If the virus had a smell –

Non-smokers who are bothered by smoke – you know how far away you need to be from someone smoking before it doesn’t bother you. Stay that far from others. And we all know how long the smell of smoke hangs in an enclosed space.

Non-garlic-eaters who are bothered by the smell of it on someone’s breath (or their garlicky lasting body-odour) ditto.

Shouting REALLY loads the air with particles. Stay away from protesters. Except from polite ones. First comment refers.
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Comments (98)

Reboot - the trick is to cough every now and then, especially when you see someone coming within 10 feet.

Magically clears the aisles around you.

Reboot, coughing loudly also helps clear a crowd professor rolling on the floor laughing
You Spanish, you'd do anything for a bit of fame, imagine claiming ownership of the "Spanish" Flu, yeah right. laugh
Snap rolling on the floor laughing

And Reboot, that way you don't cause anyone to faint, either giggle
"coughing loudly also helps clear a crowd"

I was thinking more along the lines of blowing out some deadly Methane. rolling on the floor laughing
Maria Branyas, believed to the oldest woman in Spain, has at 113 just recovered from the virus. She'd have been around for the YES SPANISH IN YER FACE flu in 1918 too rolling on the floor laughing
So that's why she survived, she's somewhat immune. thumbs up
All shopping aisles here are lets say chevroned, the ones whom try to pass my perif vision or head the wrong way, I diagonal my cart, till they respect my space and the chevrons. thumbs up
Reboot quick draw off her blood she's our solution!
Bentlee, ok so your shops have one-way aisles? that's a good idea. I know in the UK (well, where my daughter lives) you leave your trolley in the big aisles and collect what you want from shelves. Here in Spain in my usual supermarket the aisles are nearly 3 trolleys wide, you can give someone room but I'm quite shocked when someone reaches past me to take something. wow What, they couldn't wait 30 seconds at most? I'm not a slow shopper.
I was thinking particularly of the financial situation in the US where there seems to be plenty of risky public protest regarding social distancing practises.

We can speculate about people's financial situations in a broad sense, but perhaps the devil's in the details. How much do governments know about what people are actually experiencing? If you do put financial situations into broad groups, do governments know what proportion of people are experiencing each type of difficulty?

How can these issues be addressed by governments based upon assumption, or select information?

I have my story, you have yours, but there are nearly 8 billion stories.
They have been looking into training dogs to detect the virus.

As I mentioned before, everyone here is getting sufficient payments, since day one, including self-employed. It will cost us long term but at least nobody is suffering unduly short term.

Experts are still not in agreement about masks and gloves. People who are unused to wearing masks tend to touch their faces more, which is the worst thing to do. Plus taking off the mask properly is very important and non regular users don't do that properly.
The virus lives longer on glove surface than skin.
These are the reasons in many countries they are not encouraging mask use to non-professionals.
Molly, whilst all that on masks is true imo it needs to be looked at from 180 degrees, rather than masks stopping people from inhaling the virus rather stopping infected people spreading it, what does it matter if someone who's infected already touches their face, but by wearing a mask most of what comes out when they breath and talk will be trapped in the mask.
A dignified protest that respects the virus is not likely to happen. It's more a liberty issue for chaotic cynic biting the hand that feeds him. Blag artistry, the modern world has become such a battleground for attention that you don't even think about staying alive.
Molly, tell you what, you've been good at nabbing 69th comment before now. Here's what today's will win grin

Embedded image from another site
Fair comment Chesney, but it is not so much respecting the virus as respecting the fears people have. Anyone clumping up in groups to throw their toys out the cot and shout slogans is basically sticking out their middle finger and saying 'swivel on it' and seems to ME if I recognized a local shopkeeper or business person in the throng I'd avoid their business premises like the plague I firmly believe they'd have caught laugh

But I'd also avoid them forever after because they are irresponsible, selfish, and thoughtless.

At the same time there really are huge pressures on some. Madrid was rioting for 4 nights this last week after 80 days of lockdown and while some of the rioters were, of course, taking it way OTT many were wearing masks and keeping social distances as they held up their placards and marched well apart down the streets. Desperation is when you have to weigh up risking bringing the virus into your family vs the certainty of that family reaching the point of no money, no food, and soon, perhaps, no roof over head.
Z, I'm not against masks per se.
But if they do minimal good to stop you catching it, I'd prefer not to have to wear them.
Viv, thank you for the ensemble wink
For me masks put on and taken off in the correct manner is better than nothing. When taking off by ear bands only wash hands, I wear winter woollen gloves virus dies quicker on those and they can be washed,
keeping distance too and not much more one can do.

I shop on line now and think i will keep up with that. Before i walked to town every day and back 3-4 mile round trip but now shop on line for 2 weeks food and am learning and doing okay. I will keep this up until a vaccine found
Hey! Viv.
applause And Hey! All Y'all.

