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Some more poetry.....

a little more poetry for those interested in such....

In the Quieter Moments

In the quieter moments I sometimes hear the whisper of your gentle voice on the wind and I want to cry because I no longer can hold you. I walk the spots we once shared and feel you there and a tear falls because I can no longer see you smile. As I ride
down the roads we traveled together I reach back to touch you and realize that I am painfully alone. When I am near the water I hear you calling yet never are you found leaving me with but a memory of your existence.

In the quieter moments I remember our love and lament in the things that you needed to hear that I left unsaid. Never will I forget that the one time I did not come in your time of need was the time you needed me most. The torment of that memory will be with me always as will our love and the things I left unsaid.

In the quieter moments, a tear falls as my heart cries quietly while it remembers how much I love you.......

Ric November 93

In loving memory of Shelley..... March 30/63 - Nov. 18/92

While He Sleeps....

I stand at your door
and look at your tiny body so peacefully wrapped in slumber and wonder what it is that you dream.

I think back to a simpler time when I too had dreams and wonder if life will treat you better than it had me.

I silently pray that you will not walk in of my footsteps and yet in some ways I hope you do.

For now sleep my little one
and remember that your Daddy loves you......

Ric 95

These poems are passively registered copyrights. Please respect this copyright. I post them here for your perusal and as insight to who I actually am inside. I am the author of all poems I post and I own the copyright.(someone asked me so I hope this clears up that question)
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That ellusive Mr. Right.......

By now the few of you that have checked out my profile have come to realize that I do not even remotely fit into the Mr. Right category. I don't have a fat wallet, I don't have all kinds of property and toys that you can take, I am not puppy dog enough to run lovingly after you after your every whim or abuse and so on. And let's not forget the perfect image of how Mr. Right should look and behave, always knowing just what his princess (you) wants and expects. I also do the one thing that Mr. Right would not do, I tell you the truth and not just what you want to or long to hear. The irony is that what us men expect in Mrs. Right is totally the opposite of what y'all look far in Mr. Right.(not to be confused with that we want!) But let's play with that for a moment...... let me ask this much simpler and kinder question..... I am sure it's one that you've asked yourself before you determined what Mr. Right should be to you right? lol uh huh.... Are you yourself all the same things that you expect in Mr. Right? Are you proving all the requirements that in a Mrs. Right that you expect or demand in Mr. Right? In short, what do YOU bring to the table to be a match for your Mr. Right? Think about what your actual and true vision and expectations are in a Mr. Right. Then ask yourself honestly if you yourself match those same expectations so that you would be a Mrs. Right to him...... Are you that beauty that you expect him to be? Are you that well off and secure fiscally that you expect him to be? Are you that same sweet and loving person that you expect him to always be? In short are you all the things that you expect Mr. Right to be? Yeah, sometimes I hate brutal honesty too, kinda sucks don't it?

Now before you torch me there is a reason I addressed this issue.... I've spent most of my life trying to fulfill the mythical Mr. Right bill. I've always made good money, always provided extremely well, always was very loving, tolerant, exciting, good in bed, good with virtually anything and everything and it never was enough. The reason you might wonder is simple, these women were never happy with themselves let alone any one else. The fact is that someone else can not make you happy until you are ready to allow yourself to be happy. You also have to be the person that you expect your partner to be. It can never work if you are just a taker or just a giver. It never works if all you are obsessed about is yourself and how everything effects you and not how everything effects your partner and your relationship with that partner. You can't keep taking out of that proverbial bank endlessly and selfishly without putting something back into that bank or, as is always the case, that bank eventually runs out or worse, closes it's door on you or you drive it into bankruptcy and collapse.(metaphorically but usually fiscally as well in real life!)

So if you truly want to find the Mr. Right for you then you really need to make sure that you are the Mrs. Right for him too. As one very true proverb says, you shall reap what you sew. and before you remark on that the other proverb also mentions the futility of throwing your seeds on infertile ground as well..... hehehe, yeah I can read too! lol I prefer the golden rule myself, it says it best and is the real key to the Mr. and Mrs. Right equation, is the real key to good friendships as well. It's even a good mantra for everyday life too and it is "do unto others as you would have them do unto you"..... Those that actually follow and live this rule are the real Mr. and Mrs. Right material. The rest of you aren't, even if you don't want to admit it I think if you were to take some time and be truly honest with yourself I think, as much as you'd hate to admit it, that my observation would be quite accurate.
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A beautiful day.

