

What are we afraid of? And more importantly why? Does fear come in many faces? Are there any known benefits of being afraid? Or is it so crippling that it kills the living light out of our life?

I know for a fact that all emotions are given to us for a reason. Relative to all our social, cultural, political and even native place, fear does exacerbate, hinder if not completely harm our life. Progressive as our civilization is, to me, it looks like fear is just as potent and more powerful in dominating our lives.

If it is, in your case, is there anything we can do to thwart and or apply a preventive measure, or even avoid it? Completely?

I am very grateful and thankful to everyone who always participate and share all their ideas, opinions, experiences in my journey to learn and to understand life in the hope that we can all get enlightenment in this rather cruel and unkind world.

To disagree and or agree with my ideas and opinions yet express it in a very respectful and dignified way is highly appreciated. It then fosters a very healthy dynamics in our relationship who will learn with me. It is a privilege to have this opportunity of sharing without being personal as stated in the blog rules.

My intention is to learn so I can improve and better myself, for me and the whole humanity. After all life is way too short. IMHO.

Thank you again.

May we all have a nice day/evening.

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Comments (46)

In my opinion, fear is part of life. We probably could avoid it getting uncontrolled by fighting it ourselves although comforts and help from others would also be appreciated from times to times. I think fear could be first alarm of what to do or what to expect before doing our actions. I can't imagine myself of not having fear in life.
Not getting that one G.confused dunno
Kaet, thanks for joining. Yes of course. It'd be so unnatural to not have one.
Hey Lindsy

This is a nice topic.

Growing up shy in my upbringing and being raised as an only child, I am familiar with fear. When I became a Christian in my adult life I found comfort and strength in overcoming fear with faith.

For faith is being sure what you hope for and certain of what we cannot see (Hebrews 11:1).

Having the present assurance of my eternal salvation, gives me certainty to believe that God is in control of all things, including every detail of my life, and that no matter what happens to me, I will forever be in His presence for all eternity.

In my life..."I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears (Psalms 34:4)."

Through prayer and studying the Bible, I can be always be reminded of what the palmist prayed to God, when he said..."When I am afraid, I will put my trust you (Psalms 56:3)."

God bless! teddybear
Thanks brother Serendipity.

What I notice with those who truly put their trust in the Lord like my parents is the ability to feel confident that everything that has happened or happening or will happen in their life is designed by God and that your acceptance repeal the feeling of fear.

Thanks again my brother.
We feel fear so that we may know courage.

The world demands courage so it can decide who is and who is not worthy of life and success. I look at fear as Mother nature's test.
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unknown, California, USA

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I am here for the blogs and poetry writing. I learn a lot from the dynamics of the discussions. Part of my lifetime learning.

I am forever grateful with this gift called, LIFE. After all what I've been thro [read more]