RE: Wow is this place a clique?

Oh dear, you've spoken too many truths. You won't be getting many 'Clique' invitations! LOL!
Cliques are like exclusive clubs for critics who like to club others, generally verbally.
Cliques are usually made up of people. Most people seem to be likable, like Humankind, if you don't 'see' them too much or even not at all...
Cliques are also full of people who say that they don't care what what other people think and are, in fact, desparate to have other people think that they don't care what people think and will tell you that as a group opinion. They are like sheep but with a nasty side.
Members of the usual 'social' type cliques can't stand those who proclaim independence because there is no way to convince them that they need to be in a clique to count as a someone.
Some people are more violently opposed to wigs than leather because it's far safer to harass people in wigs rather than a motorcycle gang. Every clique honours its sycophant conformists. Is it any wonder that they feel 'safe and supported'; cliques don't like too open minded sincerity; it's like a fox in a hen-house. JMO, as I perceive cliques.

RE: Absinthe have you drank it?

There are 3 varieties that are preferred as 'best'. French, Swiss or German, Read up on it via ..Google. I trust the French as they 'invented' it. It certainly is the most expensive and well worth it. 'Strong' is not necessarily the best in this category.
Enjoy any and all!

RE: Do You Think You Could Spot A Diamond In The Rough?

Sounds like a description of the 'Be an Interior Decorator!' ads. I've always thought that those who seek to make others over are just that...What if the ad said 'Be an Interior!' would that be a new concept of 'method acting' perhaps...%)

RE: Wow is this place a clique?

There are those that click, those that clique and those that tick...
Watch out for those that tick...tock...tick...tock...%D sounds like the old Timex commercials...they just keep right on ticking...then BOOM! %D

RE: what happened to sense of humor

We desperately need Mel Brookes here to film 'A History Of CS Part 1
Blazing Humour At Ludicrous Speed'....%)

RE: Wow is this place a clique?

" do feel Tampa raises some valid points. From my observations, for all the spouting about posters having the right to their own opinion (which I believe is correct), when the shoe is on the other foot there are often attacks made on someone attempting to defend their stance on certain issues. And, it seems to me that there is such a desperation to be right that the thread then becomes merely a vehicle for back and forth arguing the toss about who is right and who isn't, totally deflecting from discussion on the original topic..." quoted

Absolutely correct Rose. when one dares to post under such conditions the sort of become "Those who post among vultures" nevermind about any 'dancing with wolves' %D

RE: A suggestion for American politics to keep things respectable.

Excellent! Very good!
Nader: I liked the Corvairs...had one of the last ones made. Never a problem; always thought he went too far on that one. About the seat-belt comment and Govt. "interference" who then would have made overall safety of the driver and passengers the same reasoning...would you rely on some off the street electrician to wire your house as no electrical safety codes would exist...which then, of course, begs the question of just how safe would electric chairs be?? %D

RE: Wow is this place a clique?

The cliques have been here on CS since shortly after it started; certainly back in "05 of one kind or another but over time, some formed that were 'exclusively negative' and many quit; many were banned. It continues today. Some are friendly and open minded to new members. Others are not; usually very closed minded and negative and cause new members to drop out, especially on the forums.
The ideal is to be open minded and make accommodations for others to be part of the forums. Accommodations are not possible with a closed. negative mind/ attitude. JMO! %D

RE: Yes, they really said this;

"Lord to decide future next month!"
Calgary Sun, Canada Nov. 19, 2006

"Bond is beaten by a dancing penguin"
D.Mail 20, Nov. 2006

"Martians buzz Chicago airport"
NY Post 2 Jan. 2007

"Devil dies on the Gold Coast"
Queensland Times, Dec. 14 2006

"Bullet-proof dog honoured"
Sidney Daily Telegraph Dec. 18, 2006


Spring?! Hibernation is over! Now, where's my honey jar...(a la Winnie the Pooh %D)

RE: Wow is this place a clique?

Does that...could that mean high heeled leather boots, the mandatory fish-net stockings and whip??? ILSA! We have been waiting for you to return!! (ref. to all the Ilsa movies) %D %D

RE: Why dont they put some money in Agriculture? They have the technology to feed every single one of us

To paraphrase the late and totally unlamented William F.Buckley a notorious alleged conservative Republican writer, in describing an attempt on the life of President Sukarno of Indonesia that went terribly wrong by the CIA actually wrote that it did have "all the earmarks of a CIA operation. Everyone in the room was killed except for Sukarno" (Buckley was 'ex-CIA')
Perhaps the authorizing officer will soon have his own desk at Langley, Virginia and continue to authorize killings with such lethargic zeal over his phone....'Yeah, sure, go ahead, waste 'em all...'

