The People Have Spoken: Trump is our President

Everyone knows how much I have expressed about the many changes our country needs to do in order to make it great again.

I challenged everyone who opposed me in a every way to reconsider looking at our choices.

Thank you Lord. My prayers had been answered.

Thanks all for reading and or commenting.

We have won. The people have won.
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Comments (130)

I can't emphasize enough just how much if a reflections to all of us as a result of this election.

Fortunately popular vote doesn't have any legitimate bearing for the position .
Z, thank you for the up date. I am almost finished here on the ranch for today. I am looking forward to looking up and following the news of today.
Has Obama said any thing at all? I thought we might hear from him last evening. So far, I have heard nothing from him?
Just before I log's a nice victory speech...


and Hillary's...

Ading thank you for posting it here. I can easily Google them but can't ever link it. Thanks

Good night ading
LJ, I don't understand your upsetness with Biff, her numbers are spot on. HC won the populous vote by over 150k, just like Al Gore won the populous vote against Bush in 2000, by 540k votes.
cheavy , yes he's gone through the usual polite congratulatory process, Crazy has posted his speech above, one thing I was interested to hear was his claim he has left America better off than when he took over in 2008, not sure that with the national debt we all talked of a few weeks back, well off is a phrase one can use dunno
No sands wave

I'm just feeling a bit slighted that's all. Popular vote doesn't count but what difference does it make.
Thank you CH. My computer is slow, however, I felt it was a good positive speech.
I am going to scrub my computer, and watch it again.
Z, he'd still probably say something like knowing so that it's a lie.
Cheav, I hope your computer will not get worse.
wave Lindsy..feels like i should congratulate you too.. you are so proud of the successful candidate..
The SA people, and most Americans that I have spoken to this morning seems delighted. Let's see how this goes.cheering
Thank you Lisa.

I don't have to be congratulared per se, but in reality I do deserve to be happy just like the rest of those who stood behind him. It is our fight. It is our goals and vision. We the people that voted for him.

Yes I thank you Lisa.

I humbly thank you and my Lord for my prayers.

I promised to go on hunger strike if we would have lost.
Lindsyjones! American are intelligent people, the same also you! hug
Good Morning,LJ wave I ve been listening on the medias , of both our countries, about what what said prior to the election. If people remember whats said prior to elections, (on both sides of the border) campaign promises...... in past elections, it will leave a person wondering,confused An infusion of new ideas, a different way of looking at situations never hurts a not so good situation. The people have spoken,yay and have said ITS TIME FOR A CHANGE!
Hi stranger.

I glad trump win, i follow since day one

zandaar cheers
Ito, applause cheering I'm always glad to see you.

How's your health. I'm sure you feel good considering your consientious diet. I'm OK, too. Although been eating a lot of junk lately.

Yes, we remember what was said and I make sure to follow up that they aren't just promises.

Nice to see you Ito. wave
Hey love birds, I'm not the stranger, you both are.wave teddybear

But I'm happy for the both of you. Are you in England yet? Or are you both living in your beautiful place.

Say hello for me to Ron,

Take care guys.

You got my private mail, message please?

Thanks Randaar.cheers
I'm on my phone, Zandaar.
Thank you all who have expressed your heartfelt congratulations and for those who doesn't feel like sharing our victory, just the same if you're a US citizen or resident cooperation is at most desired. Your benefit is the same for everyone. Like Angel said in the other blog, he's our president elect, you like it or not.

Thank you again.
It's OK Mic, and you can be right. For right now, anything can happen.

Just the same the results are not contested yet.
Good morning CC.wave
Good morning,Afternoon to you too lindsy.

Sorry for buthijack

The lady who posted all those blogs last evening did post some interesting blog topics.

Unlike the posting rules in the Forums side I didn't read anything in reads to flooding the blogs.

I did reply to some that I could relate to.
Thanks CC, yes I confirmed with Old Blue that I don't see that rule anymore on the blogs. Used to apply on three department, poetry, forums and blogs.

There's nothing we can do but accept it. She might fill up the whole page, just let her do it.I will leave by then if all we read is hers. Not that it's the case, and hopefully not. wave
Karlorado, been a while, nice to see you. wave
I did hear snow is late this season.

Sounds good to me Jim.wave
Howdeeeeeeeeeee Lindsay emailed you just now okay?

cheering cheering cheering
Sensu, wave cheering

Glad to see you back. Where have you been hiding?

cheering cheering

British you might have millions of migrants moving to your place. :: cheering
Semsu glad to see you back

Lindsay we got lots or room so does Alaska, they can go there without have to immigrate rolling on the floor laughing
Some Americans think we Canadians live in igloo's anyway.

cheering cheering cheering

tank' close people did not like my transparent way in my Blogs,so we had a confrontation....but I have decide,that nobody have the right to stop me,so here I amwave
British, that's cool. .let's celebrate, I'm still euphoric...

Thanks J...cheering cheering

Semsu, you can't please everyone but we owe it to ourselves that freedom.

Glad you decided to come back. cheering bouquet

Semsu, you are most welcomed. In fact it is me that needs to thank you for being back. You do contribute a lot of good information from which I do learn a lot.

I am also aware of your neutral participation of our political election and I do feel good that you do recognize the very reasons why Trump won the presidency.

Thank you again.bouquet
My belief is that Sorros and people like him are promoting this. Also I accuse the democratic party. Manipulating the "City Bubble People". Hoping to invoke marshal law and shut down the election.
I do not put it past them.
If the people would pay attention to what is happening, instead of the media.
The stock market is climbing through the roof!!
Good morning Cheav, considering the split of this country it is expected as a reaction if these losers. Would have probably worse if the luar, corrupt woman won.

But we do have to put up with whatever they concoct if only to make them feel good. wave
While doing some remodeling on my kitchen cupboards last night I had CNN on just for fun and they had been speaking about Hillary and the protesters and some of the live film of them walking in Miami and such.

I hit some boards so hard that they went flying everywhere I was pretending that they were Hillarys head.laugh
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I am forever grateful with this gift called, LIFE. After all what I've been thro [read more]