RE: remove the religious thread category?

"the ceremony may be slightly unorthodox " that portion of the above quoted post has made me realize that on this thread, or any on the numerous threads we have had on CS, not once has anyone ever described what they actually do believe in,; how do the members worship God...never a word on any theological teachings of any church, Temple or Mosque, or even Forest Glen etc.. Perhaps what is needed is an entirely new and different thread wherein posters can for the benefit of others be they of the same "faith", Church, etc. or be they of a different religion describe it for everyone...the articles of faith, the service. the theology behind that particular Faith; what makes it so special to that person....Seems that may be a rather educational and informative way to express one's religion here. Or would you thing that the posts would devolve into insults, put-downs, ribald and/or nasty comments bashing that persons religion as stupid because of....(fill in the blank) ??? Would anyone dare to try it...?

RE: Eugenics-The Future of Humans?

I also have my suspicions about the aids thing too - it wouldnt in the least surprise me if it wasnt purposefully introduced into the environment as some sources suggest.Posted By: trish123

One of the craziest, really deep and very black research projects from a very black,(meaning secretive), Military/ Intelligence covert ops in the US that I've ever heard about was in trying to make a genetic bomb, or some sort of genetic weapon to try to target and wipe out Negroes only. This was back in the 50's. I've sometimes wondered if there are any traces , any paper trails on this line of eugenics research and who thought of it...It's somewhat in the same category of using the moon as a target for atomic missiles until the morons realized that if the moon was actually blown up, it would all come down on us...again, so much for "military intelligence"...this world's greatest oxymoron! %D

RE: remove the religious thread category?

Religion, in its origins is about people, for people. If we are capable of learning, we can from all those that have precede us and are currently "running things" be they the proverbial "good, bad and /or ugly"...We all make our choices: "free will" as best we humans can choose. One can also look at it from the cynics point of view; any religion that has a God that promotes prosletising throough the sword, or out of a barrel of a gun, I'd say, "ok. Watcha got, show me your religion and I'll convert..." Many over the ages have taken this route to stay alive. It's only expedience, but the immediate goal is to survive, who in the hell cares what the religion of the year is...I hope that we are past that stage of development; same for the secular anti or equality promoters, putting all religions, all peoples on the lowest common denominating scale possible. Secularism is just as much a "religion" as one with a religious theology based origin as not.
While secularism seems to promote knowledge it is of a nature that often offends more peoples than not, It is as inflexible as any theocratic society. Inflexibility, either general or selective is a usual hallmark of societies dominated by religious ideologies. The more simple the beliefs, the more quickly people act and most times simple beliefs are wrong, as in believing in good and evil, or right or wrong; they are relative terms in today's world. Is it wrong? Depends on that societies definitions. It is never easy. If "we" don't like an other's definitions, war is at hand; war is inevitable as an continuing historical solution. It is the old repetition of "when peace fails is when war becomes inevitable" gambit. The same in reverse is not a proposition whose inverse is true. When war fails, there is only total destruction, or exhaustion, but never peace, except for the terms imposed by the winner, and that is not peace in the truest sense of the word, because peace implies an least a reciprocity that offers a promise of future equality. Peace is a situation where societal conflicts are resolved through non military accommodations. When those conflicts cannot be resolved, war becomes inevitable. Some societies , some religions cannot compete in nonmilitary terms, but it also occurs within highly technological societies as well, that have been rebuffed by by cultures who do not wish to accept what they regard as values or customs or other societal aspects of dubious value or the lack of any meaningful value. What many ignore is that is that information and technology possess values on two separate levels...those of symbolism and those of effective application. Exceedingly or even moderately advanced technology does not always ensure a triumph by its possessor. Such victories are assured only when the effectiveness of applications exceeds that of lesser technology. Great military leaders have understood both the practice and symbolic value of technology that appeared strikingly advanced. Many have taken to the strategy of preemptive strikes to preclude the development, deployment and application of advanced technologies. In some cases, the preemption was and is merely to prevent a polity from using that technology as a symbol of power, while in others, the technologies would have posed a threat to the polity making the preemptive strike...
Some theocratic societies have evolved to the point of being able to integrate technology into their religious limited society. They are there for those who have tired of the unstable open societies and their faiths have and do give those stability, and peace of mind which is very hard to find in totally open societies that seem always on the bring of utter chaos.

RE: remove the religious thread category?

