Food Safety Bill passed

Any thoughts on this? Anybody been following this?

Too much government? Or is this a safety measure to make sure our food is clean and safe to eat? I DON'T LIKE IT!

Mass media articles:

What people against it are saying:

"While this bill appears to be part of a solution to a core problem, it may only be addressing a symptom of what has become a much greater problem. Food manufacturing has become dominated by gigantic corporations. The center of control has been moved out of the localities which consume the products, responsibility for creating poor products becomes a P&L issue rather then one of social responsibility. Sound familiar... if not, I suggest you take a look at what happened to the banking system in the past 36 months. Let's be clear. These are not evil people, they have children, families, ambitions, fears etc. This issue comes not from calvinistic, innate human frailty, but from system that rewards dispassionate review of profitability and centralization of power and responsibility. The solution in my mind (and I could be wrong) is to decentralize and disaggregate, creating ownership at the local level. I will be more vigilant about keeping your food contaminant free if I live next door!"

"I'm very concerned that S.510, the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act, imposes unfair and burdensome regulations on local food sources, which are very important to me. The Committee version of the bill does not address my concerns, and I urge the Senate to support the Tester Amendment to exclude small facilities and direct marketing farms from the most burdensome provisions of the bill."

"This bill does nothing to make us safer. It just grows government and increases the cost of food. It is also a payoff to the large genetically altered food companies. It also allows the FDA to create rules and regulations as they see fit according to the head of the FDA and the administration. This is an evil bill. Call your senator. "

"If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny." ~Thomas Jefferson

"Look for an increase in price of our food, since the cost of following more stringent rules established by the FDA will be passed on to consumers."

"I hope this bill contained the amendment that exempts the small organic farmers from weighty fees and regulations designed to put them out of business. It's always been the huge factory farms that are the source of illness, not the "Mom and Pop" organic farmers who sell their wares at local tailgate markets."

"Read the fine print... it is now illegal to grow and sell your own food. Even lemonaid stands are now regulated by the government. Do you still call this a "free country"?"

RE: WikiLeaks

lol, I just saw these today. Thought I'd share what is out there. Not trying to sell anything. Is there an impeccable source btw?

RE: WikiLeaks

Disinformation? It's all out war on our mindslaugh

CIA, Mossad and Soros behind Wikileaks-

Wikileaks Is Zionist Poison-

RE: WikiLeaks


RE: Tea Party Movement (2)

I don't know about your interpretation when you quoted yourself, but I can understand with some of the Tea Party representatives out there and the corporate machines who funded SOME of them in disguise.

Simply put, the Tea Party's objective is to honor our civil liberties and honor the Constitution. There are some good guys out there, but they are outnumbered by the wacky right wing zealots. On paper the idea is a good one, but the people, as usual, have their own agendas.

RE: Tea Party Movement (2)

In favor of no central banking. Printing out money is not a solution, just a temporary band-aid that will not stop the eventual bleeding and perhaps death.

RE: Tea Party Movement (2)

These rallies fuel hate, and don't focus on solutions---just focusing on problems. The Tea Party can only become legit if it leans more to the center-left---along with maintaining its center-right adherents. America needs a one shoe fits all party, and a party willing to change the landscape of American politics so that we have a government that is actually for the people, and not corporations.

RE: Tea Party Movement (2)

America is no nation for big government. Big government is corrupt and corporate in America, it's no Sweden when it comes to integrity and listening to the people. Too much central government in America is a set up for a fascist state. The American idea of a self-governing system from state-to-state and county-to-county is the best option---much like how the Native Indians practiced that (America's core principles were helped built by the Native Indians approach to self-government).

Bottom line, things have gone too far in America now, and I'm a liberal---though actually in the center. Actually, I'm a radical, and call for radical change---but that is just not possible right now.

RE: Tea Party Movement (2)

What I know for sure, is that Congress should not be dominated by two Political Parties. More Parties are needed in Congress because the Republicans and Democrats are not listening to the people.

