
How difficult is it to change?

I mean from a point of view of bettering our life?

Not only to us and our immediate family, friends, it for the whole world?

Can we at least try?

Thanks all for your opinions and participation. bouquet comfort
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Comments (35)

there is always no hope - but u cannot try...comfort
Jarred. ..rolling on the floor laughing wave
G...good morning. You can't say I can't try, do you? yay wine blues
You mean Well Lindsy
But Inject the Word "Change" to the World?
All youll produce is........WAR...............detective
It is difficult to change who you have been all your life completely but changing bit by bit is not that difficult. The thing is you must be aware of what you want to change and really want to change it. dunno
Change is one of the hardest things to do, but if its worth while, change can be a good thing.
How true it is Nam. Perhaps we should never expect anything better then? War is brutal and destructive Nam. sad flower
Ek, of course. Any speed or level should be good. bouquet comfort

Are you in the bundoks yet?
Luke I am looking from the point of view on creating awareness so people can see the good it brings to mankind.
No we can't change anyone, we can only change ourselves. And to get there, we must be willing to be a student and go from there.

Thanks Luke.
In our Country right now there are People trying to "Change" Our Thoughts And way of Life
Are you happy With this?.............No Your Not!!

And what will Happen if it gets worse?
Thats right
Sooner or Later the Guns Will come Out

So my dear Lady Lindsy
I know you mean well
But forget "CHANGE"................detective
Change will not come if we wait
for some other person or some other time.
We are the ones we have been waiting for.
We are the change that we seek
Barack Obama...
Im Happy to Know you are in the NetherLands
Please stay there........................detective
G, first you have to know what you want and don't want, next change something for good not only for you but everyone. beer
Lindsy...still another 2 or 3 months but it is getting closer each day. Off to the pub now as the last time I went out was October last year. laugh
Track that's so true.
Nam, major we know all too well that when a change is imposed on us, resistance is the result.
No...not that for sure. Specially from a wimpy president who's selling us to the enemy. ..frustrated
Fly, perhaps it's true but look deep down what good it brings to the whole humanity.

My take.
Hi Manang,

" A leopard cannot change its spots" I don't think we can change who we are.

Things simply happen for reasons unknown to us, whether we want/like/need it or not, it's up to us if we want to get along with it and how we play the cards dealt to us.

If it's meant to be then it's meant to be.

The best I can do is to try to make each moment of my life count and those who are dear to me.

For us to change the world is impossible...the world is changing itself and we are the ones who have to adapt to those changes. That's just a crazy opinion of a fruitloopsigh bouquet
Some times we humans for get that from the time we came into this world our life is a process of changes.

Some changes does not come without pain
When I transplant an old plant I need to cut off the old roots and some branches, to stimulate new growth..

Our minds love changes, It becomes alive going into the new..
Great Ek, have fun. Make sure you have a driver, just saying. ..cheers
Yes ading, adapting to those changes are change in itself. Either you change because you initiate the changes or people around you changes you and therefore change.

It's a reaction based from around us. That's changed itself.

The weather for instance and many more, we can't change the direction although man can create rain now. But I do believe, yes we can all change one way or another.

I think we change all the time, we quite smoking, drinking, eating habits, how we feel thru education and so on.......
Our bodies are constantly changing as is the world, we live with day to day changes. Changing things in are life are sometimes hard and we may fight change but it happens all the time and try as we might we just have adjust to it.
"God, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed,...

...courage to change the things which should be changed,...

...and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other."

Hi Phyllis
Hi Joe, thanks, how is your beautiful place? bouquet
I can't complain well maybe a little, nice photo
Thanks jie, 5 or so years ago. cheers
Very difficult and hard work it is to change...improving your lifestyle or perhaps voting even when you think it won't matter and educating yourself...changing your attitude towards people can be a daunting task for some...insert the persons name if we try and succeed...everyone will
It mightn't be easy the first time. I have changed a lot of my things in my life and - life is overall good. smile

I don't get people who constantly moan and don't change the cause of their unhappiness. I do know that it's easier if you are footloose, but sometimes small changes can be positive and some people don't even try that. doh
Lou yes indeed..not easy and because of that I guess is the reason why they allow things and people around them to change for them..dunno confused

How are you my friend..bouquet
K yes little things do mean a lot. Change can be good and can be bad. I hope when we do change it is for the better.

How are you?comfort comfort hug hug teddybear bouquet
Hello SR,

Change is tough if there is no reason to do so. Even with reason, people would have to recognize the need for them to change. In addition, they would have to know how to change. It is difficult for someone to change when they have been living a certain way all their lives. In a way, that is all they know. I think the best way for somebody to change if for them to hit rock bottom in life. also depends on the situation you are talking about changing.

Hello Johnny, thanks for joining in.

Wheewwwww the snow is over I hope. And California, is having record weather. .

How is your neck of the woods? cheers
Halvo thanks for that nice contribution. cheers
Hello SR,

All the snow is almost gone but still cold out there. What you doing up at this time, you just get in too?
...Depends on your mindset. Some folks have no problems with "change". But certain others CAN NOT STAND CHANGE. OR DIFFERENCES OF OPINION! These types should, in MY opinion, be AVOIDED LIKE THE PLAGUE at all costs. Because everything in life changes. It has to in order for there to be "progress". And progress CAN BE A GOOD THING. Just be careful what you do with the resulting end product.
We all change as we get older, wiser and experience more.
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