The Dash

I understand there is a long standing poem about "The Dash" , I have heard it and read it on occassion. However, I prefer not to extol overly on other people's writing, rather I would prefer to use it as a compass point. The Dash tells of a story of a person attending a funeral and hearing an eulogy. That story was told at the funeral I attended today.

It gives you much to think about, that dash. The dash is the line on someone's gravestone. Between their date of birth and their date of death, there is a 'dash'. They say that it's the dash that tells the most about the person, because that is their story. What you achieve in that dash is what really matters in life.

I believe it to be true. Life is too short to hold onto a grievance, to not live , to not celebrate. So when you are given a chance to experience something, say yes. Believe in yourself and believe that anything is possible and your 'dash' will be a full one with no regrets.

(The photo below is one I took of Niagara Falls last year from a helicopter... even though I have a fear of heights, I think I have a bigger fear of missing something life has to offer)
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Comments (18)

Hi Abagail, a stunning picture! Hmm, life is just a dash, so make the most of every minute!

Did you get right with the quoting. I tried it. It is easy, but difficult do demonstrate here as it converts your example into a quote!

Do this


Whatever you type here will be quoted.


However, I have replaced the 4 square brackets for round brackets. You must change it back to square brackets again and it will work.

When you do that this will be the result:

So there you are, but it would be nice if this could happen automaticly as in the forums!
Abagail rose Great choice... "dash" of life...We need to think about all the little ways that we can leave whatever or whoever we come in contact with, .... just a little better.
Hi Abagail, handshake
I believe in be yourself, despite surrounding pressures. You have expressed it very well. bouquet
Good picture
I like it.
thumbs up
Thank you, Catfoot. I have a folder full of stunning photos to remind me where I have been. Anything to evoke a memory. :) Niagara Falls really is stunning.

The bothersome thing with that quote thing is that on the forum boards, it is done for you with a button, here ...they have not done so
Cuddlingsoul...what a beautiful song. Thank you for sharing
Agreed Bogart... and leaving things undone... is it really worth it? To hold onto something destructive and hurtful... best to forgive and move forward.

"Grace" was once an asset and now it's a rarity,
Thank you, Delatude... I had a few minutes before I had to board a train to the city this afternoon, and this ran fluently through my thoughts. smile
Thank you, Timotie... Obviously I have several shots taken from the helicopter. It was an incredible experience. I think everyone should do it

HAAA! Good blog. The "Dash" meaning the story of your life. I like little things like that. It gives a meaning that is truly important. The "dash"! I will remember that!!


Good picture!
Abagai If you become a photographer I think you will have remarkable pictures.thumbs up hug handshake
Thank you, Ed. Yes, the story that occurred between the start and finish. Today there was a pretty amazing story to tell, and celebrating that today... well this man made his life worthwhile.

It really does make you wonder if when the time comes whether each of us will be ready to say that we were happy with our innings.
Ummka..Thank you. Whilst I have a hobby like interest in photography, I am afraid that's always all it will be. My business acumen has always run too high for me to ignore that.
IS THAT CUDDLING SOUL SINGING LOOKS LIKE HIM rolling on the floor laughing
You get lost in the moment when you are in the helicopter. Although I did the CN Tower in Toronto days earlier and that is 351 metres high. For THAT I was shaking!!! A friend from the UK helped me out to the edge because I was a mess.

I have no idea about Cuddling. Does he sing?
Not me, Sir mike rolling on the floor laughing but thanks. wine
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Bendigo, Victoria, Australia

Describing yourself is one of the harder things in life... so why don't I simply say that I like learning, exploring and communicating. The simpler pleasures in life are often the most appealing... but I accept that life isn't always simple, so I lik [read more]

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created Apr 2013
Last Viewed: May 5
Last Commented: Apr 2013
Abagail has 53 other Blogs

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