War, why is it a part of humanity?

Who started it and why it doesn't go away?

I am sure so many of us would not want war at all, and yet history says, it has been a part of man's life from the beginning until now.

When and how will it end? Any ideas?

Personally I wish there would be no war at all. With all its destruction and causes of suffering and deaths, I wish it never ever happen at all. But it does. Why?
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Comments (35)

I am inspired to blog about this since, I have always read a comment about war crimes.

There are so many reasons why war is unavoidable. If it weren't a part of humanity, why is it that we can't seem to stop it? What is there to gain? I know there are more losses to be accounted with, but why can't just make war disappear?

Anyone? Come on, this is not about Trump so where are you guys now that are always crying about the saturation of Trump and American political blogs?

Two reasons in my opinion, religion and greed, if not one then it is the other, to ensure world peace all religions should go and as money was also started by religion, mankind should go back to bartering. Then all land should stay as it is today.

Sadly it is impossible to achieve, even more so with the U-turn on the INF treaty, now the Russians can manufacture at will, until they, with China, become an unholy threat to the USA AND THE WORLD.
One tribe was hungry. Survival dictated they invaded another tribe which had food or other resources. This bred hatred and retribution..the need for revenge.....
And with the hatred came a loathing of the culture or religion of the other.
And so over a long period it escalated...expanded. Tribes became nations. One had something that the other lacked.
Greed and/or need fuelled an attack. Counter-attack resulted in war..fuelled again by hatred and also envy and jealousy. Each tribe/nation prayed to their own God for help and to kill the enemy. And so it develops over thousands of years. A need for resources and hunger, fuelled by hatred, distrust and disdain of another culture and religion....and this becomes war.

Humans are a very sick species. Unable to share, unable to respect and embrace each other. Totally wrapped up in their own primitive religious beliefs, hatred and greed. Until we evolve to be able to remove these primitive instincts, there will always be war.
"rational" war is essentially the war of self-preservation, it's not literally a war to survive because war could come from any sharp reduction in living standards. The squeezing of the western middle class could easily lead to a war by accident without clever designs to meet the struggle for self-preservation. One answer to a reduction in living standard is to reduce the number of people alive, the other answer is progress.
Every war has its own specifics, but hunger for wealth and power always play a role.
Thank you all guys. I'd be back with you all soon.
War I believe is about power and greed wave jenny
Absolutely Jenny. teddybear
@ LJ - When everyone in the world is the same colour (grey) and has the same access to unlimited resources for a prosperous and healthy life and there are no longer borders and countries so that you could mover about wherever without passports. There are no religions, no money and everyone is of the same nationality then maybe there will be no more world wars, however there will still localized squabbles mostly over partner disputes.

..... grin hug wine
Love that kind of thinking Hans.comfort wine
Secret Service Stops Suspicious Packages to Obama, Clintons
As long as there are extreme right-wing organisations there will always be wars

yep,blame the Rightwing you Idiots!rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
Why not? You think it is okay to throw random unproven accusations at the leftwing, and yet think no one should question the right wing.

If the Republicans don't like answering valid questions, maybe, just maybe they should have thought about that when they spent the entire 8 years of Obama's Presidency thwarting all he did to keep the USA as the worlds number one country. comfort comfort comfort
....if only Eve did not bite that apple. sigh

@ Bloody~ - laugh rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

..... grin hug wine
This quote is actually for the Globalists..... to open midget brains of how people are manipulated!!scold
Perhaps you should read the book? The whole point is how the leaders (Trump) consistently lie, change from one point of view to the opposite and manipulate the masses by saying what they want to hear.

It is as though Orwell foresaw the future with Trump in control.
As you see, the quote applies to Hillary, she has two versions of truth to please her supporters and mega donors but in her public speeches she pleased the public with lies..... Trump won because of Hillary! Smart people cannot stomach her!scold
Joy, just stay focused on what is right. If we all believe that Trump didn't win. This world is a complete joke.
And it isn't. He's our president. He won. And people that don't accept that are pitiful. This world doesn't have any good use for pitiful people.
The world has little use for those who condone a compulsive liar as President of the number one superpower.

Very easy for someone to say they hate people that lie. But in one breath some refuse to acknowledge the Trump lies continually. and in the next say they hate people that lie, these people demonstrate they are confused and unable to see the truth.
The world don't need wars anymore, keep masses drugged, jobless, uneducated and entertained and you can do with them whatever you want...
The cruelty is more invisible but definitely happening on a more wider scale...
Obs, ambition and an adventure. Now that's a new perspective. Like life is too boring and seeking a thrilling adventure fulfill that.

Someone said its for power and greed.
Bloody, yes, if only...she remained obedient. Ahhh. Eve...all her fault.
Krema a very sad state.

Zombieness comes to mind.

Cruel and pitiful. What 3 quarter of the world have become. Very inhumane.
Of course Lindsy, Trump is a winner, all the way! Just mentioned Hillary was and still is too rotten , too corrupt no way for her to win the heart s of Americans... As you know Libtards are so good in twisting facts and words! I'm sure, the Republicans will win, THE GREATEST POLITICAL MOVEMENT FOR AMERICA! And Trump is the best leader for the US !peace
Thank you dear Joy.
Ken, you're saying we're really born defective and warmongers?
Hmmmn anything can happen just to start a war.
Because war settles all political conflicts that can't be resolved diplomatically.
Wellll....I dunno about the chromosome manipulation by some alien race or presence, but war, weaponry, and physical conflict are all derived from evolution and the instinct for survival of the fittest. (If you like, you could consider this instinct as Original Sin, if you're the religious type.) JMHO, anyway...
Excuse, valid point. Its a natural law, "survival of the fittest".

Meaning we're just as good as a victim and predator at the same time.

Can we change it?

That's the question.
Of course we can change it, but only to certain degrees, according to each individuals upbringing, mores, and consciences. Unfortunately, some of us possess little, or no, conscience. From this one can derive the notion that Man is inherently evil (I suppose), but again, to varying degrees.

I don't know about you, but I choose to lock my front door every time I leave home, and I take various precautions throughout my day...just to be on the "safe side". Kinda hard to trust Society in general, wouldn't you say??
I agree. We used to live un a gated community and even that didn't stop or deter robberies.
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