The Party is over....

I warned you.
Did you listen ? No.
You were too busy Trumpeting.
Although the country lost, you somehow thought you won something.
Wrong. But, you celebrated anyway.
It apparently didn't bother you, that illegal things took place.
I warned you, that eventually the 'piper would have to be paid'.
The time is now very soon.

The American people have spoken quite loudly with their votes.
In the House of Representatives, it's almost a clean sweep,
a lot of governors too.
We the people, no longer want to put up with Trump and his cronies.
They don't want the rich to get all the benefits.
The house has been renovated. A lot of the trash was taken out
and more will likely be taken out in 2 years.

Get ready for justice !
There's been a whole lot of investigations that have been snuffed by the prior Republican house majority.
Not any longer. applause
Nancy Pelosi will return to being the Speaker of the House.
All the committees will have Democrat heads.

Mr. T. is FINALLY going to have to hand over his tax returns and they will be closely scrutinized. thumbs up
He will no longer be able to abuse the power of the presidency. thumbs up
Mueller is going to have full backing and encouraged to get to the bottom of his crimes. thumbs up
Kavanaugh is going to be fully investigated thumbs up
so will Scott Pruitt thumbs up
and Jared thumbs up and Don Jr. thumbs up
Trump will be impeached. dancing

But, will you finally listen ? No.
Well, it doesn't matter. You will witness it anyway. tongue

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Comments (52)

Miguel - So, it was the 6th worst since 1946 ?
It doesn't really matter where it ranks.
The net effect, is that the Republicans significantly lost control of the House of Representatives.
That's the bottom line and it will be very significant.
Probably not. But, the message was likely the same.
Trump hasn't committed any crimes.

obozo's cia reading congressional emails and more is worth investigating.

A judge that noticed fbi handling issues during hillary's investigation during a FOIA lawsuit is worth investigating.

Wire taps and lies to obtain fisa warrants on unverified and false information is worth investigating,

Investigative over reach is worth prosecution.

So much more worth investigating than the fabrications and over reach being played out now.

The senate would do well to review all information from both sides. In making just and fair decisions, it would be the DoJ and the obozo regime that would undergo the proper investigations and purging through prosecutions.
Wrong ! Trump has committed many crimes.
He's had to pay out $ Millions as settlements because of this.
Plus, there are more yet to be tried.
Trump hasn't committed any crimes.

America’s Assassinations Programme is one of the biggest threats to global human rights, and Reprieve is working to stop it.

Under the programme, people are identified as targets and placed on a ‘Kill List’ for future assassination by drone attack on the basis of clumsy computer algorithms.

Reprieve has uncovered extensive evidence that the US has breached international law and violated fundamental human rights, killing thousands of adults and children in the process – 80% of whom have never even been named.

The assassinations programme was started by President Obama, but President Trump is ramping it up. One of the early attacks authorised by the then newly sworn in President saw 23 civilians, including 10 children under the age of 12 brutally killed.

This was described by President Trump as a ‘win’.

Targeting civilians is a war crime.
No war of any type goes with out innocent people killed.

There's a certain process to be enrolled in for "war crimes". The U.S., russia, and some others ARE NOT part of that group.

Sorry jacs. No physical war of any type from any side can ever guarantee no loss of civilian or innocent lives.

Sad when people think there is or can be any thing humane about war.
The way Trump is handling the Mueller investigation is 10 times worse than Watergate.

This is a planned murder
Post Partisan Opinion
Democrats won the House, but Trump won the election
Opinion | After the midterms, Democrats have hope, but the GOP will get Trump-ier
Post columnist Max Boot, who called for a blue tsunami after leaving the Republican Party, breaks down the results of the midterm election. (Gillian Brockell/The Washington Post)

By Ed Rogers
Opinion writer
November 7 at 12:54 AM

The above that I posted came from the Washington Post
There's a certain process to be enrolled in for "war crimes". The U.S., russia, and some others ARE NOT part of that group.

We, the US and UK, are part of that group. Whether it's targeting civilians, rendition, torture, inappropriate imprisonment, whatever.

We are as guilty as sin.

And Trump has done it openly. There was no apology, no condolences, no admission of a mistake, no change in practice...he described the death of 10 children under the of 12, which he authorised, as a 'win'.

Please feel free to try and justify that.
I agree with the article from the Washington Post that britishcolumbian posted.
This election was a Win for Republicans, one of the Best in Mid-term history!

JimNastics, you should learn how to better read posted results. Losing -26 house seats at midterm was a record... it was Very Good, 1st place, not 6th as you had posted.

I can say that voters made a great turnout for this election and many races were very tight. No one really won by a landslide and many were neck and neck. Some have even called for recounts because they were so close.

Yes, the people have spoken loud and clear and the results clearly show that the nation is pretty evenly divided, if you ask me.

No waves,
HLheart wings
Oh good, HL.

I'm relieved at least half of you can't ignore your president describing his killing 10 children as a win.

What's wrong with the other half? You're usually fairly keen to get child killers in the electric chair, so why are you actually voting for this one?
Yes, losing the house big time, is a big win for Republicans, the best EVER !. applause cheering laugh
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by JimNastics
created Nov 2018
Last Viewed: May 2
Last Commented: Nov 2018
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