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Last Viewed Self-Improvement Articles (102)

Here is a list of Self-Improvement Articles ordered by Last Viewed, posted by members. Read articles and comment on them or write your own articles. Click here to post an article.

How to Banish Stress from Your Life Instantly and Forever

How to Banish Stress from Your Life: Instantly and Forever

We spend a lot of time stressing about how to get rid of stress. Here are some unique, well-researched techniques you can use to rid yourself of stress and keep it away for life.

6 Things About You That Keep You From Being Rich

6 Things About You That Keep You From Being Rich

You would be surprised at what's holding you back from the luxury home of your dreams. Being rich is more than having a good idea or being born into money. It involves facets of your personality and the way you treat money. Being rich is more than ha

6 Practical Ways to Deal with Stressful Life Events

6 Practical Ways to Deal with Stressful Life Events

A crisis can occur at any time in your life. Sometimes the impact of these events is overwhelming and the stress can affect both physical and mental health. Here are some techniques to use on the spot to manage stress and function more effectively in critical situations.

How to Improve Your Self Esteem

How to Improve Your Self-Esteem

A lack of self-esteem can seriously reduce your pleasure in life. People with low self-esteem tend to avoid demanding, well-paid careers out of a fear of failure. They also tend to avoid relationships, assuming that no-one could possibly like them enough to spend their lives with them. Where does low self-esteem come from, and what beliefs do people with healthy self-esteem have about themselves.

What is Emotional Abuse

What is Emotional Abuse?

Emotional abuse is a silent yet dangerous enemy. It can appear in any relationship and is difficult to see and acknowledge. Here are some common examples of emotional abuse and what could be the result of them.

Make Fear Your Friend Not Your Enemy

Make Fear Your Friend, Not Your Enemy

Has fear ever prevented you from doing something, going somewhere, or trusting someone? If so, you are not alone. Fear is an emotion experienced by everyone. It is important, however, not to allo

Grace of God in personal life

Grace of God in personal life....

Desires can go only when we understand them in true form. This fire can be doused when we understand the science behind it. For this, wisdom is necessary as wisdom brings intellect of discrimination !

Spirituality is a very personal matter

Spirituality is a very personal matter

BEING IN THE WORLD... Spirituality is a very personal matter which can be visible for others through one's deeds for the society, towards his family, for oneself, towards his profession.

The benefits of positive attitude

The benefits of positive attitude

The benefits of positive attitude... * A positive attitude attracts people, while a negative attitude repels them. People tend to shy away from those who carry a negative attitude. * We def

10 Tips to Overcome Anxiety

10 Tips to Overcome Anxiety

The unpredictable and impermanent nature of life generates much fear and anxiety in many people. It is essential to control these negative feelings to find inner peace. Here are some useful tips that can help you overcome stress and anxiety, and live happily.

Forgiveness Is It Really Possible

Forgiveness – Is It Really Possible?

Forgiveness is always desirable, but is rarely easy. But when we are not able to forgive, we find ourselves tied to that moment in the past and unable to move forward in life. Here are some rules to help achieve forgiveness.

How to Deal With People Who Have Different Opinions From You

How to Deal With People Who Have Different Opinions From You

It can be hard dealing with peopole who have different opinions from yours, especially if they want you to change. In addition, you might have an urge to change their mind so that their view more closely resembles your own. Learn a lifelong skill that will enable you to manage being with people who don't think as you do, without feeling upset, angry or uncomfortable

9 Things Every Woman Should Do Before She Gets Married

9 Things Every Woman Should Do Before She Gets Married

Getting married is a momentous occasion in a woman's life. Before she tets married there are things she should try though. Settling down, even with your soul mate, can change your plans in life sometimes. Before you settle down you might want to do some things you might not have the chance to do once you're married with children. Enjoy your single time by trying these 9 things

Five Tips on How to Avoid Boring Other People

Five Tips on How to Avoid Boring Other People

No one likes a bore, and no one wishes to be a bore. But surely you cannot learn to be interesting? Aren't some people just dull by nature? True, no one can learn to talk like Oscar Wilde simply by re

Why Giving Up Blame Will Bring You Peace

Why Giving Up Blame Will Bring You Peace

When someone damages you, you're likely to feel justified in holding them accountable for your pain. However, blaming them intensifies negativity, making the situation worse. You can't find peace if you point the finger rather than taking responsibility for your well-being.

10 Reasons Why Acceptance Brings Peace and Abundance

10 Reasons Why Acceptance Brings Peace and Abundance

Accepting the past can be a liberating experience that lifts your spirits and de-clutters your mind. Here are some of the benefits of letting go of the past in favor of leading a joyful life.

Live by Wit and Not Wallet

Live by Wit and Not Wallet!

If men of much financial magnitude had ended up miserably and with no confidence in wealth, surely something must be wrong with their goals and with what people believe success to be, even if only tem

8 Tips to Develop Courage

8 Tips to Develop Courage

Don't let life's numerous problems and challenges faze you. Bolster your mind and body with positive thinking and healthy habits to become mentally and physically strong. Here are some tips you can try to boost your fortitude and courage.

7 Keys to Confident Living

7 Keys to Confident Living

Confidence is a trait we all need in order to do our job and have healthy relationships. From time to time, however, we have setbacks. When things don't go as planned, we falter. When we do, how can we get back on track with confidence? It's hard

Coping With Loneliness

Coping With Loneliness

Most people experience loneliness at some point in their life. It's a natural, common human experience. Two approaches you can take to coping with your loneliness are looking for ways to relieve it, o

Growing from Disappointments

Growing from Disappointments

How do you grow from a series of disappointments? Life can throw many challenges your way, but you must learn how to respond. Focus on these motivational thoughts as you pick yourself up and move forw

5 Reasons You May Be Feeling Fatigued

5 Reasons You May Be Feeling Fatigued

Fatigue is something that many people deal with. It can make you feel tired even when you've had a full night's sleep. Dealing with fatigue can be frustrating and even debilitating. This article outlines five possible reasons why you are suffering from fatigue.

