A Misconception To Clear Up

The people from the East like to believe that all Westerners are Christians. Nothing can be further from the truth.shock

People often mistake me for being a Christian but that is just as far from the truth. Yes, I try to live a decent life but I lack the main requirement of any religion. I’m not sure if there is a God.help

The fact is, I have seen very few Christians in my life. The way I understand Christianity is that it is a way of living and I just don’t see people living that way. Every Sunday the churches are packed with so-called Christians. Christians while the service lasts and afterwards they return to their old ways, trying their best to hide their infidelities from their fellow Christians while condemning others for doing the same things they do in the quiet.doh

Christians – so I read - bear the fruit of His Spirit but … oh dear me.mumbling

When I look around me I cannot help to wonder if I have ever seen a Christian. Unless, of course, if Christianity is a part-time activity. Something like a club that you belong to and visit once or twice a week.conversing

And yet almost half the world’s population claim to be Christians. The truth be told, if Christianity looks like this, I’d rather remain the sinner that I am. Maybe “Christianity” is a term I don’t fully understand but I do not think that being a member of a Christian Church makes you a Christian.thumbs down

But to come back to the point, to all you people in the East: In my opinion very few Westerners are Christians.dunno
cats meow cats meow

Now have a great day out there.
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Comments (58)

Hi Ken
Very true, the church (note the lack of capitalization) is a gathering place for the community and I support it. My problem is with the Church that Constantine forged when he forced the church leaders of the time (425 BC) to formulate a new religion to accommodate all the other religions when all religions were united into one religion known as Christianity. The entire Rome was converted almost overnight. The question however is: Who was converted to what?
confused dunno wave
You mean about the church (building) being a gossip center?laugh
doh hug wave
You know what I mean...moping
Ken, makes a very good point!
The USA claims that it is the leader of the free world. in the truest sense that is a joke for the USA is going to find its root and foundation in Britain. The foundation of the British law rest in the Ten Commandments and the USA learned from Britain. Interestingly the guys that wrote the US constitution were influence by Baptist teachings (this many in the Us want now to deny).
You will probably see why easterners try to see present day westerners as Christians because at the heart of the legal system is the Ten Commandments and Christianity incorporates the Ten Commandments except one.
I don't think anybody will dispute that.conversing laugh

Btw I like your new pic.
hug wave
Hi Prenge
So it is. Interesting enough, the 10 commandments does not forbid lies. It only states you may not spread lies about another person.confused
hug wave
i like mr ken's comment...thumbs up thumbs up
roll eyes You have to think outside of the box. Don't be closed in. And can't breath. ( food for the hungry!)...moping
Romans 11-6
"For by grace we have been saved and that NOT of works"

We can not earn our salvation, you could sit in church all day and do good works but if done in order to earn salvation, you are wasting your time.
Of course to do good works is great but it does not earn you points.

Faith comes from hearing and hearing by the word of God
Hi Teena.
hug wave
Right Angel,
But I'm not inside a box. It is because I'm outside the box that these questions comes up.
hug wave
Well then! Just step into the box....hug
That's right, forgiveness comes by His grace but terms and conditions apply. And one of those Ts & Ts is true regret. To be so sorry that you never want to do it again. If you keep up with the same sin day after day, will His grace prevail?

I mean to commit a sin knowingly assuming beforehand that He will forgive you in any way does not sound right to me. To be able to say: "I know this is wrong but God will forgive me."

Now that is very convenient to have such a mandate; to be able to do anything knowing it will be forgiven and knowing that you will commit the same sin again before long.confused
hug wave
No, no, noooo!

I'm not about to be dispatched anywhere.rolling on the floor laughing
hug wave
I don't want to comment on your blog. It is not my strong suit. This is to tell you that we know each other. How are you keeping? We have not seen each other in many years. Read my blog. It will tell you who I am.
Catfoot people who believe they are forgiven when they know they will do it again are mocking God and no that won't work.
He knows your heart and is not deceived.......

Years ago a guy said to me; "Well we "could do it" tonight and ask tomorrow forgiveness" Sorry no go.
That is being a hypocrite scold
Hi PeterCan
What a surprise! I have just looked at your blog. Yes, it told me who you are. I'll drop you a PM later.
cheers wave
Hi British
You will be surprised to know how many 'Christians' walk around with that attitude. This is one of the main problems with Christians. To me that is taking God (if He exists) for a fool and sinning against His spirit which I believe is unforgivable.
hug wave
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Around here, Western Cape, South Africa

I know I cannot always have what I want, but that does not make me want it less. Otherwise I’m easy to please, flexible, accommodating and forgiving. I cool down as fast what I get cross. I hate it when people lie to me. I’m hooked to my laptop, but [read more]

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created Oct 2014
Last Viewed: Apr 26
Last Commented: Oct 2014
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