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Self-Improvement Articles (102)

Here is a list of Self-Improvement Articles. Read articles and comment on them or write your own articles. Click here to post an article.

12 Signs Its Time to End a Friendship

12 Signs It's Time to End a Friendship

Not all friendships were meant to last forever. In fact, toxic friendships are probably doing you more harm than good. Do you have a friend who treats you badly, uses you or tries to control your life? Consider these 12 signs that it's time to end a friendship.

6 Practical Ways to Deal with Stressful Life Events

6 Practical Ways to Deal with Stressful Life Events

A crisis can occur at any time in your life. Sometimes the impact of these events is overwhelming and the stress can affect both physical and mental health. Here are some techniques to use on the spot to manage stress and function more effectively in critical situations.

10 Tips to Boost Your Self Esteem

10 Tips to Boost Your Self-Esteem

Low confidence levels and a negative mindset can impact one's self-esteem. To maintain high morale and spirit, it is important to think and act constructively. Here are some tips to help improve your self-belief and self-esteem.

10 Tips to Boost Your Motivation

10 Tips to Boost Your Motivation

A high degree of motivation is necessary to achieve something worthy in life. You may have the ambition, but may lack the motivation to get things done. Here are some inspiring tips to help you get cracking on the path to success.

4 Signs You Need to Start Setting Boundaries Today

4 Signs You Need to Start Setting Boundaries Today

Setting boundaries is important for ensuring mutual respect and trust in all relationships. When there is a lack of boundaries, you will regularly feel annoyed, taken advantage of, and disrespected. Here are four signs you need to begin setting boundaries.

How to Improve Your Self Esteem

How to Improve Your Self-Esteem

A lack of self-esteem can seriously reduce your pleasure in life. People with low self-esteem tend to avoid demanding, well-paid careers out of a fear of failure. They also tend to avoid relationships, assuming that no-one could possibly like them enough to spend their lives with them. Where does low self-esteem come from, and what beliefs do people with healthy self-esteem have about themselves.

10 Reasons Why Acceptance Brings Peace and Abundance

10 Reasons Why Acceptance Brings Peace and Abundance

Accepting the past can be a liberating experience that lifts your spirits and de-clutters your mind. Here are some of the benefits of letting go of the past in favor of leading a joyful life.

10 Tips to Bounce Back from Failure

10 Tips to Bounce Back from Failure

Everyone faces failure at some stage of their life. The trick is not to let it get to your heart. Here are some effective tips that can help you ignore the negative effects of failure, and persevere positively towards your life goals.

How to Become Popular

How to Become Popular

Most of us are open to self-improvement and will eagerly lose weight, get fit or work harder, yet few will make a similar effort to improve their people skills. No one wants to be disliked of course. But how many of us willingly face up to our character flaws? It is a pity we so rarely do because, with patience, it is surprisingly easy to increase one's popularity.

8 Tips to Develop Courage

8 Tips to Develop Courage

Don't let life's numerous problems and challenges faze you. Bolster your mind and body with positive thinking and healthy habits to become mentally and physically strong. Here are some tips you can try to boost your fortitude and courage.

How to Overcome Stress Naturally

How to Overcome Stress Naturally

Today's fast-paced lifestyle is stressful for the mind and body. Therefore, one needs to take time out to practice relaxation techniques. Here are some natural and holistic ways to help beat stress and feel good through the day.

4 Ways To Make The New Year Your Best Ever

4 Ways To Make The New Year Your Best Ever

Many people think about how they can make the new year better than the previous one and set goals they'd like to achieve. Here are some tips to help you have your best, most successful year ever.

5 Steps to Ease Social Anxiety

5 Steps to Ease Social Anxiety

Social anxiety is a frustrating and often painful hindrance. It affects all of us to varying degrees, but for some it becomes all consuming. Here are 5 steps to help shed the chains of social anxiety and ultimately present the true version of you.

Conquering Addiction Before It Conquers You

Conquering Addiction Before It Conquers You

When an addiction gets the best of you, the road to recovery can be a long and difficult one. However, focusing on the end-game and following important rules can help to conquer the addiction, make you stronger, and put the past behind you.