Viv. With all those symptoms being added in everyday to every week. It hard to say if you been infected with the Virus or not. For some of use, we been having those symptoms for years. Like! Sneezing, coughing, fever. Even sleeping. Ànywho! I wear different masks. N-95 masks ,cloth mask, medical masks. But! I mostly add a coffee filter in the other masks. It's better than using nothing. I uses Hand sanitizer - gloves. And change up gloves while I'm out. Which I'm not out much. Only going to the store, sometimes to the Gas Station. Other than that! I'm home. I been making it! Food, water drinks. Been paying all my bills so far. Money! It should last me for a year. Hopefully! If I still be here on Earth. Who knows? None of us knows. People die from other reason to.
Hey! Have you read about the men name Nordstromus. I'm sure that you might have. I have read a little on him. Online I have. What been said about his prediction on things. Including the C-19.

Talk Soon!.....hug
angel !!! ... reunion ... hug

It's been awhile!
Maybe you should stick 'round, eh?
We could use some common sense here ... sigh

This is how easy ONE person spread the virus.

hug Miclee
I should be back soon! Other than that.
I will give you a call soon. I promise you?
String - ?

You didn't put a comment as to why I would want to watch that particular clip so I haven't. I'm not much of a fan of your man's but if he's worked out a way of making the virus smell, well, that's different, I'll definitely watch it laugh
Molly I thought it was definitely you, but Red beat you to it rolling on the floor laughing
Back in 10!
The fact is that viruses are here to stay. It doesn't matter to the virus what vaccines and drugs are developed.
Viruses don't evolve or mutate because vaccines and drugs or drugs are a threat, they evolve and mutate automatically on reproduction.
We are fire fighting, always will be, every year. It's only a question of time before vaccines and drugs fail to control the existing strains of viruses, so science has to chase the virus.

A significant change could happen at any time because the current vaccine will fail to repel a new strain.

So even if we are inoculated and aren't wearing PPE who's to say that we won't catch the new strain, this year or any year in the future?
Bentlee because of my reply to Z on this thread.. I suggest you don't waste my time by sending me derranged mail abusing me because of my reply to Z who is more than capable of calling me out..Who knows maybe Z has called me out..Haven't yet checked to see if he has.

Makes sense why your username starts with Bent!~

Sorry Viv..

Carry on!~
A Certain Type of N95 Mask May Do More Harm Than Good

Embedded image from another site

Experts are warning the public against wearing certain types of N95 face masks with front valves.

They say the masks protect the people wearing them but do not stop virus droplets from escaping and infecting others.

The masks are designed for construction workers to use to keep out dust and other particles.
Molly, most unlike you to get your timing wrong and not be poised on the diving board of #68. I'm glad Red won it, in my heart of hearts I think she liked it more than you did grin
In regard to protestors..It's disgusting & sad to see cars lined up for hours at a food bank..My government has and is still looking after us..My PM has stated yes the economy here is bad but our health is first priority..Too many in the USA haven't even received their first government cheque so people can bloody eat..

In the USA 1,456,738 infected and still rising..88,211 still rising

America has the worst numbers..I suppose it's a case of protest or starve.
"Experts are warning the public against wearing certain types of N95 face masks with front valves."

I know these masks, you're right they are good for stopping incoming dust, the valve is designed to open when you exhale, it works best if you puff the valve open by exhaling through your mouth, breathing normally won't open the valve, you have to exhale with a bit of force to keep the valve open, so it would be deadly for others if you had a respiratory disease. When you breathe in you hear the valve slapping shut and you are then filtering the incoming air through the white area.
If they were all you could get you could glue the valve shut, ....and get your fix at the same time. grin
We got a long way from smells being useful. Maybe anyone who thinks they might have be infectious (or really doesn't want to be infected) should eat a steady diet of garlic and wear a mask saying IF YOU CAN SMELL THE GARLIC YOU'RE TOO CLOSE


Things to do, people to see, lots going on liar sigh I'll be back with coffee later wave
'Maybe anyone who thinks they might have be infectious' should self-quarantine for 14 days instead tongue
Did you know only certain people can smell asparagus-pee? It's true.

Lynx or Old Spice for men?
VivianLee2OP•3 hrs ago•Granada, Andalusia Spain
Merc - rolling on the floor laughing -

I agree I agree I agree thumbs up hug

You sound like the Queen bouquet
merc, ur way to close the sun lol. Don' t be throwing people under the bus to unite your you!
Molly, I know some people's pee smells after aspargus and some don't. It is so weird that many decided asparagus was a universal health cure and the price rocketed. mumbling

Lynx would do it rolling on the floor laughing
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