... the dream

I know exactly what I want... He has been whispering to me for years. I want that life companion that makes me question everything I have ever experienced in life... I want to stop in my tracks, lose time, be breathless , speechless ...wondering how I got through life thus far without him. I want him to be match, my mentor, my apprentice as we fill the niches we have both sought all our lives for. I want to experience the inconsequential things in life with him, while experiencing everything I dared only to dream for.

It was recently said to me that I am the ideal single woman, and I believe that to be the essential truth... I have everything I wanted at my fingertips... a home I am happy in; a car that makes me smile to slip into; flowers that spring forth throughout the year to add colour; a job that challenges me; friends and family that should be the envy of others. My journey through life has taken me to some interesting places and it's yet to take me to more. Because although that man whispers to me... he is in my dreams ... he is entirely out of my reach. I might be unrealistic... because I have had some wonderful companions over time and others that were less than wonderful, but they had a time in my life...and they were my lessons to learn.

This great love of mine would bear the scars of his journeys in life... the life that was his before we met. And I could sense that unknown and thank it for allowing him to cross my path. As he ages, I learn to love every crease .... every imperfection, because they are essentially him. Without question, I love him.... and cannot imagine a time when he wasn't with me, nor would I wish to. As I wake every day smiling , sure in the knowledge that he is my star... and will always shine for me.
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Comments (32)

Abagailrose nice... keep your dream alive!
Dreams do not always come true, Bogart...but wouldn't it be nice?!smile
scars make a man very, very attractive. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Hello Claudine... I think it makes him real. smile

Thank you for those thoughts.
That's lovely, Abagail. They're wise words, too.

It's reassuring to know there are people like you out there.

Have a great Friday :)
Thank you, Patrick. We need dreamers in the world. blushing

I wish you a wonderful day.bouquet
Abagail rose if they dont get near what you dream, at least you gave your best, and thats is enough !

I hope your dream comes true.

Best wishes to you.

@Bogart... I wish it were that simple. daydream

@Sliprywnwt... Thank you.
...this is the Holy Grail
but drink slowly

good luck
...and it is spring
it's time to powder spout

happiness is close, if have a dream

nice blog...
Hi Abagail. I think so too. A man with scares has lived, made mistakes learned from it. And is not afraid. That is what we want, isn't it? Hope yor gardian angel is there to bring him to you!
@Fotinia... Thank you. You always know when to arrive with a drink... wink

I think we all dream... attaining dreams is the challenge. This one is not simple , it involves someone else and as such, it may well be unattainable. bouquet

@Claudine... Essentially I agree, that is what we want . Although some people hold an image in their head that is not achievable. Such as the 'Perfect Man'... I would happily settle for 'perfect for me'.
Reallu very clever Abagail! I get nervous of all these perfect wishlists. Like dreaming about the holy while knowing you can't reach that grail. Do med for disappointment, and I always wonder if that is what they deep down want... Then there is always an excuse.. She/he wasn' t perfect. Prefer to keep it realistic, inside and outside...
Claudine... Another thing that bothers me is the lack of honesty. However, I guess people have their reasons for it. I dated a man a few months ago and I thanked him for his interest and told him we had nothing in common, but it was lovely to have met him. He struggled with how honest I was, but isn't it preferable to know? I wasn't rude to him, I just prefer honesty myself...so I offer it to others. I do not see that the dates were a waste of my time, like others would have, I saw them as interesting while they lasted , and a great deal of fun. It's nice to look back without any regrets.
Thatnisminteresting Abagail. I do have the feeling that a lot of,people do mix up emotions and it difficult to label what they really feel. Sounds like this guy mixed up honesty ( if that is an emotion) with the pain of the rejection. He probably had high hopes ( which is a compliment for you) and couldn't handle it. And then it got on you plate; dishinest. Try not taking that in as another bad labeled counter- transference... Look like you handled it very wisely. Though you must have been sad as well...
Keep making typo's on that unhandy keyboard of the ipad;-((
Not exactly, Claudine. I believe opportunitys are presented to us, and we make of them what we will. I have been disappointed in life, but this is not one of those times. He was quite charming; we laughed;we talked; he sang... laugh It was quite interesting. However, we were also chalk and cheese.

I think everyone who crosses our lives will teach us something... even if they just cross it as a warning. grin
...the keyboard is obviously dyslexic... It's NOT you! laugh bouquet
Do get your point, sounds indeed like he is a nice guy. I' ll be aware for my dyslectic keyboard:-)
Mine tends to play up at times... and then mispells words... I have to admonish it severely! scold laugh
Mispell words. Mispel beautifull word as the old fruit that can only be eaten when it is rotten.
... Like the Durian?confused
It looks like a mixture of an apple, pear and rosehip..https://www.google.nl/search?q=mispel&hl=nl&client=safari&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=pKRDUcT0KIPuOvu7gNAJ&ved=0CDQQsAQ&biw=1024&bih=672#biv=i%7C0%3Bd%7CrQSKGJ5b3iZmYM%3A
The loquat ...unusual flavor, but not unpleasant. I am familiar with that fruit.
learned something new again today, the loquat:-)
have a nice day Abagail!
Thank you, Claudine. It's been really lovely to meet you by the way. I believe one of my favorite bands is big where you come from... Within Temptation?
That's really beautiful, Cuddling... Thank you for sharing. bouquet
Likewise Abagail, lovely to meet you here too! And, yes, within Temptation is Dutch!
Thank you Abagail. hug
Beautiful blog Abagail. A wonderful dream to have. I really hope you find someone that can fill your life like that. :-)
Thank you, Obscuritan. A week or so after I wrote that though, I did meet THAT man, and he wasn't meant to be. We remain friends...both of us with regrets. BUT ... I can't let that change who I am, or what I wish for... I can smile I was fortunate enough to cross paths with him... and I move forward.

We should all have dreams... as long as we are grounded enough to realise that nothing is perfect, and no situation is ...but we can achieve happiness if we work on it. bouquet
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Bendigo, Victoria, Australia

Describing yourself is one of the harder things in life... so why don't I simply say that I like learning, exploring and communicating. The simpler pleasures in life are often the most appealing... but I accept that life isn't always simple, so I lik [read more]

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created Mar 2013
Last Viewed: May 9
Last Commented: Mar 2013
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