RE: Worldwide Famine & Starvation

Very good. So far all the various EU ministers concerned with our foods have told the American Govt., Monsanto etc. that Europe will not accept any of their Genetically Modified foods or grains. This has prompted some very angry responses from the American firms threatening all sorts of legal actions and halting various trade deals. Surveys throughout Europe have reflected a resounding 'hell no!' attitude by people to GM foods. The harder the US tries to push GM produce on Europe, the more the peoples will react against them. Seems that our Ministries are actually listening to us. Now if only they can withstand the bribes to change their minds....

RE: Worldwide Famine & Starvation

Guess what? It has already been found that the 'Mad Cow Disease' can be passed unto people after several became very ill just after a huge burn of diseased cow carcasses in England. During the burning, spores of the diseased matter went into the air and eventually was breathed in by some people...weeks later, there indeed were 'Mad Human Disease' cases, only it might be more technically correct to call it "Mad Human-Cow Disease". Has a better ring to it than 'Mad Cow-Human Disease'...

RE: Worldwide Famine & Starvation

"Camila Montecinos, an agronomist with the Chilean organization, CET, has another concern, "We've talked to a number of crop geneticists who have studied the patent," she says. "They're telling us that it's likely that pollen from crops carrying the Terminator trait will infect the fields of farmers who either reject or can't afford the technology. Their crop won't be affected that season but when farmers reach into their bins to sow seed the following season they could discover - too late - that some of their seed is sterile. This could lead to very high yield losses. If the technology is transmitted through recessive genes, we could see several years of irregular harvests and a general - even dramatic - decline in food security for the poorest farm communities."

Law suits have already been filed by Monsanto against several farmers in Mexico and elsewhere, also in the US against farmers for having illegal 'Monsanto crops" due to the winds carrying the seeds over. Some who had discovered these new crops growing in their fields destroyed them or dumped them at the farm where they originated from. Monsanto actually tried to have some charged with theft of their seeds! But financially ruining them was thought to be a better long term policy as then they could get that farmer's land...the beat goes on...

RE: Let's say I break into your house

Russell Means once asked," How can a bunch of descendants from illegal immigrants declare themselves 'legal' then presume to set up immigration controls for all others while we, the native original inhabitants of this land are hunted nearly to extinction and put on reservations which are nothing more than concentration camps?"
Good question. I can understand from where he is coming with that. The English side of my family have always sided with the natives since they settled Jamestown and married there.
Since the US is the last modern country to be wholly artificially created by illegals how can they restrict who comes in...why should any immigrant, using that line of logic, pay any attention to any restrictions of immigration controls set up by descendants of illegals...none should pay any attention to any immigration controls; flood the place; damn any RSVP sign on that statue of liberty put up , not by natives but packs of illegals. %D

RE: rationing rice in America

HAha!, a very timely intervention! %)

RE: What makes your face flush ?

Other: Niacin

RE: Let's say I break into your house

Perhaps one day under an 'enlightened planetary dictatorship' whole populations could be moved around to other parts of our world to see, to feel other peoples and cultures; say take all the hill-billies from Appalachia and put them into the Tibesti Mountains in northern Tchad, or in Natal Province, putting the equal number of those into where the hill-billies came from; the people of Yemen into Manhattan perhaps; the ultimate experiences in 'Cultural exchanges'. I know, sounds like another movie from Woody Allen in Bananas where the new dictator of a new Central American country ordered everyone to have a Swedish surname...and other things...A 'meaningful cultural exchange' could work wonders in understanding other peoples and certainly at the very least allow those who don't 'get out much' to get to see our planet...
Just imagine the possibilities! %D

RE: How many of you can deal with a new relationship ?

"How many of you can deal with a new relationship ?" quoted headline

I can, easy if one has VISA or AMERICAN EXPRESS, or if you want to pretend that you're someone else or something that you're not, use Mexican Express and she'll never know as with cash. She doesn't ever need to know who you are...%D
Yeah, beats tv re-runs anyday or night....

RE: chief minister

OK! You're going to stage a coup, all by yourself? Go Girl! %D

RE: rationing rice in America

Cheer up! Every major country gets its turn; England, especially for that disease 'socialism', Germany for much more and worse; before Germany, it was France; everything from colonial domination and wars and before them, it was the Belgians for all the horrors of the Congo, etc. etc. right back to Denmark, Sweden and Ireland for all the wild party boys known as Vikings and before them, Italy and the Roman Empire; before that, the Greeks, the Trojans...geez how far back shall we go...see the short version in History Of The World by Mel Brooks. You'll get the picture....did you know that many actually believe that it was all true! %D

RE: Why dont they put some money in Agriculture? They have the technology to feed every single one of us

"I have only scratched the eyes so to speak and there are other details which bear a mention but the gist is that it is the responsibility of other nations that have gained much wealth of the current slowing World Boom in taking care of the poorer nations" quoted

Are you joking!? The attitude ...and altitude for the last several years, especially from the US Republicans and their Bush Regime has been , basically, 'F**k the old, the poor, the hungry, the homeless! Who needs them! They ain't good fer nuthin, let 'em all die!' Attitudes like that help establish a mind set, especially among other 'first world' countries. Given what firms, conglomerates and multi national corporations control the entire food productions industries around the world, plus the transport facilities and distribution systems, it is very easy to set up artificial bottlenecks, very easy to close down food production and curtail delivery of foods and hold them back thereby creating a manufactured and wholly artificial food shortage conveniently only solved by higher and higher is a State manufactured scenario right out of the Malthus school of economics...mass die offs of peoples the world over...the essence of the Malthus Theory of Economics...