We all should have it to , if nothing else, become aquainted with all of those that post on it. Detente said it well to reflect on all views in the end...debate must remain open to all for all %D Hallo Riya!!

RE: remove the religious thread category?

part 2 cont.
In a secular society that chooses to maintain, to actually promote stupidity, to lower even further the general low levels of education and intelligence of the "general public", , there still exists the old adage of "Know thy enemy". If one wishes to go out and start killing the "others" or a specific has to become knowledgeable about the target; their beliefs, their habits, all their routines, etc. etc. etc. for you to figure out the best possible time and place to kill them, whether you are on your own or as a govt. assassin You must be able at the very least blend into their lives, their communities. If they are religious, you must know it inside out to keep tabs on the target and perhaps take them out on Friday prayers...Knowledge, despite all its uses for potential positive or /and negative uses is still priceless, from any point of view. And who knows that in the end, one may decide that "other" is better and convert...%D but the collective "We" are still interconnected...and if you marry someone who does practice a religion, it certainly would be far more harmonious a relationship to understand it. Just as in "the Holy Land" where many married people are of one Faith, the other person , another Faith but they have overcome their social and religious outlooks to one outlook, they look at the world, at Life with Love...and all who know those that can are just more than a bit envious...

RE: remove the religious thread category?

After some consideration on removal as opposed to allowing to stay, I would have to say that removing it would only further increase the arrogant ignorance of the many that are actively opposed to any and all religions. More ignorance and more arrogance in maintaining the current levels of it or of increasing its spread would only be negative in the long run.
Religion per say, has been and still is, from the very first forming of any functioning society, anywhere, the provider of our social morals; our social behaviors and for the most part, most legal systems found around our world. How it was and is used is another matter entirely dependant of the frailty of "human nature"; those in search of personal power and riches over others at any one time, or the lack thereof...
Despite its various effects on societies over time, it remains generally as a civilizing influence the world over through history. Virtually all religions are of a monarchical nature; societies reflect that in their systems . It would be fair to say that societies that turn away from their religious roots and become more secular, the more unstable they become. Religious roots are directly tied to the most ancient of all our human institutions: a monarchy. Christianity is a monarchy , nothing else, but its practitioners no longer believe in reflecting that system in their governments save for a literal few. Their so called judicial systems to "democratise" everyone is a total failure in every respect as are the governments of the day. The levels of avarice, greed, corruption has in effect divided societies more than any monarchical system in history, despite all propaganda to the contrary with their never ending praise of "we is all equal!" rhetoric while fulfilling the empty and sacrireligious gestures of bended knee at the Sunday alter...
As Religion is entirely social, and still does affect most communities around the world, it is a vital force to be reckoned with. It is of the utmost importance to know not only one's own religion so as to reflect upon how to practice it that will be of a positive effect not only on you, but also on your community, be it a village or a small town; on your country as a whole. Harmony is the human goal; learning and reflection on its myriad ways of practicing it is a never ending process to build a better person, community and country with all citizens seeking the same. Personal learning is very difficult; time to reflect on one's self, let alone on others, in this type of society leaves almost no time at all; we must, for the most part, keep our collective noses to the grindstone to provide for our families, thanks to the system and the people that keep us working if we are lucky or to hold 3 part-time jobs to pay off our ever increasing debts....
We must also learn the religions of those around us who do not belong to the same "church"; to become understanding of their interpretation of "God". It expands our knowledge of all our neighbors on this planet. Many do not have the where-with-all to even learn their own, let alone learn of others who live in the same communities. Sad, very sad. Others refuse and so they and their intolerance for knowledge remain isolated from more and more peoples and thus does the ignorance, intolerance and eventual hatred take root...extremism is a virus and as most "sins" have a certain lure...they are attractive, so others want to try it...

RE: Song to describe your life...

It's always been a toss-up between The End by the Doors and They're Coming To Take Me Away by Napoleon IV...

RE: you didn’t think to ask online...

