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Newest Self-Improvement Articles (102)

Here is a list of Self-Improvement Articles ordered by Newest, posted by members. Read articles and comment on them or write your own articles. Click here to post an article.

4 Things You Do That Lower Your Value in Others Eyes

4 Things You Do That Lower Your Value in Other's Eyes

Having a high value in your own eyes is important because it will ensure that others will also see you that way. When you have low value in your own eyes, you might lack proper boundaries that allow others to treat you poorly. Here are four things you might be doing that lower your value in other's eyes.

4 Habits That Will Build Your Confidence

4 Habits That Will Build Your Confidence

Habits of confidence can be learned. You can have designer outfits, a large home, and possessions that people may coven, but those things won't make you more confident. Confidence doesn't come from how others feel about you, but how you feel about yourself.

8 Tips to Enjoy Life the Healthy Way

8 Tips to Enjoy Life the Healthy Way

Many people think that enjoying life means being free to indulge in any habit, even unhealthy ones such as smoking or excessive drinking. But true enjoyment transcends the physical. Here are a few useful tips you can try to enjoy life the healthy way.

Positive Thinking Is the Best Medicine

Positive Thinking Is the Best Medicine

Our bodies are much more responsive to our thoughts than most of us generally realize. Negative beliefs about ourselves and our health can contribute to illness – but positive thoughts, by the same token, can have the opposite effect on our overall w

Practical Exercises to Forgive Someone Who Wont Say Sorry

Practical Exercises to Forgive Someone Who Won't Say Sorry

Forgiving someone is difficult, particularly when the person that wronged you makes no effort to apologize. Perhaps you might even wonder why forgiveness is necessary, particularly if you don't plan on seeing the person again. The thing is, when you

How to Break Out of a Complacent Life

How to Break Out of a Complacent Life

Has your life had that same old boring feeling lately? Are you craving change? Sometimes that boring, lacklustre feeling is a sign that you've become overly complacent. Being content is good, but if you don't change things up once in awhile, one day

The Rewards of Facing Our Pain and Fear

The Rewards of Facing Our Pain and Fear

The cultural climate that we live in does not generally encourage us to express or even feel our deeper feelings. Most jobs require us to put a good face on – and smooth over – any pain, discomfort, or confusion that we may be feeling inside. But thi

How to Banish Stress from Your Life Instantly and Forever

How to Banish Stress from Your Life: Instantly and Forever

We spend a lot of time stressing about how to get rid of stress. Here are some unique, well-researched techniques you can use to rid yourself of stress and keep it away for life.

What Makes Forgiveness So Difficult

What Makes Forgiveness So Difficult?

We all know that we should forgive the wrongs done to us. And usually, forgiving isn't that hard to do. We can forgive the clerk that short-changed us or the friend who didn't show up for our lunch date. We can even forgive the person who cut us off

Developing Your Hidden Intuitive Powers

Developing Your Hidden Intuitive Powers

Our deeper intuitive powers are a natural part of our birthright. They augment, rather than conflict, with our reasoning abilities, and they can be developed by anyone who is willing to put in the effort and believe in the possibility.

Fight Depression 10 Natural Ways to Weather the Storm

Fight Depression: 10 Natural Ways to Weather the Storm

Depression is often treated with medication or therapy, but what other natural ways are there of alleviating the condition? Here are some ways to help alleviate the condition naturally.

Supporting a Friend Who Is Grieving

Supporting a Friend Who Is Grieving

If you are close to someone who is going through a grieving process, it can be hard to know what to say or do – or even whether you should say or do anything at all. It's easy to feel confused and helpless in such a situation. But oftentimes it's not

10 Ways to Make a Fantastic Day

10 Ways to Make a Fantastic Day

With the current worldwide economic condition, it is difficult to find reasons to smile at the world we live in. This is not only detrimental to our society as a whole, but has the potential to greatly affect our personal health and psychology.

3 Brain Exercises to Help You Improve Memory

3 Brain Exercises to Help You Improve Memory

Our memory is an invaluable part of us. It gives us our identity and helps us recall information. As we age, our cognitive ability starts to decline, but there are things we can do to make sure our memory remains sharp. Here are 3 brain exercises to help us maintain mental acuity even in old age.

