obama administration. The sad thing is, they effected the thinking of present Administration to keep the
reality and the truths of the Libyan intervention from the American people.

Two Generals were on FOX last night. When asked if President Obama was seen as a strong and decisive leader around the world.
Both said he was not seen as being a strong leader....and that he was seen as indecisive. His waffling to the Libyan intervention decision was used by both as a example. Both said now, the issue would be for him to explain this to the American troops that are being placed into harm way.....for a religious secterian and for a tribal rebellion that has little to do with the National security interest of the United States.

RE: Obama calls moving a way from reliance on oil a “national mission” ! Support!

Shale oil was the reason that even with the BP disaster in the Gulf that shut down off shore drilling and production.....the US actually increased its production of crude in 2010, Rapheal.

Had shale oil not come into production when it did.....this price increase in gas that we are seeing at the pumps now, would have been seen sooner.

Ever been to Wyoming Rapheal? Or these other shale oil deposit sites/states? It is so remote out there, they don't even have plumming. If your VA city is getting its water from these remote areas, you got more problems than bad water. But it just like someone in Washington to try to tell the rest of us how to live and profit.

I think you to talk to a GM car salesman and get on the list for
a Volt......I hear they have pretty good inventories of Volts....considering they were going to make about 12,000 and had only sold 326 in 2011.

RE: Obama calls moving a way from reliance on oil a “national mission” ! Support!

What is the corporate tax on 1t, Rapheal? Average corporate tax rate is.....36%......that is 360b that goes against the countries

Obama and the DEM get all giggly when they cut 6b from the budget.
At they same they and the RHINO REP, made corporate tax loopholes for 60 times that.

What I preach is a government that stays within its financial
means and is fiscally solid. Also one that has a fair tax policy.....that does not necessarily mean the 'fair tax'.

How much of that 360b that Obama missed from corporate tax loophole do you think is will come out of your pocket, Rapheal?
Because being big gov't means that he just going to find other
ways to tax it from you. So corporate spaying thier share or you?
Take your choice......

But I know you get all warm and fuzzy when the name Obama is heard.....and tingley feelings up your leg.......hug

RE: Obama calls moving a way from reliance on oil a “national mission” ! Support!

OReilly has Lou Dobbs on....talking the GE taxes....UM no GE taxes.

Dobbs is saying the GE bought a loop place funds in off shore accounts.....that are non taxable. Also that those accounts
don't go to share holders in dividends.

Dobbs says that some 1t....yes the big T-word there.....has been placed into offshore account by American business. That now is non taxable to US the government.

Only in America..........

RE: Obama calls moving a way from reliance on oil a “national mission” ! Support!

Dude has been confusing us since 2007, it seems only fair......LOL

RE: Obama calls moving a way from reliance on oil a “national mission” ! Support!

The White House got the official answer to the "end game question" for Libya out today.

There is none. doh

So what is new from a broken Washington? They don't know if they want Qdaffi to stay (and possibly strike years later in terrorist attacks) or to push him out of power with boots on the ground.

They see so much negative PR to both of these.....they cannot decide what is the worse pill to take.

Sure am glad I no longer contingency planning. Addressing this 64,000 dollar question, requires imput from all 300 of President Obama foreign advisors, the Joint Chiefs, Congress, NATO, the EU, the Arab League, the UN, bin Laden and Moscow. Ah heck let us add in Peking, we owe them billions that are now flying over Libya.

Maybe we could get the Japanese to give hari kari classes to Qdaffi's tribe.....and eventually wait for them to see that
Qdaffi is a bad guy.....and needs to go or else. The else being a little seipicu.....

Bottom is the President's decision. His call. His strike zone. His orders that make either happen.

RE: Anti American and Anti west ..2

I wonder what her call sign is? grin

RE: Obama calls moving a way from reliance on oil a “national mission” ! Support!

So if Obama wants a green planet...why is loaning Fed government funds to Brazil and Mexico for offshore oil projects?

Brazil is leader in green......yet still it wants to develop a deep offshore oil industry. Mexico realizes that developing its
offshore oil industry is means to increases it economic GNP.