Some key and scary points that our Congress is trying to get passed:

How is these even up for a vote? Is this the USSR?

S 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act, "may be the most dangerous bill in the history of the US

1. It puts all US food and all US farms under Homeland Security and the Department of Defense, in the event of contamination or an ill-defined emergency

2. It would end US sovereignty over its own food supply by insisting on compliance with the WTO, thus threatening national security.

3. It would remove the right to clean, store and thus own seed in the US, putting control of seeds in the hands of Monsanto and other multinationals, threatening US security

4. It deconstructs what is left of the American economy. It takes agriculture and food, which are the cornerstone of all economies, out of the hands of the citizenry, and puts them under the total control of multinational corporations

S 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act, may be the most dangerous bill in the history of the US. It is to our food what the bailout was to our economy, only we can live without money."

More info on the bill:

“If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.” ~Thomas Jefferson

The 19 Senators Who Voted To Censor The Internet-

RE: Tea Party Movement (2)

Also, I'll vote for any Political Party that is willing to stand up to the Federal Reserve, and get that central bank shut down! Ron Paul and his Senator son speak out against the Federal Reserve, and that takes guts.

If there is one name that I like from the Tea Party, it's Senator Rand Paul---though this does not mean I agree with all of his conservative views. Just the principles with Civil liberties, the free market, and how he is willing to shut down the Fed.

Right now, I hope Ron Paul runs for President. He is the good guy over on the Republican side.

RE: Tea Party Movement

Should sum things up pretty good. Christianity has come long ways and no longer is associated with violence. Islam is. It's all in the link and a large volume of examples can be given here. To even have this debate is a joke. I'm not a Christian either.

Moving on, the Tea Party is a sound movement. I may not hold the same world views as most of the adherents, but the Tea Party is a grass roots movement. More political parties are needed in America, especially parties that honor the Constitution. The Tea Party will reach across the political spectrum in the coming years hopefully, and maybe we can get our country back from the corporate machine.

"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

RE: Does the intensity and ecstacy of falling in love diminish with time?

It shouldn't be an idea lol! It should be mandatory, or common sense or just a way of living and co-existing.

My main point that I should have brought up earlier, is that people won't have the same chemical reactions after the relationship has shifted out of the initial take-off stage, and that is why I said that it is almost impossible to sustain when couple move into a stable mode of the relationship. The sparks can always be there, and even stronger at various times, but the chemical reactions that are experienced during the beginning stage is never really matched at the same level if say you are in the 6th year of the relationship.

Generally speaking, when their is no effort to keep the sparks going, and if the relationship hits a mundane wall (without fighting), then one of the partner's may seek to recapture this feeling of madness and excitement outside of the relationship.

RE: Does the intensity and ecstacy of falling in love diminish with time?

Can you unpack that please. wine

RE: Do you believe in an afterlife?

Has anyone ever looked at the volume of Near Death Experience studies out there? There are different classifications among the experiences out there, and they are very interesting.

Here are some neat links to look at if you wish to explore:

Well, look into consciousness or quantum consciousness studies. Where we go after physical death? I don't know, who can say---we just have the NDE studies available, but nobody has came back from being dead for a year, then came back to report haha. We just have experiences from the people who were dead from 1-10 minutes.

It's said that when we die, we leave the physical existence and go to another existence that is non-physical. And from there, we may choose to enter into another physical existence to experience a theme or pay off Karma.

RE: Does the intensity and ecstacy of falling in love diminish with time?

Thanks langleywine

It is very true, that for the majority, those feelings of intensity and excitement or insanity (lol) is indeed vital and necessary in the beginning of a relationship. In fact, it's natural. When most of us don't feel those feelings of craziness, we stop dating with the the person in the beginning---even if there is good chemistry. I believe only a small percent of people actually continue dating if these feelings are not present during the initial dating stage.