6 Things About You That Keep You From Being Rich

6 Things About You That Keep You From Being Rich

You would be surprised at what's holding you back from the luxury home of your dreams. Being rich is more than having a good idea or being born into money. It involves facets of your personality and the way you treat money. Being rich is more than ha

10 Reasons a Man Should Cook

10 Reasons a Man Should Cook

Don't fear the spatula! The kitchen is not solely a woman's domain. Cooking is an equal opportunity activity that affords many rewards to men. These ten reasons why men should cook underscores the virility that can be demonstrated in the kitchen.

What Scares You 25 Bizarre Phobias You Probably Never Knew Existed

What Scares You? 25 Bizarre Phobias You Probably Never Knew Existed

Everyone is afraid of something, and many people have fears intense enough to be considered a phobia. Do you find yourself sweating uncontrollably with a pounding heart when you come in contact with spiders or snakes? Maybe the thought of being on a

How to Deal With Being Unhappy at Work

How to Deal With Being Unhappy at Work

If you are unhappy at work, you can be comforted by the fact that you are not alone. Millions of employees across the globe have brievances and complaints about work. Some of them remain unhappy while others decide to resign or quit. This article provides guidelines on how you can turn your professional life around and find fulfillment in what you are doing.

6 Practical Ways to Deal with Stressful Life Events

6 Practical Ways to Deal with Stressful Life Events

A crisis can occur at any time in your life. Sometimes the impact of these events is overwhelming and the stress can affect both physical and mental health. Here are some techniques to use on the spot to manage stress and function more effectively in critical situations.

12 Signs Its Time to End a Friendship

12 Signs It's Time to End a Friendship

Not all friendships were meant to last forever. In fact, toxic friendships are probably doing you more harm than good. Do you have a friend who treats you badly, uses you or tries to control your life? Consider these 12 signs that it's time to end a friendship.

10 Tips to Boost Your Self Esteem

10 Tips to Boost Your Self-Esteem

Low confidence levels and a negative mindset can impact one's self-esteem. To maintain high morale and spirit, it is important to think and act constructively. Here are some tips to help improve your self-belief and self-esteem.

10 Tips to Boost Your Motivation

10 Tips to Boost Your Motivation

A high degree of motivation is necessary to achieve something worthy in life. You may have the ambition, but may lack the motivation to get things done. Here are some inspiring tips to help you get cracking on the path to success.

10 Tips for Success in Life

10 Tips for Success in Life

Everyone wants to be successful and happy in their personal and professional life. However, there is no shortcut to success. Here is some useful advice on what you can do to boost your chances of all-round success and fulfillment in life.

4 Signs You Need to Start Setting Boundaries Today

4 Signs You Need to Start Setting Boundaries Today

Setting boundaries is important for ensuring mutual respect and trust in all relationships. When there is a lack of boundaries, you will regularly feel annoyed, taken advantage of, and disrespected. Here are four signs you need to begin setting boundaries.

How to Improve Your Self Esteem

How to Improve Your Self-Esteem

A lack of self-esteem can seriously reduce your pleasure in life. People with low self-esteem tend to avoid demanding, well-paid careers out of a fear of failure. They also tend to avoid relationships, assuming that no-one could possibly like them enough to spend their lives with them. Where does low self-esteem come from, and what beliefs do people with healthy self-esteem have about themselves.

10 Reasons Why Acceptance Brings Peace and Abundance

10 Reasons Why Acceptance Brings Peace and Abundance

Accepting the past can be a liberating experience that lifts your spirits and de-clutters your mind. Here are some of the benefits of letting go of the past in favor of leading a joyful life.

10 Tips to Bounce Back from Failure

10 Tips to Bounce Back from Failure

Everyone faces failure at some stage of their life. The trick is not to let it get to your heart. Here are some effective tips that can help you ignore the negative effects of failure, and persevere positively towards your life goals.

How to Become Popular

How to Become Popular

Most of us are open to self-improvement and will eagerly lose weight, get fit or work harder, yet few will make a similar effort to improve their people skills. No one wants to be disliked of course. But how many of us willingly face up to our character flaws? It is a pity we so rarely do because, with patience, it is surprisingly easy to increase one's popularity.