Isn't anyone going to invoke the ol' 5th amendment on the grounds that the answers may tend to incriminate them????
And what about the "plausible deniability" clause of the National Security Act....I would! %D

RE: An answer to the Archbishop of Canterbury....regarding sharia law in Britian

Seems that both you and Lagoona are correct; the atmosphere of the era of the Crusades is getting stronger while the lifestyles and the ideals of a civilization are becoming more illusionary.... As things exist now, the Christians as well as Muslims had more rights and freedoms under Suleiman The Magnificent than we do today. Combined.
If one looks at Spain and the re-conquest, at the time of the Cid, one can see many parallels also. The question begs if we , The West would dare actually fight to preserve what is left or submit as our ancestors had the choice several times., when we were basically primitive in comparison to the Muslim world; now both are reduced to varying degrees of being primitives once again. We have the means of setting the entire Muslim world backwards to a rubble heap; they have ways to influence and sap the will to accept them....where are those spirits that made the Knights of Malta such a formidable force that resisted the might of Suleiman when Malta was under siege...Europe is under siege again spiritually and morally...
As for Atkinson and his ilk, what can one really expect from those academics that stay hold up in their proverbial ivory towers without getting out and around in the real world to actually experience it with all its attendant ills, sufferings, joys; the stuff of them it is only a series of concepts and ideas: illusions and delusions. Our Reality is completely obscure and irrelevant to minds like his...they have not experienced Humanity, sadly.
Well put to both of you. %) Hear, Hear!

RE: An answer to the Archbishop of Canterbury....regarding sharia law in Britian

Amen. So should the so called leaders of Western Europe declare. Long overdue for them to be reminded what our ancestors defended Europe from. Europe is not Muslim nor has it ever been...dare we say and never shall be...Europe as a whole is still The West and still mainly; nominally, Christian despite schism between Catholic and Protestant.

RE: End of times?

LOL! Try reading just one copy of the magazine ForteanTimes,(www,FORTEANTIMES.COM),from London..."The world's weirdest News stories" as their headline says, is no exaggeration, especially if you are familiar with Charles Fort...all the stories are true and can be verified through a number of sources...these are the news that is unfit to your local papers...%D

RE: What is a turn-off on a first date?

When she shows up wearing cheap booze as a perfume and has forgotten to shave her moustache...really a turn-off! %D

RE: Has anybody heard from. . . . . . . . . .

Glad everything went not only well but marvelous; so Mr.MacMaybe is now Mr. MacSure/ MacYes...%D Fantastic!

Taking the Bible LITERALLY...Another Religous Nut Case

A strange case from Hayden, Idaho, where a man cut off his off his own hand and cooked it up in his microwave because he believed it bore the mark of the Beast. "It had been somewhat cooked by the time the deputy arrived," said Sheriff's Captain Ben Wolfinger. The man is currently under the mental health unit of Kootenay Medical Center.
Apparently this weirdo had been reading the Book of Matthew, which advises that "if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away." Associated Press Wire release.
(he missed the part of plucking out his eye if what he sees offends him...) Pathetic.

RE: Whats the best way to deal with abusive posters?

A clue(s) might be obtained through the screen name of the person to perhaps in another re-incarnation, as to whom they show gratitude for being on his side...any cryptologists/psychologist around ??
I must say that I don't understand the reluctance to ban this cretin once and for that person is back again...

RE: Six shot dead at Missouri council meeting



and not a word on the why's the Order was exiled nor how the English kept it from returning to Malta...
The Order of The Knights Templar is still also functioning and now that it has been absolved of all charges of blasphemy, Devil worship etc. etc. as of a few month ago, it may get totally renewed and revamped as did the Knights of Malta Their burdens of helping those in need are very heavy . Thus far they seem to be doing a much better job than the UN or Oxfam and haven't become politicized, nor is religion shoved down anyone's throat as with other so called "aid services".

RE: Falling In Virtual Love...

Very perceptive of you; probably also very empathetic aren't you. It is as you have said; emotional openness allows virtual emotions to seep into ones open mind. The key is understanding exactly what the word, the concept of "virtual" means; it is not real; it is a facsimile that's all until one's imagination, one's wishful thinking, one's hopes, dreams, desires and fantasies start embroidering it layer upon layer...and the more unreal it all becomes. As captivating as it seems to be, it is still not real. There are still far more disappointments and broken hearts from this bizarre phenomenon than happy successful meetings. Open doors, like open hearts and minds invite a multitude of possibilities which usually complicate one's life; the odds are against anything positive let alone "magical" happening...sometimes it is in one's interest and peace of mind not to wander down those roads less travelled but stick to the highways of Life . It is a very personal choice and certainly one way to know you are indeed alive is to feel the pains of disappointments...Joy/ Happiness is only one side of the coin...


Didn't last long; it just re-incarnated Again...%(


Our "pets" are chasing each other through the rooms; either they want more attention or food...again!?
Delighted to see Riya is back %) and her stalker gone...(hopefully for good!)

