War on Drugs in the Philippines

I have to admit, the President of the Philippines way of treating the President of the United States take a lot of guts if not pure courage.

I was surprised to read about how he swore at him and considering the needs of both countries to be concerned of the same problems like fighting the ISIS, it looks to me it is not a united effort to deal with this issue should he treat him this way.

I am aware he is cleaning up the country of drug dealers and bad elements that seems to slowly destroy the Filipino lives now and the future.

Philippines is sovereign and independent and therefore has the right to do whatever it takes to run it. It is a little bit surprising though, to treat a powerful leader like that specially now that the Philippine's problem of radical muslims is escalating.

My personal opinion is that if this is what it takes to direct his focus in improving and serving for the goods of the majority, I can't question him. However, there has to be a justifiable and legal reasons of doing it and procedure that proves the guilt of these thuds. I know for a fact that illegal drugs is a very serious crime in the world today. Philippines according to record, is one most besotted one with this problems.

The approval of the Filipino people to their president is very high and it does seem to be working for the benefit of the majority.
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Comments (21)

Hi LJ,
Maybe the CIA could take some of those drugs and give them away free as a sweetener in one of its Illicit Arms deals. laugh wink

Im kidding of course, Everyone knows that would never happen.
What he is doing seems harsh to some, but its one way, and maybe the best way to stop drug use.
Lol Non...how are you?

How us the drug problems in the Emerald isle?wave
Map, for sure it will definitely shake up the system. And it is harsh as you said but desperate situations demand harsh means sometimes. The objective is good no doubt.
Good morning my friend Phyllis!

I agree the Philippines are a sovereign nation! The Filipino president does not need some other country telling him how to run his country! I am sure he has witnessed what the drugs have done to his country! Obama should "but out"! I wish we had some leadership with some "backbone"!thumbs up
Exactly Jim. I support the fact that he us committed to clean up the country of these bad elements and for Obama to not respect that makes it clear that he has a different opinion.

Makes me wonder.
One blogger contends the Philippines is not sovereign and shouldn't treat Obama the way he did is just plain ignorant.
However if Obama wants to help get rid of the radical Muslims in the Philippines, I guess he should not severe their mutual commitment to do so.

Obama needs the Philippines strategically as always was if any country in Asia tend to be aggressive. He negotiated two years ago to reactivate the contract of keeping the former US military bases there.
The Philippines is most certainly a sovereign nation! When I was in the Marine Corps, I was stationed @ Subic Bay there for 3 months!thumbs up I was in Palawan and Manila for 3 wks.
3 1/2 yrs ago! Loved Palawan!thumbs up
It's a very beautiful place Jim. Davao and Zamboanga.
Hello Lindsyjones,wave I do have to admire the President of the Philippines no non sense stance against drugs,yay But I do believe respect for other world leaders should be shown.
If nothing but a tough stance against drug dealers Works, it shouldn t be critisized, especially when nothing else is working.
Ito I agree with you. I believe Duterte doesn't personally like the way Obama is running our government. But yes respect should prevail.
Lindsy, I love that tough stance against drugs. I quit drinking in 93, in my 30s, and was getting along great with younger people, relating my experiences about drinking. I was asked to answer the phones at a drug, and dry out center. Seeing a better picture about the drug scene, and after effects,doh was quite the learning experience. Love the tough stance on drugs,yay
I couldn't agree with you more It, the damage created by this evil to humanity is beyond measure.
What we in the first world consider to be Human rights should apply only to the first world. Duterte's way is just what the Philippines needs: inferior rights for inferior peoples!
Rocking, thanks for joining in. Leadership that knows how to prioritize the needs of the people is worth commendation. I can't say that to Obama but perhaps more inclined to Duterte. I hear there's a great improvement on his leadership on a country that us so ingrained with corruption and deceit.
Ibs, excuse me but no such thing as inferior rights and your overrated superiority assessment of the first world is decaying my friend.
Nice to see you Ash.wave yes to that.

I think there's a fund for Amerasians but who knows what happened to that.
Corruption and deceit? That sounds like some anti-business liberal talking points. Is South Africa better or worse without first world corruption?

I'm not a fan of Obama but I can be objective enough to side with him when he is right. Can you?

Inferior rights is what Duterte is promoting for his people. I'm sure that was sarcasm.
I believe the premise that Africa is bad because of first world corruption is wrong. Long before there's any indication of first sl, second and or third world Africa and some if not most countries are ruled by corrupt politicians.

Philippines government dictate on how it fightshould it's drug problem is a calculating but effective means.

what? He's killing criminals, suspected criminals and innocent people (accidentally) ... is that right? Should that be condemned in first world countries only? I'm gutted. :S
Ten like I said when it's a cancer if society needs fixing, radical means are last resort.
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