RE: Why dont they put some money in Agriculture? They have the technology to feed every single one of us

Food agency resources are stretched because rising fuel prices have increased the cost of transporting supplies and both public and private donations have started to fall.

The government used to buy large quantities of surplus farm commodities to support market prices, which it would distribute to food banks. As prices have climbed over the past four years these donations have dropped by 75 per cent, leaving food banks scrambling for resources.

“ are pretty empty right now,” said Lindsey Buss, president of Martha’s Table, a food charity in Washington.

Well, one person to ask for a small donation would be the Emir of Qatar, whoe personal income cut from fuel revenues is at some 30 million dollars per day. Like WTF does one do with that much per day...

RE: George Foreman Grill

Got one years ago; found it worse than cheap East Indian ones...all the finish came off in just a few months. Threw it out.
Best one I ever found was in a Safeway store in Canada several years ago. Still use it.

RE: Decisions Decisions

One thing that I've learned is that there are more than one; they seem to keep coming and always when you're not ready . I used to think it was getting out of the military, then I thought that it was taking the chance to marry and have a family. One connects to the other as more will be. No regrets in trying, certainly and absolutely no regrets at having and raising two children on my own. That was the hardest. Now I'm looking at another 'most important decision'...and no clue as to deciding on what...another case of 'just a wing and a prayer' . I hate doing that.

RE: panic buying in scotland.......

Strike refinery shutdown complete
The shutdown of the Ineos oil refinery at Grangemouth in central Scotland is complete, the company have said.

The 1,700-acre plant is being closed in preparation for a two-day strike by staff over pension changes, which is due to start on Sunday.

The process to shut the plant, which is Scotland's main fuel supplier, began on Monday.

It is the first time the plant, which processes 210,000 barrels of oil a day, has been completely shut down.

Ineos said it could take up to three weeks for the plant to get back up to 100% production capacity following the shutdown.

Despite the plant's closure, the BBC understands last minute talks aimed at averting the strike are still continuing.

Oil giant BP has said that if the strike goes ahead, it will have to close down the Forties oil pipeline.

The pipelink links North Sea oil production with a plant at Kinneil near Grangemouth and delivers 30% of the UK's daily oil output.

From the BBC World News Service

RE: Would you know if you had a knife in your back?

A similar incident occured in Washington DC one morning many years ago. Several people boarded a bus, the last one being a woman. She got on, paid her token and proceeded down the aisle. A passenger got up and told her that she had a knife in her back. Others then noticed it also. The woman fainted. Ambulance took her to a hospital; she had never felt the knife (about 8inches long) go into her while standing waiting for the bus. She was randomly stabbed by a youth, one of several who had passed by earlier...

RE: Obama for President.....The Fifth!

Well done Opal! Excellent! I haven't seen all this in years, especially how he dealt with the POW organizations and how many veterans were against McCain. He treated them and their families horribly. People need to be strongly reminded of his despicable treatment of those people.
I still find it ironic than not a single candidate has stepped forward or has been nominated for the so called role of 'C in C' and the Presidency that has been an actual ground combat vet. with real combat use of a machine gun. I agree with the view point of William Gayley Simpson that in order to really find and achieve a meaningful peace, it will only come from a former soldier that has been in actual, real combat using a machine gun. That experience will give the candidate a perspective totally unknown to any presidential candidate and more than likely, will achieve Peace. Former combat soldiers who have actually experience it up close and personal will not be so easily enticed to have others experience it. It was expressed in Simpson's book Which Way Western Man, 1978, totally expunged from all public libraries in the US. Shame; very good book.

RE: Obama's tax and spend agenda:

Compared to the figures of the Bush Admin. spending, the national debts from the war years any show from Obama will close down after a very short rum...provided there is no market crash, no new currency introduced amalgamating Mexico and Canada.
Republicans won't care as long as the number of poor grow and corporate taxes go down or stay at the current piddling amounts so they can continue to sponge off the poor and move more of any actual production companies out of the US; that is actual tangible products, bot BS production from PR and Ad companies. I think BS is produced much more than any tangible actual goods...even the Candy industry has almost completely moved to Mexico; even the making of shoe-laces...not good.

This is a list of forum posts created by solitare.

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