RE: Dad's Home

That's terrific news. Glad that it is working out, so he can be home. head banger

Today driver slams into 2 Capitol police officers outside the Capitol building and is shot & killed

BELIEVE whatever you want to believe.
However, the evidence indicates otherwise.

RE: Am I welcome back on the blogs???

Welcome back T. thumbs up
Now we can get the party started ! party

Today driver slams into 2 Capitol police officers outside the Capitol building and is shot & killed

No Mic. The collateral damage was the over 500,000 dead, because the president before Biden cut the pandemic response team, did not follow the pandemic guide program,
and denied that there was a problem, as well as promoted falsehoods and unproven treatments.

RE: Happy as a Pig in Palestine

Just as long as it doesn't live near the leather goods store. uh oh

RE: Mickey, Donald, and Goofy at the Drive Thru

The Donald Duck was good. thumbs up

Today driver slams into 2 Capitol police officers outside the Capitol building and is shot & killed

Not directly. However, apparently, his job and other frustrations from the pandemic seemed to be the tipping point for him to lose it.

Derek Chauvin trial began today

Some states have legalized marijuana and others likely will too eventually, or at least greatly reduce the penalties.

RE: Back to Work

It's amazing that you survived...... hospital food. laugh
Seriously, welcome back to society. Build your strength back up slowly.

RE: Guitarrón Mexicano...

Interesting. The lack of frets plus the way the string spacing progressively widens as the length progresses is more similar to an upright bass. However, the string diameter is more guitar than bass.
It seems like an almost extinct primordial instrument along the path of bass evolution. laugh

Today driver slams into 2 Capitol police officers outside the Capitol building and is shot & killed

That would be another bet you would lose.

Today driver slams into 2 Capitol police officers outside the Capitol building and is shot & killed

No, but maybe in 40 years I'll get one. Do you like yours ?

As an update, the police office that was airlifted..... died. :(

Derek Chauvin trial began today

No. Actually, I've never said those words to anyone else. It seems to me, that you've copied a tactic
used by Trump.

Derek Chauvin trial began today

These one guy stories repeated by you remind me a lot of the "one guy, tough guy".... who ends up crying... stories repeated by Trump.

7 Officers fired in Texas due to violations in handling Marvin Scott, a restrained black man - died

"Force" ??? Some people make mistakes. But those mistakes are not forced.
They are mistakes in choosing procedure and what is most important.
They are errors in judgement.
Hopefully, they learn from those mistakes and become better.

7 Officers fired in Texas due to violations in handling Marvin Scott, a restrained black man - died

Unfortunately prejudice has been a part of American culture for the small-minded.
However, it festered and erupted under the rhetoric and terrible leadership of the past administration.
Hopefully, it sparked outrage for change and that will receive follow-through so the healing begins.
Regretfully, that won't bring back the lives lost. But, perhaps it will reduce the future occurrence in the long run.

Derek Chauvin trial began today

Regarding the police bullies - and that's why subtle psychological testing is necessary.

How does one eat with a mask on ? laugh

Derek Chauvin trial began today

Those are steps in a better direction. But, they also still need to exclude the hard nosed bullies, who
refuse to be changed.

Derek Chauvin trial began today

LL - how are things regarding Covid-19 in Canada now ?

Derek Chauvin trial began today

c - I see people as individuals. There are good & bad people, who are white and there are good and bad people who are black and there are good and bad people who are Asian.
Most people are not perfect, and most people are not extremists. However, extremists do exist also.
People should be judged by their individual behavior, not their skin color.
Skin color is merely differences in melanin pigmentation. It's not important, except in cases of severe sun exposure. People fear what they do not understand.

Derek Chauvin trial began today

RE: Happy as a Pig in Palestine

May it work out terrific for you both. thumbs up

RE: One less key tonight...

I understand that c. My question regards after all those projects are finished.
You mentioned seeking another job while working your current job.
Do you plan to fully retire, or work elsewhere, AFTER all those projects for your current employer are finished ? Or are you unsure ?

RE: Why does god feel it necessary to create Bad Eggs?

What may be out of reach for one, may be well within reach for another.
It involves different perspectives. Mankind has learned much since the bible was written and since religions and naive beliefs were established.
Knowledge has greatly expanded, however, some have not embraced that knowledge, and instead adhered to ancient beliefs founded upon more limited knowledge and understanding.
Despite all that has transpired, they cling to those ancient beliefs as it comforts them, much like children are comforted by nursery rhymes and belief in Santa.
Of course, that is their choice. However, do not assume what is intellectually out of reach for another person because it is out of reach for you. That limitation may be intrinsic for you, but may not accurately be applied to another. At some point in development most children lose belief in the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus and other similar beliefs. However, often out of fear, many cling to other beliefs that are just as ridiculous to others. Again, their choice.

So, lets have some fun. 'I'm in the mood for love.'

M - actually it simplifies things. All parties are relaxed, comfortable and willing, when available. When the message is received and confirmed, there's no mystery as to where it will lead.

Derek Chauvin trial began today

E - it certainly seems that way. Of course, justice includes the ability to examine all the evidence and a verdict will not be reached until all is examined and carefully weighed.

So, lets have some fun. 'I'm in the mood for love.'

I'm in the mood for love,
simply because of beer, see. beer

So, lets have some fun. 'I'm in the mood for love.'

I have no wife, if that is what you are asking M.
I have 2 ex-girlfriends, who have subscribed to a friends with benefits program.
It's a great program !

RE: One less key tonight...

So, when you are totally done there, is this really retirement, or will you be working elsewhere ?

Derek Chauvin trial began today

While I don't disagree with that, the crime is not for being a moron.
There's something far more important, than the lack of intelligence of the defendants.

This is a list of blog comments created by JimNastics.

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