In any case, I didn't mean to imply that they are not necessary for a healthy part of a relationship in the beginning, just that they are not necessary to be dominantly present for the relationship over the course of time. That would be almost impossible to sustain in this world under the circumstances we are in from Monday to Friday.

RE: Does the intensity and ecstacy of falling in love diminish with time?

Love grows and sustains over time. There is no such thing as a "crazy love", that is lust---and it comes and goes in stages in a couple's life. Of course, those crazy feelings of excitement and nervousness is natural in the first 4-6 weeks of a new relationship. To expect such feelings for eternity is nonsense and unrealistic.

Love is pain, understand this. Love can be painful in many ways, but with pain, comes healing---if one chooses such a path to manage adversities and misunderstandings in a relationship. With communication, understanding, respect and a desire to get back to a sense of "oneness" within harmony, then a deeper understanding is achieved, and thus a stronger sense of love is felt and experienced. This is true love, a love that endures through the test of time.
Ecstasy and intensity are only parcels of love and can not always be available in a relationship due to the burdens of life, and to base love on these two definitions is unwise. Ecstasy and intensity, in the realm of lust and a new beginning where the future seems brighter than ever, is only dominant at all times during the first 4-6 weeks in a new relationship---when we are head over heels, and our partners can do no wrong in our eyes lol.

RE: Aetheism...genuine or a cop out?

rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing yawn

RE: Do These Words From Benjamin Franklin Still Apply?


RE: The truth about the truth, is that it hurts, so, we lie

In the context you are presenting, you're talking about projections. The lies are the mask we have on to hide our true selves, or to project something we are not---and it could be to our very own self.

In other cases, we may lie for personal gain, or to "protect" some people or events from the cruel truth.

RE: The curse of the Euro!

Pretty sure the Euro and Dollar will merge within 10 years maybe.

RE: Mysterious Missile Launched?

RE: Will America recover FROM the Obama Presidency.

Hey old bald man with the upper body of a frog, who'll win the Super Bowl?

RE: The curse of the Euro!

Sure glad Sweden still uses the Kronor.

RE: Mysterious Missile Launched?

No official word from the Pentagon. Sketchy to say the least.

RE: Mysterious Missile Launched?

RE: Aetheism...genuine or a cop out?

Uh oh, the Bible busted!

Reads and videos that I found interesting:

Alan Watts: How We Got The Bible :

This one is about an hour long, but it is well worth it and very thought provoking. Pierre Grimes - Why Thinking Christians should become Platonists

RE: Do These Words From Benjamin Franklin Still Apply?

Tell that to business people who travel a lot.

RE: Do These Words From Benjamin Franklin Still Apply?

I think the government has been face raping us since 9-11, and even longer before that.

RE: Aetheism...genuine or a cop out?

I don't blame this god you believe in, for I do not believe in such a god or supreme authority and ruler. I do believe in a soul and an afterlife---I believe we are parcels of infinity in this world right now. And there are more existences and planets that can support life than this one.

His rules? How do you know for sure that the Bible is the word of God? Consider how the Bible was constructed.

May I ask what this god is in charge of? May I ask if you have seen this god? And why do you think this god is a guy?

Also, where did God come from?

RE: Aetheism...genuine or a cop out?

Absolutely not. I don't believe that any higher awareness practices righteous justice. That is not a sign of righteous justice. How are humans to learn from their mistakes if some celestial guy with a white beard up in the sky residing on his throne kill people and wipe out civilizations because they were bad? How is humanity ever to evolve when you just hit the reset button? Then the civilization starts over, and ends up in the same mess---then this God of yours will just kill off the world again? That's not rationale man. Look at the book of Genesis, does that seem like a loving and righteous god? This depiction of god came from the people of over 2000 years ago, and you take their word of authority on that? We live in the now, and everything evolves---even spirituality and our ideas of existence and this god concept.

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