The sun was shining today and I saw 3 beautiful sights at different times. The first one was when I'd finished checking the toilets at work. I went into the dining area and there was this couple so into each other they were in a world of their own. They were kissing, holding hands and looking deep into each others eyes. I felt so happy for them. With the second one I happened to look out of the window and saw an elderly couple holding hands obviously still close after who knows how many years together. Again I felt happy. On the way home I saw a young couple each pushing a buggy and laughing and talking to each other they seemed totally into each other. Seeing these couples so much in love with each other made me realise that love and romance isn't a dream it's there but it won't come to you you have to look and take the chance and one day strike lucky. I'm never going to give up and I'm going to have fun looking.
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Luke 8:11 This is the meaning of the parable: The seed is the word of God. ((discerned)) The seed the word of the Lord is the Spirit a experience with the Lord. 12 Those along the path are the ones who hear, and then the devil comes and takes the word from their hearts, so they might not believe and be saved.

((discerned)) These are the people you constantly preach the Gospel to and have closed their hearts to the message and that hinders the Spirit from drawing them. Satan can attack a person from not believing alot of ways. Like knowledge, over thinking and such, bad experiences, people other Christians, bad stuff happening in life etc.

13 Those on the rock are the ones who receive the word ((Spirit)) with joy when they hear it, but they have no root. They believe for a while, but in time of testing they fall away.

((discerned)) Alot of people go wrong here, I was one at my early years as a believer. One experience in the Lord doesn't ground us and root us in truth you never grow into that conscience you need to stay in the Lord. Without rain ((Spirit)) on a land in time the ground hardens, and when a heart ((conscience)) hardens, separates us from the Lord. Huge importance to stay in His presence daily.

14 The seed that fell among the thorns stand for those who hear, but as they go thier way they are choked by lifes worries, riches pleasures and they do not mature.

((Discerned)) Gotta worry about life to a point amen.
What Jesus was saying those who lie cheat and steal for those worries for one, and that separates us from the Lord. Also who puts everything above their walk with Christ. Denying Lordship in thier life for worldly stuff or whatever else. God desires us to have well managed lives under the Power of His Spirit.

15 But the seed on good soil stands for those with a good and noble heart, who hear the word word ((retain it)) and by ((persevering)) producing a crop.

This is simply the man or women who understand and see a need for the Lord in daily life in the power of His presence. The humble before the Lord, the one's who love and respect Him instead of testing His patience on a sick level. Love is respect and to follow is respect and actting like the enemy claiming mercy that isn't there your only fooling yourself. You don't understand until you see a need for His presence in your life on a daily basis.
If you need to return to the Lord and you see a error or your heart is hard pray this prayer, no shame I pray daily this prayer in my head or verbal.

Lord Jesus I see a need for you today Lord, Lord forgive me of my doubt renew me in your Spirit Lord.
Flood my life with your Love and Spirit so I can be that seed that understands and can stand against the attacks of the enemy. In Jesus Name I pray Amen.
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THE LOVE VENUE (The original version)