RE: Should there be a limit on amount of threads?

Especially by one person; especially inquisitorial ones. Let them go read some books or go to some GD school like most normal people do.
""We" never expected the Spanish Inquisition!"

RE: 9 Words Women Use

Many males would say that the nine words are:
Not tonight, I have a headache, leave me alone....%D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

RE: We live in scary times right now

Saw a couple of pretty good news shows on the sales of US govt. "surplus" properties that went up for sale maybe 2 years ago...old missile silos and were bought by "survivalists", turned them into homes and bomb shelters fully equipped and stocked. Now there is a firm , some where in the Dakotas that installs precast/ pre-constructed to govt. specs bomb shelters; they come with vents and waste recycling features etc.....if I recall, minimum was 25 thousand and they can bring in equiptment to dig out a hole/ hill etc. and bury it for you...not bad and a long overdue building your own! All you need is the spot of land to hide it in...

RE: Using mentally disabled people

To paraphrase a well known modern writer, Life, in all its intricate and intimate details is in every sense a paradox of contradictions; we learn to adapt...

RE: Why don't more people use theQ & A feature?

Quoted, partially...
I do not necessarily care to have even the smallest bits of information known by many of the people who've attempted to engage me...

attempted engagements...sounds like a matter for the Department of Navel Affairs....have you notified any Navel attaches of these attempted (navel) your ocean//(MY apologies, spiceygamble, I just could not resist when I read that made me think of "navel battles"...%), yes, I know: twisted...)

RE: Who is still Single on the site and ---

mana ge (talian)

would that be akin to something like some "manzo al mercato"...or perhaps some frutta from al mercato di in la dolca vita %D
In bocca al lupo(?) not a attempts at Italian is a ..che macello...a horrible mess!

RE: Is it time for another American Revolution?

I'm not all that old, but I recall a time when people would have been embarrassed to ask the government to bail them out of anything. Now "we" want protected from themselves.

Here in the above paragraph, is the entire crux of the unsolved dilemma of most Americans, who seemingly cannot resolve and let it be as we have in Europe and for the most part, the rest of the world: namely Who does the Government exist for? Who do "the people" exist for? Which is more important, the people or the government? Do the people exist to serve the government or is it the government that the people form to represent their wishes, their hopes, their desires or does a select group form a government that will tell, dictate or cajole an entire population into doing what it says to do?
Who benefits by the existence of the other? Who should benefit? Who is more important in the first and the last analysis? The people or the government?
In Europe, the various governments exist at our behest, for our benefit. We, the population of any of our respective States, tell the various governments that exist what it is that we want. We wanted the health care systems to be universal and we have it in our own countries;we also are not hesitant nor under some bizarre, almost religious methodology, ashamed to ask for help when and if needed and we or our families cannot help us in our corporate lives. Out governments have adequate safe-guards and procedures to ascertain if there be justifiable cause to intervene, to help or not. If they err, they, those who have erred, will be soon replaced...Corruption exists but it is not written as some sort of divine law that it must exist. How long it exists is for us to determine in elections. Voting, is one of the few things that is taken seriously.

RE: Using mentally disabled people

What are euphamistically labeled as "black spec-ops" forces has been using severely mentally ill patients as targets and "training devices" for years. This is nothing new; why the upset...recruits for various assassination groups, teams, forces have to get trained to kill others in a variety of ways, including close order techniques...the stabbing, garroting, strangling by hands, etc. as well as killing multiple targets or one specific individual in a group of others...these totally deranged, unknown/ obscure/ terminally ill patients quietly "disappear" from asylums, etc. gathered and shipped off to special training locations. No one ever misses them....this is fairly well known by the govt.'s that make sure the paper trails of their existences end normally and no questions are country has an almost non existing population of "mental patients" due to this policy...what's the matter with so called "terrorists" finally doing the same thing? As the old adage goes; all is fair in love and war...well, not in Love, imo, but an all out war...unfortunately so. Perfectly normal for this day and age. Anything goes.That is the current "system".

RE: Marriage proposals

"Will you be my first (please insert "wife" or "husband") ? %D

RE: Since nobody is happy with the current presidential candidates. . . . . .

LOL! Well, given the quality and general intelligence level, honesty, morality, for the last 20 to 50 years etc. etc. chances for much better results would be to just to grab any 2 people off of any street in the country and hand them the jobs of president and vp....%D Seriously!!

This is a list of forum posts created by solitare.

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