4 Things Youre Doing That Suck Away Valuable Time

4 Things You're Doing That Suck Away Valuable Time

How many times have you said "I need more hours in my day?" We all have at some point. The problem isn't actually how many hours you have in the day, but how you spend the time you're given. Here are four common ways that time is wasted.

5 Signs Youre Hanging Out With The Wrong People

5 Signs You're Hanging Out With The Wrong People

The people you choose to spend your time with are important because they can have an impact on the quality of your life. The right people can make you feel alive and energized. The wrong people can suck the energy right out of you and even depress you. Here are five signs that you are hanging out with the wrong people.

How to Overcome Anger

How to Overcome Anger

Uncontrolled wrath can wreak havoc on our mind and body. It is not wise to fly off the handle just to feel powerful and boost your ego. Anger is a destructive negative emotion that needs to be reined in with self-control. Here are some effective tips on anger management.

How to Cope with Failure

How to Cope with Failure

A sense of failure cripples and blights so many lives. It can undermine self-esteem, paralyze action, and trigger depression. Modern culture encourages a striving, ambitious, never-satisfied mindset rooted in the ego. And consequently people feel like failures, like they are not measuring up. But failure is subjective. Recognize that it is wholly a matter of opinion, that you are no more than a fragile, limited human being doing their best; learn to overcome the ego, to live in the now, and take

Do You Give Others Credit for Your Feelings

Do You Give Others Credit for Your Feelings?

People often give others credit for the way they feel, imagining they have no control over their moods. But feelings are self-created, and it IS possible to take charge of your mental state. See how attributing your happiness to others lowers self-esteem, and how to assume responsibility for your emotional well-being.

What is Emotional Abuse

What is Emotional Abuse?

Emotional abuse is a silent yet dangerous enemy. It can appear in any relationship and is difficult to see and acknowledge. Here are some common examples of emotional abuse and what could be the result of them.

A Grumps Guide to Optimism

A Grump's Guide to Optimism

Do you feel miserable and cranky a great deal? If so, you might be a grump, and being a grump is not conducive to happiness. Here are some tips to steer you away from irritability and guide you toward the bright side of life.

What Makes a Good Conversationalist

What Makes a Good Conversationalist

Transforming yourself into a great conversationalist could make a huge difference to your life. Great talkers, who interest and entertain others, tend to have more friends and more successful relationships. We can't all captivate a dinner party, but we can make an effort to listen, to be positive, and to take an interest in people.

5 Things You Should Stop Doing In 2017

5 Things You Should Stop Doing In 2017

2017 can be better than 2016 was depending on the changes you make. If you want to live a happier, healthier, and more successful year, you can do it. Here are five things that you should stop doing in 2017 for a better year.

Dont Wait for Your Funeral Live Your Eulogy Now

Don't Wait for Your Funeral: Live Your Eulogy Now

This rather blunt article is a wakeup call to remind us that if we don't stop waiting to attain success and chase our dreams now, our eulogy could simply mention that we "had potential" rather than mentioning the worthwhile achievements we've had in our life.

5 Ways To Stop Being Manipulated

5 Ways To Stop Being Manipulated

If you’re being manipulated by someone, it’s important to learn how to protect yourself. Manipulators are skilled at what they do and it will require strength and confidence to stand up to them. Here are five ways that you can stop being manipulated.

Pokmon Go is Good for You Yes and Here are 5 Reasons Why

Pokèmon Go is Good for You? Yes, and Here are 5 Reasons Why

Everyone seems to be obsessed with Pokèmon Go, but the little app that has taken over the world has a lot more going for it than most video games. What's so great about Pokemon Go? Here are five reasons why playing the game is great for your physical, mental and social health.