8 Tips to Develop Courage

8 Tips to Develop Courage

Don't let life's numerous problems and challenges faze you. Bolster your mind and body with positive thinking and healthy habits to become mentally and physically strong. Here are some tips you can try to boost your fortitude and courage.

8 Natural Ways to Overcome Depression

8 Natural Ways to Overcome Depression

Depression affects millions of people worldwide. However, you don't need to sit around moping, or resort to drugs to beat the blues. Here are some natural and holistic ways to help overcome that dark and gloomy feeling.

How to Overcome Stress Naturally

How to Overcome Stress Naturally

Today's fast-paced lifestyle is stressful for the mind and body. Therefore, one needs to take time out to practice relaxation techniques. Here are some natural and holistic ways to help beat stress and feel good through the day.

4 Ways To Make The New Year Your Best Ever

4 Ways To Make The New Year Your Best Ever

Many people think about how they can make the new year better than the previous one and set goals they'd like to achieve. Here are some tips to help you have your best, most successful year ever.

5 Steps to Ease Social Anxiety

5 Steps to Ease Social Anxiety

Social anxiety is a frustrating and often painful hindrance. It affects all of us to varying degrees, but for some it becomes all consuming. Here are 5 steps to help shed the chains of social anxiety and ultimately present the true version of you.

Conquering Addiction Before It Conquers You

Conquering Addiction Before It Conquers You

When an addiction gets the best of you, the road to recovery can be a long and difficult one. However, focusing on the end-game and following important rules can help to conquer the addiction, make you stronger, and put the past behind you.

4 Things Youre Doing That Suck Away Valuable Time

4 Things You're Doing That Suck Away Valuable Time

How many times have you said "I need more hours in my day?" We all have at some point. The problem isn't actually how many hours you have in the day, but how you spend the time you're given. Here are four common ways that time is wasted.

5 Signs Youre Hanging Out With The Wrong People

5 Signs You're Hanging Out With The Wrong People

The people you choose to spend your time with are important because they can have an impact on the quality of your life. The right people can make you feel alive and energized. The wrong people can suck the energy right out of you and even depress you. Here are five signs that you are hanging out with the wrong people.

How to Overcome Anger

How to Overcome Anger

Uncontrolled wrath can wreak havoc on our mind and body. It is not wise to fly off the handle just to feel powerful and boost your ego. Anger is a destructive negative emotion that needs to be reined in with self-control. Here are some effective tips on anger management.

Why Giving Up Blame Will Bring You Peace

Why Giving Up Blame Will Bring You Peace

When someone damages you, you're likely to feel justified in holding them accountable for your pain. However, blaming them intensifies negativity, making the situation worse. You can't find peace if you point the finger rather than taking responsibility for your well-being.

5 Ways to a Calmer and Happier You

5 Ways to a Calmer and Happier You

Although many people worry about their emotional and physical well-being, they do not know how to be calm and happy. Here are various ways - from getting organized to learning from your mistakes - to help maximise your chances of finding happiness.

5 Reasons You May Be Feeling Fatigued

5 Reasons You May Be Feeling Fatigued

Fatigue is something that many people deal with. It can make you feel tired even when you've had a full night's sleep. Dealing with fatigue can be frustrating and even debilitating. This article outlines five possible reasons why you are suffering from fatigue.

How to Cope with Failure

How to Cope with Failure

A sense of failure cripples and blights so many lives. It can undermine self-esteem, paralyze action, and trigger depression. Modern culture encourages a striving, ambitious, never-satisfied mindset rooted in the ego. And consequently people feel like failures, like they are not measuring up. But failure is subjective. Recognize that it is wholly a matter of opinion, that you are no more than a fragile, limited human being doing their best; learn to overcome the ego, to live in the now, and take

What is Emotional Abuse

What is Emotional Abuse?

Emotional abuse is a silent yet dangerous enemy. It can appear in any relationship and is difficult to see and acknowledge. Here are some common examples of emotional abuse and what could be the result of them.

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