Astral Projection

Has anyone here ever tried Astral Projection? One is supposed to be able to have out of body experiences. You are boundless on where you can go. They say you can even travel the galaxies, talk to gods, and much more. All of this, with no drugs involved. lol
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Interesting blog but, I think I might be a bit too late to catch up with all the comments here.

Most people will leave their body while asleep. This is a common fact... Have you ever had the feeling that just before going to sleep you sometimes float above your body?
Well, this is nothing to worry about and it is quite natural!
While our physical body is having a rest, our soul does not and usually wanders around to other places, even to other dimensions.

Now, doing astral projection consciously is something you need to practise.
I myself have done it a few times - without taking any substances - and, I can assure, I have never met any "demonitic" figures!

However, I certainly wouldn´t recommend it for beginners and just for curiousity.
Because I am able to "journey" (not astrally), to other worlds, I have tried to do get into astral projection as well, but I do not need it.

Yes, we are attached by a silver cord which keeps us safe and helps us always to come back to our body. Sooner or later we will come back anyway because our physical body has certain needs...

Another world of advice when doing any type of journeying:
to be in a calm state of mind, feel the love inside us and all around us...angel

If we are able to raise our vibrations beforehand, we can only attract spiritual beings of pure light.angel angel angel

Same as our dreams, if our mind is full of negative thoughts, we end up having nightmares!doh

Good luck on your journey!teddybear teddybear
Hello BF,

I have to agree. When I first heard about it, it sounded very interesting. As I looked into it more, I was not so sure on how interesting it really was. However, I must say, I did try it once before looking further into it. There was some sort of hypnotic tone I found on youtube. Anyway, I listened to it for an hour and actually fell asleep. I do not think it worked on my because I do not remember anything happening. However, at the end of the tone there is some sort of weird sound that woke me up. I took my headphones off and fell right back to sleep. After I fell back to sleep, I had a very vivid and weird dream. lol Not sure if that was tied in with astral projection or not....or I was just due for a weird dream. :)

If you try it, I would look closely into it.
Hello Minerva,

Thank you very much for sharing your experiences with me. There are a couple of times I can recall rising up above my body while falling asleep. It is really fascinating to know that our souls can travel as they do.

I was talking with my brother last night a little about this. He was totally against astral projecting. I understand his point of view. He says that when we are ready to navigate our souls in the way that ap allows, it will just naturally happen. He continued by saying we should not force anything that is not natural. That makes sense to me.

You are right about being in the correct state of mind. That is kinda what I was reading in the responses to the youtube video I watched on the subject.

Again, thank you for your post.
hmmmmmm I don't think I'll be trying that, to risky I might not get back into my body, that's some scary stuff man.
I think such not probably.confused
Hello LK,

Yea. I thought it was going to be some sort of enlightening spiritual experience when I first heard about it. After looking into it further, I am not so sure it is worth taking the risk.

Thank you for the post.

Hello Um,

Yes. I am with you. It does sound like it could lead into some sort of real life horror story.

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