You can`t be "completed" by someone.That depicts a wrong need to use someone, for the happiness that you should have,yourself,in your own skin.The completness is within yourself. You shouldn`t have to depend on anyone,just to make you feel like a whole person. You only have to be enhanced by whom you love -marriage or not. Love between two people,is like a color in the rainbow...the emotions clearly stated, even in the most intimate of moments, between you both,makes everything brighter. And everything around you, outside,& within, becomes more vivid. There is understanding, without words, with somebody`s language that turns your legs to jello.... Butterflies, that just looking deeply into one`s eyes, that you know is like a magnet, a spark,when you`re touched. The breathlessness of that first kiss,that brings a connection that you can`t deny. The buzz words, that only the two of you know, are used over & over...That final feling that you know someone was meant for just you,that you can`t spend a minute,without thinking of the other...communicating becomes a constant. The repetition of "I love you", becomes the only words you can remember,all of a sudden...Then, you start to question: Is he or she the "One" -to have & to hold,for always? -to be with, each day of your lives? -is it really a "forever thing"? -an infatuation, or do you just want a fling? Sometimes there is not just one answer,& you go with what your gut tells you. -And then, there`s the heart!!! It can`t speak, but it can tell you a lot...Your feelings become emotions that are both jumbled & clear,& you begin to sort them out.-You deny the feelings,& then bring them into view. And everything doesn`t seem balanced.....That`s when you do hear your heart, & feel the beats,that have quickened,& the body feels more desire. You want to share your actual life with this person. And the balance becomes evident toward clarity...Now, there is no denial. Your heart is heavier,& abundantly free to give & receive. You are in love!!!! Note,that this was written on 3/18/09. 1st copy rights by author-Nessie Gray
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Keeper Of My Dreams

When you're not here to share my days and nights
My life is so incomplete
For you are my heart, my soul
The ‘oneness’ I had known to seek

Without you I merely exist from day to day
With you I know that I will find
All that I have been searching for
My completeness, my eternal peace of mind

You are the keeper of my dreams
The man who holds my heart in his hands
The one I want to spend my life with
The one with whom I will always stand

Stand beside through thick and thin
Through all that life will throw our way
Knowing that this special love we share
Will guide us, each and every day

This journey was started long ago
Before this time and place
The journey of completeness
As two hearts and souls embrace

Forever is what I want with you
For the search is at an end
Our hearts have found each other
As lovers, as soul-mates, as friends.
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so heres a quick question for all the women out there, how would u like to be asked out on a date? and where and what would u like to do on the first date?
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new to this

well im new to his hole online relationship thing. Never thought that i would end up looking online to find someone. Well i guess it has happen. My past few relationships have failed really bad. Also to make things better im a shy person around women. I mean not like ill talk women its just to ask them to hang out or go on a date. I just cant seem to do it.

any way I bet you are wondering more about me now that you have ready this far so far.. Well i am a shy person i don't go out to bars to hang out cause i don't really like crowds of people not like i wont do it i just can only handle it for a short amount of time. I spend a lot of my time working.. I work right now at Home Depot as a cashier. I just started there a month or two a go. Out side of working i am trying to finish up college. I was going to college at Iowa Lakes Community College, but after some time not knowing what to do or what to take i ended up transferring to South East Tech. I love it more people and better teach and more high tech stuff for my degree. I am currently getting a degree in Graphic design. Yeah that means i like to use photoshop and other Adobe software. I just have to take my major class and ill be done in spring 2010. yea

Out side of work and school i like to do many different things. I like to go out to eat at places like Applebees or Bostons and or something like that. To just sit there talk have a few drinks and have a good time will a small group of friends. Other things i do are watch movies with my friends. I would go to movies but i never seem to find any one who is willing to go with me or has all ready not seen it. I must be slow at getting around to going out and seeing a movie. Some of my other favorite things to do are spend time out doors. I mean like i love to golf and bike, fish and go camping here and there. I mean just about anything out doors. I run and walk in my free time and go to the falls Park a lot and just jump around the rocks that are, spending my free time looking at the river. It seems to be one time that calms me down. I don't no why but i tend to spend my time a lot by my self. I don't tend to do it but it just seems to be like that more and more. It comes from having to many friend stab me in back or hurt to much. It just seem like every time i like a girl she is depressed or has her own problems and i try to help and get in the way. I'm just trying to here for her but it never works out so i give up. My last real date has been 4 years ago with my ex girlfriend. I have not been on a date or had a girlfriend since her.

Well i think i have told you a lot if you care to no more im open to talk any time. Just email me or something. I am here to just look around and she what happened so i mean if your nice enough to me maybe we can date or make a relationship. Im going to tell you this the only way i go on relationships with some is if i trust them and know them really well be for i make it a relationship. I guess its cause im tired of being the nice guy who is just getting used and hurt for just being nice to every one.
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hey am looking fore a cutie

do u think im yout type send me a mail and let me no mwahh cuties ill be here waiting
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