I must have lost my sense of character lately. scold scold conversing moping

With all these boiling negative explosive rift rendered to our sense of unity, even I am ashamed of what I have become. ..crying sigh

But now looking at from the outside of the box, I do feel the conspiracy thrown out there against us all, the true citizens of this young nation. ...wow doh

I feel some powerful force is dipping their magic wand to disunite us, break us, alienate us. Ultimately disenfranchise our strength as a solid true soul of this country. We, the melting pot of the world. Black, white, brown, yellow, race. Nowhere on this planet has any part where all of us came to become united as one:


So can I make a suggestion to stop this rift going on against each other and support every effort that promotes our unity, love and respect for all regardless of race, color and or religion?

I am apologetic to the character and slander I have participated in lately and to those I have caused hurt and disillusion, please forgive me.

We must not crave this damage any further and I am here to use this season to greet everyone peace and joy.

Note: I was watching area 51 tonight and how we've survived the cold war and it occurred to me how fragile indeed life is.

Yet how happy I am that I am here where our freedom to express our thoughts, our minds, practice our own culture and religion is allowed by the backbone of all our laws, our CONSTITUTION.

After all, wasn't it this young nation that ultimately gave every right to every color in the world as one true citizen? That even those who illegally entered can also possibly be granted a chance? So for the good of all, let's give peace a chance, shall we?

Note 2: I have witnessed and seen both the poorest and richest countries in the world, yet none compared to this country, my country guarantees, the true and sincere practice and applications of freedom. This doesn't make it all perfect but nothing comes close on any part of this world, hence the title of this blog. IMHO.

Thanks for your reads and comments.

Have a nice evening and or day. sad flower
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Comments (19)

nice blog but sadly it will never happen,but if each person is nice to the next person they meet no matter what race or creed or richer or poorer then it might,
Edison thank you so much. In a way yes, as long as our ways are bound to imperfections of which we're made of, it will never be achieved in the fullest sense, but we can all try, don't you think?

I'm still hopeful Edison.
Ken while the foundation of what America has made itself of comes from so many generations of many sacrifices and sweats from all that shaped it to be what we're today, no doubt, our call for the price is paid for by all of us one way or the other.

My mother and my uncles, three of them are all veterans of the very war, 2nd WW that marked the most turmoil and test to what it is today. Yet there's nothing like our everyday connection to one another towards pursing unity and respect, the very call for our efforts to fight for the same cause. Our freedom. Our stand towards unity so our strength and resilience lead us to overcome the same challenge and test. Yes when we become disenfranchise and torn apart, our weakness surmounts to undermine what we've achieved throughout our history. We must not let that happen. We can have our differences but we must be united for the same cause. ALWAYS.
By the way three of my uncles all perished in that war. My grandfather and my other two uncles worked in Pearl Harbor after the war for the preservation of its legacy until they passed away. All veterans.
Lindsy...wave ....kiss .....might be going to spend along weekend in Geneva soon with a friend and our 2 daughters.....never been there and its only 3-4 hours away....,you mentioned you were there..thumbs up
Of course my friend. Lived at Grand Saconnex and not too far from CERN.

My best friend of 40 years who lives and own a flat lives and Meyrin, and every time I visit her stay in her house.

I'd recommend you stay on any of the hotels by Lac Leman, on the Geneva side.
I lived there in the 80s and visits every now and then. My last trip was 5 years ago and going there this coming spring.
For us 3 hours is a long way...for Americans thats the distance to their hairdresser....rolling on the floor laughing ...
I don't know about hair dresser my dear as my hair remains the same, uncut and uncared for by hair specialist yet my daughter has a state license as a beautician, including hair care.

But yes we go far to do many things.

When I lived there, I love most Zermatt, Andermatt by the Italian side and St. Moritz. We stayed at hotel Laudinela and Hausen.
KN Geneve, don't forget to try to eat at Migro, where they cook everything you pick. I wish we have that here in the US but not yet.

I mean we have good buffets but nothing like fresh food cook in front of you. Including fish and meat.
Try Bennihanna Lyndsy,. . They do great steak and shrimpprofessor
Thanks A jester. I already ate there many times in Reno. And yes what an art of serving.
Negativity is part of human nature...and we can all get swept up with it and that is when particularly harsh comments/opinions flourish...and how true it is that some (countries) do not have even the basic freedoms...good day to you!! wine
Thanks my beautiful friend. Indeed it is. I still believe that some are truly undermining our unity as a nation because that way whoever it is who serves the agenda right will prevail. Maybe they want Obama to declare martial law and he's group is truly the mastermind?

Again I can be wrong.
I appreciate this blog Lindsy, it's honest.....I like most of our citizens love our country and mourn how she is becoming,with the manipulation of so many things happening within our borders and elsewhere......
My dad was a WW11 MIA/POW escaped and made his way home, reenlisted...all my family like yours and most of our fellow citizens love our country. Most of us are good hearted level headed....I just keep praying for some of the level heads to make it to the top to turn things around for all of us again. Like most my main concerns are for my chldren and grandchildren......well, just venting here, it felt safe....I don't come here much, it was kinda fun for a brief while, but changed quickly a few months ago....so seldom even stop by to read them....but glad I found yours...
stay safe and hold to the faith. God bless America and all His children everywhere.hug
Thanks Ed, You're awesome.
we forgot,in god we trust,fall away from grace,can only get worst/like 1992 LA riots on.
Hexagon my first time to see you. Thanks.
Hexagon my first time to see you. Thanks.
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