Maybe just maybe this info might help someone..

one day, who knows?
Helpful hijack prevention tips:

Remember that 68 per cent of all hijackings occur close to home so be especially vigilant when pulling out of your driveway or coming home.
If you have an electric gate, do not pull into your driveway before opening the gate. This can allow hijackers to box you in. Rather open your gate while your car is still in the road to allow a quick getaway if necessary.
If you suspect you are being followed, put your indicator on and slow down at least two to three houses prior to your home. By doing this, you force the vehicle behind you to pass and you can then get a better idea of their intentions.
If you need to stop in your driveway to manually open the gate, always leave the key in the ignition and the motor running unless you have a child in the car. If your child is in the car, take the key with you as you open the gate. The key is a valuable negotiating tool – the criminals want your car and you want your child.
Always make sure you can see the back wheels of the car in front of you when you stop in the traffic. This gives you enough room to manoeuvre and escape if you have to, for whatever reason.
Don’t fall for the “tap tap” trap where a driver taps the back of your car in traffic. They often use female drivers as decoys here. Never get out of your car on the scene to assess the damage but rather drive to a busy location. Signal to the other driver to follow you. If it is not legitimate they will seldom follow you.
If you stay in a secure complex with security guards, do not be fooled into thinking you are safe. You can easily be followed into your complex so always remain vigilant. Research shows that most people relax the closer they get to home and this is often when they are most vulnerable.conversing

What to do if you are hijacked

The first and golden rule: Do not antagonise the hijackers. You need to show them you are not a threat.
Lift up your arms to show you have no weapon and will surrender.
Use your left arm to undo your seatbelt and put your car in neutral.
Be cautious not to use your right arm to lean across your body and undo your seatbelt or unlock the door. This could be construed as you reaching for a gun.
Do not turn off your car.
Get out slowly and try and angle your body sideways so you are not facing a firearm head-on. Also remember to protect your head with your arms and to lift your shoulders to protect your neck area.
Do not turn your back on the hijackers – your organs are most exposed from the back.
Avoid direct eye contact with the hijackers but still try to take in what they are wearing, the sound of their voices, etc.
Your life is much much more valuable than any car.

Hope you have a fantastic weekend.
I'm off to wine and dine.wave
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Comments (6)

Your blog makes me happy to be in Ireland cheers
Stay safe man. thumbs up
Lukeonhandshake Can t believe the amount of crime in your Homeland,doh Makes me appreciate my homeland that much more.
You take it easy there bud handshake
Hello Luke,

Wine and dine sounds just peachy right now. grin

Okay about your hijacker advice. laugh I think if you would have gave me some information on how to avoid getting struck by lightening, that might have become a little more in line with my life. laugh

Another Remedy To Know If Youre Being Followed Is

Drive Around The block Of Your House

After One Time Around
If Theyre Still There

Youre being Followed................................

Jaysus Luke,
We are more likely to drive into a pothole here than get carjacked laugh
Nam I have had that experience once or twice. I do two or three wrong turns to confirm things, then turn my car sideways to block them in. I thus far have experienced that when they see the size of my car gun when I get out of the car they slam their car into reverse and retreat. When cell phones became possible I usually had a police car enroute. LoL back in 95 one backing up car slammed into the police car as it turned into the street. Easy arrest. rolling on the floor laughing

Luke I feel very sad that the way things worked out the right to bear firearms and travel armed was lost in that country so that in truth only the bad guys carry them there.
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by Lukeon
created Aug 2016
Last Viewed: Apr 30
Last Commented: Aug 2016
Lukeon has 484 other Blogs

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