Really Obama mixed energy policies here.....are.....making competitors for the US oil industry (e.g. taking away US jobs).
Are keeping the planet still oil dependant. It is not just the
US that is oil dependent, but basically the world is.

Europe and Libyan sweet light crude is a good example. China and its mass increase in oil consumption another. And Japan that injured country, who factories don't turn out cars or electronic plants don't ship computer without crude imports.

Yet Obama sets up foreign countries to develop future long term supplies and contracts to these consuming parties at the expense of both the US oil industry and the US worker.

If Obama really wanted a green planet.....he might start at developing the US oil industry in a manner that is environmentally friendly and productive enough to export rather than import. He has the tools now.....with snythic (bug made oil), the new shale oil development, and the clean coal do so.

All being US job creators. Yet instead, providing gov't loans for these US innovative technologies.....3 billion goes to Brazilian and Mexican offshore oil firms. He is contradiction in Executive officers and policies.

He says build jobs here in the US. Then makes jobs overseas. He says innovate to get us out of the economic crisis. Yet does not fund the proven innovation that has occurred here.

Really what he a big gov't man...that think all good ideas begin and end with the gov't. So when main street innovates, it is outside of his box of accepted conceived solutions. He is very cautious, so fails to take advantage of the economic strengths of the country and these new developments.

Rather he would have US unemployment high.....for a constant argument between management and unions to occur....forcing millions of American to be economic reliant on his big gov't to come thru with month unemployment checks. Anyone can walk to the que for unemployment benefits....that also is green friendly.

RE: Obama calls moving a way from reliance on oil a “national mission” ! Support!

Stretching Dude? Or just gargling?

RE: Obama calls moving a way from reliance on oil a “national mission” ! Support!

Just google

RE: Obama calls moving a way from reliance on oil a “national mission” ! Support!

President Obama talked to muslim nations in Cairo in the very begining of his presidency and made muslim nations understand that America does not want to be the country pressuring changes upon them or making them understand the state of reality as americans or others living in free countries are understanding due many years of experiencing freedom of speech and freedom of political activities. President Obama made muslim nations understand that America is not in war against their relegion but America is there to help them and support them demanding better
feauters for them selves and their families if they wish changes one day.

Wish of freedom is not some thing only common in western countries... wish of freedom is not some thing only common in nations with christian majorities... wish of freedom is not some exclusiv right for western nations only... freedom is an absolutely all humane wish shared by all humanity and when many nations still dreamning freedom but can not achieving it no matter elections or what so ever... the rea

I guess those Muslim that are supporting Qdaffi at present.....and there is more than one or two.....understand how well President Obama does not want to be pressuring them to that cruise missile zips in to blow up a target near them.

Yep WE are really exporting democracy now. WE cannot put on the ground to make a Democratic government in Libya....but we can sure blow them up till they do.

RE: Obama calls moving a way from reliance on oil a “national mission” ! Support!


That is why he just gave Brazil $2b to develop its offshore oil March 2009? Also gave 1b to Mexico in Sept. 2011.
for offshore loans.

Dude....don't you read what Obama does.....sometimes? It is the news....

PS....people here in the US are very unhappy....that he developing Brazil oil industry while he fails to help ours.


RE: Politics of Obama administration are working ! Support the presindent toward economical Recovery !

Grinrich.....wants Qdaffi out. I want Qfaffi out. The entire world wants Qdaffi out. Where Obama has gotten into trouble.....was not consulting congress prior to his military mission and thier orders.

By law he has 90 days to bring the case to them. He has not done that yet. But likely will after this 'hand over'. But if he get stuck as being the leader of the coalition....a real possibility...he is in hot water.

Krucnich and 7 others.....were saying it was a impeachable offense. I don't go that far. Nor does Grinrich.

So the clock is ticking......If Qdaffi can hold out the 90 days....keep Obama as the leader of the coalition....then the REP Congress will fire breath on Obama for his breach of the Constitution and it executive statutes.

You got to remember....these guys take a oath to defend the Constitution. Constitutional breaches are frowned on.

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