5 Tips on Standing Up for Yourself

5 Tips on Standing Up for Yourself

At some point, everyone has to stand up for themselves, no matter how old they may be. Whether in the school yard or the retirement home, bullying can happen anywhere. Many believe that, by acting in

Six Steps to Beating Social Anxiety

Six Steps to Beating Social Anxiety

Most people underestimate the impact social anxiety can have on someone's life. Social fear can ruin so many things, keeping us alone, away from people and activities that could bring happines to our

How to Deal With People Who Have Different Opinions From You

How to Deal With People Who Have Different Opinions From You

It can be hard dealing with peopole who have different opinions from yours, especially if they want you to change. In addition, you might have an urge to change their mind so that their view more closely resembles your own. Learn a lifelong skill that will enable you to manage being with people who don't think as you do, without feeling upset, angry or uncomfortable

Are You Too Nice for Your Own Good

Are You Too Nice for Your Own Good?

If you're too nice you fail to find a balance between pleasing others and meeting your own needs. Here are some of the problems of being too nice and some simple advice on how to deal with them.

8 Habits of Happy People

8 Habits of Happy People

Some people seem to be happy and optimistic no matter what their circumstances. How do they do it? How can you be more like them? Here are eight thinking habits of happy people that can help you become more contented.

4 Ways To Declutter Your Life

4 Ways To Declutter Your Life

Living a life free of clutter might seem impossible, but it's easier than you think. We become so used to the people and things around us that we no longer notice them or their impact on us. By getting rid of the clutter around you, you can live a happier, more productive life. Here are 4 ways that you can improve your life by decluttering.

How to Find Happiness

How to Find Happiness

Ask a random person in the street what they most want in life and the majority will reply 'to be happy'. The bookstores are stuffed with self-help books promising happiness and a new life. Yet happiness is really easier to achieve than many believe.

Is Guilt Keeping you a Prisoner

Is Guilt Keeping you a Prisoner?

As children, we learn to negotiate between the guideposts of "right" and "wrong" behaviors. When we fail and wander into the arena of "wrong," then a scolding from a parent, teacher or other authority

Learn to Be Kind to Yourself or Treat Yourself as Well as You Treat Your Dog

Learn to Be Kind to Yourself, or- Treat Yourself as Well as You Treat Your Dog)

Most of us treat other people with more respect, more empathy, and more kindness than we show ourselves. We live with constant, daily criticism... from ourselves! Think of someone that you love -- per

Backward Thinking Reminiscing Can Stunt Your Growth

Backward Thinking: Reminiscing Can Stunt Your Growth

While reminiscing is natural, it can also be painful. This article looks at how going over distressing events causes misery and some ways to make an unwanted memory a thing of the past.

The Way To Be

The Way To Be

In my blog I talk about friends. In this article I will talk about being the person you Can Be. You know so many people want to live in a way that they can change. yet they dont make the changes needed

Papa dont cry Please

Papa don’t cry… Please!

“Papa don’t cry… Please!” These words, when televised, were kind enough to sentimentalize me. These words hammered my heart, very deeply. The crying face of that innocent gi

6 Signs You Are an Emotional Spender

6 Signs You Are an Emotional Spender

Emotional spending is about buying frivolous things that aren't needed or part of a budget. Some people buy things to celebrate, while others buy things to mourn a loss. Either way, an emotional spender can limit temptation and curb behavior by recognizing spending triggers.

My Explorations Improving Health through your Toilet

My Explorations – Improving Health through your Toilet...

You must be little philosophical and logical to understand this. Perhaps you will be surprised to hear that the type of toilet you use can have a direct connection with your health, especially if you

Can Your Body Tell Tales How Emotions Affect Your Health

Can Your Body Tell Tales? How Emotions Affect Your Health

Emotions are incredibly powerful and have a greater impact on physical health than many people suppose. This article explains the basic connection between our emotions and our physical bodies. It encourages the reader to consider dealing with repressed emotions as part of a healthy attitude to life.

Living a Guilt Free Life

Living a Guilt-Free Life

Guilt can be very debilitating. Many people live with burdens of unnecessary guilt, but it is possible to live a guilt-free life. Here are some ways people take on unnecessary guilt and tips on how to reduce the impact of guilt on your life.

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