Benefits of Being Spiritual

Benefits of Being Spiritual

Life can throw up detrimental circumstances over which we have no control. In troubling times, many people turn to spirituality for strength and solace. This article reveals the numerous tangible benefits of leading a spiritual life.

5 Signs Youre Hanging Out With The Wrong People

5 Signs You're Hanging Out With The Wrong People

The people you choose to spend your time with are important because they can have an impact on the quality of your life. The right people can make you feel alive and energized. The wrong people can suck the energy right out of you and even depress you. Here are five signs that you are hanging out with the wrong people.

We Are All Born with Psychic Ability

We Are All Born with Psychic Ability !

Hi! I am a 4th. generation Psychic/Intuitive originally from New Orleans. I decided to write this article to hopefully dispel some of the mystique, and taboo out of what I do. That and the fact, that

The Rewards of Facing Our Pain and Fear

The Rewards of Facing Our Pain and Fear

The cultural climate that we live in does not generally encourage us to express or even feel our deeper feelings. Most jobs require us to put a good face on – and smooth over – any pain, discomfort, or confusion that we may be feeling inside. But thi

6 Signs You Are an Emotional Spender

6 Signs You Are an Emotional Spender

Emotional spending is about buying frivolous things that aren't needed or part of a budget. Some people buy things to celebrate, while others buy things to mourn a loss. Either way, an emotional spender can limit temptation and curb behavior by recognizing spending triggers.

8 Habits of Happy People

8 Habits of Happy People

Some people seem to be happy and optimistic no matter what their circumstances. How do they do it? How can you be more like them? Here are eight thinking habits of happy people that can help you become more contented.

3 Brain Exercises to Help You Improve Memory

3 Brain Exercises to Help You Improve Memory

Our memory is an invaluable part of us. It gives us our identity and helps us recall information. As we age, our cognitive ability starts to decline, but there are things we can do to make sure our memory remains sharp. Here are 3 brain exercises to help us maintain mental acuity even in old age.

4 Ways To Declutter Your Life

4 Ways To Declutter Your Life

Living a life free of clutter might seem impossible, but it's easier than you think. We become so used to the people and things around us that we no longer notice them or their impact on us. By getting rid of the clutter around you, you can live a happier, more productive life. Here are 4 ways that you can improve your life by decluttering.

What Scares You 25 Bizarre Phobias You Probably Never Knew Existed

What Scares You? 25 Bizarre Phobias You Probably Never Knew Existed

Everyone is afraid of something, and many people have fears intense enough to be considered a phobia. Do you find yourself sweating uncontrollably with a pounding heart when you come in contact with spiders or snakes? Maybe the thought of being on a

Six Steps to Beating Social Anxiety

Six Steps to Beating Social Anxiety

Most people underestimate the impact social anxiety can have on someone's life. Social fear can ruin so many things, keeping us alone, away from people and activities that could bring happines to our

How to Cope with Failure

How to Cope with Failure

A sense of failure cripples and blights so many lives. It can undermine self-esteem, paralyze action, and trigger depression. Modern culture encourages a striving, ambitious, never-satisfied mindset rooted in the ego. And consequently people feel like failures, like they are not measuring up. But failure is subjective. Recognize that it is wholly a matter of opinion, that you are no more than a fragile, limited human being doing their best; learn to overcome the ego, to live in the now, and take

How to Be Social When You Hate People

How to Be Social.. When You Hate People

Are you already dreading the office Christmas party? Are you just a little shy and uncomfortable at social events? How can us hum-buggers and slightly anti-social persons survive forced

How to Make Friends When You Are Over 30

How to Make Friends When You Are Over 30

Making friends during your teens and early twenties is relatively easy. At school or college, most people you meet are single, childless, and eager to make new friends, but as you age things change: p

The Desire To Fit In

The Desire To Fit In

Nobody likes being left out of things. However, is it possible that society places too much importance on the need to fit in? Being true to oneself is actually far more important but realizing that fact is often a process.

What Makes Forgiveness So Difficult

What Makes Forgiveness So Difficult?

We all know that we should forgive the wrongs done to us. And usually, forgiving isn't that hard to do. We can forgive the clerk that short-changed us or the friend who didn't show up for our lunch date. We can even forgive the person who cut us off

4 Ways To Declutter For The New Year

4 Ways To Declutter For The New Year

The New Year is the perfect time to declutter. Let go of the things you've been saving for no reason. Things you don't use only take up space. This New Year, declutter your home and your life. Here are 4 ways to begin decluttering.

How to Deal With Shyness

How to Deal With Shyness

Anxiety in social situations is very common. Those who suffer these sorts of fears often miss out on a great deal of fun, happiness and success in life. Social anxiety can affect relationships, undermine friendships and even ruin careers.

10 Tips to Boost Your Self Esteem

10 Tips to Boost Your Self-Esteem

Low confidence levels and a negative mindset can impact one's self-esteem. To maintain high morale and spirit, it is important to think and act constructively. Here are some tips to help improve your self-belief and self-esteem.

Love Phobia Conquering my Fear of Rejection

Love Phobia, Conquering my Fear of Rejection

Read as this woman tells of her experience with her fear of rejection and how deeply it impacted her life. In a situation that began as an online-friendship turned online-romance, she tells how she ev

A Grumps Guide to Optimism

A Grump's Guide to Optimism

Do you feel miserable and cranky a great deal? If so, you might be a grump, and being a grump is not conducive to happiness. Here are some tips to steer you away from irritability and guide you toward the bright side of life.

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